51 research outputs found

    Production, characterization and biological evaluation of nanocapsules containing tricresol formalin and their comparison with the free form

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Tricresol formalin is composed of 90% formaldehyde and 10% cresols, highly volatile, has action at a distance, has been used in endodontics since the 20th century, and it remains widely used in Brazil in dental treatments, in necrotic teeth and with periapical lesions. However, there is still controversy regarding the biological compatibility under the conditions of clinical use of this drug, as the studies carried out on this substance and its components are not consistent with its clinical use. Formaldehyde is reported as a potential cytotoxic substance, because when in direct contact with cells it is responsible for a cytogenotoxic response, so an alternative to increase stability and ensure the safe administration of this compound in direct contact with cells would be nanoencapsulation. The use of nanomaterials provides numerous advantages, as the main interests are increased solubility and drug release control. Study objective: This study aimed to produce and characterize nanocapsules containing tricresol formalin as active, evaluating and comparing the in vitro cytotoxic effect of free and nanostructured forms.Materials and methods: a nanoparticle was produced, optimization of the preparation method and characterization of nanocapsules containing tricresol formalin. Were performed antimicrobiological tests, tests for cell viability through the tetrazolium method assay (MTT), free radical production, double strand DNA damage, and nitric oxide production. Results: The formulation used did not show toxic behavior against human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and showed a significant reduction in the toxicity of tricresol formalin in human fibroblast cells. The nanostructures showed values ​​similar to the free form for antimicrobial activity. The nanoparticles showed mean particle size of 192.3 ± 2.5 nm, PDI of 0.101 ± 0.013, zeta potencial of -17.7 ± 2.8 mV, and pH of 5.48 ± 0.3. Conclusion: Thus, it is evident that nanocapsules containing tricresol formalin can become a safer alternative for use within endodontics

    Bingo Químico em Braille

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    Neste trabalho é apresentada uma alternativa para trabalhar os elementos químicos mais comuns em nosso cotidiano da tabela periódica através da construção e aplicação de um jogodenominado bingo químico em Braille, pois neste é utilizado a linguagem Braille, favorecendo a inclusão de alunos deficientes visuais em aulas de química. O bingo químico em braille foi desenvolvido com materiais simples, de baixo custo e fácil acesso, como: recortes de MDF, miçangas, cola colorida, cartolina, canetões entre outros matéria

    O ensino de Bioquímica no Brasil: um olhar para a educação básica

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    Neste estudo é apresentado um mapeamento em teses e dissertações no banco de dados da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), com o objetivo de analisar de forma qualitativa e quantitativa as pesquisas relacionadas ao tema “ENSINO DE BIOQUÍMICA”. É importante destacar que este tópico é abordado na disciplina de Química, na terceira série do Ensino Médio. Para realizar o mapeamento das dissertações e teses produzidas no Brasil foram utilizadas as informações fornecidas pela CAPES, através de seu Banco de Teses e Dissertações. Nos 16 trabalhos analisados buscou-se aqueles que apresentavam uma relação com o conteúdo de Bioquímica aplicada à Química da terceira série do ensino médio. Constatou-se que apenas 2 atendiam a esta proposta, evidenciando a necessidade de realizar mais estudos referentes ao ensino de bioquímica na educação básica

    Effects of the single supplementation and multiple doses of Passiflora incarnata L. on human anxiety: A Clinical Trial, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomized

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    Object: This study aimed to investigate the effects of Passiflora incarnata L. on anxiety in humans. Method: The individuals were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: Placebo or experimental, n =30, single dose, as well as Placebo or Experimental, n =15, multiple dose.  The experimental human anxiety was induced by simulated public speaking test in the following phases: Basal (B), stressful (A), speech 1 (S1), speech 2 (S2) and Final (F). We evaluated the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), and Diastolic (DBP), Heart Rate (HR), Electrical Conductance of Skin and extremities temperature (ET) and filled The state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI S e T). Results: During the single dose, the HR was reduced at the end of the speech (86±2,0 to 74±3,0 bpm) the experimental group compared to the placebo group (p<0,05); the STAI-S did not change. In the delineation of multiple doses, SBP was reduced, in mmHg, in the experimental group compared to the placebo group during all phases. Experimental: 106±1,0 (B), 111±1,0 (A), 121±2,0 (S1), 115±3 (S2), 104±2,0 (F) e Placebo: 121±3,0; 127±3,0; 130±3,0; 130±4,5; 117±3,0 (p<0,05). Conclusions: It is suggested that supplementation using Passiflora incarnata L. Capsules (500 mg) decreased cardiovascular signals both in single and in multiple doses, associated with the stress of public speaking

    Prácticas de aventura corporal: ¿qué les anunciamos a los estudiantes de secundaria?

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar os conhecimentos dos/as alunos/as sobre as PCA. O estudo se caracteriza de natureza quali-quantitavo do tipo descritiva exploratória. A amostra foi composta por 62 alunos/as de uma Escola de Ensino Médio do 1º ao 3ºano de Cascavel/CE. Foi elaborado um questionário semiestruturado no GoogleDocs com 3 questões subjetivas e 2 objetivas. Tivemos, como resultados da pesquisa, o paraquedismo como a modalidade mais citada pelos alunos, em seguida, o surfe e skate. Foram relatadas também pelos alunos que essas práticas se repetiram tanto no Ensino Fundamental como no Ensino Médio. Concluímos que o PCA ainda é pouco tematizado nas aulas de Educação Física. Isso demonstra a necessidade de ampliação dos debates e discussões a respeito da PCA. Torna-se muito importante refletir sobre as PCA no seu contexto pedagógico para que esses dilemas possam ser superados e que assim seja possível uma maior implementação didático-pedagógica do/a professor/a.This paper aims to identify the knowledge that students possess about adventure physical activities (APA). The study stands out from its qualitative and quantitative character of exploratory descriptive type. The sample consisted of 62 high school students from 1st to 3rd year from Cascavel (Ceará, Brazil). A semi-structured GoogleDocs questionnaire with 3 subjective and 2 objective questions was created. As a result of the research, skydiving was identified as the most popular activity among students, followed by surfing and skateboarding. Students also reported that these practices were repeated in both elementary and high school. In conclusion, this study shows that APA are still little discussed in Physical Education classes, thus demonstrating the need to expand debates and discussions regarding APA. It becomes very important to reflect on the role of APA in their pedagogical context in order to overcome these challenges and achieve a greater didactic-pedagogical implementation by the teacher.La investigación tuvo como objetivo la identificación del conocimiento que poseen los estudiantes sobre las PCA. El estudio se destaca por su carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo de tipo exploratorio descriptivo. La muestra se compuso por 62 alumnos de un bachillerato de 1º a 3º año de Cascavel/CE. Se elaboró ​​un cuestionario semiestructurado en Google Docs con 3 preguntas subjetivas y 2 objetivas. Se obtuvo como resultado de la investigación el paracaidismo como la modalidad más citada entre los estudiantes seguido por el surf y el skate. Los estudiantes también expresaron que estas prácticas se repetían tanto en la escuela primaria como en la secundaria. Concluimos que las PCA son aún poco discutidas en las clases de Educación Física. Esto demuestra la necesidad de ampliar los debates y discusiones respecto de las CPA. Se torna muy importante la reflexión sobre las PCA en su contexto pedagógico para superar estos desafíos y lograr una implementación didáctico-pedagógica mayor por parte del docente.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Biogenic Synthesis and antibiofilm efficacy of iron nanoparticles via computer simulation

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    The search for new drugs can be accelerated by in silico methods, i.e., fully computational methods known for their speed and low cost, allowing the analysis of a large amount of data, e.g., thousands of possible antimicrobials, in a few weeks. Molecular docking and first-principles calculations are great allies in this quest. They enable the assessment of protein-ligand interactions and can predict interactions between NPs and macromolecules to provide more information about the interactions and dynamics of NPs in biological systems. In this context, this work aims to use in silico methods to detect the formation of biogenic metallic nanoparticles from functional microalgal biomolecules of the genus Chlorella, which have chelation of metal ions as a fundamental property, and to verify the possible antibacterial biofilm efficacy using computational tools such as molecular docking. In a first analysis, it was found that the iron salt FeSO4 was the most suitable to bind the microalgal enzyme and produce its phytochelatin protein. Following this result, an analysis of the electronic structure of the phytochelatin complex with the iron salt was carried out, proving its structural modification at the nanometric level, after which an analysis of its therapeutic effect on antibiofilm activity was performed. S. aureus, a bacterium known for its multiresistant to antibiotics, these results demonstrate, through alternative in silico methods, the physiological role of phytochelatin from microalgae in the detoxification and bioremediation of metallic contaminants

    Analysis of antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and healing activity of lipid nanocarriers based on Tucuman butter (Astrocaryum vulgare), fixed oils from microalgae chlorella Homosphaera and from UVA seed Vitis vinifera

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    Therapeutic alternatives of natural origin have been arousing the interest of large research centers that are looking for new bioactive molecules to treat numerous diseases in the context of public health. Among them, infectious diseases, which present antimicrobial resistance, deserve attention. The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of lipid nanocarriers (CLN), as well as the healing activity, arising from the association of tucumã butter with grape seed oil and another one containing microalgae oil. Two formulations were prepared using the high-speed homogenization technique, which was evaluated for antimicrobial action for 10 strains of great clinical importance, including a multiresistant and healing activity. The formulation with Chlorella homosphaera oil showed growth inhibition for the 10 strains tested, in addition to antibiofilm activity for 8 strains, bactericidal action for 3 of 3 isolates, and satisfactory healing action in 48 hours

    Práticas corporais de aventura: o que anuciam os/as alunos/as do ensino médio?

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar os conhecimentos dos/as alunos/as sobre as PCA. O estudo se caracteriza de natureza quali-quantitavo do tipo descritiva exploratória. A amostra foi composta por 62 alunos/as de uma Escola de Ensino Médio do 1º ao 3ºano de Cascavel/CE. Foi elaborado um questionário semiestruturado no GoogleDocs com 3 questões subjetivas e 2 objetivas. Tivemos como resultados da pesquisa, o paraquedismo como a modalidade mais citada pelos alunos, em seguida, o surfe e skate. Foram relatadas também, pelos alunos que essas práticas se repetiram tanto no Ensino Fundamental como no Ensino Médio. Concluímos que o PCA ainda é pouco tematizado nas aulas de Educação Física. Isso demonstra a necessidade de ampliação dos debates e discussões à respeito da PCA. Torna-se muito importante refletir sobre as PCA no seu contexto pedagógico para que esses dilemas possam ser superados e assim seja possível uma maior implementação didático-pedagógica do/a professor/a


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    A recorrência de incêndios é presente no Cerrado como parte de sua evolução. No entanto, houve um aumento na frequência de incêndios nas últimas décadas devido ao seu uso para desmatamentos, na agricultura e para manutenção de pastagens. Alterações nos estoques de carbono acima do solo na vegetação e alteração na composição de espécies devido as queimadas foram observadas em muitos locais, incluindo o Parque Estadual do Araguaia (PEA), localizado no Cerrado da região sul da Amazônia, mas os padrões dos incêndios nesta área ainda não foram quantificados. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a dinâmica espaço-temporal dos incêndios ocorridos entre 2000 e 2013 neste Parque. Os dados de área queimada do produto Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Burned Area - MOD45 e os de precipitação, do satélite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) foram utilizados. Identificamos os picos de ocorrência de incêndios florestais, as áreas mais afetadas e os anos mais críticos, relacionando a área queimada com a precipitação pluviométrica mensal. Durante os 14 anos de estudo 633.625 hectares foram atingidos pelo fogo, área que corresponde a quase três vezes o tamanho do PEA. As maiores áreas atingidas por incêndios florestais foram registradas em 2007, 2010 e 2012. Observamos ainda um crescimento exponencial de incêndios quando a precipitação mensal foi inferior a 150 mm, com picos de incêndios nos meses de agosto e setembro. O PEA é uma unidade de proteção integral onde deveriam ser adotadas estratégias de gestão do fogo, principalmente nas florestas sazonalmente inundáveis

    Bacterial nanocellulose and long-chain fatty acids interaction: an in silico study

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    Chronic wounds are a big challenge in contemporary society, as they lead to a decrease in life-quality, amputations and even death. Infections and biofilm formation might occur with chronic wounds, due to the higher susceptibility to antibiotic multi-resistant bacteria. In this situation, novel wound dressing biomaterials are needed for treatment. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate a possible BNC interaction with tucumã oil/butter-derived fatty acids, as this system could be a promising biomaterial for wound treating. The interaction between  cellobiose (BNC basic unit) and four fatty acids was evaluated by ab initio simulations and density functional theory (DFT), through SIESTA code. Molecular docking was also used to investigate the effect of a possible releasing of the studied fatty acids to the quorum-sensing proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gram-negative bacterium) and Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive bacterium). According to ab initio simulations, the interaction between cellobiose and fatty acids derived from tucumã oil/butter was suggested due to physical adsorption (energy around 0.17-1.33 eV) of the lipidic structures into cellobiose. A great binding affinity (∆G ranging from 4.2-8.2 kcal.mol-1) was observed for both protonated and deprotonated fatty acids against P. aeruginosa (LasI, LasA and Rhlr) and S. aureus (ArgA and ArgC) quorum-sensing proteins, indicating that these bioactive compounds might act as potential antimicrobial and/or antibiofilm agents in the proposed system. Hence, from a theoretical viewpoint, the proposed system could be a promising raw biomaterial in the production of chronic wound dressings