90 research outputs found

    Dynamic OSINT System Sourcing from Social Networks

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    Nowadays, the World Wide Web (WWW) is simultaneously an accumulator and a provider of huge amounts of information, which is delivered to users through news, blogs, social networks, etc. The exponential growth of information is a major challenge for the community in general, since the frequent demand and correlation of news becomes a repetitive task, potentially tedious and prone to errors. Although information scrutiny is still performed manually and on a regular basis by most people, the emergence of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) systems in recent years for monitoring, selection and extraction of textual information from social networks and the Web promise to change the life of some of them. These systems are now very popular and useful tools for professionals from different areas, such as the cyber-security community, where being updated with the latest news and trends can lead to a direct impact on threat response. This work aims to address the previously motivated problem through the implementation of a dynamic OSINT system. For this system, two algorithms were developed: one to dynamically add, remove and rate user accounts with relevant tweets in the computer security area; and another one to classify the publications of those users. The relevance of a user depends not only on how frequently he publishes, but also on his importance (status) in the social network, as well as on the relevance of the information published by him. Text mining functions are proposed herein to achieve the objective of measuring the relevance of text segments. The proposed approach is innovative, involving dynamic management of the relevance of users and their publications, thus ensuring a more reliable and important source of information framework. Apart from the algorithms and functions on which they were build (which were also proposed in the scope of this work), this dissertation describes several experiments and tests used in their evaluation. The qualitative results are very interesting and demonstrate the practical usefulness of the approach. In terms of human-machine interface, a mural of information, generated dynamically and automatically from the social network Twitter, is provided to the end-user. In the current version of the system, the mural is presented in the form of a web page, highlighting the news by its relevancy (red for high relevance, yellow for moderate relevance, and green for low relevance). The main contributions of this work are the two proposed algorithms and their evaluation. A fully working prototype of a system with their implementation, along with a mural for showing selected news, is another important output of this work.Atualmente, a World Wide Web (WWW) fornece aos utilizadores enormes quantidades de informação sob os mais diversos formatos: notícias, blogs, nas redes sociais, entre outros. O crescimento exponencial desta informação representa um grande desafio para a comunidade em geral, uma vez que a procura e correlação frequente de notícias acaba por se tornar numa tarefa repetitiva, potencialmente aborrecida e sujeita a erros. Apesar da maioria das pessoas ainda fazer o escrutínio da informação de forma manual e regularmente, têm surgido, nos últimos anos, sistemas Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) que efetuam a vigilância, seleção e extração de informação textual, a partir de redes sociais e da web em geral. Estes sistemas são hoje ferramentas muito populares e úteis aos profissionais de diversas áreas, como a da cibersegurança, onde estar atualizado com as notícias e as tendências mais recentes pode levar a um impacto direto na reação a ameaças. O objetivo deste trabalho passa pela tentativa de solucionar o problema motivado anteriormente, através da implementação de um sistema dinâmico OSINT. Para este sistema foram desenvolvidos dois algoritmos: um para adicionar, remover e classificar, dinamicamente, contas de utilizadores com tweets relevantes na área da segurança informática e outro para classificar as publicações desses utilizadores. A relevância de um utilizador depende não só da sua frequência de publicação mas também da sua importância (status) na rede social, bem como a relevância da informação publicada. Neste último ponto, são propostas funções de prospeção de texto que permitem medir a relevância de segmentos de texto. A abordagem proposta é inovadora, envolvendo gestão dinâmica da relevância dos utilizadores e das suas publicações, garantindo assim um quadro de fonte de informação mais fidedigna e importante. Para além dos algoritmos e das funções que os compõem (também propostas no contexto deste trabalho), esta dissertação descreve várias experiências e testes usados na sua avaliação. Os resultados qualitativos constatados são pertinentes, denotando uma elevada utilidade prática. Em termos de interface homem-máquina, é disponibilizado um mural de informação contínua que vai sendo gerado dinâmica e automaticamente, a partir da rede social Twitter, e apresentado sob a forma de uma página web, destacando as notícias apresentadas pelo grau de relevância que possuem (vermelho para relevância elevada, amarelo para relevância moderada e verde para relevância reduzida). As contribuições principais deste trabalho compreendem os dois algoritmos propostos e a sua avaliação. Um protótipo totalmente funcional de um sistema que os implementa, acompanhado pelo mural que mostra as notícias selecionadas, constituem outro resultado importante do trabalho

    Fatores de risco modificáveis e não modificáveis do AVC isquêmico: uma abordagem descritiva

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    Ischemic stroke is a persistent focal neurological deficit that occurs by proximal obstruction of an artery by a thrombus, arterial plaque, or compression by tumor. In this sense, there are several risk factors that are associated with this event. However, there are few studies that show this issue. Thus, this study bringsthe main modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors of stroke. In this purpose, the current study analyzed several cross-sectional studies, prospects and cohorts in several countries, especially in the last six years. The main journals consulted for this study were The New England Journal of Medicine, Springer, Lancet, Stroke and Circulation - American Heart Association (AHA), Journal of the American College of Cardiology. All of these journals are indexed to Pubmed Central®, database used in this work. For this research, the following terms were used: “ischemic stroke AND modifiable risk factors”, “ischemic stroke AND non-modifiable risk factors”, “ischemic stroke AND hypertension”, “ischemic stroke AND atrial fibrillation”, “ischemic stroke AND diabetes mellitus”, “ischemic stroke AND dyslipidemia”, “ischemic stroke AND obesity” and “ischemic stroke AND smoking”. It was observed that the main non-modifiable factors are: age, sex, race, geographic location and heredity. The main modifiable factors are: hypertension, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and smoking. The knowledge of these risk factors for cerebral ischemia may justify prevention and self-care measures with this vascular event.O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI) é um déficit neurológico focal persistente que se dá pela obstrução proximal de uma artéria por um trombo, êmbolo ou compressão por tumor. Existem vários fatores de risco que estão associados a esse evento. Entretanto, ainda há poucos estudos nacionais que abordem essa temática. Dessa forma, esse estudo aborda os principais fatores de risco modificáveis e não modificáveis dos AVCI. Para tanto, esse trabalho analisou vários estudos transversais, estudos prospectivos e coortes realizadas em vários países, sobretudo nos últimos seis anos. As principais revistas consultadas para esse estudo foram The New England Journal of Medicine, Springer, Lancet, Stroke e Circulation – American Heart Association (AHA), Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Todas essas revistas estão indexadas à Pubmed Central®, base de dados utilizada nesse trabalho. Durante a pesquisa, foram utilizados os seguintes termos: “ischemic stroke AND modifiable risk factors”, “ischemic stroke AND non-modifiable risk factors”, “ischemic stroke AND hypertension”, “ischemic stroke AND atrial fibrillation”, “ischemic stroke AND diabetes mellitus”, “ischemic stroke AND dyslipidemia”, “ischemic stroke AND obesity” and “ischemic stroke AND smoking”. Observou-se que os principais fatores não modificáveis são: idade, sexo, raça, localização geográfica e hereditariedade. Já os principais fatores modificáveis são: hipertensão, fibrilação atrial, diabetes melito, dislipidemia, obesidade e o tabagismo. O conhecimento desses fatores de risco para isquemia cerebral pode justificar medidas de prevenção e auto-cuidado com esse evento vascular

    Utilização do ABCDE no atendimento do traumatizado

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    The ABCDE is a mnemonic that standardizes initial care for the traumatized and defines an priorities in the approach to trauma. However, with a practical application of the protocols, this systematization undergoes modifications. This study systematize the main prehospital and hospital conduits that were successful in the assessment to the traumatized. For this, recent publications of national and international journals were analyzed. This study observed that an obstruction of the airway is faster cause of faster mortality in the polytraumatized, followed by disturbances in ventilation and breathing and hemorrhage. Therefore, an evaluation of the airways with cervical control should be the first step in the approach to trauma. With this systematization defined by the ABCDE, it is possible to direct care to polytraumatized and, therefore, reduce mortality.O ABCDE é um mnemônico que padroniza o atendimento inicial ao politraumatizado e define prioridades na abordagem ao trauma. Entretanto, com a aplicação prática dos protocolos, essa sistematização passa por modificações. Esse estudo sistematiza as principais condutas pré-hospitalares e hospitalares que lograram êxito no atendimento ao traumatizado. Para tanto, foram analisadas publicações recentes de revistas nacionais e internacionais. Este trabalho observou que a obstrução da via aérea é a causa de mortalidade mais rápida no politraumatizado, sendo seguida por distúrbios na ventilação e respiração e hemorragia. Por isso, a avaliação das vias aéreas com controle cervical deve ser a primeira conduta na abordagem do trauma. Com essa sistematização definida pelo ABCDE, é possível direcionar o atendimento ao politraumatizado e, com efeito, reduzir mortalidade

    A study of the fastest courses for professional triathletes competing in IRONMAN® triathlons

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    PURPOSE: The IRONMAN® triathlon is an endurance multisport discipline of high popularity. Professional IRONMAN® triathletes need to qualify for the IRONMAN® World Championships and, therefore, would benefit from identifying the fastest race courses. Our purpose was to identify the fastest races held for professional IRONMAN® triathletes competing from 2002 to 2022. METHODS: This was an observational study, sampling 7,078 race records (380 different events in 55 different event locations) of professional IRONMAN® triathletes of both sexes (4,235 males and 2,843 females). We downloaded information about sex, nationality, both split (swimming, cycling, and running) and overall race times, the event location, and the year. Information about race course characteristics, water temperatures, and air temperatures was obtained. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each event location, and factorial ANOVA tests were used to explore the statistical significance of the results. A confidence interval of 95% was adopted. RESULTS: The fastest overall IRONMAN® average race times were achieved during the IRONMAN® Tallinn, IRONMAN® Switzerland held in Thun, and IRONMAN® Des Moines. A lake for the swim split characterized the first five courses, while the bike split featured rolling or hilly terrain. For the run split, most of the courses were characterized as flat. For environmental characteristics, lower water and air temperatures also added time to the average finish time. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the fastest race courses and their characteristics would assist professional IRONMAN® triathletes in selecting races that offer the optimal conditions for their competition. Fast IRONMAN® race courses typically feature a lakeside swim course, a rolling or hilly bike course, and a flat run course

    Comunicação breve: Revisão Sistemática da eficácia e segurança do onasemnogeno abeparvoveque para tratamento de pacientes com Atrofia Muscular Espinhal Tipo 1

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    Objetivo: Foram avaliadas evidências de eficácia e segurança do onasemnogeno abeparvoveque no tratamento da atrofia muscular espinhal tipo 1. Método: Foi conduzida uma revisão sistemática da literatura, conforme protocolo aprovado previamente. Resultados: Três estudos foram selecionados, START, STR1VE e STR1VE-EU, com alto risco de viés e certeza da evidência de muito baixa qualidade. Foram reportadas sobrevida global de 91 a 100%, sobrevida livre de ventilação mecânica de 39 a 82% e eventos adversos relacionados ao tratamento em 25 a 73% dos pacientes. Conclusões: É incerto o real benefício do onasemnogeno abeparvoveque e desafiadora a tomada de decisão para sua incorporação no SUS

    Punica granatum L. protects mice against hexavalent chromium-induced genotoxicity

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    This study investigated the chemoprotective effects of Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) fruits alcoholic extract (PGE) on mice exposed to hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)]. Animals were pretreated with PGE (25, 50 or 75 mg/kg/day) for 10 days and subsequently exposed to a sub-lethal dose of Cr(VI) (30 mg/kg). The frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow was investigated and the Cr(VI) levels were measured in the kidneys, liver and plasm. For the survival analysis, mice were previously treated with PGE for 10 days and exposed to a single lethal dose of Cr(VI) (50 mg/kg). Exposure to a sub-lethal dose of Cr(VI) induced a significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated cells. However, the prophylactic treatment with PGE led to a reduction of 44.5% (25 mg/kg), 86.3% (50 mg/kg) and 64.2% (75 mg/kg) in the incidence of micronuclei. In addition, the 50 mg/kg dose of PGE produced a higher chemoprotective effect, since the survival rate was 90%, when compared to that of the non-treated group. In these animals, reduced amounts of chromium were detected in the biological materials, in comparison with the other groups. Taken together, the results demonstrated that PGE exerts a protective effect against Cr(VI)-induced genotoxicity.Este estudo investigou os efeitos quimioprotetores do extrato alcoólico dos frutos da Punica granatum L. (Punicaceae) (EPG) em camundongos expostos ao cromo hexavalente [Cr(VI)]. Os animais foram pré-tratados com o EPG (25, 50 ou 75 mg/kg/dia) durante 10 dias e subsequentemente expostos a uma dose subletal de Cr(VI) (30 mg/kg). A frequência de eritrócitos policromáticos micronucleados na medula óssea foi investigada e os níveis de Cr(VI) foram quantificados nos rins, fígado e plasma. Para a análise de sobrevida, os camundongos foram previamente tratados com EPG durante 10 dias e expostos a única dose letal de Cr(VI) (50 mg/kg). A exposição à dose subletal de Cr(VI) induziu aumento significativo na frequência de células micronucleadas. Entretanto, o tratamento profilático com EPG levou à redução de 44,5% (25 mg/kg), 86,3% (50 mg/kg) e 64,2% (75 mg/kg) na incidência de micronúcleo. Além disso, a dose de 50 mg/kg de EPG produziu maior efeito quimioprotetor, uma vez que a taxa de sobrevivência foi de 90%, quando comparada àquela do grupo não tratado. Nesses animais, quantidades reduzidas de cromo foram detectadas nos materiais biológicos, em comparação com os outros grupos. Em conjunto, os resultados demonstram que o EPG exerce efeito protetor contra a genotoxicidade induzida pelo Cr(VI)

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de embalagem biodegradável a partir do arilo do fruto de Hymenaea stigonocarpa

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    Os frutos de Hymenaea stigonocarpa possuem estrutura fibrosa doce e amilácea usada como alimento entre os animais selvagens e o homem no campo. No presente estudo, foram investigadas as propriedades físico-químicas, ópticas, microestruturais e antibacterianas do filme de arilo do fruto. A solução amilácea foi obtida a partir do arilo. O filme biodegradável foi preparado de acordo com a técnica de “Casting”. Foram avaliadas as características físico-químicas de espessura (mm), umidade (%), solubilidade em água (%), tempo de biodegradabilidade e transmitância (T%). Foi avaliada a morfologia por micrografia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, modelagem matemática em 3D, e para os parâmetros mecânicos de resistência e propriedades biológicas sobre a atividade antibacteriana. Os resultados obtidos para o filme biodegradável foram coloração marrom-amarelada, aroma e homogeneidade, espessura 0,27 mm, umidade 12,45%, solubilidade em água 57,48%, biodegradabilidade 100%, transmitância máxima 82,25 (T%), pequenas imperfeições e pequenas trincas. A modelagem matemática 3D exibiu resultado surpreendente no auxílio do imageamento. As características mecânicas para tensão máxima 3,17 N, tensão de ruptura 1,34 MPa, alongamento 2,99% e elasticidade com 90,07 MPa. O filme bioativo do arilo de Hymenaea stigonocarpa apresentou atividade antibacteriana contra Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Enterococcus faecalis.The fruits of Hymenaea stigonocarpa have a sweet, starchy fibrous structure used as food among wild animals and man in the field. In the present study, the physical, physicochemical, optical, microstructural, and antibacterial properties of aryl (H. stigonocarpa) film were investigated. The amylaceous solution was obtained from the aryl of H. stigonocarpa, the biodegradable film was prepared according to the casting technique. The physicochemical characteristics for thickness (mm), humidity (%), water solubility (%), biodegradability time, and transmittance (T%) were evaluated. Morphology by optical micrographic, and scanning electron, mathematical modeling in 3D, and for the mechanical parameters of tensile strength, maximum tension, elongation, and elasticity module, and biological properties on antibacterial activity (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis). The results obtained for the biodegradable film were a brown-yellow color, aroma, and homogeneity, thickness 0.27 mm, humidity 12.45%, solubility in water 57.48%, the biodegradability of 100%, maximum and minimum transmittance 82.25, and 1.32 (T%), in the optical micrograph small imperfections were observed, and in the scanning electron micrograph small cracks. The mathematical modeling in 3D presented a surprising result, which is an important device in the aid of imaging. The mechanical characteristics for maximum tension 3.17 N, rupture stress 1.34 MPa, elongation 2.99% and elasticity with 90.07 MPa presented satisfactory results comparable to other biodegradable films of native starch. The bioactive film of the aryl (H. stigonocarpa) showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus 7 mm, Escherichia coli 5 mm, and Enterococcus faecalis 8 mm. Biodegradable packaging from Hymenaea stigonocarpa aryl has great potential for use as a food packaging

    Extracellular expression, purification and bioreactor production of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) growth hormone in the yeast Komagataella phaffii (formerly Pichia pastoris)

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    ABSTRACT Due to its zootechnical importance, the gene encoding growth hormone (GH) from several fish species has been isolated and expressed in heterologous systems. In this study, we isolated the cDNA sequence of GH of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), a species native to the Amazon basin and considered promising for Brazilian fish farming, and expressed it in the yeast Komagataella phaffii GS115. Heterologous expression was regulated by the AOX1 promoter and recombinant tambaqui GH (rtGH) secreted to the culture supernatant via the alpha factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The rtGH was successfully expressed in shaken flask and bioreactor systems and purified using affinity chromatography. In the bioreactor, the production reached 250 mg L-1. This is the first report of the heterologous expression, purification and production of rtGH in a bioreactor. Our results contribute to making tambaqui a target species for future biotechnological innovations based on the significant levels of rtGH obtained in the bioreactor and the future zootechnical applications of this protein, which can be exploited in aquaculture


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    Este artigo apresenta problematizações construídas a partir de uma pesquisa sobre os significados da docência em reportagens da mídia digital durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Fundamenta-se nos Estudos Culturais, em específico nas análises de inspiração Pós-Estruturalista, compreendendo o significado como cultural e socialmente produzido e a mídia como instância produtora de formas de comunicar e de sujeitos. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada a partir da busca on-line de notícias sobre professores(as) e ensino remoto, publicadas na internet entre junho e setembro de 2020. O exercício analítico empreendido levou à identificação de recorrências nos modos de significar a docência durante a pandemia, com destaque para a caracterização da atividade docente, realizada de forma emergencial e improvisada, como um exercício de reinvenção da identidade profissional e a representação da docência em tempos de distanciamento social a partir da ênfase no amor e no afeto

    Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications

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    The global decline of freshwater mussels and their crucial ecological services highlight the need to understand their phylogeny, phylogeography and patterns of genetic diversity to guide conservation efforts. Such knowledge is urgently needed for Unio crassus, a highly imperilled species originally widespread throughout Europe and southwest Asia. Recent studies have resurrected several species from synonymy based on mitochondrial data, revealing U. crassus to be a complex of cryptic species. To address long-standing taxonomic uncertainties hindering effective conservation, we integrate morphometric, phylogenetic, and phylogeographic analyses to examine species diversity within the U. crassus complex across its entire range. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (815 specimens from 182 populations) and, for selected specimens, whole mitogenome sequences and Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) data on ∼ 600 nuclear loci. Mito-nuclear discordance was detected, consistent with mitochondrial DNA gene flow between some species during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Fossil-calibrated phylogenies based on AHE data support a Mediterranean origin for the U. crassus complex in the Early Miocene. The results of our integrative approach support 12 species in the group: the previously recognised Unio bruguierianus, Unio carneus, Unio crassus, Unio damascensis, Unio ionicus, Unio sesirmensis, and Unio tumidiformis, and the reinstatement of five nominal taxa: Unio desectus stat. rev., Unio gontierii stat. rev., Unio mardinensis stat. rev., Unio nanus stat. rev., and Unio vicarius stat. rev. Morphometric analyses of shell contours reveal important morphospace overlaps among these species, highlighting cryptic, but geographically structured, diversity. The distribution, taxonomy, phylogeography, and conservation of each species are succinctly described.We thank Ana-Maria Benedek, Monica Sîrbu and Jouni Leinikki for their assistance with the fieldwork, and to Jeroen Goud, Sankurie Pye, Fiona Ware, Emily Mitchell, and Aleksandra Skawina for their assistance with the taxonomic investigation. We would also like to thank the editor, Dr. Guillermo Ortí, and two anonymous reviewers for their time and effort in reviewing our manuscript and for their insightful comments and valuable improvements to our work. This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18239: CONFREMU - Conservation of freshwater mussels: a pan-European approach, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), including STSMs, the interaction of the authors and the writing of the paper. This work was supported by the project ConBiomics: The Missing Approach for the Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves Project No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030286, co-financed by FEDER through POCI and by FCT - Fundaç˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, through national funds. Strategic funding UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020 was provided by FCT. FCT also supported DVG (2020.03848.CEECIND), EF (CEECINST/00027/ 2021/CP2789/CT0003) and MLL (2020.03608.CEECIND). INB, AVK and IVV were supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grants (19-14-00066-P), (21-17-00126) and (21-74-10130) respectively. BVB acknowledges the bioinformatics platform of UMR 8198 for the computing resources to perform time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses; this platform is in part funded by CPER research project CLIMIBIO through the French Minist`ere de l’Enseignement Sup´erieur et de la Recherche, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) and the region Hauts-de-France (HdF). Support to KD came from the Czech Science Foundation (19–05510S). TT and MT were supported by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria under the project ‘Conservation of freshwater mussels on the Balkan Peninsula’ (KP-06-COST-9/20.07.2022). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the United States Government.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio