203 research outputs found

    Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens: uma fonte de compostos bioativos e pigmentos naturais de interesse para a indústria alimentar

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    O reino plantae abrange uma vasta diversidade de espécies e nos últimos anos tem sido alvo de diversos estudos, devido à sua composição em nutrientes e moléculas de elevado interesse, tanto para a indústria alimentar como farmacêutica. Visualmente, a diferenciação das plantas recai sobre a sua cor, particularmente na concentração em pigmentos naturais presente nas folhas, como por exemplo: clorofilas, carotenoides, antocianinas, betalaínas, entre outros. Devido à crescente preocupação dos consumidores sobre os efeitos colaterais associados aos corantes artificiais, a indústria alimentar tem investido na substituição destes aditivos por moléculas corantes naturais, que podem ser obtidas a partir de diversas matrizes vegetais. A variedade Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens, conhecida popularmente por manjericão vermelho rubi, pertence ao género Ocimum e a sua cor púrpura resulta da elevada concentração em compostos antociânicos. Esta variedade tem manifestado ação terapêutica, nomeadamente, propriedades diuréticas, anti-inflamatórias e antiespasmódicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo aprofundar os conhecimentos relativamente a esta variedade, através da caracterização de parâmetros físicos (cor), nutricionais (teor em humidade, cinzas, proteínas, gorduras, hidratos de carbono e energia) e químicos (açúcares livres, ácidos orgânicos, tocoferóis e ácidos gordos) das folhas; seguido da avaliação do conteúdo em compostos fenólicos e do potencial bioativo (atividade antioxidante, atividade antimicrobiana e citotoxicidade) do seu extrato hidroetanólico. Foi ainda efetuado a otimização do processo de extração de antocianinas, através de uma técnica de extração assistida por calor (HAE), aplicando o método de análise de superfície de resposta. Ao extrato rico em compostos antociânicos, obtido no final do processo de otimização, foi avaliado o poder corante, através da medição da cor e quantificação dos pigmentos no extrato. Este foi ainda avaliado quanto ao potencial bioativo, através dos ensaios acima referidos. O perfil nutricional foi avaliado utilizando metodologias oficiais de análise de produtos alimentares (AOAC), evidenciando-se os hidratos de carbono, como os macronutrientes presentes em maior quantidade, contrariamente à fração lipídica que surgiu em menor quantidade. A nível químico, a quantificação dos açúcares livres foi feita através de um sistema de HPLC-RI, os ácidos orgânicos por UFLC-DAD, os tocoferóis por HPLC-fluorescência e os ácidos gordos por GC-FID. As amostras revelaram a presença de vários compostos de interesse, nomeadamente quatro moléculas de açúcares livres e sete ácidos orgânicos, destacando-se a glucose e o ácido quínico, respetivamente. Relativamente ao teor em tocoferóis, foram detetadas as isoformas α-, β-, γ- e δ-tocoferol, sendo o γ-tocoferol o mais abundante. No que concerne ao perfil de ácidos gordos, foram identificados vinte compostos, destacando-se o ácido α-linolénico (C18:3n3) como maioritário. A determinação do perfil fenólico foi realizada através de um sistema de HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, evidenciando a presença de 26 compostos fenólicos, dos quais 13 foram identificados como compostos fenólicos não antociânicos, destacando-se o ácido rosmarínico como composto maioritário e 13 compostos antociânicos, no qual a cianidina-3-(6,6′-di-p-cumaroil)-soforósido-5-glucósido foi o composto mais abundante. Nos ensaios de bioatividade, o potencial antioxidante foi avaliado através de três ensaios in vitro (atividade captadora de radicais DPPH, poder redutor e inibição da peroxidação lipídica medido através da descoloração do β-caroteno), verificando-se resultados promissores no extrato hidroetanólico estudado, sobressaindo no ensaio da atividade captadora de radicais DPPH com os valores de EC50 mais baixos (melhor potencial antioxidante). A atividade antimicrobiana foi analisada através do método de microdiluição em bactérias Gram-positivo e Gram-negativo e em fungos, tendo-se alcançado resultados satisfatórios para a maioria das bactérias e fungos testados. Na avaliação da citotoxicidade, foram usadas várias linhas celulares tumorais (HepG2, NCI-H460, MCF-7 e HeLa) e a uma cultura de células primária não tumoral (PLP2), aplicando o ensaio da sulforrodamina B. Os resultados demonstraram a ausência de capacidade anti-proliferativa em todas as linhas testadas, contudo, também foi evidente a ausência de toxicidade do extrato na cultura de células primárias testada – PLP2. Tendo em conta o procedimento de otimização da extração para a obtenção de um extrato rico em antocianinas, a extração assistida por calor revelou a obtenção de 114,74 ± 0.58 mg de antocianinas por g de extrato, quando se aplicaram as variáveis t= 65,37 ± 3,62 min, T= 85,00 ± 1,17 ºC e S= 62,50 ± 4,24 %. O procedimento e as condições otimizadas neste trabalho triplicaram o teor total de antocianinas obtidas, usando o método convencional, dando origem à importância da otimização de um procedimento de extração. Para além dos aspetos químicos, o extrato ótimo rico em antocianinas foi analisado tendo em conta parâmetros físicos (cor), e os resultados evidenciaram uma melhoria significativa da cor púrpura, comparativamente com as folhas frescas e ao pó liofilizado das folhas secas do manjericão vermelho rubi. Este extrato também foi avaliado quanto às suas propriedades bioativas, sendo que a atividade antioxidante do extrato otimizado revelou um potencial menor ou muito semelhante ao extrato obtido pelo método convencional. No entanto, revelou resultados muito promissores quanto ao efeito citotóxico e antimicrobiano. Assim, Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens demonstrou ser uma variedade rica em compostos bioativos, que podem ser aplicados na indústria alimentar e farmacêutica de forma a substituir moléculas artificiais, acrescentando valor às matrizes de incorporação.El reino plantae abarca una amplia diversidad de especies y, en los últimos años, han sido objeto de diversos estudios, debido a su composición en nutrientes y moléculas de alto interés, tanto para la industria alimentaria como farmacéutica. En general, la diferenciación de las plantas recae sobre su color, particularmente en la concentración en pigmentos naturales presente en las hojas (como por ejemplo clorofilas, carotenoides, antocianinas y betalaínas). Debido a la creciente preocupación de los consumidores sobre los efectos colaterales que los colorantes sintéticos acarrean, la industria alimentaria está invirtiendo en la sustitución de estos aditivos por pigmentos naturales, obtenidos a partir de matrices vegetales. La variedad Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens (popularmente conocido como albahaca roja rubí) pertenece al género Ocimum y su característico color púrpura, resulta de la elevada concentración en compuestos antociánicos. Esta variedad ha demostrado una acción terapéutica, en particular, propiedades diuréticas, anti-inflamatorias y antiespasmódicas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo profundizar los conocimientos sobre esta variedad, a través de la caracterización del parámetros físicos (color), nutricionales (contenido en humedad, cenizas, proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono y energía) y químicos (azúcares libres, ácidos orgánicos, tocoferoles y ácidos grasos); seguido de la evaluación del contenido en compuestos fenólicos y del potencial bioactivo (actividad antioxidante, citotoxicidad y actividad antimicrobiana) de un extracto hidroetanólico. Se estudió también la optimización del proceso de extracción de antocianinas a través de una técnica de maceración - HAE, aplicando el método de análisis de superficie de respuesta. Al extracto rico en compuestos antocianicos, obtenido al final del proceso, se realizó la evaluación bioactiva, a través de los ensayos arriba mencionados. El perfil nutricional fue evaluado utilizando las metodologías oficiales de análisis de alimentos (AOAC), evidenciando el contenido en hidratos de carbono, como el macronutriente presente en mayor cantidad, contrariamente a la fracción lipídica que apareció en menor cantidad. A nivel químico, la cuantificación de los azúcares libres fue realizada a través de un sistema de HPLC-RI, los ácidos orgánicos por UFLC-DAD, los tocoferoles por HPLC-fluorescencia y los ácidos grasos por GC-FID. Las muestras revelaron la presencia de varios compuestos de interés, en particular cuatro moléculas de azúcares libres y siete ácidos orgánicos, destacándose la glucosa y el ácido quínico, respectivamente. En cuanto al contenido de tocoferoles, se detectaron las isoformas α-, β-, γ- y δ-tocoferol, siendo el γ-tocoferol el más abundante. En lo que concierne al perfil de ácidos grasos, se identificaron veinte compuestos, destacándose el ácido α-linolénico (C18:3n3) como mayoritario. La determinación del perfil fenólico fue realizada a través de un sistema de HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, evidenciando la presencia de 26 compuestos fenólicos, de los cuales 13 fueron identificados como compuestos fenólicos no-antociánicos (destacándose el ácido rosmarínico como compuesto mayoritario) y 13 compuestos antociánicos, dónde la cianidina-3- (6,6'-di-p-cumaroil) -soforosil-5-glucósido fue el compuesto más abundante. En los ensayos de bioactividad, el potencial antioxidante fue evaluado a través de tres ensayos in vitro (actividad captadora de radicales DPPH, poder reductor e inhibición de la peroxidación lipídica (decoloración del β-caroteno)), verificándose resultados positivos en el extracto hidroetanólico estudiado, sobresaliendo el ensayo de la actividad captadora de radicales DPPH con los valores de EC50 más bajos (mejor potencial antioxidante). En la evaluación de la citotoxicidad se utilizaron varias líneas celulares tumorales (HepG2, NCI-H460, MCF-7 y HeLa) y un cultivo de células primarias no tumorales (PLP2), aplicando el ensayo de la sulforrodamina B. Los resultados demostraron la ausencia de capacidad antiproliferativa en todas las líneas probadas, sin embargo, también fue evidente la ausencia de toxicidad del extracto. La actividad antimicrobiana fue analizada a través del método de microdilución en bacterias Gram-positivas y Gram-negativas, y en hongos, alcanzando resultados satisfactorios para la mayoría de las bacterias y hongos testados. Teniendo en cuenta el procedimiento de optimización de la extracción para la obtención de un extracto rico en antocianinas, la extracción por maceración reveló la obtención de rendimientos satisfactorios (114,74 ± 0,58 mg/g de extracto), cuando se aplicaron las variables t = 65,37 ± 3,62 min, T = 85,00 ± 1,17 ºC y S = 62,50 ± 4,24 %. El procedimiento y las condiciones optimizadas en este trabajo triplicaron el contenido total de antocianinas obtenidas, usando el método convencional, dando origen a la importancia de la optimización de un procedimiento de extracción. Además de los aspectos químicos, el extracto óptimo rico en antocianinas fue analizado teniendo en cuenta parámetros físicos (color), y los resultados evidenciaron una mejora significativa del color púrpura, comparativamente con las hojas frescas y el polvo liofilizado de las hojas secas de la albahaca roja rubí. Este extracto también fue evaluado en cuanto a sus propiedades bioactivas, siendo que la actividad antioxidante del extracto optimizado reveló un potencial menor o muy semejante al extracto obtenido por el método convencional. Sin embargo, reveló resultados muy prometedores en cuanto al efecto citotóxico y antimicrobiano. Así, Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens demostró ser una variedad rica en compuestos bioactivos, que pueden ser aplicados en la industria alimentaria y farmacéutica para sustituir las moléculas artificiales, añadiendo valor a las matrices de incorporación.The plantae kingdom includes a vast diversity of species and in recent years has been the subject of several studies, due to its composition in nutrients and molecules of high interest for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Visually, the differentiation of plants depends on their colour, particularly in the concentration of natural pigments present in the leaves, for example, chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins, betalains, and other colorant compounds. Due to growing consumer concern about the adjacent effects of artificial colorants, the food industry has invested in replacing these additives by natural pigments obtained from vegetable matrices. The Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens variety, popularly known as red rubin basil, belongs to the genus Ocimum and the purple colour results from its high concentration in anthocyanin compounds. This variety has shown therapeutic action, namely, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. The main objective of this work was to deepen the knowledge about the leaves of this variety through the evaluation of its physical parameters (colour), nutritional (moisture content, ash, proteins, fat, carbohydrates and energy) and chemists (free sugars, organic acids, tocopherols and fatty acids) characterization; followed by the evaluation of phenolic compounds content and bioactive potential (antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract. The extraction optimization of anthocyanin’s was also studied through a heat assisted extraction technology (HAE), by applying a response surface methodology analysis. The obtained optimized extract rich in anthocyanin compounds was further evaluated regarding it colorant capacity and bioactive properties by applying the above mentioned assays. The nutritional profile was evaluated using official methodologies of food analysis (AOAC), demonstrating high contents of the carbohydrate, contrary to the lipid fraction that appeared in smaller amounts. Regarding the chemical composition, free sugars were identified/quantified using an HPLC-RI system, organic acids by UFLC-DAD, tocopherols by HPLC-fluorescence, and fatty acids by GC-FID. The samples revealed the presence of several of these interesting compounds, namely four free sugars and seven organic acids, presenting high levels de glucose and quinic acid, respectively. Concerning tocopherol contents, α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol isoforms were detected, with γ-tocopherol being the most abundant. The fatty acid profile revealed the presence of twenty compounds, with α-linolenic acid (C18: 3n3) as the major molecule. The determination of the phenolic profile was carried out through an HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS system, revealing 26 phenolic compounds, of which 13 compounds were identified as non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds, being rosmarinic acid the major compound and 13 anthocyanin compounds, being cyanidin-3-(6,6´-di-p-coumaroyl)-sophoroside-5-glcucoside the most abundant molecule. Concerning the bioactivity assays, the antioxidant potential was evaluated through three in vitro assays (DPPH radical scavenging activity, reducing power and inhibition of lipid peroxidation through the β-carotene bleaching inhibition), revealing good results for the hydroethanolic extract studied, in which the DPPH assay showed the lowest EC50 values (best antioxidant potential). The antimicrobial activity was assayed using the microdilution method in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and in fungi, and satisfactory results were obtained for most of bacteria and fungi tested. The cytotoxicity was evaluated using several tumour cell lines (HepG2, NCI-H460, MCF-7 and HeLa) and in a non-tumour primary cell culture (PLP2) by applying the sulforhodamine B assay. The results demonstrated the absence of anti-proliferative capacity in all the tested cell lines; however, it was also evident the absence of toxicity of the extract using the non-tumour primary cell culture – PLP2. Taking into account the optimization of the extraction process, to obtain an rich extract in anthocyanins, the extraction by HAE revealed 114.74 ± 0.58 mg of anthocyanins per g of extract, when applying the variables t = 65.37 ± 3.62 min, T = 85.00 ± 1.17 °C and S = 62.50 ± 4.24 %. By applying these conditions, it was possible to obtain an extract 3x richer in the total amount of anthocyanin’s, in comparison with the conventional method, giving rise to the importance of optimizing an extraction procedure. In addition to the chemical aspects, the optimal extract rich in anthocyanin’s was analysed taking into account physical parameters (colour), and the results showed a significant improvement in purple colour compared to the fresh leaves and lyophilized powder of red rubin basil. This extract was also evaluated regarding its bioactive properties, the antioxidant activity of the optimized extract revealed a lower or very similar antioxidant potential in comparison to the extract obtained by the conventional method. However, it showed very promising results regarding the cytotoxic and antimicrobial effect. Thus, Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens has been shown to be a rich variety in bioactive compounds, which can be applied in the food and pharmaceutical industry to replace artificial molecules, adding value to the incorporated matrices.Este trabalho é financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Programa Operacional Regional Norte 2020, no âmbito do Projeto NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023289 (DeCodE) e Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479 (projeto Mobilizador ValorNatural), e pelo programa FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal, no âmbito do projeto 0377_Iberphenol_6_E

    Factors affecting polyhydroxyalkanoates biodegradation in soil

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polymers with widespread applications, from medical devices to packaging. PHAs can be biodegradable in natural environments, such as soil, but the blend of PHA with other materials can change the polymer properties and consequently affect the biodegradation process. The composition of the microbial communities in soil also significantly affects the biodegradation, but other factors such as temperature, pH, and soil moisture, can also be determinant. These ecological and physic/chemical factors change in different seasons and in different soil layers. It is essential to know how these factors influence the PHAs biodegradation to understand the impact of PHAs in nature. This review compiles the results on PHA polymers and PHA blends biodegradation, with focus on laboratory tests. The main factors affecting PHA's biodegradation in soil, both in laboratory tests and in the environment are also discussed.Miguel Fernandes acknowledges the grant PD/BD/146195/2019 provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020–Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental analysis on the functional properties of rendering mortars with superficial addition of TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Recent developments in the area of nanomaterials science and nanotechnology are changing the field of construction and building industry. The construction industry has been increasingly identified as an important market for the use of nanomaterial´s since this can make buildings cleaner (minimizing the pollution effects and also reducing the building facades maintenance costs), resistant and energy efficient (thermal energy storage). In order to contribute for the development of this area, this work aims the production of rendering plastering mortars with multifunctional properties such as photocatalytic capacity and improving thermal capabilities. Standard plastering mortars were modified by spraying titanium dioxide (TiO2) from a water-based TiO2 nanoparticles solution. Two mortar compositions, which are representative of rendering mortars, namely composition, 1:1:6 and 1:2:9 (cement:lime:sand) in volume, were considered. Additionally, two distinct water/binder ratios were considered to induce distinct porosities and thus to evaluate the differences on the mechanical and physical properties of the mortars after the addition of the TiO2 nanoparticles

    “Having a family is the new normal”: Parenting in neoliberal academia during the COVID‐19 pandemic

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has made explicit the burden of care shouldered by academic mothers, in addition to juggling their scholarly commitments. Although discussions are abundant on the impact of caring responsibilities on the careers of women academics, neoliberal academia continues to minimize such struggles. Despite the disruptions to family routines caused by the health crisis, academic institutions have expected academic mothers and fathers to continue undertaking their professional responsibilities at the same level as before, disregarding their parenting demands. This paper contributes to the research on parenthood in academia by looking at how, throughout the pandemic, academic parents have negotiated the tensions between parenthood and academic demands, and by investigating the strategies they use to confront neoliberal culture of academic performativity, even amid the health crisis. The paper engages with the “space invaders” concept used by Puwar (2004) to analyze the “hypervisibil ity” of academic mothers' and fathers' “bodies out of place” during the pandemic, and to investigate their “renegade acts” against the uncaring attitudes of their institutions. Evidence is drawn from a qualitative study conducted during December 2020 and January 2021 among scholars affiliated to Portuguese academic institutions: 17 in-depth interviews conducted with women, and two mixed-gender focus groups. Our results research reveal how the experiences of academic mothers and fathers were not uniform during the pandemic. In addition, it shows how, despite their commitment to their academic responsibilities, these parents have crafted various resistance strategies to confront the institutional pressure to continue maintain their working routines, and instead positioning themselves as “more than just academics.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of photocatalytic ceramic materials through the deposition of TiO2 nanoparticles layers

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    Urbanism and communities centralization enlarges atmospheric pollution that affects both human beings as well as their constructed buildings. Different scientific and technological studies are being conducted, both in academic and construction industry, aiming the development of new construction materials with properties that can decrease visual pollution of cities, reducing also the number of cleanings required. The present research work aims the study and the production of self-cleaning ceramic surfaces in an economical and viable way without changing aesthetical aspect of material substrates used. The use of TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2-NNPs) represents an attractive way to generate self-cleaning surfaces, therefore promoting the degradation of pollutant agents and reducing cleaning maintenance costs. In order to impart self-cleaning properties to ceramic surfaces, TiO2-NNPs based layers were deposited on different ceramic material substrates using the dip-coating method. The Photocatalytic activity (degradation of pollutants adsorbed on the surface) of the TiO2-NNPs based layers was characterized via the decomposition rate of an aqueous solution of Methylene blue (MB) under UV light irradiation. Colourless layers were successfully produced onto gray and white ceramic substrates using this sol-gel technique, without changing their aesthetical appearance. It was observed that the best photocatalytic activity was exhibited by the most porous ceramic substrate (gray); nevertheless, all the TiO2-NNPs coated ceramic surfaces showed good photocatalytic efficiency.Revigres® Compan

    Development of natural hypocholesterolemic agents: application in cottage cheese

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    This work aimed at exploiting mushroom bioresidues, namely Agaricus bisporus L. to obtain mycosterols and develop hypocholesterolemic functional foods. Mycosterols enriched extracts were obtained by ultrasound assisted extraction, characterized in terms of mycosterols through HPLC-UV, evaluated for their toxicity in non-tumor cells (PLP2) and hypocholesterolemic capacity using a CaCo2 cell line. After incorporation of the active dose in cottage cheeses, and to evaluate the incorporation effects and the bioactivity maintenance, the nutritional value of the developed cheeses was evaluated, as also the physical parameters, and the microbial load over a shelf life of 9 days. The color of the cheeses incorporated with the extract was the brownest compared to the other two samples (cottage cheese with ergosterol and control cottage cheese). Palmitic was the prevalent fatty acid, followed by oleic and capric acid, being the saturated fatty acids the major ones. Lactose and glucose were the two found soluble sugars; being glucose observed only in cheese incorporated with A. bisporus. Also, the incorporations did not cause any significant alterations to the normal flora found in the cottage cheese.The cheese with pure ergosterol and the cheese incorporated with A. bisporus extract reduced cholesterol absorption by 21.1%, and 30.24%, respectively, thus validating thehypocholesterolemic potential of mycosterols while promotin sustainability through the use of food waste/by-products.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and F.A. Fernandes PhD grant ((SFRH/BD/145467/2019). L. Barros and C. Calhelha also thank the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for their contracts and, M. Carocho and S.A. Heleno to the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the individual scientific employment program-contracts. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and colouring capacity of two Hylocereus spp. Epicarps

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    Betalains are a group of secondary metabolites named chromoalkaloids that are synthesized from tyrosine. These compounds have gained some attention in the last few years mainly due to their interesting bioactive potential, namely antioxidant, antimicrobial, and other bioactive properties [1]. Their strong and vibrant colours are also one of the characteristics by which these compounds have gained visibility in the food and pharmaceutical industries [2]. Betalains can be divided in two groups regarding the colour range: betaxanthins in the orange to yellow range, and betacyanins in the purple to pink range. Thereby, these compounds can be used as natural colouring agents, providing alternatives to the massively used artificial counterparts [3]. Although there are already some natural options in the market, these are not enough to meet the needs of the food industry, due to the growing concern of consumers regarding what they eat.To FCT and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019); C. Lobo Roriz (SFRH/BD/117995/2016) and T.C.S. Pires (SFRH/BD/129551/2017) grants and National funding by FCT- Foundation for Science and Technology, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for L. Barros contract. This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479:ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Firefighters’ Occupational Exposure in Preparation for Wildfire Season: Addressing Biological Impact

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    The characterization of wildland firefighters' occupational exposure must consider different exposures, including those at the fire station. The present study aimed to characterize the occupational exposure of 172 Northern Portuguese wildland firefighters in fire stations during the pre-wildfire season of 2021. The biological impact of estimated inhaled doses of PM10 and PM2.5 (indoor/outdoor) was accessed through a buccal micronucleus cytome (BMCyt) assay in exfoliated buccal cells of a subgroup of 80 firefighters. No significant association was found between estimated inhaled doses of PM10 and PM2.5 (mean 1.73 +/- 0.43 mu g kg-1 and 0.53 +/- 0.21 mu g kg-1, respectively) and biological endpoints. However, increased frequencies of cell death parameters were found among subjects of the Permanent Intervention Teams (full-time firefighters). The intake of nutritional supplements was associated with a significant decrease in micronucleus frequencies (i.e., DNA damage or chromosome breakage). In addition, our findings showed a significantly increased frequency of cell death endpoints (i.e., nuclear fragmentation) with coffee consumption, while daily consumption of vegetables significantly decreased it (i.e., nuclear shrinkage). Our results provide data on the occupational exposure of wildland firefighters while working in fire stations during the pre-wildfire season, providing the essential baseline for further studies throughout the wildfire season.This work received financial support from the project PCIF/SSO/0017/2018 (http:// doi.org/10.54499/PCIF/SSO/0017/2018) by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through national funds. Filipa Esteves, the PhD grant UI/BD/150783/2020 recipient, is supported by FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF). This work is financed by national funds through the FCT within the scope of projects UIDB/04750/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04750/2020) and LA/P/0064/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/0064/2020), LA/P/0045/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/ 0045/2020), UIDP/00511/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/00511/2020) and UIDB/00511/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/00511/2020), LA/P/0008/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/ 0008/2020), UIDP/50006/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/UIDP/50006/2020) and UIDB/50006/2020 (http://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/50006/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Micro/mesoporous LTL derived materials for catalytic transfer hydrogenation and acid reactions of bio-based levulinic acid and furanics

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    The biomass-derived platform chemicals furfural and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) may be converted to α-angelica lactone (AnL) and levulinic acid (LA). Presently, LA (synthesized from carbohydrates) has several multinational market players. Attractive biobased oxygenated fuel additives, solvents, etc., may be produced from AnL and LA via acid and reduction chemistry, namely alkyl levulinates and γ-valerolactone (GVL). In this work, hierarchical hafnium-containing multifunctional Linde type L (LTL) related zeotypes were prepared via top-down strategies, for the chemical valorization of LA, AnL and HMF via integrated catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) and acid reactions in alcohol medium. This is the first report of CTH applications (in general) of LTL related materials. The influence of the post-synthesis treatments/conditions (desilication, dealumination, solid-state impregnation of Hf or Zr) on the material properties and catalytic performances was studied. AnL and LA were converted to 2-butyl levulinate (2BL) and GVL in high total yields of up to ca. 100%, at 200°C, and GVL/2BL molar ratios up to 10. HMF conversion gave mainly the furanic ethers 5-(sec-butoxymethyl)furfural and 2,5-bis(sec-butoxymethyl)furan (up to 63% total yield, in 2-butanol at 200°C/24 h). Mechanistic, reaction kinetics and material characterization studies indicated that the catalytic results depend on a complex interplay of different factors (material properties, type of substrate). The recovered-reused solids performed steadily.publishe

    Optimization of citric acid extraction from lime peels using response surface methodology

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    Citrus fruits, like lime, belong to the most consumed group of fruits worldwide, generating a large amount of industrial waste, such as peels, pomace and seeds. Most of this waste is deposited in landfills leading to a negative environmental impact. Several scientific works demonstrate that this biowaste is rich in valuable molecules, such as organic acids (e.g. citric acid) with scientifically proven bioactive propertiesTo FCT (Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020), for the PhD grant (SFRH/BD/145467/2019) of F. Fernandes, the contract of L. Barros through the institutional scientific employment program-contract and the contracts of M. Carocho (CEECIND/00831/2018), S.A. Heleno (CEECIND/03040/2017) and J. Pinela (CEECIND/01011/2018) through the individual scientific employment program-contract. To MICINN for the financial support Ramón & Cajal given to researcher M.A. Prieto; to the Government of Galicia for the financial support of Axudas Conecta Peme to the IN852A 2018/58 NeuroFood project. To Kontaktotal - Consultores Associados, Lda. - Dep. CuraNatura for collaborating on this project.N/