34 research outputs found

    Mapeamento Epidemiológico das Parasitoses Intestinais em Seis Bairros do Município de Araraquara/SP

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    No Brasil, grandes inquéritos coproparasitológicos foram realizados até a década de 70. Nos últimos anos, contamos apenas com trabalhos isolados, que nem sempre podem ser comparados. Entretanto, nas regiões com infra-estrutura urbana deficiente, os inquéritos mostram que grande parte da população residente encontra-se parasitada (Gross et al., 1994: Santana et al., 1994). O estudo epidemiológico de quaisquer parasitas intestinais proporciona diversas informações, especialmente quanto à insalubridade do meio, nível e extensão do saneamento básico de uma região e também quanto aos hábitos higiênicos da população em estudo. Desta forma, neste estudo tivemos como objetivo caracterizar a incidência de parasitoses intestinais em moradores de seis bairros do município de Araraquara/SP. Nossos resultados demonstraram a grande incidência de parasitas intestinais. A Endolimax nana foi o parasita intestinal mais encontrado. Embora não sendo patogênico, sua existência revela a exposição destas pessoas a contaminantes fecais. A Giardia lamblia foi o parasita intestinal patogênico mais encontrado. Houve similaridade de acometimento das parasitoses tanto no sexo feminino quanto no masculino. O bairro Selmi Dei obteve o maior índice dessas parasitoses, caracterizando-se como o bairro de maior preocupação para saúde pública do município de Araraquara/SP

    Incidência da Contaminação Parasitária em Alfaces nos Municípios de Araraquara (SP) e São Carlos (SP)

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    Os alimentos, principalmente as hortaliças, constituem uma importante fonte de parasitas intestinais para o Homem, sendo que, aquelas que são adubadas por esterco, formam um grupo de maior risco para a contaminação do Homem. No presente, tivemos como objetivo avaliar a incidência de parasitas intestinais em alfaces coletadas de 10 distribuidores de Araraquara (SP) e 10 de São Carlos (SP). Estas verduras foram picadas e lavadas na mesma água, depois esta água foi coada em peneiras limpas e deixada em repouso por 6 horas; após o repouso, o sedimento foi analisado. Nossos resultados demonstraram que, das vinte amostras analisadas, 17 foram positivas para, pelo menos, um parasita. Dentre os parasitas encontrados, 4 eram patogênicos e 2 comensais. Entretanto, apenas uma amostra de São Carlos (SP) apresentou as 6 espécies de parasitas. E dentre estes parasitas encontrados, as 4 espécies que são patogênicas causam problemas de saúde. Desta forma, podemos alertar que alfaces que estão sendo distribuídas em Araraquara (SP) e São Carlos (SP) são de qualidade higiênicosanitária suspeita, tornando necessária a orientação aos produtores e manipuladores quanto à importância da correta higienização, minimizando desta forma a transmissão de doenças parasitárias veiculadas por alimentos que são consumidos crus

    Avaliação in vitro das atividades antimicrobiana, leishmanicida e citotóxica dos fungos endofíticos Diaporthe sp. e Pseudofusicoccum sp. obtidos das áreas de mangue e cerrado brasileiros: In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial, leishmanicidal, and cytotoxic activities of endophytic fungi Diaporthe sp. and Pseudofusicoccum sp. isolated from the Brazilian mangrove and savannah areas

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    O mangue é um ecossistema de transição entre o ambiente terrestre e o marinho, típico de regiões tropicais e subtropicais. O cerrado é um ecossistema caracterizado principalmente pelo bioma savana, que são zonas de transição entre prados e bosques e são ínsitos de regiões tropicais de estação seca. Nesses dois sistemas, diversos microrganismos já foram isolados, entre eles, os fungos endofíticos, capazes de produzir substâncias com atividades antimicrobianas e leishmanicidas. Com base nessas informações, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial biotecnológico dos extratos brutos (EB) obtidos dos fungos endofíticos Diaporthe sp. e Pseudofusicoccum sp., isolados de mangue e cerrado brasileiros, respectivamente. Foram realizados in vitro ensaios antimicrobianos com patógenos humanos, ensaios leishmanicidas e ensaios citotóxicos. Nos ensaios antimicrobianos foi encontrada a concentração inibitória mínima de 50% (CIM50) entre 756 µg.mL-1 e 949 µg.mL-1 e a concentração inibitória mínima de 90% (CIM90) entre 3.940 e 3.980 µg.mL-1 para o EB do isolado do mangue. Para o EB isolado do cerrado foi encontrada CIM50 entre 4.228 µg.mL-1 e 29.630 µg.mL-1 e CIM90 entre 9.24 µg.mL-1 e 38.250 µg.mL-1. A concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) foi encontrada para o microrganismo Bacillus subtillis, na concentração de 10.000 µg.mL-1. Nos ensaios leishmanicidas, os resultados apresentam morte celular de 90% nas concentrações de 6.000 e 10.000 µg.mL-1 e de 80% na concentração de 4.000 µg.mL-1 para o EB do isolado do mangue. No EB do isolado do cerrado, os ensaios leishmanicidas apresentaram viabilidade celular acima de 90% nas concentrações de 20.000 e 40.000 µg.mL-1.  Para os ensaios de citotoxicidade no EB do isolado do mangue, foram apresentados viabilidade celular entre 55 e 73%. Para o isolado do cerrado foram apresentadas viabilidade celular entre 5,41 a 16,84%. Esses resultados reforçam o potencial biotecnológico dos microrganismos isolados de manguezais e cerrados, representado pelos isolados testados nesse trabalho

    Cytotoxic Effects Caused by Functionalized Carbon Nanotube in Murine Macrophages

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    Background/Aims: The development of new nanomaterials has been growing in recent decades to bring benefits in several areas, especially carbon-based nanoparticles, which have unique physical-chemical properties and allow to take on several applications. Consequently, the use of new nanomaterials without previous toxicological studies raises concern about possible harmful health effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic profile of a new multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) functionalized with tetraethylenepentamine called OCNT-TEPA using in vitro assays in murine macrophage cells linage J774 A.1. Methods: OCNT-TEPA was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution TEM (HR-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), zeta potential and dynamic light scattering (DLS), and its cytotoxic effects were evaluated at 24 and 48 hours by cell viability assays (MTT and NR), morphology and cell recovery (optic microscopy and clonogenic assay), formation of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) species, inflammatory profile (IL-6 and TNF cytokines), mitochondrial membrane potential analysis (MMP), activation of the caspase 3 pathway and cell death (flow cytometry). Results: The data showed a significant decrease in cell viability, increased production of ROS and NO, alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential, increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, alteration of cell morphology, activation of the Caspase 3 pathway and consequently cell death, in the highest concentrations of OCNT-TEPA tested in the periods of 24 and 48 hours. Conclusion: The analyses showed that OCNT-TEPA has a dose-dependent cytotoxic profile, which may be harmful to murine macrophages (J774 A.1) and may represent a health risk

    Anti-inflammatory properties of menthol and menthone in schistosoma mansoni infection

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    Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by several species of trematode worms and it is believed that more than 261 million people are affected worldwide. New drug development has become essential because there is a risk of the parasite becoming resistant to Praziquantel, the only drug available for this infection. This study evaluated parasitological, immunological and histological parameters in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with an herbal commercial medicine. This drug consists of menthol (30-55%) and menthone (14-32%). A 60 day treatment regimen with the herbal medicine decreased the number of S. mansoni eggs in the feces, liver, and intestine and reduced the number of hepatic granulomas. We observed a reduction of 84% in blood eosinophilia and a decrease in the IL-4 and IL-10 blood levels after treatment. Therefore, we propose that schistosomiasis treatment with this herbal medicine for 60 days has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action in this animal model for schistosomiasis thus contributing to the decrease in physio pathological effects caused by S. mansoni infection7COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão te

    Morphological characteristics of Schistosoma mansoni PZQ-resistant and -susceptible strains are different in presence of Praziquantel

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    Schistosomiasis is one of the most common human parasitic diseases whose socioeconomic impact is only surpassed by malaria. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the only drug commercially available for the treatment of all schistosome species causing disease in humans. However, there has been stronger evidences of PZQ-resistance on Schistosoma mansoni and thus it is very important to study the phenotypic characteristics associated with it. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in S. mansoni PZQ-resistant adult worms and eggs, by comparing a PZQ- resistant strain obtained under PZQ drug pressure with a PZQ-susceptible strain. For this, scanning electronic microscopy was used to assess tegumental responsiveness of both strains under PZQ exposure, and optical microscopy allowed the monitoring of worms and eggs in the presence of the drug. Those assays showed that PZQ-susceptible worms exposed to the drug had more severe tegumental damages than the resistant one, which had only minor alterations. Moreover, contrary to what occurred in the susceptible strain, resistant worms were viable after PZQ exposure and gradually regaining full motility after removal of the drug. Eggs from resistant strain parasites are considerably smaller than those from susceptible strain. Our results suggest that there might be a difference in the tegument composition of the resistant strain and that worms are less responsive to PZQ. Changes observed in egg morphology might imply alterations in the biology of schistosomes associated to PZQ-resistance, which could impact on transmission and pathology of the disease. Moreover, we propose a hypothetical scenario where there is a different egg tropism of the S. mansoni resistant strain. This study is the first comparing two strains that only differ in their resistance characteristics, which makes it a relevant step in the search for resistance determinants.publishersversionpublishe

    Schiff bases complexed with iron and their relation with the life cycle and infection by Schistosoma mansoni

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Support Foundation of São Paulo (FAPESP) [No. 2014/12568-4] and National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) [No. 100763/2015-4] received by JV da Silva. Acknowledgments Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 da Silva, Moreira, Montija, Feitosa, Correia, Domingues, Soares, Allegretti, Afonso and Anibal.Introduction: The trematode Schistosoma mansoni causes schistosomiasis, and this parasite’s life cycle depends on the mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata. The most effective treatment for infected people is administering a single dose of Praziquantel. However, there are naturally resistant to treatment. This work has developed, considering this parasite’s complex life cycle. Methods: The synthetics compound were evaluated: i) during the infection of B. glabrata, ii) during the infection of BALB/c mice, and iii) during the treatment of mice infected with S. mansoni. Results and Discussion: For the first objective, snails infected with miracidia treated with compounds C1 and C3 at concentrations of 25% IC50 and 50% IC50, after 80 days of infection, released fewer cercariae than the infected group without treatment. For the second objective, compounds C1 and C3 did not show significant results in the infected group without treatment. For the third objective, the mice treated with C3 and C1 reduced the global and differential cell count. The results suggest that although the evaluated compounds do not present schistosomicidal properties when placed in cercariae suspension, they can stimulate an immune reaction in snails and decrease mice’s inflammatory response. In general, we can conclude that compound C1 and C3 has an anti-schistosomicidal effect both in the larval phase (miracidia) and in the adult form of the parasite.publishersversionpublishe

    Immunization with purine salvation pathway recombinant enzymes induces the production of anti- Schistosoma mansoni immunoglobulines

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    Schistosomiasis, a disease caused by the trematodes of the Schistosoma genus, affects about 240 million people worldwide. The Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug used to treat this disease. However, reports of resistant strains reinforce the need to develop a new schistosomicidal drug. The study of new drugs and vaccines that can contribute to the control of this pathology becomes urgent. A new approach can be held by the study of the following Schistosoma mansoni enzymes: purine nucleoside phosphorilase 1 (PNP), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) and adenylate kinase 1 (ADK). The parasite, incapable of synthetizing purine nucleotides through the de novo pathway, has multiple mechanisms to incorporate purine bases through the purine salvage pathway. Our goal was to assess, through immunoenzimatic assay (ELISA-indirect), the production of total IgG, IgE and IgG2a in the plasma after immunization with the PNP, HGPRT and ADK enzymes, using the S. mansoni cercariae - infected murine model. Our results showed that the immunization in Balb/c mice with the enzymes mentioned above induced production of the immunoglobulines at the 48th and 85th days, post-infection. Thereby, new assays must be made for a better assessment on how these enzymes modulate an immune response.CNPqFAPES

    Exercise and Omentin: Their Role in the Crosstalk Between Muscle and Adipose Tissues in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rat Models

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    This study aims to analyze the effects of resisted, aerobic, and combined exercises on omentin levels in visceral adipose tissue and muscle of rats with experimental diabetes to verify whether these adipokines are related to the glucose pathway and inflammation process in this model. Male Wistar rats received a high-fat diet for 4 weeks and a low dose of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg) to induce experimental diabetes. After inducing diabetes, the animals were divided into 4 experimental groups (n = 10): diabetic control (C); resistance training (RT); aerobic training (AT); and combined training (CT). The groups were exercised for 12 weeks, 3 times/week, where: RT means the stair climbing protocol until exhaustion; AT is the 30 min/day reaching 20 m/min protocol, and CT is the combination of RT and AT. The AT group showed reduced retroperitoneal and mesenteric adipose tissue and abdominal fat deposits. Our study also showed a possible control of blood glucose, as well as decreased Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein, increased circulating adiponectin and increased omentin in visceral adipose tissue. In addition, the AT group affected the glucose pathway by stimulating phosphorylation of Akt in muscle tissue. Omentin also showed a strong positive correlation with adiponectin and a moderate negative correlation with IL-6. Thus, our findings indicated that omentin in type 2 diabetes is changed by AT. Furthermore, increased omentin levels had a close association with the glucose pathway by stimulating phosphorylation of Akt in muscle tissue and with IL-6 in serum, suggesting that omentin is likely to have anti-inflammatory and protective action in experimental diabetes

    Evaluation of immunization with purine salvation pathway recombinant enzymes in Schistosoma mansoni worms and eggs in murine schistosomiasis

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), on tropical and subtropical areas, schistosomiasis is the second parasitic disease of greater prevalence, in terms of morbidity and mortality, surpassed only by malaria. The Praziquantel (PZQ) is used for the treatment of this disease. However, reports of resistant strains reinforce the need to develop a new schistosomicidal drug. The infection by the parasite induces an inflammatory reaction of long duration due to the presence of adult worms living in the mesenteric venous system. The parasite lays eggs in small vessels of the submucosa of the intestines. These eggs are transported by the blood flow to the liver and they cause a granulomatous inflammatory reaction. A new approach can be held by the study of the following Schistosoma mansoni enzymes: purine nucleoside phosphorilase 1 (PNP), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) and adenylate kinase (ADK). The parasite, incapable of synthetizing purine nucleotides through the de novo pathway, has multiple mechanisms to incorporate purine bases through the purine salvage pathway. In our results, we suggest that the immunization in Balb/c mice with the mentioned recombinant enzymes was capable of inducing a specific immune response, favoring the reduction of both the parasite load and number of eggs per gram of feces. The acquired data show that these enzymes can be considered as new targets to immunotherapy against schistosomiasis mansoni.CNPqFAPES