14 research outputs found

    Gestation in a Mare with Facial Deviation (Wry Nose)

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    Background: Wry nose is a congenital deformity that causes respiratory obstruction and decreased oxygenation rate. Gestation in a wry nose mare may be considered a risk to the neonate since it depends on the maternal environment for development. Compromised oxygenation during pregnancy can lead to fetal distress and cause consequences on fetal development. However, depending on the degree of the impairment, the fetus may still be able to adapt. The aim of the present study was to report the gestation in a mare with facial deviation until term and to assess blood gases in the mare and neonate, and to evaluate the histomorphometry of the placenta.Case: A Criollo breed mare presenting facial deviation (Wry Nose) was donated to Equine Medicine Research Group (ClinEq) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) due to the presence of the physical deformity. When the mare was five years old, it was inseminated and had a pregnancy confirmed. At the fifth month of gestation, evaluation of fetal aorta diameter, fetal orbital diameter and combined thickness of the uterus and placenta (CTUP) started to be performed monthly to assess gestation health. The assessment of the fetal orbit and aorta diameter revealed a linear increase of both variables with the progress of gestation indicating a normal fetal development.  CTUP remained in the normal reference range, presenting no alterations during the gestational length. The mare foaled at 324 days of gestation a coat showing no congenital deformities. The foaling was monitored until the complete passage of fetal membranes. A complete clinical and hematological evaluation of the foal was carried out after birth. The foal showed normal adaptive behavior, clinical and hematological parameters during the first hours of life, although presenting physical signs of immaturity. Venous blood samples were collected from the mare at 315 days of gestation, immediately after foaling and 24 h post-partum for lactate and blood gas analysis.  Mild changes were observed in the mare’s blood gas analysis at foaling that were compensated within 24 h post-partum. Venous blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord and from the foal after birth, at 12 and 24 h post-partum to measure blood gases and lactate. The newborn foal presented respiratory acidosis immediately after birth, which was metabolically compensated at 24 h post-partum. Both mare’s and foal’s lactate evaluation were within the normal reference ranges. After expulsion of the placenta, samples from the gravid horn, uterine body and non-gravid horn were collected for histological and histomorphometric evaluation. In the histological evaluation, avillous areas were detected in the gravid horn and uterine body and mild hypoplasia was found in the uterine body. Placental histomorphometry revealed larger total microcotiledonary and capillary areas on the non-gravid horn when compared to the remaining areas of the placenta (gravid horn and uterine body). No abnormalities on the placental vasculature were detected.  Discussion: To date, there are no reports of a pregnancy in a mare with facial deviation in the literature. This report showed that the wry nose mare gave birth to a viable foal showing no congenital abnormalities, which suggests that wry nose animals can be bred normally. The mare presented a healthy pregnancy, with mild changes in the blood gas analysis at foaling that were compensated at 24 h postpartum. Similarly, despite the foal showed physical signs of immaturity and respiratory acidosis at birth, these changes were compensated in the later assessments. Furthermore, no abnormalities on the placental vasculature were detected


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    Post-partum Utero-ovarian Artery Rupture in Mare

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    Background: Arterial rupture associated with pregnancy is an important cause of fatal hemorrhage in pregnant mares, regardless breeds and age. Such hemorrhagic events lead to blood loss into the abdomen, broad ligament and uterus and the broad ligament hematoma occurs as a consequence of arterial rupture. Although the rupture of the uterine artery is commonly caused by hemorrhage, there are few studies regarding this condition. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe a case of rupture of the utero-ovarian artery, with broad ligament hematoma and intramural uterine hematoma in a Thoroughbred mare, emphasizing the predisposing factors and the diagnosis process.Case: A 13-year-old Thoroughbred mare, with nine parturition, was attended with abdominal pain after foaling. The mare had an eutocic delivery, however the foal was a big one to the race, with high of 1,02 m and weight of 68 kg. The animal arrived at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital 48 h after delivery, with abdominal pain, pale mucous membranes, heart rate slightly increased. The trans-rectal palpation revealed the presence of a solid mass in the left horn region, and it was painful to the touch. The ultrasonography evaluation of the mass showed a heterogeneous texture with a hypoechoic central area, which reinforced the clinical suspicion of a hematoma in the broad ligament and a uterine intramural hematoma. The animal did not respond to analgesic therapy, which resulted in shock and consequently death. Necropsy revealed free blood in the abdominal cavity and the uterine wall with swollen hematoma extended to the left broad ligament. It also showed the presence of a hematoma along the uterine wall, from the uterine body region to the ovarian insertion. Histological evaluation did not show significant changes in the arterial wall, and it revealed the formation of intramural hematoma thorough all extension of the left uterine horn, confirming the suspicion of rupture in the utero-ovarian artery and hematoma on the broad ligament and uterine intramural hematoma in the left horn.Discussion: Rupture of uterine arteries can occur at any age, although it is often observe in old mares, possibly because of the vascular degenerative features observed in these animals. In addition, multiparous mares are more prone to it because multiple births can favour damages in vascular system. The clinical assessment showed characteristics compatible with postpartum hemorrhage. A thorough trans-rectal evaluation revealed a mass in the left horn. The ultrasonography evaluation from the mass showed echogenic characteristics consistent with those described for broad ligament hematoma and uterineintramural hematoma in the left horn. The clinical suspicion, rupture of the uterine artery, with formation of a hematoma in the broad ligament and uterine intramural hematoma, was based upon the history, clinical signs and laboratory tests, especially the characteristics revealed by the ultrasound from the mass in left horn. Necropsy showed the rupture of the utero-ovarian artery. Lesions are usually observed on the right uterine artery due to the displacement of the uterus to the left abdominal wall by the cecum, which results in an increased tension on the right broad ligament. However, in this case the rupture was associated to the gravid horn. The rupture of the utero-ovarian artery is a major cause of hemorrhage in the postpartum and this can form a hematoma in the broad ligament and uterine intramural hematoma. In conclusion, the mare from this study showed as the predisposing factors the age and the number of parturition. Clinical sings are very similar to others abdominal pain conditions, being the exams essential to diagnosis, especially ultrasonography. Rupture of the utero-ovarian artery is an emergency with unfavorable prognosis.Keywords: artery, utero-ovarian, mare, hemorrhage

    Isolamento de Leptospira em feto equino abortado/Isolation of Leptospira in an aborted equine fetus

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    Estudos sorológicos da leptospirose em equinos demonstram que a doença ocorre em todo o mundo. A frequência de aglutininas anti-Leptospira varia entre os países e existe uma grande susceptibilidade dos animais em relação aos sorovares predominantes. A maioria das infecções permanece assintomática, mas o aborto e a morte fetal são sequelas comuns da leptospirose equina. Este relato descreve um aborto em uma égua no município de Pelotas (RS), onde foi possível isolar leptospiras do feto, caracterizar a virulência do isolado em modelo animal e realizar uma caracterização genotípica preliminar da cepa isolada

    Aneurysm in the Distal Portion of the Extern Jugular Vein in a Horse

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    Background: Aneurysm is a vascular disease that causes the partial rupture of arteries and veins and subsequent blood leakage due to the weakening of the vessels elastic middle layer. Venous aneurysms in horses are rare, but the arterial aneurysms are commonly reported. The aim of this paper is to report a rare occurrence of jugular external aneurysm in a horse and propose the inclusion this disease as a differential diagnosis, both because it is rare in this specie and invariably fatal. The medical examination showed a firm well-defined mass, painless, nonpulsatile on palpation and with no changed in the local temperature.Case: The horse was referred to the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel, RS-Brazil. It was a male, Crioulo breed, 10 years old, used as stallion. The owner reported a swelling in the pectoral region that occurred after a trauma episode that had gradually grown for two years. The patient was clinically stable, and would undergo surgery extirpation for aesthetic matters. Clinical examination showed the swelling was circumscribed and centralized and it presented about 20 centimeters in diameter. The ultrasound of the pectoral area showed an anechoic structure with hyperechoic spots inside limited by an hyperechoic layer similar to a fibrous capsule. Presumptive diagnostics were of: hematoma, subcutaneous abscess, neoplasia, and possible vascular involvement. The use of conventional ultrasound was not enough to set the diagnosis, and the patient was referred to surgical exploration, where the procedures of isolation and anastomosis were performed, however rupture occurred and the patient died. Necropsy revealed sacculation of the ventral region of the neck next to the entrance of the thorax, and the involvement of the external right jugular vein, being the adjacent muscle tissue not involved. Histopathological evaluation showed intense proliferation of sub-endothelial fibrous tissue which infiltrated the tunica media and adventitia and a mild inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and histiocytes, which was diagnosed as an aneurysm of the right external jugular vein.Discussion: The reported patient had a venous aneurysm located superficially, which may have contributed to the absence of symptoms. The ultrasound is a diagnostic method available to most veterinarians nowadays, mainly in the countryside. However, when it is used in the diagnosis of an aneurysm it displays a dilatation with anechoic content, which is com­mon to several other skin diseases. A similar ultrasound image was observed in the case reported, but the diagnosis was difficult because the aneurysm presented intense proliferation of fibrous tissue infiltrated in the media and adventitia of the vascular wall, similar to a capsule of fibrous tissue, which lead to the presumptive diagnostics of hematoma, abscess and neoplasia, with possible vascular involvement. The options for the treatment of the aneurysms consider the location, size and extent of them and it determines the choice between clinical observation and surgery. In veterinary medicine it is difficult to keep the animals still and in the case of a horse, any movement can lead to the spontaneous rupture of the aneurism. Considering the risk of spontaneous rupture and hemorrhage, the surgical resolution, even if risky, emerges as the most suitable treatment. Venous aneurysms although rare, need to be included as a differential diagnosis in skin diseases along with increased volume, as hematomas, abscesses and tumors. The prognosis, however, is poor because of the surgical limitations and risks of imminent rupture in the clinical treatment.Keywords: venous aneurysm, differential diagnosis, equine

    Immunolocalization of hormonal receptors in mare placenta and evaluation of the different combined hormone therapy in mares with placentitis

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    The aim of this study was to identify the expression of progesterone receptors, alpha (REα), beta (REβ) receptors and estrogen related-receptor gamma (REγ), and aromatase expression in placenta of mares with ascending placentitis treated with different hormonal therapies, as well as the evaluation of leptin expression and its receptor in the placenta of healthy mares. The first study aimed to evaluate the presence of leptin and its receptor in the placenta at term, as well as leptin concentrations during pregnancy and after delivery. Eight (8) mares, crossbred Crioulo, with healthy pregnancies were used in the study. Placental fragments were collected to evaluate the immunolocalization of leptin and its receptor by the immunofluorescence technique. Serum levels of leptin from the 8th month of gestation up to 24 hours postpartum were also performed. Expression of leptin and its receptor in the microcotilednary epithelium and areolar region were identified, characterizing an autocrine and paracrine function of leptin in equine placenta. In the second study, the aim was to describe the expression and quantification of progesterone (PR) receptors, estrogen receptors α (REα), β (REβ) and estrogen-related receptor γ (REγ), and aromatase in the placenta of mares with ascending placentitis treated with different hormonal therapies. Twenty-three (23) pregnancies of twenty (20) crossbred Crioulo mares were used, the mares had induction of experimental ascending placentitis at 300 days of gestation, and were treated with different hormonal therapies. The groups was formed by control group, without induction of placentitis (n=6), no tretament group (with placentitis induced but without tretament n=3); trimetoprim+sulfamethoxazole with flunixim meglumine and hormonal therapy with altrenogest (n=6); trimetoprim+sulfamethoxazole with flunixim meglumine and hormonal therapy with altrenogest and estradiol cypionate (n=4); and trimetoprim+sulfamethoxazole with flunixim meglumine and hormonal therapy with estradiol cypionate (n=4). Consistent immunostaining of progesterone, α, β and γ estrogen receptors was observed, and also aromatase, all the immunostaining with predominance in the cytoplasm of the microcotyledons cells and areolar region of chorionic epithelium. Mares with placentitis on estradiol cypionate therapy demonstrated higher gestation length and quantification of aromatase in the placenta. The mares with altrenogest therapy have demonstrated shorter gestational length, and least immunostaining for α oestrogens. Meanwhile, mares without treatment and those with associated altrenogest and estradiol cypionate therapy have demonstrated increased immunostaining to progesterone receptors in the placenta.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqFoi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de identificar a imunomarcação dos receptores de progesterona, receptores de estrógeno alfa (REα), beta (REβ) e receptor relacionado ao estrógeno gama (RREγ), e de aromatase na placenta de éguas com placentite ascendente, tratadas com diferentes terapias hormonais, bem como a avaliação da imunolocalização de leptina e seu receptor na placenta de éguas saudáveis. O primeiro estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a presença da leptina e seu receptor na placenta equina a termo, bem como as concentrações de leptina durante a gestação e no pós-parto. Foram utilizadas 8 (oito) éguas, mestiças Crioulas, com gestações saudáveis. Foram coletados fragmentos placentários para avaliação da imunolocalização da leptina e seu receptor através da técnica de imunofluorescência. Também foram realizadas dosagens séricas de leptina do 8º mês de gestação até 24 horas pós-parto. Foi identificada a presença de leptina e seu receptor no epitélio de microcotilédones e região areolar, caracterizando possível função autócrina e parácrina da leptina em relação a gestação em equinos. No segundo estudo, o objetivo foi descrever a imunomarcação e quantificação de receptores de progesterona (RP), receptores de estrógeno α (REα), β (REβ) e receptor relacionado ao estrógeno γ (RREγ), e de aromatase na placenta de éguas com placentite ascendente tratadas com diferentes terapias hormonais. Foram utilizadas 23 gestações, de 20 éguas mestiças Crioulas, com indução de placentite experimental aos 300 dias de gestação, e sobre diferentes terapias hormonais. Os grupos foram constituídos de um grupo controle sem indução de placentite (n=6); sem tratamento (com indução de placentite, porém sem terapia, n=3); sulfametoxazole+trimetoprima e flunixim meglumine junto a terapia hormonal com altrenogest (n=6); sulfametoxazole+trimetoprima e flunixim meglumine junto a terapia hormonal com altrenogest associada com cipionato de estradiol (n=4); e sulfametoxazole+trimetoprima e flunixim meglumine junto a terapia hormonal com cipionato de estradiol (n=4). Foi observada marcação consistente de receptores de progesterona, de estrógeno α, β e RREγ, e de aromatase, predominantemente no citoplasma das células de microcotilédoens e epitélio coriônico de região areolar. As éguas com placentite recebendo terapia com cipionato de estradiol demonstraram maior tempo de gestação e quantificação de aromatase na placenta. Enquanto, as éguas com terapia de altrenogest demonstraram menor tempo gestacional, e menor expressão de receptores de estrógeno α. Já nas éguas sem tratamento e com terapia associada de altrenogest e cipionato, foi observado elevado número de receptores de progesterona na placenta

    Histopathological findings and morphometry of placements of purebred English mares and their relation to obstetrical mare

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    Were made two studies, attempt to the relation between placental anatomopathologyc and data from Thoroughbreds mares and foal weight. The first study aimed to describe the histopathological features of the placentas of healthy Thoroughbred mares at foaling and to evaluate their relationship with the gross placental and mare’s data. The study was performed using 188 Thoroughbred mares, whose the placentas were grossly and histologic evaluated. The slides were stained using hematoxylin and eosin and periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) reagents. The data from mares were age, number of parturition, gestational age, placental elimination time, umbilical-cord length and placental weight and signs of placentites. In grossly evaluation were observed 79 placentas without alterations, 87 with artifactuals findings and 22 placentites. In histology were observed 30 placentas with intense cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelial areolar cells, that stained by PAS. These mares were older and larger parturition number. In 40 of the placentas, the histopathological changes consisted of placentitis, 19 these with chronic placentites and 21 acute placentites. Also observed 19 placentas with hypoplasia/atrophy from microcotyledones. In 93% of cases the placental grossly were consistently with histologic findings. The mares that demonstrate clinical sings of placentitis showed correspondent histologic findings, however in 19,3% of mares have placentites in histology without presence of clinical sings. On second study the aim was evaluate the placental microcotyledonary and vascular morphometry, in Thoroughbreds mares with chronic laminitis. Twenty six mares divided in two groups were used, 13 these with chronic laminitis, and 13 mares healthy. Arterial systolic pressure and cardiac frequency were obtained in 30 days prefoaling. The placentas were submit to grossly evaluation and taken samples to histopathological and morphometric study. Digital images analysis was made from placental uterine body, gravid horn and non gravid horn, and measures by software ImageJ 1.48r. Measures of allantoic surface vessels was total vessel diameter, lumen vessel diameter and wall vessel thickness. In microcotyledons the measures was total area from microcotyledons, capillary area from microcotyledons, difference capillary/total area from microcotyledons and relation between these areas. The age of mare, gestational age, number of parturition, placental weight and foal weight were considered. The mares with chronic laminitis showed hypertension, lower gestational period, placental and foal weight. These mares showed lower lumen vessel diameter, thickness of wall vessel e less capillary area from microcotyledons.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGSForam realizados dois estudos, com o objetivo de relacionar os aspectos anatomopatológicos da placenta de éguas Puro Sangue Inglês, com os dados da égua e peso do potro. O primeiro estudo descreve os achados histopatológicos das placentas de éguas PSI saudáveis e sua relação com a macroscopia placentária e dados das éguas. Foram utilizadas 188 éguas, cujas placentas foram avaliadas macro e microscopicamente As lâminas foram coradas por hematoxilina-eosina e ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). Os dados avaliados nas éguas foram idade, número de partos, tempo de gestação, tempo de eliminação da placenta, comprimento do cordão umbilical, peso da placenta, e apresentação de sinais clínicos de placentite na gestação avaliada. Na macroscopia 79 placentas não demonstraram alteração, 87 apresentaram artefatos e 22 tinham placentite. Na histologia, observou-se que em 30 placentas o epitélio coriônico apresentava mais vacúolos, os quais se coravam pelo PAS. As éguas com esse tipo de placenta eram mais velhas e com maior número de partos. Observou-se 40 casos de placentites, sendo 19 crônicas e 21 agudas. Em 19 casos verificou-se hipoplasia de microcotilédones. Em 93% dos casos, os achados macroscópicos foram consistentes com a histologia placentária. A presença de sinais clínicos foi condizente com a histologia de placentite, entretanto, 19,3% das éguas com placentite na histologia, não demonstraram sinais clínicos. No segundo estudo avaliou-se a morfometria vascular da placenta de éguas PSI com laminite crônica. Foram utilizadas 26 éguas, 13 com apresentação de laminite crônica na gestação avaliada, e 13 éguas saudáveis. A pressão arterial sistólica e frequência cardíaca foram obtidas de 10 éguas, de cada grupo. As placentas eram avaliadas macroscopicamente e coletados fragmentos para histopatologia e morfometria. Foram obtidas imagens digitalizadas de corpo uterino, corno gravídico e corno não gravídico, e as medidas realizadas através do software NIH ImageJ 1.48r. As medidas dos vasos foram diâmetro vascular total, diâmetro de luz vascular e espessura de parede vascular. As medidas dos microcotilédones foram área total de microcotilédones, área capilar de microcotilédones e diferença entre área total de microcotilédones e capilar. Foram considerados idade da égua, tempo de gestação, número de partos, peso da placenta e peso do potro. As éguas com laminite crônica demonstraram quadro de hipertensão, com menor tempo gestacional, peso da placenta e do potro. Na morfometria estas demonstraram menor luz vascular, maior espessamento de parece vascular e menor área capilar nos microcotilédones. A laminite cursa com quadro hipertensivo, sendo este possivelmente responsável por alterações morfométricas vasculares


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    A Anaplasmose apresenta impacto na bovinocultura na região sul do Brasil, área de instabilidade enzoótica para a doença, assim foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos laudos hematológicos de bovinos do laboratório de Patologia Clínica do Hospital Veterinário da UNOESC Xanxerê – SC. O objetivo foi avaliar o perfil leucocitário de bovinos com Anaplasmose da região de Xanxerê – SC. Foi realizado um levantamento dos hemogramas de bovinos com suspeita de Tristeza Parasitária Bovina, confirmados através da identificação do agente em esfregaço sanguíneo, durante o período de outubro de 2019 a janeiro de 2020. Foram avaliadas 22 amostras, com valor médio de hematócrito 22,3% (DP: 9,41), sendo que 52,4% apresentaram anemia (Ht < 24%). O valor médio de leucócitos totais foi de 12.719 (DP: 7.919,3), com 42,9% de leucocitose. Neutrófilos tiveram uma média de 5.285,2 (DP: 3.900,4) sendo que 47,6% dos animais apresentaram neutrofilia. Já os linfócitos apresentaram-se com média de 6.253,7 (DP: 4.044,8), com 52,4% de linfocitose, enquanto a relação neutrófilos:linfócitos foi de 1:1,3. Os valores são similares aos descritos em outros estudos, porem com predomínio de linfocitose. Na morfologia eritrocitária e leucocitária foram observados 61,9% de policromasia e 23,8% de linfócitos reativos, demonstrando resposta regenerativa a anemia e estimulo do sistema imune. Conclui-se que o perfil leucocitário dos animais no presente estudo apresentou maior incidência de linfocitose