42 research outputs found

    Excesso de peso e índice de conicidade em idosos com diabetes mellitus

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    Objective: To verify the frequency of excess weight and the classification of the taper index in elderly people with diabetes mellitus. Methodology: Quantitative, cross-sectional study carried out with users of a Basic Health Unit in the city of Recife-PE. Data collection took place in two stages. The first step was the application of a sociodemographic questionnaire identifying of the following variables: age, sex, marital status, education, chronic non-communicable diseases, income and its origin. In the second stage, the anthropometric measures composed of weight, height, waist circumference, calculation of the body mass index and the calculation of the conicity index were measured. Results: The mean age of the sample was 71.5 (± 6.85), with a minimum age of 60 and a maximum of 85 years. 91.5% of the patients showed the presence of one or more diseases associated with diabetes mellitus, the most frequent being systemic arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, kidney disease and heart disease. According to an anthropometric evaluation, the average body mass index of the individuals was 27.44 (± 5.18) kg / m², compatible with the classification overweight for this measure, BMI > 27kg/m²; the waist circumference obtained an average of 97.70 (± 11.15) cm, the classification of cardiovascular risk by CC, > 80cm for women and >94cm for men, and the taper index was 1.39 (± 0.08), representing the risk for cardiovascular disease, with cut-off points of >1,18 for women and >1,25 for men. Conclusion: It was concluded that most of the sample of elderly people with diabetes mellitus was overweight and almost all were classified as having a conicity index as a risk.Objetivo: Verificar a frequência de excesso de peso e classificação do índice de conicidade em idosos com diabetes mellitus. Metodologia: Estudo de natureza quantitativa, de corte transversal, realizado em usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde da cidade de Recife-PE. A coleta de dados decorreu em duas etapas. A primeira etapa constituiu-se com a partir da aplicação de um questionário sociodemográfico, identificando as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, estado civil, escolaridade, doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, renda e sua origem. Na segunda etapa, foram mensurados os indicadores antropométricos compostos por peso, altura, circunferência da cintura (CC), cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o cálculo do índice de conicidade (IC). Resultados: A idade média dos participantes foi de 71,5 (± 6,85), sendo a idade mínima 60 e a máxima 85 anos. 91,5% dos pacientes, apresentavam entre uma ou mais enfermidades associadas ao diabetes mellitus, sendo as mais recorrentes a hipertensão arterial sistêmica, dislipidemias, doença renal e cardiopatias. Segundo avaliação antropométrica, a média de índice de massa corporal dos indivíduos foi de 27,44 (±5,18) kg/m², compatível com a classificação de excesso de peso para esta medida, IMC>27kg/m²; a circunferência da cintura obteve média de 97,70 (±11,15) cm, sendo a classificação de risco cardiovascular pela CC, > 80cm para mulheres e > 94cm para homens, e do Índice de conicidade foi de 1,39 (±0,08), representando o risco para doenças cardiovasculares, com pontos de corte de >1,18 para mulheres e >1,25 para homens. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a maioria dos participantes, idosos diabéticos, estavam com excesso de peso, e a quase totalidade era classificada com índice de conicidade como risco cardiovascular

    Situação de insegurança alimentar em domicílios de Pernambuco, Região Nordeste do Brasil: contribuições para discussão da violação do direito à alimentação

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores associados à insegurança alimentar em domicílios do Estado de Pernambuco, localizado na região Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado em 1.008 domicílios particulares. Para a investigação, utilizou-se a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) e foram analisadas associações com variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e práticas relacionadas à alimentação. Calculou-se razão de prevalência e ajuste por meio da regressão de Poisson, sendo estatisticamente significantes aquelas associações cujo p≤0,05. Encontrou-se prevalência de 68,4% de insegurança alimentar. Apresentaram associação com insegurança: escolaridade do chefe da família; renda per capita; participação no programa Bolsa Família; número de moradores; regime de ocupação do domicílio; classe social; práticas; e opiniões acerca da alimentação da família. O maior risco de insegurança foi encontrado naqueles com pior condição econômica, em beneficiários do Bolsa Família e naqueles que indicavam a falta de produtos ultraprocessados para melhorar a alimentação da família. Observou-se insegurança alimentar atrelada às condições de vulnerabilidade social e àqueles que não consideravam ter uma boa alimentação. Grande parte dos sujeitos referiram utilizar os recursos do Bolsa Família para aquisição de alimentos, o que reforça a importância dessa estratégia na promoção do acesso à alimentação.This study aimed to investigate factors associated with food insecurity in households in the state of Pernambuco, in the Northeast region of Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study carried out in 1,008 private households. The investigation used the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) and analyzed associations with socioeconomic and demographic variables, as well as practices related to eating. Prevalence ratio and adjustment were calculated using Poisson regression, and associations where p ≤ 0.05 were statistically significant. Food insecurity prevalence was 68.4%. Variables associated with insecurity were: education of the head of the family; per capita income; participation in the Bolsa Família Program; number of residents; occupation of the household; social class; practices and opinions about family eating habits. The greatest insecurity risk was found in those with the worst economic conditions, in beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program and in those who considered the lack of ultra-processed products to improve the family’s diet. Food insecurity was linked to conditions of social vulnerability and to those who did not perceive that they had a good diet. Most of the subjects reported using resources of the Bolsa Família program to purchase food, which reinforces the importance of this strategy in promoting access to food

    Situação de insegurança alimentar em domicílios de Pernambuco, Região Nordeste do Brasil: contribuições para discussão da violação do direito à alimentação

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    This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with food insecurity in households in the state of Pernambuco, in the Northeast region of Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study carried out in 1,008 private households. The investigation used the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) and analyzed associations with socioeconomic and demographic variables and practices related to eating. Prevalence ratio and adjustment were calculated using Poisson regression, and associations whose p≤0.05 were statistically significant. Food insecurity prevalence was 68.4%. Variables associated with insecurity were: education of the head of the family; per capita income; participation in the Bolsa Família Program; number of residents; occupation of the household; social class; practices and opinions about family eating habits. The greatest insecurity risk was found in those with the worst economic conditions, in beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program and in those who considered the lack of ultra-processed products to improve the family’s diet. Food insecurity was linked to conditions of social vulnerability and to those who did not perceive that they had a good diet. Most of the subjects reported using resources of the Bolsa Família program to purchase food, which reinforces the importance of this strategy in promoting access to food.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores associados à insegurança alimentar em domicílios do Estado de Pernambuco, localizado na região Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado em 1.008 domicílios particulares. Para a investigação, utilizou-se a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) e foram analisadas associações com variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e práticas relacionadas à alimentação. Calculou-se razão de prevalência e ajuste por meio da regressão de Poisson, sendo estatisticamente significantes aquelas associações cujo p≤0,05. Encontrou-se prevalência de 68,4% de insegurança alimentar. Apresentaram associação com insegurança: escolaridade do chefe da família; renda per capita; participação no programa Bolsa Família; número de moradores; regime de ocupação do domicílio; classe social; práticas; e opiniões acerca da alimentação da família. O maior risco de insegurança foi encontrado naqueles com pior condição econômica, em beneficiários do Bolsa Família e naqueles que indicavam a falta de produtos ultraprocessados para melhorar a alimentação da família. Observou-se insegurança alimentar atrelada às condições de vulnerabilidade social e àqueles que não consideravam ter uma boa alimentação. Grande parte dos sujeitos referiram utilizar os recursos do Bolsa Família para aquisição de alimentos, o que reforça a importância dessa estratégia na promoção do acesso à alimentação

    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Rationale, study design, and analysis plan of the Alveolar Recruitment for ARDS Trial (ART): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with high in-hospital mortality. Alveolar recruitment followed by ventilation at optimal titrated PEEP may reduce ventilator-induced lung injury and improve oxygenation in patients with ARDS, but the effects on mortality and other clinical outcomes remain unknown. This article reports the rationale, study design, and analysis plan of the Alveolar Recruitment for ARDS Trial (ART). Methods/Design: ART is a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized (concealed), controlled trial, which aims to determine if maximum stepwise alveolar recruitment associated with PEEP titration is able to increase 28-day survival in patients with ARDS compared to conventional treatment (ARDSNet strategy). We will enroll adult patients with ARDS of less than 72 h duration. The intervention group will receive an alveolar recruitment maneuver, with stepwise increases of PEEP achieving 45 cmH(2)O and peak pressure of 60 cmH2O, followed by ventilation with optimal PEEP titrated according to the static compliance of the respiratory system. In the control group, mechanical ventilation will follow a conventional protocol (ARDSNet). In both groups, we will use controlled volume mode with low tidal volumes (4 to 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight) and targeting plateau pressure <= 30 cmH2O. The primary outcome is 28-day survival, and the secondary outcomes are: length of ICU stay; length of hospital stay; pneumothorax requiring chest tube during first 7 days; barotrauma during first 7 days; mechanical ventilation-free days from days 1 to 28; ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month survival. ART is an event-guided trial planned to last until 520 events (deaths within 28 days) are observed. These events allow detection of a hazard ratio of 0.75, with 90% power and two-tailed type I error of 5%. All analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: If the ART strategy with maximum recruitment and PEEP titration improves 28-day survival, this will represent a notable advance to the care of ARDS patients. Conversely, if the ART strategy is similar or inferior to the current evidence-based strategy (ARDSNet), this should also change current practice as many institutions routinely employ recruitment maneuvers and set PEEP levels according to some titration method.Hospital do Coracao (HCor) as part of the Program 'Hospitais de Excelencia a Servico do SUS (PROADI-SUS)'Brazilian Ministry of Healt

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat