250 research outputs found

    The NRF2 transcription factor plays a dual role in colorectal cancer : A systematic review

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, and is influenced by the interplay of various factors, including a very strong genetic component. For instance, incorrect mitochondrial biogenesis is correlated with increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Thus, it is important to understand the consequences of changes in both the expression and the correct function of the transcription factors that regulate mitochondrial biogenesis, namely NRF2. Objectives: The main objective of this paper is to characterise the relationship between NRF2 and colorectal cancer by compiling data from an exhaustive literature search. Methods: Information was obtained by defining specific search terms and searching in several databases. After a strict selection procedure, data were tabulated and the relationships between articles were assessed by measuring heterogeneity and by constructing conceptual maps. Results and discussion: We found a general consensus in the literature that the presence of oxidizing agents as well as the inhibition of the NRF2 repressor Keap1 maintain NRF2 expression at basal levels. This predominantly exerts a cytoprotective effect on cells and decreases risk of colorectal cancer. However, if NRF2 is inhibited, protection against external agents disappears and risk of colorectal cancer increases. Interestingly, colorectal cancer risk is also increased when NRF2 becomes overexpressed. In this case, the increased risk arises from NRF2-induced inflammation and resistance to chemotherapy. Conclusion: The proper basal function of NRF2 and Keap1 are essential for preventing oncogenic processes in the colon. Consequently, any disruption to the expression of these genes can promote the genesis and progression of colon cancer

    Injuries in Traditional Wrestling: The Leonese Wrestling Case Study (2005-2015)

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la localización anatómica, el tipo y la gravedad de las lesiones ocurridas en las competiciones oficiales de las ligas de verano masculinas (2005-2015) de Lucha Leonesa. Al objeto de realizar un análisis más profundo, se tuvo en cuenta, el perfil del luchador. Se produjeron un total de 401 lesiones, siendo los luchadores de mayor nivel los que menos número de lesiones sufrieron. Las contusiones fueron las lesiones más frecuentes (41,4%) pero entre las graves fueron los esguinces (42,3%). Los miembros inferiores fueron la localización más frecuente en el total de lesiones (38,2%) y entre las graves (45,4%). La rodilla, el tórax y el hombro acumulaban casi la mitad de las lesiones y el 68% de las lesiones graves. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que las características de las lesiones que se pueden observar en la lucha leonesa son similares a las de otros deportes de combateThis study aimed at describing the anatomical location, type and severity of the sport injuries observed during the Leonese Wrestling “masculine summer leagues” official tournaments (2005-2015). The wrestler’s profile was taken into account as a way to achieve a deep analysis. A total of 401 injuries were registered. The best wrestlers were the ones that suffered the least number of injuries. Contusions were the type of injuries more frequently registered (41.4%), while sprains were the most common cause of severe injury (42.3%). The most frequent anatomical location affected and the one in which a great number of severe injuries occurred were the lower limbs (38.2% and 45.4%). The knee, thorax, and shoulder accounted for almost half of the total injuries and represented 68% of the severe injuries. The obtained results suggest that Leonese Wrestling show a similar injury pattern to the one observed in other combat sportsEste trabajo contó con financiación parcial de la Diputación de León, la Federación Territorial de Castilla y León de Lucha y CIBERESP (MTM2015-64465-C2-1-R; MINECO / FEDER

    Inhibitory mechanisms on dry anaerobic digestion: Ammonia, hydrogen and propionic acid relationship

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    Inhibitory pathways in dry anaerobic digestion are still understudied and current knowledge on wet processes cannot be easily transferred. This study forced instability in pilot-scale digesters by operating at short retention times (40 and 33 days) in order to understand inhibition pathways over long term operation (145 days). The first sign of inhibition at elevated total ammonia concentrations (8 g/l) was a headspace hydrogen level over the thermodynamic limit for propionic degradation, causing propionic accumulation. The combined inhibitory effect of propionic and ammonia accumulation resulted in further increased hydrogen partial pressures and n-butyric accumulation. The relative abundance of Methanosarcina increased while that of Methanoculleus decreased as digestion deteriorated. It was hypothesized that high ammonia, total solids and organic loading rate inhibited syntrophic acetate oxidisers, increasing their doubling time and resulting in its wash out, which in turn inhibited hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis and shifted the predominant methanogenic pathway towards acetoclastic methanogenesis at free ammonia over 1.5 g/l. C/N increases to 25 and 29 reduced inhibitors accumulation but did not avoid inhibition or the washout of syntrophic acetate oxidising bacteria

    Mental health, family roles and employment status inside and outside the household in Spain

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    To document the prevalence of poor mental health by gender and social class, and to analyze if poor mental health is associated with the family roles or the employment status inside and outside the household. A cross-sectional study based on a representative sample of the Spanish population was carried out (n = 14,247). Mental health was evaluated using GHQ-12. Employment status, marital status, family roles (main breadwinner and the person who mainly carries out the household work) and educational level were considered as explanatory variables. Multiple logistic regression models stratified by gender and social class were fitted and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were obtained. Gender and social class differences in the prevalence of poor mental health were observed. Unemployment was associated with higher prevalence. Among men the main breadwinner role was related to poor mental health mainly in those that belong to manual classes (aOR = 1.2). Among women, mainly among nonmanual classes, these problems were associated to marital status: widowed, separated or divorced (aOR = 1.9) and to dealing with the household work by themselves (aOR = 1.9). In Spain, gender and social class differences in mental health still exist. In addition, family roles and working situation, both inside and outside the household, could constitute a source of inequalities in mental health

    Validation and psychometric analysis of the Internet Addiction Test in Spanish among college students

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    BACKGROUND: The wide use of the Internet in the workplace, academic or social field, can have an impact on daily life. One of the most used questionnaires worldwide to analyse these problems is the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Our aim was to validate a Spanish version of the IAT and analyse its psychometric properties. METHODS: Population of study were college students participating in the uniHcos project (Universities of Granada, Huelva, Jaén, León, Salamanca, and Vigo). The questionnaire was translated and back-translated by two native English speakers. Reliability of scores was analysed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and agreement was analysed using the Bland-Altman and Kappa techniques. Test dimensions were analysed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. RESULTS: The reliability of scores was good (r = 0.899, Kappa = 0.650 and mean difference using Bland-Altman = -3.5). The psychometric assessment identified two factors (Emotional Investment; Performance and Time Management) which explained 55 % of the variance (total internal consistency of 0.91) and only 19 items. The confirmatory analysis showed an acceptable goodness of fit, especially when items 6 and 8 were related (RMSEA = 0.07 90%IC = 0.06 - 0.08; WRMR = 1.01, CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95). The two dimensions were negatively correlated with age and positively correlated with time spent online, especially for the purposes of leisure and entertainment. DISCUSSION: The results show good reliability and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of IAT with a two-dimensional solution. This result is partially in concordance with previous validations of the IAT in other languages that have found uni- and multi-dimensional solutions using different methodologies. Moreover, we want to highlight the possibility that some item of this questionnaire is outdated due to the technological and lifestyles changes and should be not taken into account. CONCLUSION: The reliability and psychometric properties obtained in this study support the conclusion that this Spanish short version of the IAT represents a useful tool for the analysis of problems arising from misuse of the Internet

    Screening of cannabis-related problems among youth: the CPQ-A-S and CAST questionnaires

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cannabis use among young people is a significant problem, making particularly necessary validated screening instruments that permit secondary prevention. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the psychometric properties of the CAST and CPQ-A-S questionnaires, two screening instruments specifically addressing the youth population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information was obtained on sociodemographics, frequency of substance use, psychopathological symptoms and cannabis-use problems, and the CPQ-A-S and CAST were applied, as well as an infrequency scale for discarding responses made randomly. The sample was made up of 144 young people aged 16 to 20 that had used cannabis in the last month, of which 71.5% were boys. Mean age of the sample was 17.38 years (SD = 1.16).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that from the psychometric point of view both the CAST and the CPQ-A-S are good screening instruments.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The CAST is shorter and presents slightly better internal consistency than the CPQ-A-S. Both instruments show high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of young people dependent on cannabis according to the DSM IV-TR criteria. The CPQ-A-S appears to show greater capacity for detecting psychopathological distress associated with use. Both questionnaires yield significant odds ratios as predictors of frequent cannabis use and of the DSM IV-TR abuse and dependence criteria. In general, the CPQ-A-S emerges as a better predictor than the CAST.</p

    The QUIJOTE experiment: project overview and first results

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    QUIJOTE (Q-U-I JOint TEnerife) is a new polarimeter aimed to characterize the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background and other Galactic and extragalactic signals at medium and large angular scales in the frequency range 10-40 GHz. The multi-frequency (10-20~GHz) instrument, mounted on the first QUIJOTE telescope, saw first light on November 2012 from the Teide Observatory (2400~m a.s.l). During 2014 the second telescope has been installed at this observatory. A second instrument at 30~GHz will be ready for commissioning at this telescope during summer 2015, and a third additional instrument at 40~GHz is now being developed. These instruments will have nominal sensitivities to detect the B-mode polarization due to the primordial gravitational-wave component if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is larger than r=0.05.Comment: To appear in "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII", Proceedings of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society, Teruel, Spain (2014