2,372 research outputs found

    Contribución a la caracterización químico-mineralógica de los esquistos del "Complejo de Ordes"

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    [Resumen] Se presentan los datos qUlmlcos y mineralógicos de 77 muestras de rocas esquistosas de la "Unidad Betanzos-Arzúa", perteneciente al "Complejo de Ordes" , con objeto de analizar la variabilidad existente y discutir las posibilidades de sectorización de los distintos tipos de rocas en función de parámetros de composición.[Abstract] This paper presents the chemical and mineralogical composi tion of 77 samples of schi ts belonging to the "Unit of Betanzos-Arzua" , included in the "Ordenes Complex" . Tqe data were used to make an analysis the variability in the composi tion of the rocks and a subdivision of the " Unidad " based on the rock characteristics was intented

    Early forest fire detection by vision-enabled wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks constitute a powerful technology particularly suitable for environmental monitoring. With regard to wildfires, they enable low-cost fine-grained surveillance of hazardous locations like wildland-urban interfaces. This paper presents work developed during the last 4 years targeting a vision-enabled wireless sensor network node for the reliable, early on-site detection of forest fires. The tasks carried out ranged from devising a robust vision algorithm for smoke detection to the design and physical implementation of a power-efficient smart imager tailored to the characteristics of such an algorithm. By integrating this smart imager with a commercial wireless platform, we endowed the resulting system with vision capabilities and radio communication. Numerous tests were arranged in different natural scenarios in order to progressively tune all the parameters involved in the autonomous operation of this prototype node. The last test carried out, involving the prescribed burning of a 95 x 20-m shrub plot, confirmed the high degree of reliability of our approach in terms of both successful early detection and a very low false-alarm rate. Journal compilationMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-11812, IPT-2011-1625-430000Office of Naval Research (USA) N000141110312Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial IPC-2011100

    Neoformación de minerales de la arcilla en la España Peninsular: tendencias termidinámicas basadas en la composición de las aguas de los ríos españoles

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    [Abstract] Stable or metastabie minerals are established for 381 sampling points from river water compositions for every spanish watershed aiong the years 1974-75, 1975-76, 1981-82, 1982-83 and 1983-84, as published by the spanish Department of Public Works. Phase diagrams for the systems SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, K2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, Na2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, for 298 K and 1 atm. conditions, are used in order to determine the mineraiogical stability, and therefore neoformation trends. Stable and metastable phases were taken into account to draw the diagrams (Fernandez Marcos and Macias, 1987). The prevailing trend in the Peninsula, according to this method, is towards kaolinite neoformation. Nevertheless differences are observed between watersheds. So kaolinite is the only stable mineral neoformed in the North watersheds while there exist severa! stable minerals (kaolinite, mica, (kaolinite, mica, chlorite, pyrophillite) or metastable ones (smectite) in the Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, South, Jucar, Segura and East Pyrenees watersheds, depending on sampling point and date. Geographic distribution of different minerals is satisfactorily explained by taking into account: rainfall distribution, sileceous or calcareous nature of ground, and upper, medium or lower position in the river course

    Alteración de las rocas gneisicas con riebeckita del área de Vigo

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    [Resumen] Se estudian los factores del medio físico, procesos de alteración y cambios químicos y mineralógicos producidos en la meteorización de un grupo de rocas gneisicas de composiciónquímica heterogénea en el área de Vigo. El proceso de alteración origina una saprolita masivade textura arenosa a areno-francosa, constituida por minerales heredados (cuarzo, feldespatos, plagioclasas, micas y anfíboles), micas degradadas y minerales neoformados (caolinita, gibbsita , goethita). El proceso de meteorización es una hidrólisis ácida con pérdida de bases y silicio y enriquecimiento relativo en aluminio. Los minerales de neoformación indican un predominio de la "monosialitización" cuando el sistema presenta drenaje ralentizado y de la "alitización")en fases incipientes de la alteración}cuando el sistema no tiene materia orgánica y el drenaje es excesivo[Abstract] It has been studied the physical environmental factors, alteration processes, and chemical and mineralogical changes produced during the gneisic rocks group from Vigo area ~eathering. ln these rocks great heterogenity in the chemical composition has been found. The weathering prevailing process in the area give rise to the formation of a saprolite with sandy to sandy-loamy textures,increasing permeability and it is composed of inherited minerals :quarz, feldspars and/or plagioclases,micas, amphiboles; neoformed materials, gibbsite,caolinite,goethite and degraded micas)the last two occasionally. The weathering process is an acid hydrolysis with desbasification and Al relative enrichment tendencies. With slow drainage systems the neoformed minerals indicate a monosiallitization predominance (formation of silicates 1:1); while 1ack i ng organ i c matter and in good dra i ned zones, the neoformed minerals indicate an incipient allititatio

    MSpin‐JCoupling. A modular program for prediction of scalar couplings and fast implementation of Karplus relationships

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:Navarro-Vázquez, A., Santamaría-Fernández, R., & Sardina, F. (2018). MSpin-JCoupling. A modular program for prediction of scalar couplings and fast implementation of Karplus relationships. Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry, 56(6), 505-512, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/mrc.4667. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsMSpin‐JCoupling is a modular program for the prediction of scalar couplings using a large variety of Karplus relationships. The program was specially designed for small molecule analysis and can be run in graphical or command‐line mode. The architecture of the program is highly modular, and new equations can be rapidly implemented, through a complete C++ programming interface, and deployed as run‐time loadable pluginsMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación. Grant Number: PET2008‐074 Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia. Grant Number: Consellería de Educación 2009/071 Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Grant Number: PET2008‐074 Xunta de Galicia for a Parga Pondal. Grant Number: Consellería de Educación 2009/071S

    Discrimination against diacylglycerol ethers in lipase-catalysed ethanolysis of shark liver oil

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Food Chemistry. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Food Chemistry, 136 (2013): 464–471. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.08.004Lipase-catalysed ethanolysis of squalene-free shark liver oil was investigated. The mentioned shark liver oil was comprised mainly of diacylglycerol ether and triacylglycerols. In order to test discrimination against diacylglycerol ether, up to 10 different lipases were compared. The ratio of oil to ethanol and lipase stability were also evaluated. Surprisingly, lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri was the fastest biocatalyst among all assayed, although poor discrimination against diacylglycerol ether was observed. The best results in terms of selectivity and stability were obtained with immobilised lipase from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435). Ethanolysis reaction after 24 h in the presence of Novozym 435 produced total disappearance of triacylglycerol and a final reaction mixture comprised mainly of diacylglycerol ethers (10.6%), monoacylglycerol ethers (32.9%) and fatty acid ethyl esters (46.0%). In addition, when an excess of ethanol was used, diacylglycerol ethers completely disappeared after 15 h, giving a final product mainly composed of monoacylglycerol ethers (36.6%) and fatty acid ethyl esters (46.4%).This work was supported by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (ALIBIRD, Project No. S2009/AGR-1469) and Consolider-Ingenio FUN-C-FOOD (CSD2007-00063)

    Transient Propagation and Scattering of Quasi-Rayleigh Waves in Plates: Quantitative comparison between Pulsed TV-Holography Measurements and FC(Gram) elastodynamic simulations

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    We study the scattering of transient, high-frequency, narrow-band quasi-Rayleigh elastic waves by through-thickness holes in aluminum plates, in the framework of ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) based on full-field optical detection. Sequences of the instantaneous two-dimensional (2-D) out-of-plane displacement scattering maps are measured with a self-developed PTVH system. The corresponding simulated sequences are obtained by means of an FC(Gram) elastodynamic solver introduced recently, which implements a full three-dimensional (3D) vector formulation of the direct linear-elasticity scattering problem. A detailed quantitative comparison between these experimental and numerical sequences, which is presented here for the first time, shows very good agreement both in the amplitude and the phase of the acoustic field in the forward, lateral and backscattering areas. It is thus suggested that the combination of the PTVH system and the FC(Gram) elastodynamic solver provides an effective ultrasonic inspection tool for plate-like structures, with a significant potential for ultrasonic NDT applications.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, corresponding author Jos\'e Carlos L\'opez-V\'azquez, [email protected]. Changes: 1st, 4th, 5th paragraphs (intro), 3rd, 4th paragraphs (sec. 4); [59-60] cited only in appendixes; old ref. [52] removed; misprints corrected in the uncertainty of c_L (subsec. 3.1), citation to fig. 10 (sec. 4), size of images (caption fig.15); reference to Lam\'e constants removed in subsec. 3.

    Numerical modeling and measurement by pulsed television holography of ultrasonic displacement maps in plates with through-thickness defects

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    We present a novel numerical modeling of ultrasonic Lamb and Rayleigh wave propagation and scattering by through-thickness defects like holes and slots in homogeneous plates, and its experimental verification in both near and far field by a self-developed pulsed TV holography system. In contrast to rigorous vectorial formulation of elasticity theory, our model is based on the 2-D scalar wave equation over the plate surface, with specific boundary conditions in the defects and plate edges. The experimental data include complex amplitude maps of the out-of-plane displacements of the plate surface, obtained by a two-step spatiotemporal Fourier transform method. We find a fair match between the numerical and experimental results, which allows for quantitative characterization of the defects

    On-site forest fire smoke detection by low-power autonomous vision sensor

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    Early detection plays a crucial role to prevent forest fires from spreading. Wireless vision sensor networks deployed throughout high-risk areas can perform fine-grained surveillance and thereby very early detection and precise location of forest fires. One of the fundamental requirements that need to be met at the network nodes is reliable low-power on-site image processing. It greatly simplifies the communication infrastructure of the network as only alarm signals instead of complete images are transmitted, anticipating thus a very competitive cost. As a first approximation to fulfill such a requirement, this paper reports the results achieved from field tests carried out in collaboration with the Andalusian Fire-Fighting Service (INFOCA). Two controlled burns of forest debris were realized (www.youtube.com/user/vmoteProject). Smoke was successfully detected on-site by the EyeRISTM v1.2, a general-purpose autonomous vision system, built by AnaFocus Ltd., in which a vision algorithm was programmed. No false alarm was triggered despite the significant motion other than smoke present in the scene. Finally, as a further step, we describe the preliminary laboratory results obtained from a prototype vision chip which implements, at very low energy cost, some image processing primitives oriented to environmental monitoring.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 2006-TIC-2352, TEC2009-1181

    Recubrimientos no cristalinos en rocas graníticas de Galicia: propiedades e hipótesis sobre su origen

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    [Resumen] La caracterización de nuevos recubrimientos de bajo grado de orden en macizos graníticos de Galicia y el estudio de algunas propiedades de éstos y de otros previamente descritos, confirma la hipótesis de la existencia de una serie continua de materiales cuya composición varía entre la de fosfatos de aluminio (variscita, evansita),aluminosilicatos poco ordenados (alofanos geológicos, haloisita) e hidróxidos de aluminio (gel de alúmina hidratado,gibbsita). Del análisis de sus características y de algunas de sus propiedades como superficie específica, reacción frente a los ani ones fluoruro y fosfato, solubilidad en diferentes extractantes, punto cero de carga,etc., se establecen y discuten diversas hipótesis sobre su origen. Se discuten además relaciones de equilibrio o en el sistema Si02-A1203-P20~,confrontándolas con los datos de aguas de escorrentla y solución del suelo.[Abstract] The characterization of low order coatings that appear on granitic rocks of Galicia and the study of some of their properties confirm the existence of a continuous series between Al-phosphates (variscite,evan site),aluminium silicates (allophane,halloysite) ano Al-hydroxides (criptogibbsite,gibbsite).Several hypothe sis about their origin are discussed on the basis OT properties like specific surface, reaction with fluoride and phosphate, pze, solubility in different extracttants, etc . Finally, the theoretical equilibrium relations in the system A1203-Si02-P205 are confronted with the composition of dralnage waters and soil solutio