430 research outputs found

    Simulation of quantum zero-point effects in water using a frequency-dependent thermostat

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    Molecules like water have vibrational modes with a zero-point energy well above room temperature. As a consequence, classical molecular dynamics simulations of their liquids largely underestimate the energy of modes with a higher zero-point temperature, which translates into an underestimation of covalent interatomic distances due to anharmonic effects. Zero-point effects can be recovered using path integral molecular dynamics simulations, but these are computationally expensive, making their combination with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations a challenge. As an alternative to path integral methods, from a computationally simple perspective, one would envision the design of a thermostat capable of equilibrating and maintaining the different vibrational modes at their corresponding zero-point temperatures. Recently, Ceriotti et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 020601 (2009)) introduced a framework to use a custom-tailored Langevin equation with correlated noise that can be used to include quantum fluctuations in classical molecular dynamics simulations. Here we show that it is possible to use the generalized Langevin equation with suppressed noise in combination with Nose-Hoover thermostats to efficiently impose a zero-point temperature on independent modes in liquid water. Using our simple and inexpensive method, we achieve excellent agreement for all atomic pair correlation functions compared to the path integral molecular dynamics simulation.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figs, Published versio

    On electrons and hydrogen-bond connectivity in liquid water

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    The network connectivity in liquid water is revised in terms of electronic signatures of hydrogen bonds (HBs) instead of geometric criteria, in view of recent X-ray absorption studies. The analysis is based on ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations at ambient conditions. Even if instantaneous thread-like structures are observed in the electronic network, they continuously reshape in oscillations reminiscent of the r and t modes in ice (tau~170 fs). However, two water molecules initially joint by a HB remain effectively bound over many periods regardless of its electronic signature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Network equilibration and first-principles liquid water

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    Motivated by the very low diffusivity recently found in ab initio simulations of liquid water, we have studied its dependence with temperature, system size, and duration of the simulations. We use ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD), following the Born-Oppenheimer forces obtained from density-functional theory (DFT). The linear-scaling capability of our method allows the consideration of larger system sizes (up to 128 molecules in this study), even if the main emphasis of this work is in the time scale. We obtain diffusivities that are substantially lower than the experimental values, in agreement with recent findings using similar methods. A fairly good agreement with D(T) experiments is obtained if the simulation temperature is scaled down by approximately 20%. It is still an open question whether the deviation is due to the limited accuracy of present density functionals or to quantum fluctuations, but neither technical approximations (basis set, localization for linear scaling) nor the system size (down to 32 molecules) deteriorate the DFT description in an appreciable way. We find that the need for long equilibration times is consequence of the slow process of rearranging the H-bond network (at least 20 ps at AIMDs room temperature). The diffusivity is observed to be very directly linked to network imperfection. This link does not appear an artifact of the simulations, but a genuine property of liquid water

    Density, structure and dynamics of water: the effect of Van der Waals interactions

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    It is known that ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of liquid water, based on the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) to density functional theory (DFT), yield structural and diffusive properties in reasonable agreement with experiment only if artificially high temperatures are used in the simulations. The equilibrium density, at normal conditions, of DFT water has been recently shown by Schmidt et al. [J. Phys. chem. B, 113, 11959 (2009)] to be underestimated by different GGA functionals for exchange and correlation, and corrected by the addition of interatomic pair potentials to describe van derWaals (vdW) interactions. In this contribution we present a DFTAIMD study of liquid water using several GGA functionals as well as the van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) of Dion et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401(2004)]. As expected, we find that the density of water is grossly underestimated by GGA functionals. When a vdW-DF is used, the density improves drastically and the experimental diffusivity is reproduced without the need of thermal corrections. We analyze the origin of the density differences between all the functionals. We show that the vdW-DF increases the population of non-H-bonded interstitial sites, at distances between the first and second coordination shells. However, it excessively weakens the H-bond network, collapsing the second coordination shell. This structural problem is partially associated to the choice of GGA exchange in the vdW-DF. We show that a different choice for the exchange functional is enough to achieve an overall improvement both in structure and diffusivity.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted. Revised versio

    Insights into the structure of liquid water from nuclear quantum effects on density and compressibility of ice polymorphs

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    Nuclear quantum effects lead to an anomalous shift of the volume of hexagonal ice; heavy ice has a larger volume than light ice. This anomaly in ice increases with temperature and persists in liquid water up to the boiling point. We study nuclear quantum effects on the density and compressibility of several ice-like structures and crystalline ice phases. By calculating the anisotropic contributions to the stain tensor, we analyze how the compressibility changes along different directions in hexagonal ice, and find that hexagonal ice is softer along the x-y plane than the z-direction. Furthermore, by performing ab initio density functional theory calculations with a van der Waals functional and with the quasiharmonic approximation, we find an anomalous isotope effect in the bulk modulus of hexagonal ice: heavy ice has a smaller bulk modulus than light ice. In agreement with the experiments, we also obtain an anomalous isotope effect for clathrate hydrate structure I. For the rest of the ice polymorphs, the isotope effect is: i) anomalous for ice IX, Ih, Ic, clathrate, and low density liquid-like amorphous ice; ii) normal at T=0 K and becomes anomalous with increasing temperature for ice IX, II, high density liquid-like amorphous ices, and ice XV; iii) normal for ice VIII up to the melting point. There is a transition from an anomalous isotope effect to a normal isotope effect for both the volume and bulk modulus, as the density (compressibility) of the structures increases (decreases). This result can explain the anomalous isotope effect in liquid water: as the compressibility decreases from melting point to the compressibility minimum temperature, the difference between the volumes of the heavy and light water rapidly decreases, but the effect stays anomalous up to the boiling temperature as the hydrogen bond network is never completely broken by fully filling all the interstitial sites.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Optimal finite-range atomic basis sets for liquid water and ice.

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    Finite-range numerical atomic orbitals are the basis functions of choice for several first principles methods, due to their flexibility and scalability. Generating and testing such basis sets, however, remains a significant challenge for the end user. We discuss these issues and present a new scheme for generating improved polarization orbitals of finite range. We then develop a series of high-accuracy basis sets for the water molecule, and report on their performance in describing the monomer and dimer, two phases of ice, and liquid water at ambient and high density. The tests are performed by comparison with plane-wave calculations, and show the atomic orbital basis sets to exhibit an excellent level of transferability and consistency. The highest-order bases (quadruple-ζ) are shown to give accuracies comparable to a plane-wave kinetic energy cutoff of at least ~1000 eV for quantities such as energy differences and ionic forces, as well as achieving significantly greater accuracies for total energies and absolute pressures

    Room temperature compressibility and diffusivity of liquid water from first principles.

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    The isothermal compressibility of water is essential to understand its anomalous properties. We compute it by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of 200 molecules at five densities, using two different van der Waals density functionals. While both functionals predict compressibilities within ~30% of experiment, only one of them accurately reproduces, within the uncertainty of the simulation, the density dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient in the anomalous region. The discrepancies between the two functionals are explained in terms of the low- and high-density structures of the liquid
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