2,860 research outputs found

    Análisis doctrinal y jurisprudencial del daño en la responsabilidad civil médica

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    La tesis realiza un análisis de la responsabilidad civil médica en el momento actual, tanto a nivel doctrinal como jurisprudencial. El capítulo primero estudia los requisitos necesarios para declarar la responsabilidad civil en el ámbito sanitario (acto médico, consentimiento informado, culpa y relación de causalidad), terminando con la exposición de los casos de responsabilidad objetiva hospitalaria y las especialidades procesales de la materia. El capítulo segunda se centra en el daño. Comienza con su concepto y clases, haciendo especial hincapié en los supuestos de wrongful birth y wrongful life. Los siguientes epígrafes desgranan pormenorizadamente los criterios utilizados para determinar la cuantía de las indemnizaciones concedidas en los Tribunales: circunstancias indemnizables, baremo de tráfico, aseguramientos, etc. El capítulo tercero realiza una estadística jurisprudencial de las Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo sobre la materia entre los años 2.010 y 2.015. De cada resolución se toman diversos datos (edad del lesionado, Sala, Ponente, cantidad solicitada, motivo de la condena, etc.) y se plasman en gráficas porcentuales. Ello permite realizar una radiografía completa de las líneas jurisprudenciales sobre la materia a día de hoy

    LGBTIQ+, conspiracy theories and narratives of support and hate online: from streets to screens

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    This paper was presented at the International Conference "Genders, Sexualities and Diversities" (Universidad de Huelva, April 19, 2023). In this communication, we explore, through different case studies, how sometimes LGBTIQ+ people are supported in the contexts of various events, demonstrations, or mobilizations in the streets (as is the case of International LGBT+ Pride Day or Women's International Day). Other times LGBTIQ+ people are recipients of online hate speech or different conspiracy theories in other scenarios, for example, in films, series, videogames, etc. It is possible to find online narratives about LGBTIQ+ people in different social networks that go from the more positive pole (support, solidarity, or even outrage when LGTBI people are rejected or recipients of hate crime) to the more negative one (disseminating hate, fake news or conspiracy theories). These narratives take place in different contexts: from street to screens. The paper is part of the I+D+i Project titled "Conspiracy Theories and Hate Speech Online: Comparison of Patterns in Narratives and social networks about COVID-19, immigrants, refugees, and LGBTI people [NON-CONSPIRA-HATE!]", PID2021-123983OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by "ERDF A way of making Europe." (https://eseis.es/investigacion/discursos-de-odio/discursos-odio-tc). It has also been made possible thanks to the MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future" in Spain, which funds a Predoctoral Grant for University Teacher Training (FPU20/02848). We also thank for the support of our research group: "Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social" (GrupoESEIS), and the research center "Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social" (COIDESO), both of the University of Huelva.Este trabajo fue presentado en el Congreso Internacional "Genders, Sexualities and Diversities" (Universidad de Huelva, 19 de abril de 2023). En esta comunicación exploramos, a través de diferentes estudios de caso, cómo en ocasiones se apoya a las personas LGTBIQ+ en el contexto de diversos eventos, manifestaciones o movilizaciones en las calles (como es el caso del Día Internacional del Orgullo LGTBQI+ o el Día Internacional de la Mujer). Otras veces las personas LGTBIQ+ son receptoras de discursos de odio online o se encuentran diferentes teorías de la conspiración sobre las mismas en otros escenarios, por ejemplo, en películas, series, videojuegos, etc. Igualmente, es posible encontrar narrativas en línea sobre personas LGTBIQ+ en diferentes redes sociales que van desde las más positivas (apoyo, solidaridad, o incluso indignación cuando las personas LGTBIQ+ son objeto de rechazo o de delitos de odio) a las más negativas (difusión de odio, fake news, desinformación o teorías de la conspiración). Estas narrativas tienen lugar en diferentes contextos: de la calle a las pantallas. Esta comunicación forma parte del Proyecto de I+D+i titulado "Teorías de la conspiración y discurso del odio en línea: Comparación de patrones en narrativas y redes sociales sobre el COVID-19, inmigrantes, refugiados y personas LGBTI [NON-CONSPIRA-HATE!]" , PID2021-123983OB-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por "FEDER Una forma de hacer Europa". (https://eseis.es/investigacion/discursos-de-odio/discursos-odio-tc). También ha sido posible gracias a la MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y por "ESF Invierte en tu futuro" en España, que financia una Beca Predoctoral para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU20/02848). También agradecemos el apoyo de nuestro grupo de investigación: "Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social" (GrupoESEIS), y del centro de investigación "Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social" (COIDESO), ambos de la Universidad de Huelva.Proyecto PID2021-123983OB-I00 y ayuda FPU20/02848 financiados por MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033, por “FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa” y por “FSE Invierte en tu futuro”

    A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem

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    This paper focuses on the capacitated minimum spanning tree(CMST)problem.Given a central processor and a set of remote terminals with specified demands for traffic that must flow between the central processor and terminals,the goal is to design a minimum cost network to carry this demand. Potential links exist between any pair of terminals and between the central processor and the terminals. Each potential link can be included in the design at a given cost.The CMST problem is to design a minimum-cost network connecting the terminals with the central processor so that the flow on any arc of the network is at most Q. A biased random-keygenetic algorithm(BRKGA)is a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization which evolves a population of random vectors that encode solutions to the combinatorial optimization problem.This paper explores several solution encodings as well as different strategies for some steps of the algorithm and finally proposes a BRKGA heuristic for the CMST problem. Computational experiments are presented showing the effectivenes sof the approach:Seven newbest- known solutions are presented for the set of benchmark instances used in the experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Narratives of solidarity, outrage and hatred towards LGTBQI+ people in the digital society

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    This paper was presented at the 4th International Conference ILIS – International Lab for Innovative Social Research, June 8-9, 2023 [https://www.labilis.org/2023/04/22/4th-international-conference-ilis/]. In this communication, we explore different [viral, highly spread] case studies where LGBTIQ+ people receive support or rejection in social media. We aim to identify the main discourses, networks, and communities, pro- and against LGBTIQ+ people, and look for patterns in communication when support or hate is produced. The paper is part of the I+D+i Project titled "Conspiracy Theories and Hate Speech Online: Comparison of Patterns in Narratives and social networks about COVID-19, immigrants, refugees, and LGBTI people [NON-CONSPIRA-HATE!]", PID2021-123983OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by "ERDF A way of making Europe." (https://eseis.es/investigacion/discursos-de-odio/discursos-odio-tc). It has also been made possible thanks to the MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future" in Spain, which funds a Predoctoral Grant for University Teacher Training (FPU20/02848). We also thank the Ministry of Universities, which is financing a Margarita Salas Grant to train young PhDs funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU. We are also grateful for the support of our research group: "Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social" (GrupoESEIS), and the research center "Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social" (COIDESO), both of the University of Huelva.Esta comunicación fue presentada en la 4ª Conferencia Internacional de ILIS – International Lab for Innovative Social Research, 8 y 9 de junio de 2023 [https://www.labilis.org/2023/04/22/4th-international-conference-ilis/]. En la misma exploramos diferentes estudios de caso [virales, muy difundidos] donde las personas LGBTIQ+ reciben apoyo o rechazo en las redes sociales. Nuestro objetivo es identificar los principales discursos, redes y comunidades, a favor y en contra de las personas LGBTIQ+, y buscar patrones en la comunicación cuando se produce apoyo u odio. La comunicación forma parte del Proyecto I+D+i titulado "Teorías de la conspiración y discurso del odio en la red: comparación de patrones en narrativas y redes sociales sobre el COVID-19, inmigrantes, refugiados y personas LGBTI [NO-CONSPIRA-HATE!]", PID2021-123983OB-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por "FEDER Una forma de hacer Europa". (https://eseis.es/investigacion/discursos-de-odio/discursos-odio-tc). También ha sido posible gracias a la MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y por "ESF Invierte en tu futuro" en España, que financia una Beca Predoctoral para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU20/02848). También agradecemos al Ministerio de Universidades, que está financiando una Beca Margarita Salas para formar jóvenes doctores financiada por la Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU. Agradecemos igualmente el apoyo de nuestro grupo de investigación: "Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social" (GrupoESEIS), y del centro de investigación "Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social" (COIDESO), ambos de la Universidad de Huelva.Proyecto PID2021-123983OB-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por "FEDER Una forma de hacer Europa". Ayuda MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y por "ESF Invierte en tu futuro" (FPU20/02848). Ayuda del Ministerio de Universidades a través de una Beca Margarita Salas para formar jóvenes doctores financiada por la Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU

    Quality control in agrifood and sanitary industry

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    Motivation: One of the main areas of Biotechnology are the quality control dedicated companies at different levels, such as the agrifood, cosmetic, public health and water analysis. Innoagral is one of this companies, which works according to UNE-EN-ISO 17025: 2005. The goal of the analysis carried out here is the continuous improvement of the product as well as the fulfillment of specifications to keep the quality parameters established for the different matrices.Methods: Samples provided by different companies are evaluated by physical-chemical and/or microbiological methods, which follows the protocols established by Norms UNE-EN-ISO. The main physical-chemical techniques developed are the measurement of pH, conductivity, biologycal oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), sugar content by refractometry, total protein extraction (Kjeldahl), saturated fats content and alkalinity by volumetry, total fat content extraction (Soxhlet), humidity and ash by gravimetry and quantity of cations and other compounds measurement by spectrophotometry, alwais under the UNE-EN-ISO norms. The microbiological techniques include the detection and counting of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Legionella spp and Salmonella spp, among other microorganisms. For this, the culture media, sterility sample preparation, enrichment , culture, biochemical confirmation and serological tests are always developed subject to the Norms UNE-EN-ISO.Results: After many analyses the main results obtained indicated that most of the samples of drinking water satisfy the established pH ranges (RD 140/2003) and conductivity ranges (UNE-EN 27888:1994). In the case of wastewater, it usually has a higher content in COD than in BOD. The analysis of soils reveals big differences in the heavy metals proportion depending on the origin and composition of the soil, in which the amount of organic matter directly affects phosphorus levels. At the microbiological level, food analyzed follows the Regulations (CE) 1169/2011 and 2073/2005 that dictate, respectively, the standards of food labeling (with the nutrients proportion obtained in the physico-chemical tests) and the microbiological criteria, mainly for Salmonella (UNE-EN-ISO 6579-1: 2017), L. monocytogenes (UNE-EN-ISO 11290: 2018) and E.coli (UN-EN-ISO 16649: 2015).For those samples that don't reach the minimum quality parameters, the companies must set up the necessary changes to comply with the established standards

    Agonist-dependent modulation of G-protein coupling and transduction of 5-HT1A receptors in rat dorsal raphe nucleus

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    5-HT1A receptors couple to different Go/Gi proteins in order to mediate a wide range of physiological actions. While activation of post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptors is mainly related to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity, functionality of autoreceptors located in raphe nuclei has been classically ascribed to modifications of the activity of potassium and calcium channels. In order to evaluate the possible existence of agonist-directed trafficking for 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus, we studied their activation by two agonists with a different profile of efficacy [(+)8-OH-DPAT and buspirone], addressing simultaneously the identification of the specific Galpha subtypes ([35S]GTPgammaS labelling and immunoprecipitation) involved and the subsequent changes in cAMP formation. A significant increase (32%, p<0.05) in (+)8-OH-DPAT-induced [35S]GTPgammaS labelling of immunoprecipitates was obtained with anti-Galphai3 antibodies but not with anti-Galphao, anti-Galphai1, anti-Galphai2, anti-Galphaz or anti-Galphas antibodies. In contrast, in the presence of buspirone, significant [35S]GTPgammaS labelling of immunoprecipitates was obtained with anti-Galphai3 (50%, p<0.01), anti-Galphao (32%, p<0.01) and anti-Galphai2 (29%, p<0.05) antibodies, without any labelling with anti-Galphai1, anti-Galphaz or anti-Galphas. The selective 5-HT1A antagonist WAY 100635 blocked the labelling induced by both agonists. Furthermore, (+)8-OH-DPAT failed to modify forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation, while buspirone induced a dose-dependent, WAY 100635-sensitive, inhibition of this response (Imax 30.8+/-4.9, pIC50 5.95+/-0.46). These results demonstrate the existence of an agonist-dependency pattern of G-protein coupling and transduction for 5-HT1A autoreceptors in native brain tissue. These data also open new perspectives for the understanding of the differential profiles of agonist efficacy in pre- vs. post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptor-associated responses

    Estudio piloto de diseño de un sitio web para el bienestar de cuidadores de niños con parálisis cerebral

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    The objective is to present a website designed to improve the quality of life of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy and show data concerning its usefulness. The website was developed in accordance with scientific literature about caregivers' burden. We organized the website around different sections (e.g. family communication, learning to relax) and social support forums. The interactive features of the site were designed to accommodate different caregivers' needs and enable them to choose different pathways according to their own individual needs. Participants were 10 caregivers who took part in a pilot study and completed a questionnaire to analyze the usefulness of the website after five months using it. Preliminary results suggested that the website was useful for participants. The most useful sections were the 'peer-to-peer' and the professional forums. This study shows the potential of an online intervention for parents of children with cerebral palsy.El objetivo del artículo es presentar un sitio web diseñado para mejorar la calidad de vida de cuidadores de niños con parálisis cerebral y mostrar los datos correspondientes a su utilidad. Este sitio fue desarrollado acorde con la literatura científica sobre el tema de carga de los cuidadores y se organizó en torno a diferentes secciones (comunicación familiar, aprender a relajarse, entre otros) y foros de apoyo social. Las características interactivas del sitio fueron diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades de los cuidadores, eligiendo diferentes caminos en función de las propias. En el estudio piloto participó una muestra de 10 cuidadores que completaron un cuestionario para analizar la utilidad del sitio web después de cinco meses de usarlo. Los resultados preliminares sugieren que este fue útil para los participantes y que las secciones de mayor utilidad fueron la denominada 'de par a par' y los foros profesionales. El presente trabajo muestra el potencial de una intervención en línea, para padres de niños con parálisis cerebral

    Analyzing gender disparities in STEAM: A Case Study from Bioinformatics Workshops in the University of Granada

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    La bioinformática es un área interdisciplinaria que ha despertado un gran interés tanto para el mundo académico como para las corporaciones en los últimos años. Esta área creciente combina conocimientos y habilidades de las áreas de biología y ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, artes y matemáticas (STEM). Una de las ventajas de la sinergia entre estas dos áreas de trabajo es que ofrece una oportunidad para cerrar la brecha de género de STEM tradicional. A pesar de esta oportunidad y la importancia y amplia aplicación del campo de la bioinformática, este tema aún no ha ganado suficiente visibilidad en los programas de posgrado para los títulos de bachillerato en la Universidad de Granada. Esto ha motivado la organización de un "Taller educativo sobre bioinformática" anual en la Universidad de Granada por el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. Los resultados del análisis de las dos primeras ediciones de este taller muestran un gran interés en el tema por la comunidad universitaria en todos los niveles (por ejemplo, estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado, docentes e investigadores) sin distinción significativa entre los géneros a nivel global. Al analizar el grupo de estudiantes, las mujeres mostraron un mayor interés en el tema. Sin embargo, este interés no se reflejó en los estratos universitarios superiores (docentes e investigadores), que representan un vistazo de la situación actual general española en el área.Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary area that has raised a high interest for both academia and corporations in recent years. This rising area combines knowledge and skills from Bio and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM) areas. One of the advantages of the synergy between these two work areas is that it offers an opportunity for closing the traditional STEM's gender gap. Despite this opportunity and the signi cance and wide application of bioinformatics eld, this topic has still not gained enough visibility in the graduate programs for the Bio Bachelor Degrees at the University of Granada. This has motivated the organization of an annual \Educational Workshop on Bioinformatics" at the University of Granada by the Department of Computer Science and Arti cial Intelligence. Results of the analysis of the rst two editions of this workshop show a great interest on the topic by the university community at all levels (e.g. undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers) without signi cant distinction among genders at global level. When analyzing student group, women did show a higher interest on the subject. However, this interest was not reflected in the higher university strata (teachers and researchers), which represents a glimpse of the spanish general current situation on the area.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadore

    Analysis of injection-locked pulsed waveform oscillators

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    The injection-locked behaviour of a high efficiency pulsed waveform oscillator is analyzed in detail. The design is based on a closed-loop configuration, loaded with a short nonlinear transmission line (NLTL). A new technique is provided to predict the effect of the circuit elements on the synchronization bandwidth, which enables an overall optimization of the oscillator design, considering efficiency, pulse width and locking interval. The phase-noise minimum in free-running conditions, obtained for particular values of the design parameters, is investigated through the use of phase sensitivity functions. The impact of this minimum on the noise spectrum in injection-locked conditions is also studied. The techniques have been applied to a pulsed-waveform oscillator at 0.9 GHz