177 research outputs found

    Evaluation of European Deposit Insurance Scheme Funding based on risk analysis

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    We carry out a quantitative analysis of the financing measures proposed for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) regarding the target level of the fund and the contribution scheme of member entities. We estimate the loss distribution of the EDIS considering different sources of systemic risk associated with the correlations between bank assets and we analyse the sensitivity of the results to bank portfolio risk. Our findings show how the interconnection between banks of different countries has an important influence on accumulated losses in the tail of the distribution. Likewise deterioration in the quality of bank portfolios produces a significant reduction in the fund’s loss-absorbing capacity, which calls into question its soundness in times of economic recession. Finally, the contribution scheme provides more equitable risk measures and may be an appropriate incentive to reduce moral hazard in the Banking Union

    Stable isotopes applied to the study of the concrete/bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test

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    Stable isotope analysis was carried out on a set of samples from the concrete-bentonite interface from the FEBEX real-scale in-situ experiment. The concrete and bentonite that simulated the engineering barriers system of a deep geological repository have interacted for 13 years in saturated conditions up to dismantling. The monitoring of the experiment during the years of operation has made possible to know not only the baseline status but also the evolution of the system and the mass transfer processes. Thus, the FEBEX experiment has been a unique opportunity to study concrete degradation within a broader multi-proxy approach under real-scale repository conditions. Analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates in groundwater, concrete and clay have provided evidence of how dissolution and mass transfer processes occur in the Engineered Barrier System (EBS). Spatial distribution of δ13C values points to the existence of a dominant process of diffusion of carbon species from bentonite towards the concrete/bentonite interface. Variations in δ18O values suggest a non-homogeneous geochemical and hydraulic behavior of the EBS in the vicinity of both, the granite-concrete interface and the concrete-bentonite interface. These differences might be related to different degrees of exposure of each sample to bentonite porewater, groundwater and concrete/bentonite leachates. This seem to be in agreement with the existence of different chemical environments depending on the location of the samples in the experiment.The work was financially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 grant agreement n° 662147 (www.cebama.eu) and the Annex XLII of the ENRESA-CIEMAT framework agreement. The FEBEX project was financed by ENRESA and the EC Contracts FI4W-CT95-006 and FIKWCT-2000-00016. The FEBEX-DP Consortium (NAGRA, SKB, POSIVA, CIEMAT, KAERI) financed the dismantling operation and onsite determinations in 2015

    Nanostructured Sensors for Determination of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-Dimethylurea Based in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) Deposited in Screen Printed Carbon Nanotubes

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    A sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) was developed for determination of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1- dimethylurea (diuron). The MIP were synthesized by free radical polymerization in wich diuron acted as template, methacrylic acid (MAA) acted as functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) acted as crosslinker. For construction of the sensor, glassy carbon electrode was modified with Nafion® and MIP/NIP (non imprinted polymer) to see the contribution of MIP, as a film, in the diuron recognition. Differential Pulse Voltammetry was used to the quantification of diuron in a range of response 0.4 - 1.2 V in a PBS (pH=8). All parameters affecting the sensor were optimized. The sensor showed a linear response from 1.00x10-5 to 9.616x10-5 M in PBS 0.1 M (pH=8). The limit of detection was 0.58x10-5 mol L-1. The nanostructured sensor was prepared using carbon nanotubes and showed a 4 times greater response than the glassy carbon, showing promising results

    Influence of La3+ on the microestructure of bismuth titanate solid solutions

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    [ES] En este trabajo se reporta la síntesis de la serie de soluciones sólidas de titanato de bismuto, Bi4Ti3O12 con La3+ por coprecipitación de los respectivos hidróxidos. Las soluciones sólidas se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos-X y medidas de densidad. Por técnicas de SEM se determinó la influencia del La3+ en la microestructura del titanato de bismuto puro. En este estudio se prepararon diversas composiciones de la solución sólida a y se sinterizaron a 850ºC. Los resultados se presentan en función de la concentración del dopante.[EN] In this work a solid solution of bismuth titanate Bi4Ti3O12 with La3+ is synthesised by coprecipitation of their hydroxides. The solid solutions were characterised by X-ray powder diffraction and density measurements. By SEM the influence of La3+ in bismuth titanate was analised. In this study several compositions of the solid solution were prepared and sintered at 850ºC. The results are presented as a function of the dopant concentration.Los autores agradecen el apoyo de los proyectos PAPIIT, DGAPA, UNAM No. IN102700 y CONACYT No. 33361-U.Peer reviewe

    Vibrational characterictics of asymmetric metal-ceramic piezocomposites

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    [ES] Se han estudiado las características mecánico-vibracionales de piezocomposites metal-cerámica asimétricos. Kovar-PZT. Para esta caracterización se utilizó la técnica de vibrometría láser mediante la cual se obtienen perfiles de amplitud a diferentes frecuencias para el piezocomposite. Se muestran los modos diferenciados de vibración en el intervalo de 2 Hz a 20 kHz y se discuten los resultados en la perspectiva de optimizar el diseño de los dispositivos.[EN] The mechanical and vibrational characteristics of asymmetric metal-ceramic piezocomposites, Kovar-PZT, have heen studied. For this characterization a laser vibrometry technique was used to obtain amplitude profiles of vibration at different frequencies for the piezocomposite. The vibration spectra showed modes in the range 2 Hz to 20 kHz. The results were discussed in the framework of design optimization.Los autores agradecen el apoyo financiero para la realización de esta investigación a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México, Comisión Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de España y Programa para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo a través de los proyectos PAPIIT-IN106998, CONACYT-27624U, CICYT MAT97-694-C02-01 y CYTED Red VIII.F.Peer reviewe

    Femtosecond laser microstructuring of zirconia dental implants

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    This study evaluated the suitability of femtosecond laser for microtexturizing cylindrical zirconia dental implants surface. Sixty-six cylindrical zirconia implants were used and divided into three groups: Control group (with no laser modification), Group A (microgropored texture), and Group B (microgrooved texture). Scanning electron microscopy observation of microgeometries revealed minimal collateral damage of the original surface surrounding the treated areas. Optical interferometric profilometry showed that ultrafast laser ablation increased surface roughness (Ra, Rq, Rz, and Rt) significantly for both textured patterns from 1.2× to 6×-fold when compared with the control group (p Group B 8.4% ± 0.42% > Group A 1.6% ± 0.35%) and aluminum (Control 4.3% ± 0.9% > Group B 2.3% ± 0.3% > Group A 1.16% ± 0.2%) in the laser-treated surfaces (p Group A 1.94% > Group B 1.72%) as the surfaces were processed with ultrashort laser pulses. We concluded that femtosecond laser microstructuring offers an interesting alternative to conventional surface treatments of zirconia implants as a result of its precision and minimal damage of the surrounding areas

    Frequency of antibodies against Neospora caninum y Toxoplasma gondii in dogs with clinical signs of neuromuscular disease

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    Toxoplasma gondii y Neospora caninum son causantes de enfermedades neuromusculares en canes. El objetivo de este estudio de Caso-Control fue encontrar la asociación entre la presencia de anticuerpos contra N. caninum y T. gondii en canes con signos clínicos neuromusculares. Se colectó muestras de sangre a 96 y 120 canes con y sin signos clínicos de afección neuromuscular, respectivamente. Los sueros se analizaron con la prueba de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta (IFI) para la detección de anticuerpos (IgG), donde los sueros con fluorescencia completa del taquizoíto en la dilución 1:50 fueron considerados positivos. La frecuencia para T. gondii fue de 24.0 ± 8.5% (23/96) y de 3.3 ± 3.1 (4/120) para canes con y sin afecciones neuromusculares, respectivamente, y para N. caninum fue de 5.2 ± 4.4 (5/96) y de 1.7 ± 2.5 (2/120) para canes con y sin afecciones neuromusculares, respectivamente. Se observó asociación significativa entre la afección neuromuscular y la presencia de anticuerpos anti-T. gondii, mas no así con anticuerpos anti-N. caninum.Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum can cause neuromuscular disorders in dogs. The aim of the Case-Control study was to determine the association between antibodies anti N. caninum and anti-T. gondii in dogs with neuromuscular disorders. Blood samples were collected in 96 and 120 dogs with and without clinical signs of neuromuscular disorders respectively. Serum samples were analyzed by the indirect immunofluorescence test (IFI) for the detection of IgG antibodies, considering positive the sera showing complete fluorescence of the tachyzoite in the dilution 1:50. The frequency for T. gondii was 24.0 ± 8.5% (23/96) and 3.3 ± 3.1 (4/120) for dogs with and without signs of neuromuscular disorders, and for N. caninum was 5.2 ± 4.4 (5/96) and 1.7 ± 2.5 (2/120) for dogs with and without signs of neuromuscular disorders, respectively. There was a significant association between neuromuscular disorders and the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies but not in the case of the presence of anti-N. caninum antibodies

    Evaluation of the corrosion protection of steel by anodic processing in metasilicate solution using the scanning vibrating electrode technique

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    Anodic processing in metasilicate solution was investigated for the improvement of the corrosion resistance of various steels, namely F111 low alloy carbon and 304 stainless steels, as well as on galvanized steel cut edges. The efficiency of the prior electrochemical treatment for each material was tested during their exposure to naturally-aerated aqueous chloride solutions of different aggressiveness. Analysis was performed using the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) in order to detect local ionic current distributions over the samples under study associated to the corrosion reactions. The onset of corrosion processes were greatly inhibited after anodic processing with metasilicate on both the low alloy carbon steel and the galvanized steel cut edge. Conversely, SVET analysis of unbiased 304 steel samples tested in 0.1 M chloride-containing solution did not show differences between pristine and metasilicate-treated surfaces. Differences in the electrochemical reactivity between treated and non-treated 304 steel surfaces were only observed after partial removal of the corresponding passive layers under operator-controlled polarization