400 research outputs found

    La psico-terapia conductual en el ámbito infantil y juvenil

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    Desde los inicios de la terapia de conducta –TC- ha sido patente el interés por el abordaje de problemas y trastornos psicológicos de niños y adolescentes. El propio nacimiento de la TC se vincula a los trabajos pioneros de Mary Cover Jones, o Mowrer y Mowrer. En las décadas posteriores los problemas de niños y adolescentes siguieron atrayendo la atención de terapeutas conductuales. O’Donohue (1998) identificó como la primera generación de la TC, pusieron las bases de un número considerable de técnicas terapéuticas conductuales. Esas técnicas se han seguido investigando y ampliando, con aplicaciones que van desde los trastornos del desarrollo, incluyendo el autismo, hasta la enuresis, los tics y hábitos motores, dificultades del aprendizaje, problemas del lenguaje, pasando por los trastornos del comportamiento disruptivo y antisocial y los trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. Parte de esas técnicas y principios terapéuticos fueron, además, el componente “conductual” de la propuesta cognitivo-conductual. Las terapias de tercera generación, con su énfasis en el contexto natural, son terapias de adultos, y su aportación al tratamiento de niños y adolescentes es todavía reducido. En la actualidad la TC está respaldada por evidencia científica rigurosa para el tratamiento psicológico de niños y adolescentes en muchos ámbitos de la psicopatología. Son fundamentales para el tratamiento psicológico de trastornos del desarrollo (autismo, discapacidad intelectual), trastornos de atención y externalizantes, así como trastornos más específicos (enuresis, tics, tricotilomanía, rumiación...). Expondremos y analizaremos el estado actual de las aportaciones de la TC al tratamiento psicológico de niños y adolescentes, y la evidencia que las apoya, incluyendo desde las más consolidadas hasta las propuestas más prometedoras de los últimos años.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. SAVECC (Sociedad para el Avance en el Estudio Científico del Comportamiento) Facultad de Psicología Depto. Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico Instituto de Análisis de Conducta Contextuales.co

    Las actividades preventivas y el comportamiento de los individuos en la salud buco-dental

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    Group training in interpersonal problem-solving skills for workplace adaptation of adolescents and adults with Asperger syndrome. A preliminary study.

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    Adults with Asperger Syndrome show persistent difficulties in social situations which psychosocial treatments may address. Despite the multiple studies focusing on social skills interventions little have focused specifically on problem-solving skills and have not targeted workplace adaptation training in the adult population. This study describes preliminary data from a group format manual-based intervention, the Interpersonal Problem-Solving for Workplace Adaptation (SCI-Labour) Programme, aimed at improving the cognitive and metacognitive process of social problem-solving skills focusing on typical social situations in the workplace based on mediation as the main strategy. Fifty adults with Asperger syndrome received programme and were compared with a control group of typical development. The feasibility and effectiveness of the treatment were explored. Participants were assessed at pre-treatment and post-treatment on a task of social problem-solving skills and two secondary measures of socialisation and work profile using self- and caregiver-report. Using a variety of methods, the results showed that scores were significantly higher at post-treatment in the social problem-solving task and socialisation skills based on reports by parents. Differences in comparison to the control group had decreased after treatment. The treatment was acceptable to families and subject adherence was high. SCI-Labour Programme appears to be a feasible training programme.pre-print640 K

    Influence of Maternal and Paternal Parenting Style and Behavior Problems on Academic Outcomes in Primary School

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    Parents and teachers are concerned about the academic outcomes of children. Among the variables that play an important role in school success, parenting styles and behavior problems are some of the most studied. Literature shows that presence of behavioral problem and parenting styles based on physical punishment, lack of consistency and ineffective limit setting are related to poor academic achievement. The present study examined the influence of maternal and paternal parenting styles and behavior problems on the academic outcomes of primary-school children. Measures used in this study included the Inventory of Parenting Guide, the Child Behavior Checklist and information on academic outcomes (n = 78 families). The range age of the students was 6 to 13 years old (mean = 8.08; SD = 1.6; 38 girls). The participation rate was 90.7%. The results showed that behavior problems and sensitive parenting style were related to academic outcomes. Specifically, attentional problems and maternal sensitive parenting styles appeared to be significant predictors of academic outcomes in this study. These data suggest the relevance of attention and maternal sensitive parenting styles in understanding processes that promote academic outcomes

    Selective Clock-Gating for Low Power/Low Noise Synchronous Counters

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the applicability of clock gating techniques to binary counters in order to reduce the power consumption as well as the switching noise generation. A measurement methodology to establish right comparisons between different implementations of gateclocked counters is presented. Basically two ways of applying clock gating are considered: clock gating on independent bits and clock gating on groups of bits. The right selection of bits where clock gating must be applied and the suited composition of groups of bits is essential when applying this technique. We have found groupment of bits is the best option when applying clock gating to reduce power consumption and specially to reduce noise generation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1350Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2001- 228

    Simple Baseline for Vehicle Pose Estimation: Experimental Validation

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    Significant progress on human and vehicle pose estimation has been achieved in recent years. The performance of these methods has evolved from poor to remarkable in just a couple of years. This improvement has been obtained from increasingly complex architectures. In this paper, we explore the applicability of simple baseline methods by adding a few deconvolutional layers on a backbone network to estimate heat maps that correspond to the vehicle keypoints. This approach has been proven to be very effective for human pose estimation. The results are analyzed on the PASCAL3DC dataset, achieving state-of-the-art results. In addition, a set of experiments has been conducted to study current shortcomings in vehicle keypoints labelling, which adversely affect performance. A new strategy for de ning vehicle keypoints is presented and validated with our customized dataset with extended keypoints

    Ansiedad y miedos dentales en escolares hondureños

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    La ansiedad a la atención y tratamiento dental puede afectar de forma significativa a la salud oral de los niños así como a la calidad del tratamiento dental recibido. A pesar de su importancia se han realizado muy pocos estudios sobre la ansiedad y miedo dental infantil en Latinoamérica, concretamente en Honduras. En este estudio se evaluó la ansiedad dental de una muestra aleatoria de 170 escolares (6-11 años) de la región metropolitana de Tegucigalpa. La evaluación se realizó mediante la Escala de Ansiedad de Corah, el Test de Dibujos de Venham, y el Escala de Evaluación de los Miedos. Los escolares mostraban niveles moderados de ansiedad dental, y sólo entre el 14-15 % de ellos presentaban niveles de ansiedad clínicamente significativos. No se encontraron diferencias respecto a la ansiedad dental entre niños y niñas. Los procedimientos del tratamiento dental más invasivos provocaron mayores niveles de ansiedad dental, así como la expectativa de ir al dentista al día siguiente. Los niños que tenían experiencia dental previa mostraban niveles más elevados de ansiedad, así como los niños de padres con miedo al tratamiento dental. Los resultados demuestran la relevancia de la ansiedad dental infantil y su relación con ciertas experiencias previas.Anxiety towards dental attention and treatment can affect significantly children’s oral health as well as the quality of dental treatment received. Despite its importance scarce research about childhood dental anxiety has been done in Latin America, specifically in Honduras. In this study dental anxiety was assed in a random sample of 170 school children (6-11 years) from Tegucigalpa’s metropolitan region. Corah Dental Anxiety Scale, Venham Picture Test and Children Fear Survey were used for the assessment. School children showed moderate dental anxiety levels, and only between 14 -15 percent showed significant clinical anxiety levels. No significant differences were found related to dental anxiety between girls and boys. Highly invasive dental procedures account for higher anxiety levels as well as the expectation of visiting the dentist the next day. Children with previous dental experience showed higher anxiety levels as well as children of parents that report fear towards dental treatment. Results demonstrate the relevance of children’s dental anxiety and its relationship with certain previous experience.Agradecimientos a la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI) por la beca de cooperación que permitió la realización de este trabajo

    Relação entre o tempo de uso das redes sociais na Internet e a saúde mental dos adolescentes colombianos

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar si hay diferencias entre grupos de adolescentes de grado 7° de la ciudad de Bogotá, con diferentes tiempos de uso de las redes sociales en problemáticas de tipo internalizante, externalizante, la soledad percibida, el funcionamiento familiar y el sexo. El estudio con diseño ex post facto valoró el efecto del tiempo de uso de redes sociales a tres niveles (bajo, medio y alto) a través de un cuestionario socio demográfico diseñado para tal fin: el LSRQ, el FACES III, CDI y el YSR. Participaron 96 estudiantes con un rango de edades entre los 11 y 15 años. Se encontró que entre los participantes con un elevado tiempo de uso de las redes sociales, eran mayores los problemas de tipo externalizante (conducta agresiva, ruptura de reglas y problemas de atención). Se discute la necesidad de que en futuras investigaciones se enfaticen los factores positivos que para el desarrollo de los adolescentes puede tener el uso de las redes sociales a través de Internet.O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar se existem diferenças entre grupos de adolescentes da 7° série da cidade de Bogotá, com diferentes tempos de uso das redes sociais em problemáticas de tipo internalizante, externalizante, a solidão percebida, o funcionamento familiar e o sexo. O estudo com desenho ex pós fato avaliou o efeito do tempo de uso de redes sociais em três níveis (baixo, médio e alto) através de um questionário sóciodemográfico desenhado para esse fim: o LSRQ, o FACES III, CDI e o YSR. Participaram 96 estudantes da faixa etária de 11 a 15 anos. Encontrou-se que entre os participantes com um elevado tempo de uso das redes sociais, eram maiores os problemas de tipo externalizante (conduta agressiva, ruptura de regras e problemas de atenção). Discute-se a necessidade de que em pesquisas futuras sejam enfatizados os fatores positivos que para o desenvolvimento dos adolescentes pode ter o uso das redes sociais através de Internet.The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the amount of time spent in social networking and the presence of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in adolescents. Participants were 96 seventh grade students aged between 11 and 15 years who were attending schools in Bogotá, Colombia. An ex-post facto design was used and the amount of time spent in social networking was divided into three categories: high, medium and low. The instruments included a sociodemographic questionnaire especially designed for this purpose, the Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire by Cassidy & Asher (LSDQ for its English acronym), the Youth Self- Report by Achenbach (YSR, for its English acronym), the Child Depression Inventory by Kovacs (CDI, for its English acronym) and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales by Olson, Portner & Lavee (FACES III, for its English acronym). Findings showed that participants with a greater amount of time spent on social networking had more externalyzing disorders (aggressive behavior, rule breaking and attention deficits) than students in the other two categories. The need for future research that stresses the positive factors that the use of Internet social networking can have on adolescents' development is discussed

    Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Evaluación de la Competencia Docente en Matemáticas. Modelo de predicción de satisfacción y rendimiento académico

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    The purposes of this study were: (i) to provide reliability and validity evidence regarding the Teaching Competence Questionnaire for the Math class in the Mexican context; (ii) to analyze factorial invariance according to sex in the Teaching Competence Questionnaire; (iii) to study the relationship among student perceptions of Math teaching competencies, satisfaction with school, and academic performance. A sample was selected from the total number of third-grade secondary school Mexican students. The prediction model showed that the students’ perception of their Math teachers’ competence does predict satisfaction with Math class, as well as their academic performance in MathLos objetivos de este estudio fueron: (i) proporcionar evidencia de confiabilidad y validez del Cuestionario de Competencias Docentes para la clase de Matemáticas en el contexto mexicano; (ii) analizar la invariancia factorial según sexo en el Cuestionario de Competencia Docente; (iii) estudiar la relación entre las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre las competencias de enseñanza de Matemáticas, la satisfacción con la escuela y el rendimiento académico. Se seleccionó una muestra del total de estudiantes mexicanos de tercer grado de secundaria. El modelo de predicción mostró que la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la competencia de sus profesores de Matemáticas sí predice la satisfacción con la clase de Matemáticas, así como su rendimiento académico en MatemáticasSecretary of Public Education of Mexico (identification number: 431/569/E

    La villa romana de Los Villaricos (Mula, Murcia): un gran centro productor de aceite en la Hispania Tarraconense

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    The works performed in the Roman villa of Los Villaricos (Mula, Murcia) show a rural setting in which we have identified many of the proper elements of the agricultural installations in the Roman world. The pars urbana have been already disclosed, plus an adjoining area interpreted as a torcularium. In recent years, our attention has been focused on a somewhat removed area from these aforementioned facilities, in which it has been documented a large rectangular building with a surface of almost 700 m2 dedicated to oil production. This is one of the largest mills in the Iberian Peninsula and we were able to identify inside it all the characteristics of a torcularium dedicated to oil production. The building has a reception room which in turn could function as cella olearia; one tabulatum, one grinding room with two mills in primary position; a press room with six presses, divided in two lounges, one at a lower bound to contain the counterweights and other one for the lapides or fora and areae; finally, a decantation room where lacus have been documented, and a number of dolia attached to the wall next to the drains of the presses. Its abandonment can be established around the Fifth Century AD.Los trabajos realizados en la villa romana de Los Villaricos (Mula, Murcia) muestran un establecimiento rural en el que se han identificado muchos de los elementos propios de las instalaciones agropecuarias del mundo romano. Ya han sido dadas a conocer la pars urbana así como una zona aneja que se interpretó como un torcularium. En los últimos años, nuestra atención ha estado centrada en una zona algo alejada de estas instalaciones comentadas, en la que se ha documentado un gran edificio de planta rectangular con una superficie de casi 700 m2 dedicado a la producción de aceite. Se trata de una de las almazaras más grandes de la Península Ibérica y en ella hemos podido identificar todas las partes propias de un torcularium dedicado a la producción de aceite. El edificio tiene una sala de recepción que a la vez pudo funcionar como cella olearia; un tabulatum, una sala de molienda con dos molinos en posición primaria; una sala de prensado con seis prensas, dividida en dos estancias, una, a cota inferior, para contener los contrapesos y otra para los lapides o fora y areae; por último, una sala de decantación en la que se han documentado lacus y una serie de dolia adosadas al muro junto a los desagües de las prensas. Se ha establecido su abandono en torno al siglo V d. C