825 research outputs found

    Efectos derivados de la acción voluntaria: inventario de consecuencias de la acción voluntaria (ICAV)

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    La relación entre voluntario y sujeto beneficiario de la acción se centra en los problemas de éste, y no siempre se ofrece solución para los mismos. Es por ello, que los voluntarios que desarrollan actividades sociosanitarias puedan constituir un colectivo de alto riesgo de síndrome de burnout. Este efecto provoca una importante incidencia en los abandonos y el nivel de éstos es menor que el que puede llegar a soportar los profesionales. Añadido a este hecho, los cuestionarios sobre burnoutno son sensibles para ser utilizados en muestras de voluntarios, de ahí la necesidad de crear pruebas sensibles, válidas y fiables satisfactorias como la propuesta en el presente estudio. El primer objetivo fue comprobar las características psicométricas del instrumento antes de formar conclusiones acerca de los resultados que de él se deriven. Los criterios psicométricos son aceptables dado que, la fiabilidad ofreció un valor de 0,83, la validez convergente mediante un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple se obtuvo un coeficiente de regresión de 0,29 con F=3,07 y un nivel de significación inferior a 0,05. La prueba presenta un estructura factorial con la presencia de tres factores ortogonales (depresión, preocupación por la salud y autorrealización). De este modo el ICAV puede resultar un instrumento satisfactorio para evaluar los indicadores de burnouten un colectivo carente de instrumentos de medida y de especial relevancia en el marco asistencial como es el voluntariado. El segundo objetivo fue valorar los niveles de burnout con el cuestionario creado en una muestra de 310 voluntarios de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que no se producen grandes alteraciones derivadas de la relación de ayuda. Sin embargo un pequeño grupo de sujetos presentan: distanciamiento afectivo, impaciencia, irritabilidad y sentimientos de frustración. Asimismo, otro grupo de voluntarios mostraron preocupación, miedo y creencias de tener una enfermedad grave. De ello se desprende la necesidad de complementar la formación del voluntario con un adecuado proceso de selección, seguimiento y apoyo psicológico si este fuera preciso.The relationship between volunteers and the individuals who benefit from their action focuses on the latters’ problems, and solutions are not always forthcoming. As a result, volunteers who carry out socio-sanitary activities may comprise a high-risk group for burnout syndrome. This effect produces a high incidence in volunteer drop-out, although the level is lower than the one that professionals may sustain. In addition, burnout questionnaires are not sufficiently susceptible for use in volunteer samples. Hence, the need to design sensitive, valid, and reliable instruments, such as the one proposed in this study. The first goal was to verify the psychometric properties of the instrument before drawing any conclusions about the results derived from its use. The psychometric criteria are acceptable, as reliability showed a value of .83, and the criterion validity, using a multiple linear regression model, obtained a regression coefficient of .29 with F= 3.07, and a significance level lower than 0.05. The instrument yielded a factor structure with three orthogonal factors (depression, concern about health, and self-realization). Thus, the ICAVcan be considered a satisfactory instrument to evaluate burnout indicators in a collective –the volunteers–where measuring instruments are lacking, and which is especially relevant in the assistential framework. The second goal was to assess burnout levels with the questionnaire in a sample of 310 volunteers from the Spanish Cancer Association. The results obtained reveal no remarkable alterations derived from the helping relationship. However, a small group of subjects present: affective distancing, impatience, irritability, and feelings of frustration. Similarly, another group of volunteers showed worry, fear, and beliefs of suffering from a severe illness. Hence, the need to compliment volunteers’ training with an adequate selection process, follow-up, and psychological support, if necessary

    NeSIG: A Neuro-Symbolic Method for Learning to Generate Planning Problems

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    In the field of Automated Planning there is often the need for a set of planning problems from a particular domain, e.g., to be used as training data for Machine Learning or as benchmarks in planning competitions. In most cases, these problems are created either by hand or by a domain-specific generator, putting a burden on the human designers. In this paper we propose NeSIG, to the best of our knowledge the first domain-independent method for automatically generating planning problems that are valid, diverse and difficult to solve. We formulate problem generation as a Markov Decision Process and train two generative policies with Deep Reinforcement Learning to generate problems with the desired properties. We conduct experiments on several classical domains, comparing our method with handcrafted domain-specific generators that generate valid and diverse problems but do not optimize difficulty. The results show NeSIG is able to automatically generate valid problems of greater difficulty than the competitor approaches, while maintaining good diversity

    A Review of Symbolic, Subsymbolic and Hybrid Methods for Sequential Decision Making

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    The field of Sequential Decision Making (SDM) provides tools for solving Sequential Decision Processes (SDPs), where an agent must make a series of decisions in order to complete a task or achieve a goal. Historically, two competing SDM paradigms have view for supremacy. Automated Planning (AP) proposes to solve SDPs by performing a reasoning process over a model of the world, often represented symbolically. Conversely, Reinforcement Learning (RL) proposes to learn the solution of the SDP from data, without a world model, and represent the learned knowledge subsymbolically. In the spirit of reconciliation, we provide a review of symbolic, subsymbolic and hybrid methods for SDM. We cover both methods for solving SDPs (e.g., AP, RL and techniques that learn to plan) and for learning aspects of their structure (e.g., world models, state invariants and landmarks). To the best of our knowledge, no other review in the field provides the same scope. As an additional contribution, we discuss what properties an ideal method for SDM should exhibit and argue that neurosymbolic AI is the current approach which most closely resembles this ideal method. Finally, we outline several proposals to advance the field of SDM via the integration of symbolic and subsymbolic AI

    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales

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    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales. La invención consiste en un ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales a lo largo de su dirección longitudinal. Resuelve el problema de la transmisión de ruido aéreo que presentan los ladrillos cerámicos con hueco cuadrado o rectangular. La intensidad del sonido transmitido en sólidos decrece con el aumento de camino recorrido. Por ello, la sustitución de las paredes perpendiculares que definen los huecos cuadrados o rectangulares, por las que definen los huecos hexagonales representa un mayor recorrido y una absorción mayor de ruido. El espesor del ladrillo puede variar según contenga una o más filas de hexágonos compartiendo caras o vértices. No hay limitación en las dimensiones del largo y ancho del mismo. Exteriormente los cantos de las piezas pueden ser machihembrados y las caras planas pueden o no presentar estriado. La colocación de la pieza se realiza con los huecos paralelos a la horizontal. Utilización en construcción de paramentos verticales en edificio

    Siglo XXI: Emprender o Morir

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster bajo la línea argumental del desarrollo del emprendimiento como base en el sistema educativo, en línea con otros países desarrollados. El entorno actual y la sociedad que nos rodea, dada la crisis económica, generan una necesidad en nuestros alumnos de desarrollar características propias del emprendedor para alcanzar el éxito, no sólo profesional, sino también personal. Por ello, las actividades expuestas trabajan la proactividad, el trabajo cooperativo, la creatividad, el esfuerzo y la toma de decisiones, entre otras competencias, al considerarlas fundamentales en el desarrollo de nuestro alumnado y en línea con un espíritu emprendedor

    Rheological behaviour and functionality of inulin-extra virgin olive oil-based mashed potatoes

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    Developing products having a high nutritional value and good storage stability during freezing is a challenge. Inulin (I) and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have interesting functional properties. The e?ect of the addition of I and EVOO blends at di?erent I:EVOO ratios (0:0, 0:60, 15:45, 30:30, 45:15, 60:0, 30:45 and 45:30) on the rheological, physical, sensory and structural properties of fresh and frozen ? thawed mashed potatoes formulated without and with added cryoprotectants was analysed and compared. Addition of I and EVOO (either alone or blended) reduced apparent viscosity and pseudoplasticity producing softer systems, indicating that both ingredients behave as soft ?llers. Samples with added I at the higher concentrations )1 (?45 g kg ) showed lower ?ow index and consistency, which is related to formation of smaller I particles; microphotographs indicated that gelling properties of I depended mostly upon processing. Frozen ? thawed samples were judged more acceptable and creamier than their fresh counterparts

    Rheological behaviour and functionality of inulin-extra virgin olive oil-based mashed potatoes

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    Developing products having a high nutritional value and good storage stability during freezing is a challenge. Inulin (I) and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have interesting functional properties. The e?ect of the addition of I and EVOO blends at di?erent I:EVOO ratios (0:0, 0:60, 15:45, 30:30, 45:15, 60:0, 30:45 and 45:30) on the rheological, physical, sensory and structural properties of fresh and frozen ? thawed mashed potatoes formulated without and with added cryoprotectants was analysed and compared. Addition of I and EVOO (either alone or blended) reduced apparent viscosity and pseudoplasticity producing softer systems, indicating that both ingredients behave as soft ?llers. Samples with added I at the higher concentrations )1 (?45 g kg ) showed lower ?ow index and consistency, which is related to formation of smaller I particles; microphotographs indicated that gelling properties of I depended mostly upon processing. Frozen ? thawed samples were judged more acceptable and creamier than their fresh counterparts

    New designs of the ceramic bricks of horizontal hexagonal hollow

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    This article is intended to state that Technical Drawing is a multiple tool of expression and communication essential to develop inquiry processes, the scientifically basis and comprehension of drawings and technological designs that can be manufactured. We demonstrate graphically and analytically that spatial vision and graphic thinking allow us to identify graphically real life problems, develop proposals of solutions to be analysed from different points of view, plan and develop the project, provide information needed to make decisions on objects and technological processes. From the knowledge of Technical Drawing and CAD tools we have developed graphic analyses to improve and optimize our proposed modification of the geometry of the rectangular cells of conventional bricks by hexagonal cells, which is protected by a Spanish patent owned by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This new internal geometry of the bricks will improve the efficiency and the acoustic damping of walls built with the ceramic bricks of horizontal hollow, maintaining the same size of the conventional bricks, without increasing costs either in the manufacture and the sale. A single brick will achieve the width equivalent to more than FOUR conventional bricks

    Mediterranean Diet and the Emotional Well-Being of Students of the Campus of Melilla (University of Granada)

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    A certain link exists between the consumption of particular groups of food and well-being. In this study, we analyzed in depth the relationship between strict adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and emotional well-being through a descriptive, exploratory, transversal, and correlational study of students from the Campus of Melilla, University of Granada, Spain. The sample consisted of 272 individuals. Adherence to the MD was measured with the PREvención con DIetaMEDiterránea (PREDIMED) questionnaire, emotional well-being (both positive and negative affection) with the Spanish version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), the state of perceived health with the Short Form-36 (SF36), and the degree of physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). A strict adherence to the MD was found to be significantly related to positive emotional state (β = 0.018, p = 0.009). The perceived state of health (β = 0.192, p < 0.001), mental role (β = 0.346, p < 0.001), and physical activity (β = 0.155, p = 0.007) were found to be predictive factors of a positive emotional state. Conversely, the relationship between the adherence to the MD and a negative emotional state was not significant. Various components of the MD were found to be independently connected to well-being. The results suggest that adopting a nutritional pattern such as the MD is linked to an improvement in emotional well-being