4,498 research outputs found

    Environmental Costs Account: a base for measuring sustainability in transport plans.

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    Each city need to develop sustainable transport plans according to its fu-ture developments. This means identifying the best policy package of transport measures that could produce more sustainable future scenarios: lowest environmental impact, but also better social standards and at mini-mum cost. To that end, it is necessary to measure the environmental and social costs of each alternative transport mode. This paper proposes a me-thodology to calculate those costs in different city contexts: city centre and metropolitan suburbs. It provides a measure of the following environmen-tal costs: pollution, noise, green house gasses and land taken. Then the so-cial costs as congestion and accident costs. These two cost categories are calculated for each mean of transport: metro, bus, private car and taxi. The methodology has been applied to Madrid Region through modeling its mobility demand in 2004. The outputs are costs per passenger-km in each mode and Area: city centre and metropolitan ring. Therefore it is possible to assign monetary costs to environmental and social costs of each trans-port option; for example, car environmental costs are four times higher than buses on average, but it differs a lot from city centre to outskirt areas. Finally, some guidelines can be extracted to develop a more sustainable transport policy for Madrid Region

    Estudio de la adherencia a un protocolo para el manejo del traumatismo craneoencefalico en un servicio de urgencias pediátrico

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    [ES] Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo sobre una cohorte de niños con diagnóstico de traumatismo craneal (TC), cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar la epidemiología del TC en nuestro entorno y la adherencia a un nuevo protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento en urgencias, basado en la evidencia científica existente sobre el tema. Para el primer objetivo se analiza la base de datos global de los 1182 TC atendidos durante el año 2016 y para analizar la adherencia al protocolo, se realiza una revisión de historias clínicas de una muestra aleatoria de 202 pacientes. El autor del estudio encuentra que 9 (0,7%) niños presentaron una lesión intracraneal (LIC) y 13 una fractura craneal aislada. Se practicó TAC a 52 (4,4%) y radiografía de cráneo únicamente a 6 (0,5%) pacientes. Un total de 212 (17,9%) pacientes fueron ingresados en observación, hospitalizándose 15 (1,3%), 7 de ellos en cuidados intensivos. Analizando la muestra, el investigador encuentra que la adherencia al protocolo actual es del 81,2%, mostrando que el 88% de los incumplimientos se produjo en el grupo de 66 (32,6%) niños clasificados como de riesgo moderado de lesión intracraneal. Treinta pacientes (42%) de este grupo no recibieron el periodo de observación hospitalaria establecido, mínimo 2 horas, a pesar de cumplir con alguno de los factores de riesgo descritos. Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos consultó de nuevo en el servicio y todos tuvieron una evolución favorable. En el global de la muestra la indicación de pruebas de imagen se ajustó al protocolo y la evolución de los pacientes fue buena. Concluye que la adherencia al protocolo es alta y que el manejo de los pacientes siguiendo esta pauta, es seguro. IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL

    Carboniferous stratigraphie and structure oí the Pisuerga-Carrion unit. NW Spain

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    [Resumen] La Unidad del Pisuerga-Carri6n (UPC) constituye la parte más externa (Cuenca de antepaís) de la Zona Cantábrica (ZC). Los materiales silúrico-dev6nicos, con facies más profundas que los del resto de la ZC, están circunscritos a unidades alóctonas desenraizadas emplazadas como mantos gravitacionales. El sistema carbonífero se caracteriza por la presencia de series potentes con notables variaciones de facies y potencias. Durante el Carbotírtero inferior es característica la prensencia de facies homogéneas y una baja tasa de sedimentación en un ambiente claramente preorogénico. A partir del Namuriese se inicia la sedimentación sinorogénica, abundan las facies originadas a partir de pendientes submarinas o ligadas a relieves emergidos. La persistencia de las condiciones sinorogénicas desde el Namuriense hasta el Estefaniense A y la relativa proliferación de discordancias son también rasgos peculiares de éste área. En este trabajo se propone un esquema de unidades litoestratigráficas, a las que informalmente se asigna la categoría de «grupo~, separadas por discordancias y/o conglomerados de continuidad lateral limitada. Se considera que estos «grupos~ representan «cuñas clásticas~ relacionadas con el emplazamiento de unidades alóctonas concretas, por lo que se propone también un modelo relacionando grupos litoestratigráficos y unidades alóctonas o mantos. Se establecen los rasgos generales de la estructura de la UPC diferenciando dos tipos de manta> (gravitacionales y enraizados), así como las relaciones entre éstos y las diversas generaciones de pliegues y esquistosidades. Por último se propone un modelo de evolución tectonosedimentaria para la UPC, claramente ligado a la evolución estructural de toda la ZC como una cadena arqueada, en el que se considera que el carácter centrípeto de las vergencias en la ZC origina estructuras en la UPC con vergencias igualmente centrípetas así como cuñas elásticas, genéticamente relacionadas, con depocentros situados en posiciones distintas a través del tiempo.[Abstract] The Pisuerga-Carrion Unit (PCU) forms the most external part (foreland basin) of the Cantabrian Zone (Cl). Siluro-devonian rocks with deeper facies than those of the CZ are limited to alloctonous unit wich have been regarded as gravitational nappes. The main characteristic of Carboniferous system is the presence of thick series with remarkable facies and thickness lateral changes. The outstanding feature of lower Carboniferous is the low rate of sedimentation and the fairly uniform sedimentary facies in a preorigenic environment. The synorogenic sedimentation starts in the Namurian, the most frecuent facies are those originated in submarine slopes or those related to subaerial reliefs. The continous synorogenic conditions from Namurian to the Stephanian A stage and the presence of numerous unconformities and lateral sedimentary changes constitue sorne of the characteristics of this area. In this paper a lithostratigraphic sketch are suggested; alllithostratigraphic units were integrated in higher rank units informally called «groups». These «groups» are separated by conglomerates and /or unconformities of limited lateral extension and would represent clastic wedges generated in the front of the nappes Both clastic wedges and nappes are related in this sketch. The general features of the PCU structure are found and two types of nappes (generated by gliding and /or spreading) are stablished, in this way, severa! Generations of folds and cleavages are related with both types of nappes. Lately a tectonosedimentary evolution model for the PCU which would be directly linked to the structural evolution of the Cl. The centripetal character of the vergences in the Cl produced structures (nappes and related folds) in the PCU that have an equally centripetal vergence and originated a synorogenic clastic wedges with depocenters located, in time, in several positions

    Evolution towards a Sustainable Public Transport in the City of Madrid

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    This chapter is a vision of the path followed by EMT of Madrid, during 25 years, towards the sustainability, efficiency, and contribution to the air quality in the city, starting from a diesel fleet, until getting a fleet 100% of clean vehicles, mostly GNC, which is already a reality. It shows the evolution and the use, from the practical perspective of an operator, of all the technologies available at each moment (biodiesel, bioethanol, hydrogen, electricity, natural gas, hybridization, dualisation, start-stop, catalysis, etc.) in Madrid, in a fleet of more than 2000 buses, more than 200 lines, and more than 400 million passengers per year, which makes this case an international benchmark. In addition, EMT is currently at the end of the transition to gas vehicles (CNG) and the implementation of urban electric mobility from the double perspective of the mobile material and the associated infrastructure needed, an essential case study towards sustainable public transport

    Strategic Thinking for Sustainability: A Review of 10 Strategies for Sustainable Mobility by Bus for Cities

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    The sustainable mobility of the future comes about through sustainable ways of transport, such as walking, cycling, or collective transport. This includes the bus, the underground, and trains in big cities. This article reviews bus-related policies and initiatives worldwide. It also analyses ten cities looking at medium and long-term strategies for the urban bus service. The main ideas are: the forecasts for the use of the urban bus system indicate a significant increase in demand, therefore, there is a need for expanding the offered services; efforts to change the fleets towards Compressed Natural Gas and Electric vehicles; support of technological innovation for communication and accessibility; improving commercial speed and frequencies by infrastructure improvements, operation optimisation and technology; and, the link between these strategies and the air quality of cities. The transition towards a sustainable transport will happen based on the belief that the bus service is no longer the transport of the past or the present, but of the future. Document type: Articl

    Evaluar la participación pública en el Transporte

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    A la hora de aplicar cualquier sistema de evaluacion, lo primero que se debe reflexionar es que criterios de evaluacion van a ser utilizados. Esta no es una cuestion inmediata en muchos casos, como es el que nos ocupa. En el caso de la evaluacion de los procesos participativos, resulta complejo determinar a priori estos criterios, pues deberian ser determinados por las caracteristicas de cada proceso y los diferentes agentes sociales involucrados en el. Sin embargo, puede resultar interesante el ejercicio de identificar una serie de criterios que, con caracter general, sirvan para identificar correctamente un proceso participativo aplicado a la planificacion del transporte. En el presente trabajo se analizan los criterios de evaluacion utilizados en la literatura para evaluar la participacion publica, tanto en el transporte mismo como en disciplinas afines. Tras un analisis de estos criterios se hace una seleccion de los mas significativos aplicables a este ultimo. A partir de esta seleccion se realizo una encuesta sobre la perception de dichos criterios a diferentes agentes involucrados en un proceso participativo importante sobre una nueva linea de alta capacidad ferroviaria en el norte de Italia, con sus resultados se ha podido elaborar una propuesta de criterios clave para la participacion publica en la planificacion del transporte, asi como analizar los niveles de importancia segun tipo de agentes y teorias actuales sobre el tema

    Comportamiento ciclista, de la teoría a los hechos

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    El objetivo de la investigación ha sido mejorar el conocimiento que se tiene sobre los factores asociados a un mayor uso de la bicicleta. Por un lado, se quería profundizar en el papel de la importancia subjetiva que dan los usuarios a estos factores y, por otro, conocer cómo se relacionan estos factores entre sí, cuáles son sus conexiones y su incidencia sobre el comportamiento final. Esta información es útil para mejorar el conocimiento del comportamiento de los usuarios frente al uso de la bicicleta y para ver las líneas de actuación adecuadas en las políticas de fomento de la bicicleta. La metodología desarrollada ha consistido en un estudio de la literatura científica para conocer los factores más importantes relacionados con el uso de la bicicleta. Posteriormente se han desarrollado grupos focales que han permitido ver cuáles de esos factores eran determinantes en el contexto del estudio. Para conocer las relaciones entre los factores y la valoración subjetiva de los usuarios se desarrolló una encuesta. Los resultados de esta encuesta han sido elaborados con modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Siguiendo un proceso de análisis factorial exploratorio con estos modelos hemos podido determinar las relaciones entre los factores y detectar cuatro variables latentes que los agrupan. Con un proceso de análisis factorial causal hemos podido ver la relación entre estos factores y el uso de la bicicleta para, finalmente, determinar y contrastar un modelo que relaciona las variables latentes localizadas con el comportamiento final y la estructura de estas relacione

    Cyclists? Travel behaviour, from theory to reality

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    A lot of cities are experiencing an increase of cycling in their daily urban trips. This produce benefits for all citizens and many decision-makers are designing policies to improve bike use. However, this is not possible without a cycling demand management policy, which should be based on the scientific knowledge of cyclist behaviour key factors. In the scientific literature we can find many references about factors affecting bicycle use. They are oriented either to show qualitative analysis, where bike factors assessment are made; or they present discrete choice models where bike factors are evaluated in order to the final user choice. Both research lines provide important information on cyclist behaviour knowledge. However they are not enough to explain all the explanatory factors to use bikes. Some factors influencing cycling use are of psycho-social type and they are not included in the econometrics models normally used. This paper presents a research done to improve cycling demand forecast. For this research we have made an internet based survey in the Madrid University Campus, where a public bike system is expected to be implemented. In this survey we have collected more than 3,000 responses, including objective and subjective factors for the trip to the University. Based of the outputs of the survey several models have been adjusted for forecasting cycling demand. We have used social science techniques like covariance structural equation modelling. These techniques are based on the use of latent variables and they consider the relationships among them. The results emphasize the importance of experience for using bicycle for daily mobility. The explanatory factors have been ranked in four groups: convenience, pro-bike factors, physical limitations and external limitations. Among these groups, external limitations and convenience are the most relevant, explaining 85% of cyclist travel behaviour. There are also important interactions between pro-bike factors and convenience ones that have to be taken into account because pro-bike factor have an influence of almost 57% of the convenience factors. These results allow explaining the key factors to develop a sound cycling polic

    Trajectory Optimization in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem

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    The main goal of this thesis is to prove the validity of an optimizer based on the MATLAB program GPOPS, for solving complex problems on orbital transfer dynamics. Nowadays, optimization is one of the most important fields in space exploration. The high cost of space missions makes that every project developed must be perfectly studied, calculated, optimized and well executed. Hence, optimization programs appear as a very suitable solution for trying not only to prove the validity of a solution already designed, but also to provide a more optimal solution for any problem proposed . In this study, a program has been developed based on an open source program called GPOPS, a MATLAB software for solving optimal control problems. This tool is able to return an optimal solution for problems approached as a dynamical system whenever it has a consistent initial guess. This initial guess generally is the mission wanted to be analysed and optimized. It is very important for the optimizer, since it will have a strong dependence on the performance of the tool, for example, computation time and accuracy. The problem studied has been a Jovian transfer previously proposed in a di erent study. This journey implies moving from the Jovian moon Callisto, to an other Jovian moon, Ganymede, using an interesting element from Space mechanics, invariant manifolds, a really useful element for Low Thrust manoeuvres. This mission in particular, has as main objective the exploration of these celestial bodies, being the transfer time not a key factor. This fact ends with a multi-revolution Low Thrust manoeuvre. During this thesis, di erent solutions were analysed such as: three and two body problem for the dynamics point of view, inertial and non-inertial reference systems and di erent mathematical methods. After the results obtained, it can be concluded that the tool was able to prove the validity of the solutions or initial guesses given. However, after all the time spent working on the program, it has been demonstrated that this tool has a considerable room of improvement and a considerable number of upgrades have been proposed.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Diseño de plan de marketing para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Fortaleza ubicada en la provincia de Imbabura cantón Urcuquí.

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    Nowadays the Cooperativismo it is the biggest socioeconomic movement of the humanity; for this reason, the Solidary Economy is the economic, social, political and cultural system, which has allowed improve the standard of living living of millions of people especially middle and lower class , Emphasizing values and principles of solidarity, equity and justice. We will start by knowing to the Institution as such, the environment where it develops, the growth that has had on the market. The Cooperative Fortaleza is one of those Institutions who promotes economic growth, is worth emphasizing the efforts of all those who are part of this institution, from the members until to the different Departments that in spite of the stumbles that they have presented since his beginnings until today it be kept on the market and have grown up to become the pioneer in the Canton Urcuquí. Qualified for the Superintendence of Popular and Solidary Economy.Hoy en día el Cooperativismo es el movimiento socioeconómico más grande de la humanidad; por esta razón, la Economía Solidaria es el sistema económico, social, político y cultural, que ha permitido ascender el nivel de vida de millones de personas especialmente de clase media y baja, desatancando valores y principios de solidaridad, equidad y justicia. Empezaremos conociendo a la institución como tal, el entorno donde se desarrolla, el crecimiento que ha tenido en el mercado. La Cooperativa Fortaleza es un de aquellas instituciones que fomenta crecimiento económico, vale destacar el esfuerzo de todas las personas que forman parte de esta Institución, desde los socios hasta los diferentes consejos que a pesar de los tropiezos que se han presentado desde sus inicios hasta hoy se mantenga en el mercado y haya crecido hasta convertirse en la pionera en el Cantón Urcuquí. Calificada para la Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria