98 research outputs found

    El patrimonio cultural y la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa: Una experiencia educativa en entornos no-formales de aprendizaje

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    En este artículo esbozamos el proyecto Learning Outside the Classroom que aúna cultura y lengua, dos de los pilares fundamentales en los que se asienta la educación. Siguiendo las teorías de Vygotski, el proyecto presenta un perfil claramente constructivista y conjuga la enseñanza de la cultura, a través del patrimonio cultural y la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa como lengua extranjera. En este artículo relacionamos la educación patrimonial y sus objetivos con el proyecto mencionado y destacamos los paralelismos que entre ellos hemos encontrado. El proyecto combina el uso de los espacios formales de los centros educativos y otros espacios no-formales en los que se puede producir aprendizaje. Dentro de los espacios no-formales utilizados destacan los espacios urbanos: museos, galerías de arte, parques o la propia calle, sin olvidar las posibilidades que tendrían los espacios naturales en los que cualquier ecosistema podría servir como entorno de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa: playa, montaña, bosque, río, etc. En todos estos emplazamientos, el patrimonio cultural juega un doble papel y puede actuar como recurso o como contexto en el proceso de aprendizaje. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en Oviedo desde el curso 2011-2012, primero en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo, y casi inmediatamente en dos centros educativos de la ciudad. En 2016, se presentó el proyecto final, validado por expertos en la materia.In this article we outline the project Learning Outside the Classroom that combines culture and language, two of the most important pillars on education. Following Vygotski´ s theories, our project presents a clear constructivist line linking the teaching of culture, through the use of cultural heritage, with the teaching of the English language as an additional language. In this article we relate the heritage education and its objectives to the project mentioned above and highlight the similarities found between them. The project combines the use of formal school spaces with some non-formal spaces in which learning can be produced. Among the non-formal spaces, we have focused on urban spaces such as: museums, art galleries, parks and city streets. We should not forget the possibilities that natural spaces in the rural areas have since any ecosystem can be used as a learning environment: beaches, mountains, forests, rivers, etc. In any case, the heritage plays a double role in the learning process, either as a resource or as a context. The project has been developing in Oviedo since the school year 2011-2012 when it started at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Oviedo and almost at the same time, in two schools. In 2016, the final project was validated by experts on the matter

    The Pedagogical Missions: An Innovative, Educational and Social Intervention During the Second Spanish Republic (1931–1936)

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    In this paper, we will talk about the origin and characteristics of the Pedagogical Missions during the Second Spanish Republic which was founded to help rural teachers with their training and to take progress to the remote areas of the Spanish country. We will appreciate how intellectuals and teachers voluntarily participated in these Missions with a philanthropic and political aim. Then, following Morales Gutierrez’s principles on social innovation, we will state that the Pedagogical Missions were an educational and social innovation in Spain before the Civil War (1936–1939). Finally, we will make a comparison between the different social intervention models in history – Charity, Beneficence, Social Justice, and Social Inclusion – and the Pedagogical Missions social intervention model which shared similar characteristics with all of them.social intervention model

    Motivenglish 1: motivation in the English classroom in Primary and Secondary Education

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    MOTIVENGLISH 1. Uno de los factores más relevantes en la adquisición y desarrollo óptimo de la competencia lingüística y comunicativa de la segunda lengua es la motivación. Por este motivo, hemos implementado un proyecto de investigación en varios centros educativos de Primaria y Secundaria del Principado de Asturias (España) y dirigido al profesorado de Lengua Inglesa y de otras asignaturas impartidas en el marco de los Programas Bilingües. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo conocer las estrategias motivacionales y metodológicas utilizadas por estos profesores, sobre todo en lo relacionado con la enseñanza de la interacción oral, las opiniones y percepciones sobre la motivación de su alumnado además de las propuestas de mejora que formulan al respecto. El proyecto reúne distintas estrategias para la mejora de la técnica docente del profesorado y propicia una reflexión sobre la relación entre las estrategias metodológicas y motivacionales.MOTIVENGLISH 1. Motivation is one of the most relevant factors in the acquisition and optimal development of the linguistic and communicative competence in a second language. For this reason, we have implemented a research project in different primary and secondary schools in Asturias (Spain) which is addressed to the English language and bilingual subjects´ teachers. The aim of this project is to know the motivational and methodological strategies used by teachers, focusing mainly on oral interaction teaching. Besides, the project will collate the teachers´ opinions and perceptions about their students´ motivation and the teachers´ suggested improvements. The project joins different strategies together to improve teaching techniques and favours a reflection on the relationship between the methodological and motivational strategies.peerReviewe

    Diez proyectos innovadores para la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa en Asturias

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    Congreso Internacional Investigación en Multilingüismo: Innovación y nuevo retos (1º. 2018. Oviedo)En el año 2015 y desde el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo, se puso en marcha una investigación para conocer los proyectos de innovación que se estaban llevando a cabo en las aulas de lengua extranjera y en las aulas bilingües, tanto en educación primaria como en secundaria de Asturias. De todos los proyectos encontrados como resultado de esta investigación, se escogieron diez proyectos de innovación que tenían en común el fomento de la comunicación oral en lengua inglesa y presentaban temáticas totalmente diferentes. La segunda parte de la investigación pretendía conocer las percepciones de estos profesores de primaria y secundaria respecto a cuestiones tan importantes como la metodología y los recursos utilizados, la lengua de aula, las estrategias motivacionales, las destrezas lingüísticas o la utilización de la cultura como recurso. En esta comunicación presentamos los resultados de dichas investigaciones

    Oral Communivation and M-LEARNING in the primary school English Classroom: photography and video as a resource

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    The process of design, implementation and evaluation of the project ‘Films & Photographs: An M-learning Experience in Primary Education’ is presented in this article through the action research methodology. The project’s main objective was to foster oral communication in the English language (as an additional language) using mobile devices in primary education through photography and video. Two primary school teachers of English, two university lecturers and an in-service teacher advisor from the Teachers’ Training and Resource Centre participated in the project. The pupils, between ten and twelve years old, belonged to two different schools in the Principality of Asturias, Spain and the project was developed during the school year 2015-2016. The techniques used to collect data were participant observation, semi structured-interviews and a questionnaire. The activities were focused on the use of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) to produce and edit videos and photographs. The results show students and teachers’ positive perception about m-learning since they consider it has directly influenced the motivation to carry out the proposed tasks. All this has an effect on the improvement of the communicative, technological and artistic competences in the primary education context

    The poor accuracy of D-dimer for the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection but its potential usefulness in early postoperative infections following revision arthroplasty for aseptic loosening

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    Background: D-dimer was introduced in 2018 as an alternative biomarker for C-reactive protein (CRP) in the diagnostic of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) criteria of the Musculoskeletal Infection Society. We assessed the accuracy of plasma D-dimer for the diagnosis of early, delayed, and late PJI according to Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) criteria, and whether persistently high levels of D-dimer in cases of aseptic loosening (AL) may be predictive of subsequent implant-related infection. Methods: A prospective study of a consecutive series of 187 revision arthroplasties was performed at a single institution.Septic (n = 39) and aseptic revisions (n = 141) were classified based on IDSA criteria. Preoperative assessment of CRP, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and D-dimer was performed. Receiver operating curves were used to determine maximum sensitivity and specificity of the biomarkers. The natural progress of D-dimer for AL cases was followed up either until the date of implant-related infection at any time during the first year or 1 year after revision in patients without failure. Clinical outcomes for those AL cases included infection-related failure that required a new surgery or need for antibiotic suppression. Results: Preoperative D-dimer level was significantly higher in PJI cases than in AL cases (p = 0.000). The optimal threshold of D-dimer for the diagnosis of PJI was 1167 ng/mL. For overall diagnosis of PJI, C-reactive protein (CRP) achieved the highest sensitivity (84.6%), followed by erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and D-dimer (82% and 71.8%, respectively). Plasma D-dimer sensitivity was lower for all PJI types. When combinations of 2 tests were studied, the combined use of ESR and CRP achieved the best accuracy for all types of PJI (76.9%). 4.25% of AL cases had implant failure due to implant-related infection during the first year after the index revision arthroplasty, only the cases with early failure maintained high D-dimer levels

    Prosthetic shoulder joint infection by cutibacterium acnes: does rifampin improve prognosis? a retrospective, multicenter, observational study

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    This retrospective, multicenter observational study aimed to describe the outcomes of surgical and medical treatment of C. acnes-related prosthetic joint infection (PJI) and the potential benefit of rifampin-based therapies. Patients with C. acnes-related PJI who were diagnosed and treated between January 2003 and December 2016 were included. We analyzed 44 patients with C. acnes-related PJI (median age, 67.5 years (IQR, 57.3–75.8)); 75% were men. The majority (61.4%) had late chronic infection according to the Tsukayama classification. All patients received surgical treatment, and most antibiotic regimens (43.2%) included β-lactam. Thirty-four patients (87.17%) were cured; five showed relapse. The final outcome (cure vs. relapse) showed a nonsignificant trend toward higher failure frequency among patients with previous prosthesis (OR: 6.89; 95% CI: 0.80–58.90) or prior surgery and infection (OR: 10.67; 95% IC: 1.08–105.28) in the same joint. Patients treated with clindamycin alone had a higher recurrence rate (40.0% vs. 8.8%). Rifampin treatment did not decrease recurrence in patients treated with β-lactams. Prior prosthesis, surgery, or infection in the same joint might be related to recurrence, and rifampin-based combinations do not seem to improve prognosis. Debridement and implant retention appear a safe option for surgical treatment of early PJI

    Children's and Young People's Literature from a Gender Perspective: An innovative project in teacher training

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    El presente artículo describe el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación del Proyecto de Innovación de la Universidad de Oviedo “La literatura infantil y juvenil desde una perspectiva de género”, que se desarrolló a lo largo del curso 2018-2019 en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de dicha Universidad. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental mostrar al alumnado cómo las estructuras patriarcales están presentes en los cuentos y en la literatura juvenil y cómo este hecho influye en la construcción del género de los niños y niñas. A través de cuentos de la literatura española, asturiana y anglosajona, se analizaron cuestiones referidas al género, la igualdad y el sexismo y se propusieron actividades prácticas para que el alumnado pudiera adquirir herramientas que le permitiera, al ejercer su labor docente, llevar al aula lo aprendido. Para conocer la opinión del alumnado y su valoración sobre el grado en el que la implementación del proyecto había mejorado sus competencias docentes, se recogió información cuantitativa a través de distintos instrumentos tales como registros de calificaciones, registros de asistencia y listas de control, así como un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una valoración muy positiva sobre el proyecto y un alto grado de satisfacción por parte del alumnado. Todo ello ha servido para emitir propuestas de mejora sobre la innovación planteada y apuntar futuras líneas de trabajo e investigación.This article describes the design, implementation and assessment of an Innovation Project of the University of Oviedo: "Children's and youth literature from a gender perspective", which was developed throughout the 2018-2019 academic year at the Faculty of Teacher Training. The main objective of this project is to show students how patriarchal structures are present in stories and youth literature and how this fact influences the construction of gender in boys and girls. Through stories from Spanish, Asturian and Anglo-Saxon literature, issues related to gender, equality and sexism were analysed, and practical activities were proposed so that students could acquire tools to be implemented in their future teaching career. In order to find out the students´ opinion and assessment about how the project had improved their teaching skills, quantitative information was collected through different instruments such as grade records, attendance records and checklists, as well as an ad hoc questionnaire. The results obtained show students´ positive valuation of the project and high degree of satisfaction. Subsequently, all the information gathered has enabled to deliver some improvement proposals and to highlight future work and research lines

    Magnetic and microstructural analysis of palladium nanoparticles with different capping systems

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    Palladium nanoparticles capped with different protective systems in a size range between 1.2 and 2.4 nm have been obtained by varying the preparation chemical method. Magnetization curves for all the samples show hysteresis loops, evidencing a ferromagnetic or a permanent magnetism in the nanoparticles. The microstructure of the nanoparticles has been analyzed by x-ray absorption and transmission electron microscopy. The nature of the magnetic behavior found for all these Pd nanoparticles (NPs) is different depending on their sizes and structural features and is explained on the basis of two different suggested mechanisms. The particles protected by means of a surfactant (tetralkylammonium salts), present a ferromagnetic order related to the factors increasing the density of states just below the Fermi level. Whereas, when the nanoparticles are stabilized by covalent bonds with protective species (thiol derivatized alkane chains or surface oxidized Pd NPs), the increase of the 4d density of holes, localized by the bonded atoms (S or O), is giving rise to the observed ferromagneticlike behavio

    Impacto económico del ocio en el siglo XXI

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    The twenty-first century has radically changed the concept of leisure. Leisure was conceived to happen only out of working hours. Nowadays we are looking for important experiences during all our lives. The Institute of Leisure Studies of the University of Deusto focuses on the human experience beyond the tangible products. We are witnessing a major cultural change in the developed world where most of the population has turned into a philosophy that could be summed up as “having less, enjoying more”. At the same time, the TIC’S revolution has propitiated a deep change in the field of the cultural leisure through new areas as consumer electronics –with its greatest exponent: video games– and virtual communities. Leisure, as a result, has become a significant economic sector with a brilliant future. We are trying to address in this article its impact in terms of production, employment and income.<br><br>El siglo XXI es testigo de una transformación en el concepto de ocio, con un importante aumento de sus actividades con transcendencia económica. Hasta ahora el ocio se consideraba en los períodos de no trabajo y hoy se buscan experiencias importantes a lo largo de todo la vida. El Instituto de Estudios de Ocio de la Universidad de Deusto centra su interés en la experiencia humana más allá de los productos tangibles. Asistimos a un cambio cultural importante en el mundo desarrollado donde la mayor parte de la población se ha volcado en una filosofía que se podría resumir como “tener menos, disfrutar más”. Paralelamente, las TIC’s han propiciado una revolución en el campo del ocio: el ocio digital con manifestaciones como los videojuegos o las comunidades virtuales. Todo ello se traduce en un importante impacto económico en términos de generación de producción, empleo y renta que tratamos de abordar en este artículo