2,814 research outputs found

    Luis Buñuel: trascendiendo el tópico

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    En 1.900 nace el cineasta Luis Buñuel en Calanda, Aragón. En el año 2.000 se celebra en distintos ámbitos cinematográficos y televisivos de todo el mundo el centenario de su nacimiento. Festivales de cine, cadenas de televisión por satélite u onda hertziana, periódicos y revistas se hacen eco de la enorme trascendencia del lenguaje cinematográfico buñueliano. Este estudio sobre la última de sus películas rodada en Andalucía, concretamente en Sevilla, pretende aportar un nuevo análisis sobre esta obra que trascendió el tópico andaluz.In 1900 the film director Luis Buñuel is born in Calanda, Aragón. In 2000, it took place the centennial of his birth in different film and television environments in all over the world. The transcendency of film languaje used by Buñuel has been anlysed in cinema festivals, television, newspapers and magazines. This study, focus on his last movies filmed in Andalusia, concretely in Seville, it seeks to contribute with a new analysis on this work that transcended the Andalusian topic

    Combustion and flammability characteristics of solids at microgravity in very small velocity flows

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    Fires still remain as one of the most important safety risk in manned spacecraft. This problem will become even more important in long endurance non orbital flights in which maintenance will be non existing or very difficult. The basic process of a fire is the combustion of a solid at microgravity conditions in O2/N2 mixtures. Although a large number of research programs have been carried out on this problem, especially on flame spreading, several aspects of these processes are not yet well understood. It may be mentioned, for example, the temperature and characteristic of low emissivity flames in the visual range that take place in some conditions at microgravity; and there exists a lack of knowledge on the influence of key parameters, such as convective flow velocities of the order of magnitude of typical oxygen diffusion velocities

    Utilización de cohetes de sondeo para la realización de investigaciones sobre combustión en microgravedad

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    Los programas de experimentación sobre combustión en condiciones de gravedad reducida vienen llevándose a cabo desde hace ya vanos años en torres de caída libre y, más recientemente, en aviones laboratorio con los inconvenientes del corto periodo de ensayo (4-5 segundos y 15-20 segundos respectivamente) y niveles gravitatonos poco reducidos y con importantes fluctuaciones en el segundo caso (Ref 1 > 2) Existen en la actualidad importantes programas de ensayo previstos para llevarlos a cabo en laboratorios orbitales Evidentemente, estos laboratorios sobre satélite constituyen un inigualable medio experimental, bajo el punto de vista científico, para llevar a cabo estos programas de investigación sobre combustión en condiciones de microgravedad Ello se debe al muy bajo (<io ~*g) y constante nivel gravitatono v a que los tiempos que pueden asignarse a la experimentación son prácticamente ilimitados en comparación con los tiempos característicos de la combustión No obstante, la experimentación en plataforma orbital es en extremo costosa y hay además que contar con el importante factor del nesgo humano, que dificultaría en extremo llevar a cabo diversos e importantes tipos de expenmentos de combustió

    Optimization of actuation and cooling systems for advanced convergent-divergent nozzles of combat aircraft

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    The system or components of a convergent-divergent (CONDI) nozzle that offer better perspectives for improvement and optimization are the actuation and cooling systems. Performance offers little margin for a direct improvement, and the utilization of advanced materials in many components of the nozzle presents no specific problems as compared with those of other parts of the engine, with the exception of the petals, in which the introduction of ceramic materials has a direct influence on cooling and performance, and it will be included in the cooling optimization. The introduction of a thrust vectoring capability is a major improvement, though not the subjet of this paper. The problem of the optimization of the actuation system was preliminary discussed in ref. 1, mainly in connection with the utilization of one versus two parameters actuation system. Since that time, SENER and FTP have carried out many studies and tests on actuation systems and on cooling optimization. They have also accumulated experience by means of theoretical and experimental studies on the utilization of ceramic petals. Some results and the main conclusions of these studies and tests are presented in the present work

    Un artesonado poliédrico manierista en Castroverde de Campos (Zamora, España)

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    This paper analyses an outstanding case in the field of historic Spanish carpentry. Built in the sixteenth century, the fivepanel wood coffered ceiling in the church of Santa María del Río in Castroverde de Campos (Zamora, Spain) shows a Renaissance layout with polygonal coffers. It combines Hispano-Islamic technological heritage with some innovative features, including singular disposition of timber, duplicity of structures and unorthodox carpentry joints. Furthermore, convex coffers are introduced among traditional concave ones giving it a marked Mannerist appearance. The likely double role of the author as designer and contractor explains the relevance of prefabricated elements in the construction process of the ceiling, since this effort for modulation and systematization rationalizes procedures and reduces labour costs.Este artículo analiza un caso excepcional en la carpintería de armar en España. Se trata del artesonado de cinco paños de la iglesia de Santa María del Río, en Castroverde de Campos (Zamora). Construido en el s. XVI, con una trama de artesones poligonales en su intradós, combina el diseño renacentista con la tradición técnica hispano-musulmana de estructuras de madera, y presenta aportaciones novedosas como la inusual disposición de escuadrías, la duplicidad de estructuras y las poco ortodoxas uniones carpinteras utilizadas. Además, la introducción de artesones convexos junto a los convencionales artesones cóncavos le confiere un marcado aspecto manierista y resuelve ingeniosamente el encuentro entre paños. La muy posible coincidencia de diseñador y constructor en la misma persona explicaría un proceso de construcción con módulos prefabricados, con el consiguiente ahorro de costes y riesgos laborales

    Quantification of Boron Compound Concentration for BNCT Using Positron Emission Tomography

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    Boron neutron capture therapy requires a 2 mM 10B concentration in the tumor. The well-known BNCT patient treatment method using boronophenylalanine (BPA) as a boron-carrying agent utilizes [18F]fluoroBPA ([18F]FBPA) as an agent to qualify for treatment. Precisely, [ 18F]FBPA must have at least a 3:1 tumor to background tissue ratio to qualify the patient for BNCT treatment. Normal, hyperplasia, and cancer thyroids capture iodine and several other large ions, including BF4 −, through a sodium-iodine symporter (NIS) expressed on the cell surface in normal conditions. In cancer, NIS is also expressed within the thyroid cell and is not functional. Methods: To visualize the thyroids and NIS, we have used a [18F]NaBF4 positron emission tomography (PET) tracer. It was injected into the tail veins of rats. The [18F]NaBF4 PET tracer was produced from NaBF4 by the isotopic exchange of natural 19F with radioactive 18F. Rats were subject to hyperplasia and tumor-inducing treatment. The NIS in thyroids was visualized by immunofluorescence staining. The boron concentration was calculated from Standard Uptake Values (SUV) in the PET/CT images and from the production data. Results: 41 MBq, 0.64 pmol of [18F]NaBF4 PET tracer that contained 0.351 mM, 53 nmol of NaBF4 was injected into the tail vein. After 17 min, the peak activity in the thyroid reached 2.3 MBq/mL (9 SUVmax). The natB concentration in the thyroid with hyperplasia reached 381 nM. Conclusions: Such an incorporation would require an additional 110 mg/kg dose of [ 10B]NaBF4 to reach the necessary 2 mM 10B concentration in the tumor. For future BNCT treatments of thyroid cancer, contrary to the 131I used now, there is no post-treatment radioactive decay, the patient can be immediately discharged from hospital, and there is no six-month moratorium for pregnancy. This method can be used for BNCT treatment compounds of the type R-BFn, where 1 <= n <= 3, labeled with 18F relatively easily, as in our example. A patient may undergo injection of a mixture of nonradioactive R-BFn to reach the necessary 10B concentration for BNCT treatment in the tumor together, with [18F]R-BFn for boron mapping.Spanish RTI2018-098117-B-C21 projec

    The effect of CO2-3 on the growth of barite {001} and {210} surfaces: An AFM study

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    The growth of barite {001} and {210} faces from aqueous solutions moderately supersaturated with respect to barite (βbarite ≈ 12 for experiments on {001} surfaces and βbarite ≈ 7 for experiments on {210} surfaces) and bearing different concentrations of carbonate has been studied in situ using an atomic force microscope (AFM). Nanoscopic observations show that, above a certain carbonate concentration threshold in the aqueous solution, the advancement of monolayers (~3.5Å in height) on barite {001} and {210} surfaces is strongly inhibited. However, inhibition never affects the growth of the first monolayer, whose growth rate increases in the presence of carbonate. In contrast, the second monolayer growth rate decreases as the concentration of carbonate in the solution increases. For high carbonate concentrations in the solution, growth stops after the formation of the first monolayer. While on barite {001} faces, the formation of a second monolayer does not occur for carbonate concentrations higher than 0.2 mM, on barite {210} faces the complete inhibition of the second monolayer is observed for carbonate concentrations higher than 0.05 mM. Once growth on {001} or {210} faces is completely inhibited, i.e. such surfaces are in the ‘‘dead zone’’, growth can be recovered by increasing supersaturation. In order to study the recovery behaviour of barite {001} and {210} faces from the ‘‘dead zone’’, an additional series of AFM experiments have been conducted. In these experiments, carbonate-free aqueous solutions with increasing supersaturations with respect to barite were passed over {001} and {210} surfaces previously ‘‘poisoned’’ with carbonate. Our experimental results show that the recovery of growth on barite {001} faces requires an important increase of the solution supersaturation. In contrast, the recovery of barite {210} surface growth does not require any supersaturation increase, but spontaneously occurs in a few minutes. Our observations of inhibition and growth recovery on barite surfaces at a nano-scale are discussed and compared with the descriptions given by the classical crystal growth inhibition models

    Científicos Españoles en el Reino Unido (1750-1830)

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    The main object of this article is to explain in detail the continous movement of Spanish people, that by some reason, lived in the U. K. from mid XVIIIth century until the 30's in the XIXth century. Hereby is exposed the main features carried out by Spanish scientist in England, as well as their respective work areas. Afterwords, are numbered the Spanish people associated to the most emblematic British science institution of those days, the Royal Society of London.El objeto del presente trabajo es dar cuenta detallada del flujo casi continuo de españoles que, por uno u otro motivo, realizaron alguna estancia en el Reino Unido desde mediados del siglo XVIII hasta los años treinta del siglo XIX. Exponemos primeramente los rasgos más sobresalientes de la actividad desplegada por los científicos españoles en Inglaterra, encuadrada en sus respectivas áreas de trabajo, y posteriormente damos noticia de los españoles asociados a la institución científica británica más emblemática de la época, la Royal Society of London

    Pre-silicon FEC decoding verification on SoC FPGAs

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    Forward error correction (FEC) decoding hardware modules are challenging to verify at pre-silicon stage, when they are usually described at register-transfer (RT)/logic level with a hardware description language (HDL). They tend to hide faults due to their inherent tendency to correct errors and the required simulations with a massive insertion of inputs are too slow. In this work, two verification techniques based on FPGA-prototyping are applied in order to complement the mentioned simulations: golden model vs implementation matching with thousands of random codewords and codeword/bit error rate (CER/BER) curve computation. For this purpose, a system on chip (SoC) field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is used, implementing in the programmable hardware part several replicas of the decoder (exploiting the parallel capabilities of hardware) and managing the verification by parallel programming the software part of the SoC (exploiting the presence of multiple processing cores). The presented approach allows a seamless integration with high-level models, does not need expensive testing/emulation platforms and obtains the results in a reasonable amount of time.This work has been supported by Project TEC2017-86722-C4-3-R, funded by Spanish MICINN/AEI

    La simetría del cuadrado en los artesones renacentistas españoles: origen y evolución

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    En los artesonados renacentistas españoles se superponen los condicionantes constructivos con la definición de los trazados geométricos utilizados para llenar el plano. La interacción entre los dos ámbitos no es neutra. La lógica constructiva de la madera, a base fundamentalmente de elementos lineales, se combina con la riqueza formal de los sistemas de tramas poligonales. Los motivos decorativo-estructurales tienen una razón de ser y existen ciertos esquemas que pueden ser rastreados a través de obras de distintas épocas. A partir del estudio comparado de techos diseñados en el siglo XVI y ubicados en Alcalá de Henares, Guadalajara, Pastrana, Salamanca y Toledo, se desprende la existencia de un modelo recurrente, de especial interés por su definición constructiva y geométrica, así como su significación. Desde los conceptos matemáticos, representados en las simetrías presentes en sus trazados, pasando por las variantes formales, que combinan el esquema principal con otros tomados de modelos diferentes, hasta su contenido simbólico-cultural. Es el diseño de las denominadas «aspas o cruces», una configuración basada en las variantes geométricas de un cuadrado que gira 45 grados. Utilizado fundamentalmente en techos planos, este esquema tiene relación con trazados clásicos, como los incluidos en mosaicos romanos de estrellas de ocho puntas y octógonos. Muy presente en el siglo XVI, lo romano florece en la península, tanto por los restos locales de la Antigüedad como por la creciente influencia de la Italia renacentista. También se encuentran referencias decorativas en templos paleocristianos del norte de España. Además, es especialmente destacada la herencia de la carpintería hispanomusulmana. Este trabajo propone el estudio de la definición geométrica y constructiva de dichos techos, que dará las claves para comprender la importancia del modelo y permitirá rastrear su origen y evolución