485 research outputs found

    La creación de una identidad patrimonial. Baiona y el descubrimiento de América

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    Baiona (Pontevedra) tiene en un hecho casual, la llegada de la Pinta tras el viaje del descubrimiento de América, uno de los sucesos más significativos de su historia. Acontecimiento que, sin embargo, pasó desapercibido hasta el siglo XIX, cuando se comienza a levantar toda una serie de monumentos conmemorativos que propician la creación de un importante patrimonio cultural. Estos monumentos fueron la excusa para llevar a cabo la renovación urbana de la franja litoral y apoyan el papel de Baiona como enclave turístico, situación por la que se caracteriza desde finales del siglo XIX.

    The creation of a heritage identity. Baiona and the discovery of America

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    Baiona (Pontevedra) tiene en un hecho casual, la llegada de la Pinta tras el viaje del descubrimiento de América, uno de los sucesos más significativos de su historia. Acontecimiento que, sin embargo, pasó desapercibido hasta el siglo XIX, cuando se comienza a levantar toda una serie de monumentos conmemorativos que propician la creación de un importante patrimonio cultural. Estos monumentos fueron la excusa para llevar a cabo la renovación urbana de la franja litoral y apoyan el papel de Baiona como enclave turístico, situación por la que se caracteriza desde finales del siglo XIX.Baiona (Pontevedra) was by chance the place of arrival of the Caravel La Pinta after the discovery of America, one of the most significant events of its History. However, this event went unnoticed until the 19th century, when a series of commemorative monuments were built leading the creation of an important cultural heritage. These monuments were the excuse to develop the urban renovation of the coastal area of the city and support the role of Baiona as tourist destination, a role that characterizes it since the end of the 19th century.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Historia del Art

    Submerged footprints in the "River of Oblivion". As Conchas Reservoir, the Via Nova and its Cultural Heritage

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    El embalse de As Conchas en el río Limia (Ourense), es el primero que Fenosa construye en Galicia en los años cuarenta. Este supone el comienzo de la actividad que la empresa eléctrica desarrollará en Galicia, para el aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico de los ríos y determinará las actuaciones futuras de esta industria. Con su construcción se inundó un amplio territorio, importante por su pasado, ya que por el discurría Vía Nova, lo que supuso la afectación de una parte importante de bienes del patrimonio cultural, relacionados con esta vía romana a su paso por el ayuntamiento de Bande. El primer objetivo de este estudio será identificar los bienes culturales que resultaron afectados por el proceso de construcción del embalse. Así como analizar el procedimiento seguido en cada uno de ellos, para propiciar su conservación o, por el contrario, su alteración, deterioro o pérdida. Con ello se tratará de analizar la metodología seguida tanto por las autoridades, responsables de los bienes de patrimonio como por la propia empresa eléctrica, para afrontar el conflicto que se produce entre estas infraestructuras hidroeléctricas y los bienes culturales que se encontraban en este espacio del sur de la provincia de Ourense.The As Conchas reservoir on the Limia River (Ourense), is the first Fenosa builds in Galicia in the forties. This implies the beginning of the activity that the electricity company will develop in Galicia, for the hydroelectric use of rivers and will determine the future actions of this industry. With its construction was flooded a large territory, important for its past, since by the running Via Nova, which involved the affectation of an important part of cultural heritage assets, related to this Roman road as it passed through the town hall of Bande. The first objective of this study will be to identify the cultural assets that were affected by the process of building the reservoir. As well as analyzing the procedure followed in each of them, to promote its preservation or, on the contrary, its alteration, deterioration or loss. This will seek to analyse the methodology followed by both the authorities, responsible for the assets and the electricity company itself, to deal with the conflict between these hydroelectric infrastructures and the cultural goods that were in this area of the south of the province of Ourense

    Patrimonio e institucións

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    Titulación: Grao en Historia da Arte -- Materia: Xestión e Lexislación de Patrimonio Histórico-ArtísticoOs contidos desta materia "Xestión e lexislación de Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico" estrutúranse en tres grandes módulos, sendo o de Patrimonio e Institucións o primeiro, polo que funciona cun carácter introdutorio para o alumno, e serve para o establecemento dos rudimentos básicos da xestión patrimonial. Con esta unidade trátase de realizar un achegamento a aquelas institucións ou organismos que, tanto a nivel supranacional como nacional ou local, se encargan de velar pola tutela efectiva no campo do patrimonio cultural, así como de garantir a preservación e conservación para facilitar o seu uso polas xeracións futuras. Esta unidade atopa a súa razón de ser en que permite aproximar ao alumno ao campo da xestión desde o punto de vista das institucións ou organismos tanto de carácter público como privados. Igualmente a misión desta unidade no conxunto da materia é axudar a comprender o papel que desde o punto de vista social debemos de xogar na protección do patrimonio, non só desde o punto de vista da tutela, senón tamén desde o da súa posible utilización. Igualmente con ela preténdese realizar unha aproximación aos organismos encargados de realizar as diferentes normativas para favorecer o uso social do patrimonio, fundamental nunha sociedade como a contemporánea.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Neutron beam line for TOF measurements at the Spanish National Accelerator Lab (CNA)

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    The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO funds (FPA2013-47327-C2-I-R, BES-2014-068808, and FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R), AECC (PS16163811PORR), Spanish Fundacion ACS, Capitan Antonio, and FEDER Andalucia (US-1261006).A few years ago, the Spanish National Accelerator Lab (CNA) developed the first accelerator-based neutron facility in Spain called HiSPANoS (HiSPAlis Neutron Source). The first applications of the line were related to integral measurements applied to nuclear astrophysics, dosimetry and single event effects produced by neutrons in electronic devices. The successful of HiSPANoS pushed the enhancement of the facility. In collaboration with the NEC (R) Company, two devices were designed for pulsing ion beams (Chopper) and for compressing in time (Buncher) the pulsed beams. The Chopper-Buncher system has been already installed and commissioned. Proton and deuteron beams are delivered with repetition rates from 62.5 kHz to 2 MHz and 1 ns pulse width. In addition, a new line of the 3 MV Tandem Pelletron accelerator was designed for neutron time of-flight (TOF) experiments. Conventional devices and a dedicated Pick-Up for timing measurements form the new line. In order to check the performance of the whole TOF system, we have carried out the measurement of the neutron spectrum produced by Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reaction at E-p = 1912 keV. Such spectrum has been measured by the TOF technique few times and it can be considered a standard neutron field, in particular in nuclear astrophysics. The first result of such experiment performed at CNA is shown in some detail. The excellent performance of the accelerator, the Chopper-Buncher system and the acquisition system allow us to offer the TOF line at HiSPANoS-CNA to the neutron community.Spanish MINECO FPA2013-47327-C2-I-R BES-2014-068808 FPA2016-77689-C2-1-RAECC PS16163811PORRSpanish Fundacion ACSCapitan AntonioFEDER Andalucia US-126100

    Sesgos en el software de procesamiento del lenguaje natural de la aplicación Siri en distintas variedades del español de España

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    La presencia de los asistentes de voz virtuales en nuestro día a día es cada vez mayor. Es una realidad innegable que su uso se ha incrementado tanto en jóvenes como en adultos y personas mayores. Ahora es momento de plantearse cómo influyen las distintas variaciones (diatópica y diastrática) y cómo puede variar la efectividad en función de la variedad del español que transcriba. Los resultados demuestran que el grado de precisión es mayor en todas las variedades del castellano que en el andaluz y canario.The presence of virtual voice assistants in everyday life is becoming more and more common. It is undeniable that their use has increased among young people, adults and the elderly. It is now time to consider the influence of the different variations (diatopic and diastratic) and how effectiveness may vary depending on the variety of Spanish being transcribed. The results show that Siri is more accurate with all different varieties of Castilian than with Andalusian and Canarian Spanish.Universidad de Granada. Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    Hand Rehabilitation after Chronic Brain Damage: Effectiveness, Usability and Acceptance of Technological Devices: A Pilot Study

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    Purpose: The aim is to present an overview of existing tools for hand rehabilitation after brain injury and a pilot study to test HandTutor® in patients with chronic brain damage (CBD)

    A nationwide study of chronic pain prevalence in the general Spanish population, identifying clinical subgroups through cluster analysis.

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    Objective. This study aims to assess the prevalence of chronic pain, its characteristics, and its impact on the general Spanish population. Also, to establish chronic pain patient subgroups according to the characteristics of pain and to identify variables specifically associated with each subgroup. Design. Telephone-based, cross-sectional nationwide study. Subjects. A sample of 1,957 individuals representative of the Spanish population. Methods. Data were collected through telephone interviews. A subject was considered to have chronic pain if they had suffered pain (at least 4 days a week) during the last 3 months. The subjects were divided into two subgroups through a cluster analysis, and a regression model was established to determine the variables most specifically associated with these subgroups. Results. The prevalence of chronic pain was 16.6% (95% confidence interval: 14.9–18.3) and among these subjects, more than 50% referred to limitations in their daily activities, 30% felt sad and/or anxious, and 47.2% indicated that their pain was affecting their family life. Two subgroups of subjects with pain were identified: 1) characterized by generalized pain in more than one location and of a long evolution (150 months); and 2) characterized by pain localized to only one site with a shorter duration (100 months). Individuals who felt anxious because of their pain and those who considered that their pain was affecting their family were more likely to belong to group 1. Conclusions. Pain affects an important proportion of the Spanish adult population and that it has a strong personal impact. Two pain groups were clearly distinguished by their clinical characteristics

    Perspectives of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Biological Agents in Non-Infectious Uveitis Treatment: A Review

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    Biological drugs, especially those targeting anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) molecule, have revolutionized the treatment of patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU), a sight-threatening condition characterized by ocular inflammation that can lead to severe vision threatening and blindness. Adalimumab (ADA) and infliximab (IFX), the most widely used anti-TNF alpha drugs, have led to greater clinical benefits, but a significant fraction of patients with NIU do not respond to these drugs. The therapeutic outcome is closely related to systemic drug levels, which are influenced by several factors such as immunogenicity, concomitant treatment with immunomodulators, and genetic factors. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of drug and anti-drug antibody (ADAbs) levels is emerging as a resource to optimise biologic therapy by personalising treatment to bring and maintain drug concentration within the therapeutic range, especially in those patients where a clinical response is less than expected. Furthermore, some studies have described different genetic polymorphisms that may act as predictors of response to treatment with anti-TNF alpha agents in immune-mediated diseases and could be useful in personalising biologic treatment selection. This review is a compilation of the published evidence in NIU and in other immune-mediated diseases that support the usefulness of TDM and pharmacogenetics as a tool to guide clinicians' treatment decisions leading to better clinical outcomes. In addition, findings from preclinical and clinical studies, assessing the safety and efficacy of intravitreal administration of anti-TNF alpha agents in NIU are discussed