713 research outputs found

    Cuidados al niño con diabetes 1 en el entorno escolar

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaRevisión narrativa para analizar las necesidades de los niños* escolarizados con diabetes 1 y el papel que la enfermera desempeña en su educación y cuidado. La escolarización resulta estresante para el niño, sus progenitores, compañeros y personal del centro escolar por ser una etapa condicionada por la edad, la capacidad de autocuidado, y la aparición de posibles complicaciones a corto plazo. Los sentimientos de diferencia y exclusión que pueden experimentar estos niños deben abordarse en el sistema educativopara lograr su integración, así como el desarrollo del autocuidado. Esto convierte a la enfermera escolar en el profesional cualificado responsable para ayudar al niño a manejar su problema de salud. Se han seleccionado como categorías de análisis la experiencia del niño con diabetes 1, la experiencia del cuidador, y el papel de la enfermera escolar. Existe una demanda cada vez mayor por parte de la sociedadde la presencia de enfermeras** en los centros educativos, debido a las necesidades de cuidado de niños con problemas de salud que deben ser abordados por personal especializado. Además de favorecer la conciliación laboral y familiar, la disponibilidad de una enfermera escolar supone también trabajar estilos de vida saludables desde la infancia por medio de la Educación para la Salud, logrando que los niños de hoy sean adultos sanos y con hábitos de vida adecuados en el futuro, minimizando la aparición de enfermedades prevenibles, y mejorando con ello la salud comunitaria.The purpose of this literature review is to analyse the needs for schooled children with diabetes type 1 and the role school nurses play in their education and healthcare. The schooling period can result in a stressing situation for the child, colleagues and school personnel as it is conditioned by children age, self-care capacity and the risk of short term complications. Feelings of difference and exclusion those children can experience must be tackled from the beginning in the education system to ensure a smooth integration along with the development of self-care skills. The school nurse is therefore the qualified professional who should be responsible to help those children managing their medical condition. Three different roles have been analysed in this review: both children and carers experience, and the nurse role and experience. There is a growing social demand over the presence of nurses in educational centres which develops from the specific requirements of children with health conditions, as those should be addressed by qualified personnel. Apart from improving parents balance between work and personal life, the availability of a school nurse is paramount to achieve adequate lifestyles through health programs from the early years, ensuringchildren can become healthy adults in the future, thus minimizing the appearance of preventable chronic diseases and improving health standards within the community

    Affective and cognitive factors that hinder the banking relationships of economically vulnerable consumers

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    PurposeThe aim of this paper is to explore the affective and cognitive factors that condition banking relationships for economically vulnerable consumers and how these factors contribute to increasing financial difficulties and exclusion. This research, performed on a set of focus groups, bases its findings on a combination of experimental and discourse analysis methods. Design/methodology/approachFinancial decisions are not rational and can be biased by affective and cognitive factors. Behavioural finance has focused very little on analysing how consumer biases influence relationships with banking institutions. Additionally, these relationships are affected by the digitalization and transformation of banking business. Thus, in the case of economically vulnerable consumers, who are not profitable for the increasingly competitive banking industry and lack financial abilities, their risk of financial exclusion is increasing. FindingsThe results show that distrust and shame lead to financial difficulties in economically vulnerable consumers. Distrust generates problems of access and self-exclusion, while shame generates difficulties of use. This lack of trust makes them more rational when dealing with machines than with people, showing greater banking difficulties for consumers with a "person-suspicious" profile. Originality/valueThis finding can help regulators establish limits on banking behaviour, require banks to incorporate affective and cognitive factors in their convenience tests and detect new variables that can help them improve their insolvency ratios and reputations.Financial decisions are not rational and can be biased by affective and cognitive factors. Behavioural finance has focused very little on analysing how consumer biases influence relationships with banking institutions. Additionally, these relationships are affected by the digitalization and transformation of banking business. Thus, in the case of economically vulnerable consumers, who are not profitable for the increasingly competitive banking industry and lack financial abilities, their risk of financial exclusion is increasing. The aim of this paper is to explore the affective and cognitive factors that condition banking relationships for economically vulnerable consumers and how these factors contribute to increasing financial difficulties and exclusion. This research, performed on a set of focus groups, bases its findings on a combination of experimental and discourse analysis methods. The results show that distrust and shame lead to financial difficulties in economically vulnerable consumers. Distrust generates problems of access and self-exclusion, while shame generates difficulties of use. This lack of trust makes them more rational when dealing with machines than with people, showing greater banking difficulties for consumers with a “person-suspicious” profile. This finding can help regulators establish limits on banking behaviour, require banks to incorporate affective and cognitive factors in their convenience tests and detect new variables that can help them improve their insolvency ratios and reputations.UCEIF Foundatio

    The relationship between vulnerable financial consumers and banking institutions. A qualitative study in Spain

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    The financial exclusion phenomenon has been approached from different perspectives. After reviewing the recent literature, we adopt a financial ecology approach and propose a comprehensive framework to analyse the different types of difficulties (access, use and perception) that vulnerable financial consumers face in relationships with banking institutions as well as their underlying causes. We consider financial inclusion as the sustainable provision of financial services and products and an adjustment to individual needs. We examine a special group of urban vulnerable consumers: underbanked people facing poverty and social exclusion. Data were obtained from focus groups and were coded and analysed using qualitative data analysis software. The results show that use difficulties predominate, followed by perception difficulties. Bank pressure and lack of financial training stood out among the main causes of these financial difficulties. We conclude that poorer neighbourhoods constitute a distinctive financial ecology produced by the ?discrimination? of a significant number of their inhabitants in the use of mainstream financial services. The study provides evidence of the socio-spatial nature of the exclusion process and calls for further research on the role of policy responses to restrict abusive practices.Fundación de la Universidad de Cantabria para el Estudio y la Investigación del Sector Financiero (UCEIF

    Aplicación de un recubrimiento comestible a base de mucílago de nopal para la conservación de guayaba

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    Consumers are interested in natural, healthy, nutritious and wholesome products. This has motivated the development of research and edible coatings applied to fruit and vegetable products as an alternative to meet these needs. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that the use of edible coatings helps the preservation and quality of guava. To meet the objective, six treatments were evaluated with a control, three formulations of nopal mucilage plus thyme essential oil (100% mucilage, 99.5% mucilage + 0.5% essential oil, 99% mucilage + 1% essential oil), at two immersion times (60 and 30 S). The variables considered were titratable acidity, pH, soluble solids, weight loss, and determination of the presence of microorganisms. The best treatment was a2b1 (99% mucilage + 1% thyme essential oil), because it preserved the greatest amount of fruit properties during the experiment. The response variable considered to be of great significance is weight, which was recorded daily for 10 days. In this physical parameter, the best treatment was a2b1 (99.5% mucilage + 1% thyme essential oil) for 30 seconds.Los consumidores orientan su interés hacia productos naturales, sanos, nutritivos, saludables. Esto ha motivado al desarrollo investigaciones y recubrimientos comestibles aplicados a productos hortofrutícolas, como una alternativa para cubrir estas necesidades. La finalidad de esta investigación es demostrar que la utilización de recubrimientos comestibles ayuda a la conservación y calidad de la guayaba. Para cumplir con el objetivo planteado se evaluaron seis tratamientos con un control, tres formulaciones de mucílago de nopal más aceite esencial de tomillo (100% mucílago, 99.5% mucílago + 0.5% aceite esencial, 99% de mucílago + 1 % de aceite esencial), a dos tiempos de inmersión (60 y 30 S). Las variables consideradas fueron acidez titulable, pH, sólidos solubles, pérdida de peso, y la determinación de la presencia de microorganismos. El mejor tratamiento fue a2b1 (99% mucílago + 1% aceite esencial de tomillo), debido a que conservó la mayor cantidad de propiedades del fruto durante el experimento. La variable respuesta considerada de gran significancia es el peso, que se registró diariamente durante 10 días, en este parámetro físico el mejor tratamiento fue a2b1 (99.5% de mucílago + 1 % de aceite esencial de tomillo) por 30 segundos

    Mechanisms of abrupt loss of virus control in a cohort of previous HIV controllers

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    Altres ajuts: FIPSE grant 360737-09; AELIX TherapeuticsA few individuals can control HIV infection without the need for antiretroviral treatment and are referred to as HIV controllers. We have studied HIV controllers who suddenly lose this ability and present with high in vivo viral replication and decays in their CD4 + T-cell counts to identify potential immune and virological factors that were responsible for initial virus control. We identify in vitro -determined reductions in the ability of CD8 T cells to suppress viral control and the presence of PD-1-expressing CD8 + T cells with a naive immune phenotype as potential predictors of in vivo loss of virus control. The findings could be important for the clinical management of HIV controller individuals, and it may offer an important tool to anticipate viral rebound in individuals in clinical studies that include combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) treatment interruptions and which, if not treated quickly, could pose a significant risk to the trial participants. Elite and viremic HIV controllers are able to control their HIV infection and maintain undetectable or low-level viremia in the absence of antiretroviral treatment. Despite extensive studies, the immune factors responsible for such exclusive control remain poorly defined. We identified a cohort of 14 HIV controllers that suffered an abrupt loss of HIV control (LoC) to investigate possible mechanisms and virological and immunological events related to the sudden loss of control. The in-depth analysis of these subjects involved the study of cell tropism of circulating virus, evidence for HIV superinfection, cellular immune responses to HIV, as well as an examination of viral adaptation to host immunity by Gag sequencing. Our data demonstrate that a poor capacity of T cells to mediate in vitro viral suppression, even in the context of protective HLA alleles, predicts a loss of viral control. In addition, the data suggest that inefficient viral control may be explained by an increase of CD8 T-cell activation and exhaustion before LoC. Furthermore, we detected a switch from C5- to X4-tropic viruses in 4 individuals after loss of control, suggesting that tropism shift might also contribute to disease progression in HIV controllers. The significantly reduced inhibition of in vitro viral replication and increased expression of activation and exhaustion markers preceding the abrupt loss of viral control may help identify untreated HIV controllers that are at risk of losing control and may offer a useful tool for monitoring individuals during treatment interruption phases in therapeutic vaccine trials. IMPORTANCE A few individuals can control HIV infection without the need for antiretroviral treatment and are referred to as HIV controllers. We have studied HIV controllers who suddenly lose this ability and present with high in vivo viral replication and decays in their CD4 + T-cell counts to identify potential immune and virological factors that were responsible for initial virus control. We identify in vitro -determined reductions in the ability of CD8 T cells to suppress viral control and the presence of PD-1-expressing CD8 + T cells with a naive immune phenotype as potential predictors of in vivo loss of virus control. The findings could be important for the clinical management of HIV controller individuals, and it may offer an important tool to anticipate viral rebound in individuals in clinical studies that include combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) treatment interruptions and which, if not treated quickly, could pose a significant risk to the trial participants