2,360 research outputs found

    School for Democracy. School Architecture and Second Republic in Bilbao

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    [Resumen] Con la constitución de la II República, el Estado entendió que la educación era fundamental para asentar la democracia, por lo que emprendió un programa de mejoras en la enseñanza que también influyeron en la forma de concebir la arquitectura escolar,según servicios de una mayor trascendencia social y espacios acordes con ideas pedagógicas más activas. En Bilbao, el resultado de esta política educativa se tradujoen la construcción de un grupo escolar municipal modelo que dio forma a una nueva manera de entender la escuela, según una arquitectura igualmente moderna que marcó las pautas que siguieron otras iniciativas posteriores[Abstract] With the constitution of II Spanish Republic the State understood that education was essential to lay down democracy, and consequently it undertook improvements in education that also influenced in the way school architecture was conceived according to services of a greater social importance and spaces related to more active pedagogical ideas. Th e result of this educative policy in Bilbao was the constructionof a municipal school group that gave form to a new way to understand school, accordingto an equally modern architecture, that pointed out the model followed by other initiatives

    The use of mycoviruses in the control of forest diseases

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    Producción CientíficaFifteen families of mycoviruses have been described and 80% of these catalogued. However, their evolutionary relationship with fungi is not clear. The mycovirus genome can be formed by single- or double-stranded RNA or single-stranded DNA. The effects of mycoviruses range from the induction of a cryptic state (asymptomatic) to promotion of hyper- or hypovirulence in the host. Horizontal transmission of mycoviruses is determined by the presence of different vegetative compatibility types and mating types. Biocontrol of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) has been found to be a successful mycovirus-based treatment and is considered a model in forest disease management. Development of this type of biological control tool for use in other forest pathologies requires a sound knowledge of viral symptomatology and transmission. The present review focuses on the application of mycoviruses and the prospects for future use in the biological control of forest diseases as well as on advances in mycovirus-applied research in forestry, landscape and culture of woody plants.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project AGL2012-39912

    Social evolution in Jürgen Habermas: Towards a weak anthropological naturalism between Kant and Darwin

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    Producción CientíficaIssues concerning naturalism have increasingly become the subject of philosophical reflections involving ontological,epistemological, and even ethics affairs. The most popular topic for contemporary philosophy has been the relationship between ontological results of Darwinism and epistemology. Despite the varied circumstances of its establishment, natural-ism almost always produces recommendations that reflect a world view much“weaker”(as in the case of Habermas) than the strong one more common among scientism. There are good structural reasons for this difference. The aim of this paper is to elucidate some of distinctive social features of Habermas’s conception of the human being and its implications in the Theory of Communicative Action(1982). Therefore, it is shown that his anthropology takes a naturalistic and Darwinist perspective in the weak naturalism perspective. In the first part, Darwińs legacy is analysed as a research program, and Habermaś s studies on biological anthropologyare compared with the latest research in genetics and palaeontology. In the second part, we will show Habermas’s proposal to confront an epistemological dualism through aweak non-reductionist naturalism as a critique of modern metaphysics, which structures a new pragmatic realism

    Towards an annotation schema of financial discourse based on functional discourse analysis

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    The aim of this presentation is to explore the structure of economic opinion news texts and its implications for sentiment analysis. The Lingmotif sentiment analysis tool has achieved great results in detecting polarity in texts but further improvements can be made by studying textual structure. The Functional Discourse Units model is used to identify discourse segments issued by the opinion holder for correct polarity assignment. The scheme for text segments consists of five layers: polarity, discursive functions, aspect, entity, and opinion holder. A corpus of economic opinion news columns from three major English-language newspapers is annotated to generate a comprehensive dataset for improving sentiment analysis and to provide insights into textual linguistics such as discourse markers and news values. Preliminary results offer numerous opportunities for improving sentiment analysis and provide a great panoramic view on textual linguistics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Delimited Massively Parallel Algorithm based on Rules Elimination for Application of Active Rules in Transition P Systems

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    In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware/software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules

    Universality of sequences of operators related to Taylor series

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    In this note, the universality of a sequence of operators associated to the partial sums of the Taylor series of a holomorphic function is investigated. The emphasis is put on the fact that the Taylor series are evaluated at a prescribed point and the variable is the center of the expansion. The dynamics of the sequence of operators linked to the partial sums of a power series that is not generated by an entire function is also studied.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Problemas de control en procesos de eutrofización

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    El aumento de los niveles de nitrógeno y fósforo (nutrientes principales para determinadas algas) en grandes masas de agua debido a la acción contaminante del hombre, puede traer consigo una disminución de la calidad del agua (procesos de eutrofización). En este trabajo estudiamos un m´etodo de control de esta clase de procesos, basado en el uso de biorreactores (tanques en donde se desarrollarán una serie de procesos que reducirán los niveles de nitrógeno y/o fósforo del agua por debajo de unos umbrales máximos). Matemáticamente estos métodos de control se pueden formular como problemas de control óptimo con restricciones sobre el estado en donde las ecuaciones de estado son un tipo de sistema de ecuaciones cuasilineales

    Vivienda pública y posguerra en Bilbao. Experiencias y reflexiones en torno al hábitat mínimo durante los primeros años de la dictadura franquista

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    Durante los años cuarenta las instituciones estatales y municipales erigieron viviendas públicas que siguieron las ideas de hábitat mínimo e higiénico que se empezaron a conocer durante la II República. Sin embargo, debido a la carencia de medios y las gestiones llevadas a cabo, se construyó un número reducido de alojamientos, en los que primó además la rentabilidad a través de la venta o el alquiler reservado que se destinaron a personas con recursos económicos suficientes. Berrogeiko hamarkadan estatu- eta udal-erakundeek II. Errepublikaren garaian ezagunak izaten hasi ziren etxebizitza publikoak eraiki zituzten, gutxieneko habitataren eta habitat higienikoaren ideiak kontuan izan zituzten etxebizitzak. Hala eta guztiz ere, garai hartan zeuden bitarteko eskasak eta egin ziren kudeaketak zirela medio, etxebizitza kopuru txikia eraiki zen, eta gainera salmentaren edo erreserbatutako alokairuaren bitartez errentagarritasuna lortzeari lehentasuna eman zitzaion, baliabide ekonomiko nahikoak zituzten pertsonei bideratuz. During the 1940s, state and municipal institutions built public housing under the influence of ideas about minimum and hygienic dwellings which started to become known during the Second Spanish Republic. However, due to a lack of resources and the management carried out, few apartments were built and, in order to be profitable, they were sold or rented to people with sufficient economic resources

    Experience with PV-diesel hybrid village power systems in southern Morocco

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    In October 2002, under the auspices of Spanish Cooperation, a pilot electrification project put into operation two centralised PV-diesel hybrid systems in two different Moroccan villages. These systems currently provide a full-time energy service and supply electricity to more than a hundred of families, six community buildings, street lighting and one running water system. The appearance of the electricity service is very similar to an urban one: one phase AC supply (230V/50Hz) distributed up to each dwelling using a low-voltage mini-grid, which has been designed to be fully compatible with a future arrival of the utility grid. The management of this electricity service is based on a “fee-for-service” scheme agreed between a local NGO, partner of the project, and electricity associations created in each village, which are in charge of, among other tasks, recording the daily energy production of systems and the monthly energy consumption of each house. This register of data allows a systematic evaluation of both the system performance and the energy consumption of users. Now, after four years of operation, this paper presents the experience of this pilot electrification project and draws lessons that can be useful for designing, managing and sizing this type of small village PV-hybrid syste

    Arquitectura escolar de educación primaria en Bilbao (1876-1975): propuestas municipales para una ciudad industrial

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    A partir de 1876 Bilbao consolidó su transformación en una ciudad industrial en constante crecimiento, que propició el desarrollo de una arquitectura escolar que contribuyó a definir la imagen urbana del municipio. Entre 1876 y 1912 se concretaron las primeras propuestas y ensayos en torno a la escuela unitaria. Seguidamente, entre 1913 y 1936 se consolidó la arquitectura escolar en base a una escuela graduada y grupos escolares con un mayor número de servicios. Durante el franquismo, se pasó de la parálisis constructiva de los años de autarquía, a una actividad destacada durante los años 60 y 70, que sin embargo fue siempre insuficiente y con limitaciones, que dio lugar a diferentes planes y propuestas que definieron de manera casi definitiva el mapa escolar de la ciudad