1,224 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of a catastrophic model of extreme wind gust situations in peninsular Spain

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    Póster presentado en: 10th EUMETNET Data Management Workshop celebrado en St. Gallen, Suiza, del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2015.The CCS (Spanish Insurance Compensation Consortium) is the Spanish Agency that provides insurance coverage against weather events that involve an extraordinary risk. One of the extraordinary risks covered by the CCS refers to extraordinary wind, defined as those with wind gusts exceeding 120 km/h. The accurate delimitation of the areas in which this condition is met shows considerable difficulties in our country because of the lack of wind observations and the complexity of the terrain. The operational procedure performed at AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency) for estimating the areas with maximum wind gusts applies a geostatistical technique, the universal kriging, based on the observational data of maximum wind gust and drawing also on external variables: terrain elevation, distance from the shore, and the HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model) forecasting model output of maximum wind gust field. Extreme meteorological events sometimes go unnoticed but frequently become apparent due their impact on society with its corresponding consequences. Moreover, the catastrophic nature of a phenomenon depends not only on the extreme value that the climate element takes on, but also on other factors, such as population distribution or geomorphological features, among many others. In this work we present some preliminary steps in the development of a catastrophic model of extreme wind gust situations in peninsular Spain. The main aim of this model is to provide significant information for covering risk against future extreme wind situations, as well as assessing the liability owing to this risk on a year time-frame. The first steps in the development of this model are: a) the generation of climatology of the areas under extraordinary wind going back to 2010 and, b) the estimation of incurred covered loss in these years based on data from the insurer. The following step will be the estimation of a local (at municipality level at best) expected loss function from extraordinary winds depending on the intensity of the event.This project is being sponsored by CCS

    A New Route of Valorization of Petrochemical Wastewater: Recovery of 1,3,5-Tris (4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6-dimethyl benzyl)¿1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cyanox 1790) and Its Subsequent Application in a PP Matrix to Improve Its Thermal Stability

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    [EN] The various chemicals in industrial wastewater can be beneficial for improving its circularity. If extraction methods are used to capture valuable components from the wastewater and then recirculate them throughout the process, the potential of the wastewater can be fully exploited. In this study, wastewater produced after the polypropylene deodorization process was evaluated. These waters remove the remains of the additives used to create the resin. With this recovery, contamination of the water bodies is avoided, and the polymer production process becomes more circular. The phenolic component was recovered by solid-phase extraction and HPLC, with a recovery rate of over 95%. FTIR and DSC were used to evaluate the purity of the extracted compound. After the phenolic compound was applied to the resin and its thermal stability was analyzed via TGA, the compound's efficacy was finally determined. The results showed that the recovered additive improves the thermal qualities of the material.This research was partially funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICIU) project number MAT2017-84909-C2-2-R Nanolignin.Hernández-Fernández, J.; Ortega-Toro, R.; López-Martínez, J. (2023). A New Route of Valorization of Petrochemical Wastewater: Recovery of 1,3,5-Tris (4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6-dimethyl benzyl)¿1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cyanox 1790) and Its Subsequent Application in a PP Matrix to Improve Its Thermal Stability. Molecules. 28(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules2805200328

    Lexical Simplification System to Improve Web Accessibility

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    People with intellectual, language and learning disabilities face accessibility barriers when reading texts with complex words. Following accessibility guidelines, complex words can be identified, and easy synonyms and definitions can be provided for them as reading aids. To offer support to these reading aids, a lexical simplification system for Spanish has been developed and is presented in this article. The system covers the complex word identification (CWI) task and offers replacement candidates with the substitute generation and selection (SG/SS) task. These tasks have followed machine learning techniques and contextual embeddings using Easy Reading and Plain Language resources, such as dictionaries and corpora. Additionally, due to the polysemy present in the language, the system provides definitions for complex words, which are disambiguated by a rule-based method supported by a state-of-the-art embedding resource. This system is integrated into a web system that provides an easy way to improve the readability and comprehension of Spanish texts. The results obtained are satisfactory; in the CWI task, better results were obtained than with other systems that used the same dataset. The SG/SS task results are comparable to similar works in the English language and provide a solid starting point to improve this task for the Spanish language. Finally, the results of the disambiguation process evaluation were good when evaluated by a linguistic expert. These findings represent an additional advancement in the lexical simplification of texts in Spanish and in a generic domain using easy-to-read resources, among others, to provide systematic support to compliance with accessibility guidelinesThis work was supported in part by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors under Grant EPUC3M17, in part by the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation), and in part by the Accessible Technologies Award-INDRA Technologies and the Fundación Universia (www.tecnologiasaccesibles.com

    E-parenting: a systematic literature review

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    La irrupción de internet en todas las áreas de la vida cotidiana también se ha puesto de manifiesto en la educación parental y familiar. Este artículo presenta una revisión exploratoria y sistemática de la literatura sobre estudios de educación parental online que proceden de investigaciones que han sido publicados principalmente en revistas científicas. Esta revisión pone de manifiesto lo recientes que son las investigaciones en este campo, hecho que constata que están emergiendo nuevos escenarios para el apoyo y desarrollo de prácticas parentales online para las familias, lo que a su vez, abre la puerta tanto a nuevas oportunidades de apoyo y desarrollo del ejercicio de la parentalidad como a nuevas modalidades de intervención y gestión profesionales mediante las TIC.The presence of the internet in all areas of everyday life as an information search tool has also highlighted parenting and family education. This article presents an exploratory systematic review of the literature on studies of parental education online that come from research that has been published mainly in scientific journals. This review highlights recent research in this field, which shows that new scenarios are emerging for the support and development of online parental practices for families, which, in turn, opens the door to new opportunities for support and development of the exercise of parenthood as well as new modalities of professional intervention and management through ICT

    Modelo de impacto económico para las situaciones de rachas máximas extremas en la España peninsular

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    En este trabajo se presenta el modelo de impacto económico para las situaciones de rachas máximas extremas en la España peninsular. Este modelo tiene como objetivo fundamental proporcionar información significativa para la cobertura del riesgo, y su correspondiente evaluación, para cada situación de Tempestad Ciclónica Atípica (TCA) y para un corto período de tiempo. El modelo está basado en la aplicación conjunta de una climatología y un análisis de las pérdidas de las situaciones pasadas de TCA. Su uso tendrá en cuenta las características de la TCA y la valoración catastral total de los municipios afectados por viento extremo. Los resultados iniciales muestran estimaciones iniciales de las pérdidas esperadas sólo para algunos municipios. Posteriormente se extienden estos resultados para la totalidad del área que comprende la España peninsular de manera que se consiga tener un campo suavizado. Los resultados se presentan a nivel de municipios por ser la unidad aplicada por el CCS en la cobertura de daños. Mediante este modelo el CCS, que proporciona seguros contra las situaciones de rachas máximas extremas y compensa los daños producidos, dispondrá de manera rápida y eficiente de una información valiosa frente a futuras situaciones de TCA.In this work we present the economic impact model of extreme wind gust situations in peninsular Spain. The main aim of this model is to provide significant information for covering risk and corresponding evaluation for extreme wind situations (TCA) in a short period of time. The model is based on the joint implementation of a climatology and an analysis of covered losses of past situations. It takes into account the characteristics of the TCA and the cadastre total evaluation for the area affected by extreme wind, at municipality level. The preliminary results provides initial estimates of the cost of expected losses only for some municipalities. Afterwards, these results are extended to the entire area of peninsular Spain achieving a smooth field. The results are shown at municipality level because this is the unit applied by the CCS in damage coverage. Using this model the CCS, which provides insurance against extreme wind gust situations and compensates damage, determines quickly and efficiently valuable information against future situations of TCA

    El acoso moral en el trabajo (mobbing): análisis sobre la limitada respuesta jurídica a un antiguo problema de reciente estudio y futura solución (legal)

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    Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado y obtenido el 1.er Premio Estudios Financieros 2002 en la Modalidad de DERECHO DEL TRABAJO y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL. El acoso moral constituye un problema cuyas repercusiones en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales son contemporáneas al nacimiento histórico del trabajo humano por cuenta ajena, no obstante lo cual su estudio y tratamiento sólo ha tenido lugar con la toma de conciencia por parte de la sociedad occidental finisecular de sus importantes consecuencias para la salud física y psíquica del hostigado y el mantenimiento de un ambiente laboral pacífico y libre de riesgos. Estadísticas y estudios interdisciplinares corroboran la gravedad de esta patología tanto desde un punto de vista cuantitativo –más de un millón de trabajadores manifiestan ser o haber sido víctimas de este tipo de vejaciones en nuestro país– como cualitativo –daños para el trabajador, para la familia, costes para la empresa, para la Seguridad Social...–. En cualquier caso, y por tratarse de un fenómeno sólo recientemente identificado, el legislador no ha proporcionado aún una específica regulación. Pocas dudas pueden caber, empero, de que esta conducta resulta reprobable por el ordenamiento debido a los importantes bienes jurídicos potencialmente lesionados; tal circunstancia fuerza al jurista a aguzar el ingenio y, en su labor hermenéutica, revisitar los conceptos y cauces generales ya diseñados por la ley como solución (¿provisional?) a tan delicado problema. Ésta es la labor asumida por los autores en la presente obra, buscando –y encontrando– vías para, desde el Derecho vigente, prevenir y sancionar las conductas de hostigamiento y proteger e indemnizar al acosado. A tal fin, el análisis no se circunscribe al ámbito puramente laboral, sino que abarca también las implicaciones civiles y penales de semejante realidad

    Review: Ischemia Reperfusion Injury?A Translational Perspective in Organ Transplantation

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    Thanks to the development of new, more potent and selective immunosuppressive drugs together with advances in surgical techniques, organ transplantation has emerged from an experimental surgery over fifty years ago to being the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases, with over 139,000 organ transplants performed worldwide in 2019. Inherent to the transplantation procedure is the fact that the donor organ is subjected to blood flow cessation and ischemia during harvesting, which is followed by preservation and reperfusion of the organ once transplanted into the recipient. Consequently, ischemia/reperfusion induces a significant injury to the graft with activation of the immune response in the recipient and deleterious effect on the graft. The purpose of this review is to discuss and shed new light on the pathways involved in ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) that act at different stages during the donation process, surgery, and immediate post-transplant period. Here, we present strategies that combine various treatments targeted at different mechanistic pathways during several time points to prevent graft loss secondary to the inflammation caused by IRI

    Plan de cuidados de enfermería al paciente con epidermólisis bullosa (EB): A propósito de un caso

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    La epidermólisis bullosa es una enfermedad rara que engloba un conjunto de alteraciones de la piel y mucosas, causadas por mutaciones genéticas. Se caracteriza por una fragilidad extrema de piel y mucosas, ocasionando heridas, ampollas y úlceras. Sus complicaciones también afectan a numerosos órganos y sistemas. La actuación de los profesionales de enfermería en esta patología resulta fundamental, debido a la ausencia de tratamiento y a los grandes cuidados que precisan los pacientes, que a su vez deriva en una afectación de los cuidadores y el ámbito familiar.<br /