4,614 research outputs found

    Determinación de la estructura genética de las poblaciones silvestres españolas de Castanea sativa mediante isoenzimas

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    The genetic variability within and among 17 wild Spanish chestnut stands was examined by isozyme analysis, with the goals of describing their geographic structure and designing conservation and management strategies. Measures of genetic diversity such as allelic richness, heterozygosity, polymorphism, F-statistics, D-statistics, gene flow, clustering using Nei’s genetic distances and a method based on an Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm and the contributions of each stand to diversity and allelic richness were all used. Wild Spanish chestnut populations displayed heterogeneity of allele frequencies between them, high levels of genetic diversity and high differentiation (Fst = 0.15) compared with populations from other western European countries such as France and Italy. The two clustering methods allowed the identification of three clusters: a Mediterranean cluster, a northern Spanish cluster and the southern Galician cluster. The highest heterozygosity and allelic richness were found in the North, especially in the southern Galician cluster. Several areas can be recommended for inclusion in the network of Conservation Units: Fraga de Catasós, representing the southern Galician cluster; Fragas do Eume, representing the northern Spanish cluster; and Hervás or El Tiemblo, representing the Mediterranean cluster.La variabilidad genética entre y dentro de 17 rodales de castaño silvestre muestreados en poblaciones españolas se examinó mediante el análisis de polimorfismos isoenzimáticos con la finalidad de describir la estructura geográfica y diseñar estrategias de conservación y manejo. Se calcularon la riqueza alélica, heterocigosidad, polimorfismo, la estadística F y D, el flujo genético y se realizaron análisis de agrupación de poblaciones utilizando la distancia genética de Nei y un método basado en el algoritmo Monte Carlo Markov Chain, y finalmente se calcularon las contribuciones de cada rodal a la diversidad y riqueza alélica. Las poblaciones silvestres de castaño españolas presentaron heterogeneidad de frecuencias alélicas entre ellas, elevados niveles de diversidad genética y de diferenciación (Fst = 0.15) comparadas con otras poblaciones del Oeste de Europa. Se identificaron tres grupos de poblaciones: el grupo Mediterráneo, el grupo del Norte y del Sur de Galicia. La mayor heterocigosidad y riqueza alélica está en el Norte, principalmente en el grupo del Sur de Galicia. Se recomiendan varias áreas para incluir en la red de Unidades de Conservación: Fraga de Catasós, en representación del grupo Sur de Galicia; las Fragas do Eume, representando el grupo del Norte; y Hervás o el Tiemblo en representación del grupo Mediterráneo

    Análisis del error sistemático en la sustracción

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    En este artículo presentamos resultados de investigación relacionados con la tipología, naturaleza y evolución de los errores en la sustracción. El objetivo principal de la investigación trata de indagar sobre si en nuestro contexto escolar se producen errores sistemáticos y si disminuyen a lo largo de la escolaridad. Asimismo, comparamos los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por autores de referencia en este campo de investigación. Para ello, efectuamos un análisis sobre 7.140 restas realizadas por niños/as escolarizados en 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de errores sistemáticos y tipología concreta de los mismos, hecho de indudable valor a la hora de programar didácticamente el proceso de enseñanza.In this article, we presented results related to the typology, nature and evolution of the errors in subtraction. The main aim, is to examine if in our school context systematic errors take place and if these decrease throughout schooling. Also, we compared our results with the ones contributed by authors of reference in this field of research. To do so, we carried out an analysis on 7140 subtractions made by children in our educational system. The results demonstrate the existence of systematic errors in our scholastic context, a fact of doubtless value when programming the learning process didactically

    Sedentary Time Accumulated in Bouts is Positively Associated with Disease Severity in Fibromyalgia: The Al-andalus Project

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    To examine the associations of prolonged sedentary time (ST) with disease severity in women with fibromyalgia, and to analyse the combined association of total ST and prolonged ST with the disease severity in this population. Women (n = 451; 51.3 +/- 7.6 years old) with fibromyalgia participated. Sedentary time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were measured using triaxial accelerometry and ST was processed into 30- and 60-min bouts. Dimensions of fibromyalgia (function, overall, symptoms) and the overall disease impact were assessed with the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR). Body fat percentage was assessed using a bio-impedance analyser, and physical fitness was assessed with the Senior Fitness Tests Battery. Greater percentage of ST in 30-min bouts and 60-min bouts were associated with worse function, overall, symptoms and the overall impact of the disease (all, P 60-min bouts) presented lower overall impact compared to participants with high levels of total ST and prolonged ST (mean difference = 6.56; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.83 to 11.29, P = 0.002). Greater percentage of ST accumulated in 30- and 60-min bouts and a combination of high levels of total and prolonged ST are related to worse disease severity. Although unable to conclude on causality, results suggest it might be advisable to motivate women with fibromyalgia to break prolonged ST and reduce their total daily ST

    Development and validation of the Spanish hazard perception test

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    Objective: The aim of the current study is to develop and obtain validity evidence for a Hazard Perception test suitable for the Spanish driving population. To obtain validity evidence to support the use of the test, the effect of hazardous and quasi-hazardous situations on the participants’ Hazard Prediction is analysed and the pattern of results of drivers of different driving experience: learner, novice and expert drivers and re-offender vs. non-offender drivers, is compared. Potentially hazardous situations are those that develop without involving any real hazard (i.e., the driver didn’t actually have to decelerate or make any evasive manoeuvre to avoid a potential collision). The current study analysed multiple offender drivers attending compulsory re-education programmes as a result of reaching the maximum number of penalty points on their driving licence, due to repeated violations of traffic laws. Method: A new video-based hazard perception test was developed, using a total of 20 hazardous situation videos plus 8 quasi-hazardous situation videos. They were selected from 167 recordings of natural hazards in real Spanish driving settings

    Review and Analysis of Models for a European Digital Building Logbook

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    The concept of a Digital Building Logbook (DBL) was first introduced with the European strategy ‘Renovation Wave’. It is considered as one of two fundamental parts of which the Building Renovation Passport is composed: the DBL and a Renovation Roadmap. As the implementation of the DBL is a European priority, this paper reviews the existing literature and analyses the most developed European Digital Building Logbook models. The analysis includes iBRoad, ALDREN, X-tendo, and the Study on the Development of a European Union Framework for Buildings’ Digital Logbook, from the perspective of seven key aspects: References used as a starting point for the model definition; Identification of the relevant stakeholders in the DBL; Identified potential user needs; Proposed structure of indicators; Data sources; Potential functionalities; and Operation and use. The results show that important advancement has been made, although there is still no consensus about crucial subjects, such as the indicators to be collected or how to collect and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the final functionalities (objective and scope) that the logbook should provide are not fully clear. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Spain’s national network of silos and granaries: architectural and technological change over time

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    Aim of study: To analyse the 670 silos in Spain’s NNSG (National Network of Silos and Granaries), along with the changes in typologies and degree of mechanisation taking place over time.Area of study: Spain.Material and methods: Research began in 2014, collecting NNSG grain storage data across Spain further to the methodology developed by the authors. In a first stage the information was gathered from the FEGA’s general archives in Madrid and the archives of the departments of agriculture in the 13 regions where silos were built. In the second stage of the study, 665 silos were explored in situ. Photographs were taken and information was gathered on their characteristics (general features; architectural features; technological facilities).Main results: This paper discusses the architectural and typological changes taking place over time, from the earliest small, local, richly adorned brick silos to larger, more modern and austere reinforced concrete structures. The machinery with which they are fitted is also addressed, with the progression from basic grain storage to more sophisticated equipment designed to clean, refrigerate or disinfect the grain. Some facilities were used exclusively to select and condition seed for subsequent sowing. The most modern structures, known as macrosilos, are highly mechanised affairs.Research highlights: Spain’s national network of silos and granaries was 41 years in the building. The inventory of the 665 existing silos identified 20 types or subtypes. Early richly adorned units gradually gave way to more austere, functional structures. The machinery in place in silos varied with type/purpose and period of construction

    Morphological taphonomic transformations of fossil bones in continental environments, and repercussions of their chemical composition

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a summary of structural or surface modifications of vertebrate bone remains in continental palaeoenvironments that may have repercussions on their chemical composition. Both before and after burial, a different set of physical, chemical and biological agencies may produce modifications of the bone morphological structure and/or bone chemical composition. Several of these morphological modifications are diagnostic of particular agents, which otherwise may not be noticed or identified in a fossil association. In order to understand diagenesis, those events that occurred before final burial have to be considered, as they may strongly modify the bone morphological structure and influence post-burial changes

    Nonlinear Pseudo-Supersymmetry in the Framework of N-fold Supersymmetry

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    We recall the importance of recognizing the different mathematical nature of various concepts relating to PT-symmetric quantum theories. After clarifying the relation between supersymmetry and pseudo-supersymmetry, we prove generically that nonlinear pseudo-supersymmetry, recently proposed by Sinha and Roy, is just a special case of N-fold supersymmetry. In particular, we show that all the models constructed by these authors have type A 2-fold supersymmetry. Furthermore, we prove that an arbitrary one-body quantum Hamiltonian which admits two (local) solutions in closed form belongs to type A 2-fold supersymmetry, irrespective of whether or not it is Hermitian, PT-symmetric, pseudo-Hermitian, and so on.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; typos correcte

    Detenninación de humedad en cereales y derivados por calentamiento con microondas y análisis de hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) formado

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    EL horno microondas ha sido usado para evaluar el tiempo y preclslOn en la determinación de humedad de granos de trigo y arroz, harina de trigo, pan blanco y galletas. Los resultados fueron comparados con el metodo estandard de estufa de aire. El tiempo para las muestras de granos de trigo y arroz fue de 40 y 60 minutos respectivamente y de 15 minutos para el resto de los productos. Sin embargo, la precisión obtenida para todas las muestras, fue menor que con estufa de aire. Se determinó HMF en muestras de harina desecadas por ambos métodos y los resultados mostraron valores considerablemente más elevados en la desecación mediante microondas.A study was conducted to evaluate the use and accuracy of domestic microwave oven for quick moisture determination of wheat and rice grains, wheat flour, sliced white bread and biscuits. The results were compared with the standard air-oven method. A decrease in drying time was achieved using the microwave oven. For wheat and rice grains the drying times were 40 and 60 min repectively, and 15 min for the cereal products, although coefficients of variation were lower in the air oven. Hydroxyrnethylfurfural (HMF) was deterrnined in flour samples dried by both methods. The results were considerately higher by microwave oven

    Evolution, biosynthesis and protective roles of oligogalactolipids: Key molecules for terrestrial photosynthesis?

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    14 p.Galactolipids (GLs) are the main lipids in chloroplast membranes and by default are also the most abundant polar lipids on earth. GLs with one or two galactose residues, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), are ubiquitous and essential for photosynthesis. GLs with a headgroup formed by three to five galactoses, the so-called oligogalactolipids (OGLs), are only detected in some taxa, organs and environmental conditions. OGLs can be synthesized by two metabolic pathways: successive galactosylation by DGDG synthase (DGD) or transgalactosylation from MGDG by the GL:GL galactosyltransferase (GGGT/SFR2). While the first route appeared early in the evolution (cyanobacteria), the second evolved associated to the process of terrestrialization in the streptophytes. Both routes also differ on the anomeric type of glycosidic linkages formed: ?-type in DGD and ?-type in GGGT/SFR2. Despite functional differences between both configurations, the anomeric analysis of OGLs allows tracking their biosynthetic origin. While ?-OGLs are constitutive and present in some algae and non-vegetative organs of vascular plants, ?-OGLs are typically stressinducible in photosynthetic tissues. Land colonization by plants involved new challenges, such as the risk of dehydration, which required developing biochemical and physiological strategies to stabilize chloroplast membranes and safeguard their functioning. Based on the integrated assessment of data available we propose that the appearance of OGLs was one of those adaptations that simultaneously could have provided advantages against other environmental constraints such as freezingUniversidad del País Vasco ; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ; FEDER ; Universidad de Alcal