1,018 research outputs found

    Catheter-related bacteremia and fungemia: Reliability of two methods for catheter culture

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze 98 febrile patients with suspected catheter-related bacteremia (CRB) or fungemia (CRF) and compare two different methods, one semiquantitative (SQ) (Maki's method) and the other quantitative (Q) (modification of Brun-Buisson method) to determine each ability for diagnosing CRB. Twelve patients had CRB or CRF. The sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values, and efficiency using the Maki method were 83%, 84%, 42%, 97%, and 83%, respectively. The same parameters using the other method were as follows: 92%, 84%, 44%, 99%, and 84%, respectively. Although the diagnostic reliability in each method was similar, the Maki method was quicker and easier to perform in clinical microbiology laboratories

    Pacha Paqariy, Pacha Tukukuymanta

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    Ñan unay wataña runasimipi qilqayku, ideología andina nisqamanta. Imatas qheswa rimaq runakuna yuyanku, imatas yuyayninkupi apanku ñawpa kawsay timpumanta. Imatas yuyaychashanku urqokunapi rit¿i chullusqanmanta, puqyukunapi unu pisiyasqanmanta. Chay rimaykuna pallaqmi rirayku llaqtan llaqtata kay willakuykunata huñuspan. Chaymantan, nuqayku kay willakuykunata huñuspa qilqayku, librukunapi publicakunanpaq, patarakunapi, wakintaq revista articulokunapaq. Kay producción académiata rurayku, kay ñawpa rimaykuna huñuspa huq hatun tapara taqeta ruwayku. Desde hace mucho tiempo, escribimos en quechua sobre Ideología Andina. De aquello que los hombres quechuas recuerdan, de la memoria de los tiempos antiguos. Sobre lo que piensan acerca del derretimiento de la nieve de los cerros, sobre la disminución del agua de los manantes. Para recoger estas voces silenciadas, recorrimos pueblo tras pueblo, para que estas voces accedan a publicarse en libros. Algunas, para ser publicadas en revistas. Así elaboramos producción académica en quechua. Estamos construyendo una biblioteca de libros recopilados y escritos en quechua, reuniendo estas memorias quechuas antiguas. For a long time, we have been writing about Andean Ideology in Quechua. We have written about what the Quechua people remember and about their memory and perception of ancient times. We have registered their insights on the ice melting on top of the mountains, and their views on the decrease of springs of water. After going through every single village, we have gathered all of these silenced voices so they could echo in the format of published articles or books. This is how the academic production in Quechua takes place. In view of this, we are currently building a library of printed books and manuscripts written in Quechua, so as to further perpetuate ancient Quechua knowledge and memory.Artículo revisado por pare

    Ethnicity and descent. Incas today, flesh and blood: Cusco 2020

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    Tras la derrota ante los españoles, aquellos Incas que pactaron con la corona española lograron el reconocimiento de sus linajes y sobrevivieron durante toda la colonia. Producida la discutida independencia del Perú, Bolívar en 1825 emitió un decreto aboliendo los títulos de nobleza originarios, así como los de españoles. Algunos Incas cambiaron entonces sus apellidos originarios para poder seguir sobreviviendo al interior de un sistema sumamente excluyente y discriminador hacia la población aborigen. Otros, mantuvieron sus apellidos y tradiciones, llegando así hasta nuestros días. Ayllus y familias Incas hemos tenido continuidad desde la época Inca hasta nuestros días. El presente artículo reconstruye el caso del linaje familiar de los autores y de otras familias cusqueñas para, a partir de ellos demostrar la continuidad de los mismos y su renovada trascendencia social.After the Spanish victory, those Incaswho made a pact with the Spanish monarchy obtained the recognition of their descent and survived throughoutthe colonialperiod. Once the controversial independence of Peru was achieved, in 1825 Bolívar made a decree thatabolished native and Spanish nobility titles. Some Incaswould then change their original surnames in order to survive in an extremely exclusive and discriminatory system against the indigenouspopulation. Some otherswould maintain their surnames and customs until today, like Ayllus and Inca families, who have existedfrom the Inca periodon. This article reconstructsthe authors¿ family treeand that of other Cuzco families, by means ofwhich continuity can be proven and maintainedin what concerns social significance.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    La selección de directores de centros educativos tras la LOMCE

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    With the approval of LOMCE, principals of the public centers are selected by a commission in which community agents and staff of the Educational Administration participate. In this paper we have made a revision of the Spanish legislation that has been approved in the different autonomous communities on the selection of directors after 2014, raising the differences in five major areas of interest: (1) conditions of participation in the procedures, (2) composition of the selection commissions, (3) phases in the selection procedure, (4) merits considered to exercise management and (5) Management Project. From the revision of the different norms, we extract the key ideas that can help in the definition of objective and relevant selection criteria. This allows us to establish a series of general conclusions that can be useful to legislators, inspectors, head teachers and interested staff in school management.Con la entrada en vigor de la LOMCE los directores de los centros públicos son seleccionados por una comisión en la que participan, con diferentes porcentajes de participación respecto a la LOE, agentes de la comunidad y personal de la Administración Educativa. En este artículo hemos hecho una revisión de la normativa española que se ha aprobado en las diferentes comunidades autónomas sobre selección de directores a partir de 2014, planteando las diferencias en cinco grandes focos de interés: (1) condiciones de participación en el procedimiento, (2) composición de las comisiones de selección y, (3) fases en el procedimiento de selección, (4) méritos considerados para ejercer la dirección y (5) Proyecto de dirección. De la revisión de las diferentes normativas extraemos las ideas clave que pueden ayudar a la definición de criterios de selección objetivos y relevantes. Esto nos permite establecer una serie de conclusiones generales que pueden ser de utilidad a legisladores, inspectores, directores y personal interesado en la gestión escolar

    Assessment of school principals in Spain: lights and shadows

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    Un aspecto clave en la profesionalización de la dirección de centros educativos en España reside en el establecimiento de sistemas de evaluación de la función directiva. Dado que la regulación de esta cuestión depende de las comunidades autónomas, hay notables diferencias entre regiones. En este estudio nos hemos propuesto conocer el estado de la cuestión a través de un estudio de las diferentes normativas y de un cuestionario suministrado a directores de Educación Secundaria y Formación Profesional de toda España. Los resultados muestran que hay una diversidad de modelos vigentes en la actualidad, predominando un enfoque de evaluación tan superficial como irrelevante. Las conclusiones apuntan vías para superar esta situación.A key aspect in the professionalization of the management of educational centers in Spain lies in the establishment of systems of evaluation of the directive function. Since the regulation of this question depends on the autonomous communities, there are notable differences between regions. In this study we intend to know the state of the issue through a study of the different regulations and a questionnaire provided to secondary education and vocational training principals throughout Spain. The results show that there is a diversity of models currently in force, predominating an evaluation approach as superficial as irrelevant. The findings point to ways to overcome this situation

    Del Origen y Fin del Mundo

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    Desde hace mucho tiempo, escribimos en quechua sobre Ideología Andina. De aquello que los hombres quechuas recuerdan, de la memoria de los tiempos antiguos. Sobre lo que piensan acerca del derretimiento de la nieve de los cerros, sobre la disminución del agua de los manantes. Para recoger estas voces silenciadas, recorrimos pueblo tras pueblo, para que estas voces accedan a publicarse en libros. Algunas, para ser publicadas en revistas. Así elaboramos producción académica en quechua. Estamos construyendo una biblioteca de libros recopilados y escritos en quechua, reuniendo estas memorias quechuas antiguas. Ñan unay wataña runasimipi qilqayku, ideología andina nisqamanta. Imatas qheswa rimaq runakuna yuyanku, imatas yuyayninkupi apanku ñawpa kawsay timpumanta. Imatas yuyaychashanku urqokunapi rit´i chullusqanmanta, puqyukunapi unu pisiyasqanmanta. Chay rimaykuna pallaqmi rirayku llaqtan llaqtata kay willakuykunata huñuspan. Chaymantan, nuqayku kay willakuykunata huñuspa qilqayku, librukunapi publicakunanpaq, patarakunapi, wakintaq revista articulokunapaq. Kay producción académiata rurayku, kay ñawpa rimaykuna huñuspa huq hatun tapara taqeta ruwayku. For a long time, we have been writing about Andean Ideology in Quechua. We have written about what the Quechua people remember and about their memory and perception of ancient times. We have registered their insights on the ice melting on top of the mountains, and their views on the decrease of springs of water. After going through every single village, we have gathered all of these silenced voices so they could echo in the format of published articles or books. This is how the academic production in Quechua takes place. In view of this, we are currently building a library of printed books and manuscripts written in Quechua, so as to further perpetuate ancient Quechua knowledge and memory

    Simulation of a biorefinery process as learning tool in chemical engineering degree

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    Currently, the search for alternative biomass to be used as renewable sources for energy production is one of the most important challenges to achieve a sustainable growth based on a bioeconomy strategy (Mendes et al., 2009). In this context, lignocellulosic waste are a renewable, clean, inexpensive and with high availability for the manufacture of biofuels. In this sense, the main objective of this study was the simulation and design of engineering processes that allows the valorization of lignocellulosic waste and the obtaining of biofuels as alternative to fossil fuels. This goal implies the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student during the chemical engineering degree. Specifically, the students designed and simulated a biorefinery process that consisted of a Kraft pulping process as starting point of two main lines of production: (1) Process I: production of bioethanol and (2) Process II: direct and indirect production of dimethylether (DME), both from lignocellulosic biomass (Fig.1). Two commercial simulation packages, ASPEN HYSYS® and UNISIM were used to simulate the production of dimethylether and bioethanol, respectively. The first step was determining a strategic situation for the installation of the biorefinery. The central area of Andalusia (between the municipalities of Lucena and Antequera) was considered the most adequate area to develop the installation of the biorefinery plant after evaluating the biomass available inside of 100 kms of distance around this place. Specifically, different biomass mixtures were considered in order to ensure the viability of a constant inlet flow of biomass in the biorefinery. In function of this inlet flow of biomass, the installations were designed and dimensioned in each stage of the process. The student carried out a wide revision of state of the art to decide the most adequate processes among different alternatives to obtain dimethylether and bioethanol. The different stages selected as the most adequate in each line of the process can be observed in Fig.1. Moreover, the students evaluated the different alternatives for the valorisation and optimization of the by-products generated in each stage of the process in order to minimize the consuming of chemical compounds and energy requirements. Therefore, the students learnt to develop a real engineering process more sustainable and friendly with the environment. To sum up, the used of programs to simulate the transformation of lignocellulosic biomass in biofuels, such as, bioethanol or dimethylether, which is a process with several social, environmental and economic advantages, was an interesting learning tool for students of chemical engineering degree. Keywords Bioethanol, design, dimethylether, Kraft pulping process, simulations. References Mendes, C.V.T., Carvalho, M.G.V.S., Baptista, C.M.S.G., Rocha, J.M.S., Soares, B.I.G., Sousa, G.D.A., 2009. Valorisation of hardwood hemicelluloses in the kraft pulping process by using an integrated biorefinery concept. Food Bioproduct Process 87:197–207.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech MINECO: Proyecto CTQ2015-68654-

    Reliability of four methods for the diagnosis of acute infection by Epstein-Barr virus

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    We studied the reliability of new indirect tests in the diagnosis of acute infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Studied for all samples were method 1, the heterophil antibodies (Abs) (Monolatex, Biokit, Germany); method 2, the IgM Abs to EBV with ELISA tests (antigen pools, Enzygnost, Behring-werke, Germany); method 3, EA (Biotest Diagnostics, Germany); and method 4, the IgG avidity test. The reliability of the four tests for the detection of primary infection by EBV was: sensitivity (method 1: 89.1%; method 2: 100%; method 3: 79.7%; method 4: 99%); specificity (method 1: 98%; method 2: 100%; method 3: 84%; method 4: 100%); positive predictive value (method 1: 97.6%; method 2: 100%; method 3: 73.6%; method 4: 100%), and negative predictive value (method 1: 90.7%; method 2: 100%; method 3: 84%; method 4: 99%). The IgG avidity test (method 4) is simple and automated in the laboratory and is very useful for ascertaining, from a single sample, the time since infection. It is criteria of recent primoinfection higher levels than 55% of IgG with low avidity for the antigen. The investigation of the Abs to antigen pools (method 2) by ELISA of virus had a high reliability, but the investigation of heterophil Abs by latex (method 1) and the Abs IgM to EA (method 2) were lacking in sensibility regarding their use in the diagnosis of the primoinfection