795 research outputs found

    LOMCE on the CEDAW's light: An analysis of the last coeducation education reform

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    In 1979 the UN adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, for its acronym in English). The convention provides a comprehensive approach of women’s status in many areas, including education (Article 10). Spain ratified the Convention in 1984. Since then, submits periodic reports, the last one in 2013. As in other countries, Spanish civil society also submitted a report to the UN, the Shadow Report, in 2014. Both reports mention the changes of LOMCE for for the women’s status in education. Understanding coeducation from a gender perspective (Lagarde, 1996) and an inclusive approach (Echeita, 2013), we focus on two specific changes: the possibility of public funding to schools separated by gender and the elimination of Education for citizenship together with the introduction of two new subjectsEn 1979 la ONU aprobó la Convención para la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación Contra la Mujer (CEDAW, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta convención hace un tratamiento comprensivo de la situación de la mujer en múltiples esferas, también en educación (artículo 10). España ratificó la convención en 1984 y desde entonces presenta informes periódicos, el último en 2013. Igual que en otros países, la sociedad civil española también presentó un informe ante la ONU, el Informe Sombra, en 2014. Sendos informes mencionan los cambios que en educación supone la LOMCE para la situación de la mujer. Entendiendo la coeducación desde una perspectiva de género (Lagarde, 1996) y un enfoque de inclusión (Echeita, 2013), profundizamos en dos cambios concretos que incluye esta reforma: la posibilidad de financiación pública a escuelas que separan por sexo, y la eliminación de Educación para la ciudadanía unida a la introducción de dos nuevas asignatura

    ¿Premia la audencia la calidad informativa? Oferta de los medios y demanda de las noticias en Twitter

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    Internet ha homogenizado los medios de comunicación. En Internet ya no hay diferencias en la información de las radios, televisiones, diarios y semanarios: todos ellos compiten por dar en su página web la noticia de última hora. Por eso, han surgido nuevas preguntas: ¿Las noticias más leídas por la audiencia premian la calidad? Abarcando una muestra de casi quinientas noticias, se ha analizado, de un lado, la calidad de las noticias de los cuatro principales medios en euskara y sus páginas web, para explicar las características de la oferta digital de cada medio. De otro lado, se han analizado las noticias más leídas en esas páginas web y las más difundidas en Twitter durante el período analizado, para establecer si se corresponde con la oferta de los medios y determinar si la calidad periodística resulta decisiva en la demanda de información

    Microbial Communities Are Well Adapted to Disturbances in Energy Input

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    Within the broader ecological context, biological communities are often viewed as stable and as only experiencing succession or replacement when subject to external perturbations, such as changes in food availability or the introduction of exotic species. Our findings indicate that microbial communities can exhibit strong internal dynamics that may be more important in shaping community succession than external drivers. Dynamic “unstable” communities may be important for ecosystem functional stability, with rare organisms playing an important role in community restructuring. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for internal community dynamics will certainly be required for understanding and manipulating microbiomes in both host-associated and natural ecosystems. Although microbial systems are well suited for studying concepts in ecological theory, little is known about how microbial communities respond to long-term periodic perturbations beyond diel oscillations. Taking advantage of an ongoing microcosm experiment, we studied how methanotrophic microbial communities adapted to disturbances in energy input over a 20-day cycle period. Sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes together with quantification of microbial abundance and ecosystem function were used to explore the long-term dynamics (510 days) of methanotrophic communities under continuous versus cyclic chemical energy supply. We observed that microbial communities appeared inherently well adapted to disturbances in energy input and that changes in community structure in both treatments were more dependent on internal dynamics than on external forcing. The results also showed that the rare biosphere was critical to seeding the internal community dynamics, perhaps due to cross-feeding or other strategies. We conclude that in our experimental system, internal feedbacks were more important than external drivers in shaping the community dynamics over time, suggesting that ecosystems can maintain their function despite inherently unstable community dynamics. IMPORTANCE Within the broader ecological context, biological communities are often viewed as stable and as only experiencing succession or replacement when subject to external perturbations, such as changes in food availability or the introduction of exotic species. Our findings indicate that microbial communities can exhibit strong internal dynamics that may be more important in shaping community succession than external drivers. Dynamic “unstable” communities may be important for ecosystem functional stability, with rare organisms playing an important role in community restructuring. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for internal community dynamics will certainly be required for understanding and manipulating microbiomes in both host-associated and natural ecosystems.We are grateful for support from the National Science Foundation (grants EF-0928742 to J.J.V. and J.A.H. and OCE-1238212 to J.J.V.).S

    La mediación de las redes sociales en la generación de contenidos informativos: la amplificación de polémicas virtuales en el mundo real

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    Las redes sociales han transformado la concepción de la realidad social y han influido en los modos en que lo usuarios se relacionan entre sí y en cómo fluye la información por ellas. Éstasson un pequeño campo dentro del ciberespacio, pero con una gran trascendencia e impacto social puesto que los participantes utilizan sin un ápice de rubor el derecho a la libertad de expresión sin que, a priori, se produzca ningún tipo de censura. Este uso deliberado y amplio del derecho fundamental debe estar guiado por unos límites, flexibles, amplios, sutiles, pero límites a fin de cuentas, porque si no ocurriera así, la sociedad democrática en la que vivimos se resentiría. Y lo más importante, se pondría en peligro la convivencia armónica de los miembros de dicha sociedad democrática, puesto que el abuso del derecho, además de provocar un posible ilícito jurídico, supone un ataque directo a los valores morales que vertebran la convivencia social. Y desde hace unos años hasta la actualidad, la Tauromaquia se ha convertido en el flanco de continuos ataques y críticas exacerbadas hasta tal punto que en ocasiones, no pocos protagonistas de la Fiesta de toros han sufrido no pocos insultos por parte de los presuntos defensores de los animales tanto en Facebook como en Twitter. Tal ha sido la transcendencia de estas polémicas surgidas en la red, que han saltado a los medios de comunicación. Este nuevo escenario comunicativo dimensionado por las redes sociales ha provocado cambios en las fuentes informativas y en las formas de generarse las noticias

    Enrichment of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidizing bacteria in a membrane bioreactor

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    The use of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-damo) processes could represent an innovative technology in order to minimize the environmental impact of anaerobic sewage effluents at low temperatures, since these biological processes are able to simultaneously remove nitrite and dissolved methane in anaerobic conditions. Nevertheless, n-damo bacteria are well-known by their reported low activity and slow doubling times which hinders a practical application. On this study, the enrichment on these bacteria was successfully achieved in a membrane bioreactor system at 28 °C. Despite biomass accumulation was not detected, a high apparent specific n-damo activity of 95.5 mg NO2−-N g−1 MLVSS d−1 was achieved after 388 days of operation, being one of the highest nitrite removal rates reported in the literature for n-damo cultures to date. Additionally a slow doubling time of 11.5 d was estimated. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing analysis indicated that Candidatus Methylomirabilis became the most abundant bacterial organism by day 344 with a relative abundance of 50.2%. During the entire experiment ammonium was continuously added to the system as an alternative nitrogen source, to avoid biomass growth limitations. Finally, a relation between permeate nitrite concentrations and nitrous oxide production was found, which allows to optimize the process in terms of the minimization of both nitrogen species. The nitrous oxide emissions represented between 0 and 3.7% of the denitrified nitrogenThe authors acknowledge the financial support received from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the projects HOLSIA and COMETT (CTM2013-46750-R & CTQ2016-80847-R), both co-funded by FEDER. T. Allegue would also like to express his gratitude to the same Ministry for awarding a research scholarship (BES-2014-069114). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032, programme co-funded by FEDER, and to CRETUS (AGRUP2015/02)S

    Analysis of Microbial Community during Biofilm Development in an Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Reactor.

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    The formation, structure, and biodiversity of a multispecies anaerobic biofilm inside an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactor fed with brewery wastewater was examined using complementary microbial ecology methods such us fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and cloning. The biofilm development can be roughly divided into three stages: an initial attachment phase (0–36 h) characterized by random adhesion of the cells to the surface; a consolidation phase (from 36 h to 2 weeks) defined by the appearance of microcolonies; and maturation phase (from 2 weeks to 2 months). During the consolidation period, proteobacteria with broad metabolic capabilities, mainly represented by members of alpha-Proteobacteria class (Oleomonas, Azospirillum), predominated. Beta-, gamma-, delta- (both syntrophobacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria) and epsilon- (Arcobacter sp.) Proteobacteria were also noticeable. Archaea first appeared during the consolidation period. A Methanospirillum-like methanogen was detected after 36 h, and this was followed by the detection of Methanosarcina, after 4 days of biofilm development. The mature biofilm displayed a hill and valley topography with cells embedded in a matrix of exopolymers where the spatial distribution of the microorganisms became well-established. Compared to the earlier phases, the biodiversity had greatly increased. Although alpha-Proteobacteria remained as predominant, members of the phyla Firmicutes, Bacteroidete, and Thermotogae were also detected. Within the domain Archaea, the acetoclastic methanogen Methanosaeta concilii become dominant. This study provides insights on the trophic web and the shifts in population during biofilm development in an UASB reactor.post-print1274 K