752 research outputs found

    The Rhythm of our Lives. Aesthetic Perspectives East & West

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    The leading approach to everyday aesthetics for the past few decades has departed from analytic philosophical grounds, generating some tensions or dichotomies regarding its foundational cornerstones: the ordinary vs. extraordinary character of everyday aesthetic experience, contextual familiarity vs. strangeness, object vs. processual orientation, etc. Although John Dewey has been widely acclaimed as a sort of foundational figure for this burgueoning sub-discipline of aesthetics, maybe not enough emphasis has been laid on his very different pragmatist approach. In this regard, his reliance on Hegelian cum Darwinian premises might allow for a connection with other branches of continental as well as Asian philosophies, from which also some research on everyday aesthetics has been made. It is from this wider ontological framework that the notion of rhythm could be vindicated as a pivotal aspect of the aesthetic dimension of our everyday lives. Dewey deals extensively with it in Art as Experience, conceiving it as a sort of pattern of accomplished experiences, accounting also for his naturalistic approach and art and life continuity thesis. On the other hand, neo-pragmatist exponent Richard Shusterman, among others, has posited links of connection between Pragmatist aesthetics and East-Asian philosophies. Particularly, Dewey’s resonances with Asian philosophies have been studied, with a preeminence on the notions of harmony and rhythm. This paper will depart from the analysis of the notion of rhythm in Dewey’s philosophy, trying to hint at some possible developments of its implications. Particularly, it will expand on some East Asian paralelisms to his philosophy, trying to link them with the notion of rhythm as an epitomizing ground for the conjunction of the extraordinary (art) and the ordinary (life).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Poetic Dimension of Everyday Aesthetic Appreciation. Perspectives from East-Asian Cultures

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    As Yuriko Saito, one of the main exponents of everyday aesthetics holds, East-Asian cultures have long established a deep link between artistic practices and everyday life, transforming apparently mundane practices such as having a cup o ftea with cakes into a highly ritualized form of art (cha-no-yu) and allowing us to enjoy the fleeting moment. The tea ceremony example is grounded, as this paper aims at showing, on a whole East-Asian worldview (as exemplfieied in Confucianism, Daoism and Zen Buddhism philosophies) whereby aesthetic appreciation is deeply pervaded by a poetic feeling, mainly consisting in the interactive harmony or attunement established with the particular circumstances of one’s own life due precisely to its fleeting and evanescent nature. To accomplish this, savouring and perceiving the uniqueness ingrained in every single human experience, the adequate attitude is the poetic one, due to its holistic and non-discriminative nature. Having as its focus everyday life, or simply put, life as such in its specificity, traditional artistic practices in East-Asia as the arts of the brush, garden design or utilitarian crafts such as pottery, become means of revealing what, due to its closeness, lies hidden in ordinary experience. Utilitarian arts are, in this sense, a priviledged way of conveying this end due precisely to its practical link with ordinary existence, preventing the eventual arousal of a purely formal and detached apprehension. The only coherent way to develop this awareness of the extraordinary in the ordinary, to use Leddy’s expression, is through the main feature of all poetic qualities: indirect allusion and subdued reference so that what is close at hand may shine in a different light. Particularly, in association with Japanese Zen Buddhism, where the rootedness of aesthetics in the ordinary is stronger, it has frequently adopted the form of restraint, contention, reserve, or, as Saito puts it, “insufficiency”. This paper aims at showing with the help of a few examples how this difuse poetic attitude, so prevalent in Traditional East-Asian contexts, is required not only in standardized art practices, but also in a wider aesthetic level of awareness of our ordinary experiences. In order to justify these claims, it will refer first to the ideal of harmony or poetic resonance in Chinese aesthetics and then it will refer to some concrete Japanese aesthetic categories inspired by Zen Buddhism, such as mono-no-aware, sabi, wabi, or yugen

    El estilo somático y el cultivo de sí: aproximaciones desde la somaestética de Richard Shusterman y desde un horizonte transcultural

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    El estudio de las propiedades estéticas de las personas ha sido abordado desde la estética analítica durante las dos últimas décadas en el contexto más amplio de las propiedades estéticas (C. Gould 2005, 2012). Desde John Dewey y su obra Art as Experience (1934), la estética pragmatista, al proponer la reunificación de arte y vida así como la estrecha imbricación entre ética y estética, ofrece interesantes alternativas a dicho debate. Por su parte, uno de los principales defensores del neo-pragmatismo estético, Richard Shusterman, desde finales de los años noventa viene reivindicando la noción de “vida filosófica” como arte de vivir emanado de la propias bases del pragmatismo y centrado en el cultivo del propio yo desde un doble enfoque ético-estético (Shusterman, Practicing Philosophy 1997). Asimismo viene defendiendo la somaestética como campo interdisciplinar dedicado al “estudio crítico y el cultivo meliorativo del soma como nuestro medio de apreciación perceptual (aisthesis) y el lugar de nuestra auto-modelación creativa, incluida nuestra acción expresiva, gestos y apariencia somática” (V. Shusterman, JAAC, Vol. 57, No. 3, 302). De dicha aspiración a la concepción de la filosofía como arte de vivir centrado en el cultivo de sí y la autorrealización personal, de hondas raíces filosóficas en Occidente, y de la auto-modelación creativa que preconiza la somaestética emergen nuevos conceptos estéticos. Uno de ellos es el de “estilo somático”, estrechamente relacionado con las nociones de “personalidad” o “carácter”, siendo el estilo en este sentido no una mera imagen externa del carácter personal sino un componente esencial en su manifestación externa ya que, como señala Shusterman, el carácter “no es una esencia interior escondida sino más bien algo expresado intrínsecamente o constituido a través del comportamiento somático y la actitud” (Shusterman, Thinking through the Body, 2012, 319). En este sentido G.E. Moore o L. Wittgenstein, a juzgar por los testimonios que nos han llegado sobre sus personalidades, podrían ser considerados como ejemplos de figuras filosóficas dotadas de un particular estilo somático. La presente comunicación pretende reflexionar sobre el concepto estético de estilo somático partiendo de las premisas que expone el propio Richard Shusterman en sus trabajos, tanto por lo que respecta a la definición y clasificación que él ofrece, -refiriéndose a un nutrido elenco de pensadores como Montaigne, Pascal, Emerson, Thoureau, Nietzsche, o Wittgenstein-, como respecto a su defensa de que el estilo somático “no es un adorno meramente superficial del yo sino una dimensión esencial de la propia personalidad” (Shusterman, Thinking through the Body, 2012, 333), algo que el propio Shusterman relaciona con la tradición confuciana según la cual el propio carácter interior siempre se refleja exteriormente. La cuestión de la relación entre el artista y la obra y la medida en la que las obras de arte reflejan la personalidad y el grado de cultivo de sí de la persona que la produce podría ser una cuestión derivada de la noción de estilo y que en las culturas tradicionales de Asia Oriental ha recibido gran atención, como atestiguan los antiguos tratados de pintura china donde se preconizaban las artes del pincel como modo de cultivo y auto-perfeccionamiento de la propia persona. La última parte de la comunicación desarrollará algunos aspectos de esta particular cuestión como modo ampliar las premisas de Shusterman y de aplicarlas en relación con el cultivo de sí y la conexión ético-estética en Asia Oriental.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    El Benarés tántrico de Bettina Bäumer: la estética del deseo

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    Esta presentación pretende continuar y profundizar en algunos aspectos de otras comunicaciones relativas a mujeres que en el siglo XX han contribuido decisivamente a la conformación de lo que hoy entendemos por teoría y la historia del arte indio. Intentaré seguir la estela dejada por Alice Boner, Stella Kramrisch, Kapila Vatsyayan, desarrollando mi intervención acerca de los trabajos e intereses de Bettina Bäumer, gran especialista en la estética india y el pensamiento tántrico del shivaísmo de Cachemira. En lo que sigue, tras unas pinceladas sobre la biografía de Bettina Baumer, me centraré, en primer lugar, en el simbolismo del agua para la experiencia estética india tradicional (la teoría del rasa) y en segundo lugar propondré una relectura de dicha experiencia estética aplicada a la propia vida y en conexión con la noción de deseo en el tantrismo. La ciudad de Benarés, bañada por las sagradas aguas del Ganges y residencia mítica del dios tántrico por excelencia, Siva, es, en este sentido, el escenario ideal en el que situar la estética del deseo a la que se entrega el buscador tántrico shivaísta.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Conversando con Richard Shusterman: Pensar desde el cuerpo, de la estética pragmatista a la somaestética

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    Conversando con Richard Shusterman: Pensar desde el cuerpo, de la estética pragmatista a lasomaestética


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    [EN] This article presents an algorithm and a structured methodology to address the issue of the optimisation of resources when clearing snow from stretches of the manoeuvring area of an airport. This overall issue is how to best utilise limited resources to remove snow from taxiways and runways so as to leave surfaces in an acceptable state for aircraft operations. To achieve this the airfield is divided into subsets of significant stretches for the purpose of operations and target times are set at which these are to be open to aircraft traffic. The manoeuvring area is also divided into zones, with the condition that the subsets of significant stretches lie within just one of these zones. The mathematical model contains operating restrictions with regard to the fulfilment of partial operational targets applied to the subsets of significant stretches, and also concerning the snow-clearing machines. The problem is solved by an iterative optimisation process based on linear programming applied successively to the zones that make up the manoeuvring area during each iteration. The method is particularised for the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suarez Madrid - Barajas Airport.Marín Fernández, C.; Gómez Comendador, VF.; Arnaldo Valdés, RM. (2016). ALGORITHM FOR MODELLING THE REMOVAL OF SNOW FROM STRECHES OF THE MANOEUVRING AERA OF AN AIRPORT. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 79-96. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3271OCS799

    FONAMENTS DE PROGRAMACIÓ. Apunts de teoria

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    Determination of synthetic opioids in oral fluid samples using fabric phase sorptive extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    New psychoactive substances (NPS) continue to emerge in the drug market every year, becoming a global threat to public health and safety. These compounds are mostly synthetic cannabinoids and designer cathinones. However, synthetic opioids have appeared on the recreational drug markets in recent years, particularly fentanyl and its derivatives (“fentanyls”). Fentanyl and its analogs are related to harmful intoxications and an increase in opioid-related mortality in many countries, such as in the United States and Europe in the last years. Taking the drug related global crisis into consideration, this work developed and validated an effective and sensitive method based on fabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the simultaneous determination of 11 fentanyl analogs in oral fluid samples. The extraction was carried out using a sol-gel Carbowax 20 M sorbent immobilized on 100% cellulose fabric substrate and using ethyl acetate as the desorption solvent. The limits of detection (LODs) and quantification (LOQs) ranged from 1 to 15 ng mL−1 and 5 to 50 ng mL−1, respectively. Intra-day and inter-day precision were found within 8.2% and 8.6%, respectively, while accuracy ranged from -5.5 to 9.1%, in accordance with the established criteria. The absolute recovery values were in the range of 94.5%–109.1%. The validated method demonstrated its great potential to detect and quantify fentanyl analogs in possible forensic work and off-site analysis in road traffic casesThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Project RTI2018‐096450‐B‐I00) and FEDER fundsS

    Crystallisation of amorphous Al-Y-Ni-(Cu) alloys

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    The nanocrystallisation behaviour and subsequent intermetallics formation of an amorphous Al88-Y4-Ni8 alloy has been studied. A 1 at.% of Al or Ni was also substituted by Cu and its effect studied. Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to measure the thermal stability of these amorphous alloys. Transmission electron microscopy showed the smaller size of the nanocrystals obtained during primary crystallisation when Cu is added. Using three-dimensional atom probe, it has been checked that Cu is homogeneously distributed in the amorphous matrix, not contributing to a heterogeneous nucleation around Cu clusters during the formation of nanocrystals. Transmission electron microscopy and X-rays diffraction are used to study the controversial intermetallics occurrence at higher temperatures. The sequence and characteristics of the intermetallics appearing in these alloys were sensitive to the presence of Cu. The evolution of these intermetallics, up to 600 °C, has been studied. Findings are compared with previous studies.The Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and Feder (EU) through the research project DPI2015-69550-C2-2-P are gratefully acknowledged for financial support. The authors also wish to thank Prof. Brian Cantor and Dr. Paul J. Warren for helpful discussion and facilitating the initial experiments carried out at Materials Department of Oxford University.Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Química Física y Ciencias de los Materiale