1,243 research outputs found

    El médico de familia ante situaciones de violencia

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    La construcción de la imagen turística de un territorio a través de la publicidad

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    El artículo parte de una investigación realizada en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca relativa a la construcción de la imagen de Castilla y León como destino turístico a través de sus campañas publicitarias. Presentamos la justificación teórica y la descripción detallada del modelo de análisis que fue necesario desarrollar para el logro de los objetivos de dicha investigación, modelo cuyas variables se mostraron pertinentes para la obtención de una visión estratégica de un aspecto clave en el desarrollo económico-social de un territorio: la gestión de su imagen como destino turístico.The starting point of this article is an investigation in the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca about the construction of the tourist image of Castilla y León through its advertising. We present the theoretic justification and the description of the model for the analysis developed in that investigation; as both were useful to obtain the strategic vision of this key point: the management of the tourist image of a territory

    Optimization and Validation of Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air

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    Thermal desorption (TD) coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS) is a simple alternative that overcomes the main drawbacks of the solvent extraction-based method: long extraction times, high sample manipulation, and large amounts of solvent waste. This work describes the optimization of TD-GC/MS for the measurement of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAlls) in particulate phase. The performance of the method was tested by Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1649b urban dust and compared with the conventional method (Soxhlet extraction-GC/MS), showing a better recovery (mean of 97%), precision (mean of 12%), and accuracy (+/- 25%) for the determination of 14 EPA PAHs. Furthermore, other 15 nonpriority PAHs were identified and quantified using their relative response factors (RRFs). Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied for the quantification of PAI Is in real 8 h-samples (PM10), demonstrating its capability for determination of these compounds in short-term monitoring.The authors gratefully thank the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Ref.: GIU 13/25, GIU 16/03, and UFI 11/47) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) for financing the project PROMESHAP (Ref.: CTM 2010-20607). Inaki Elorduy wants to thank the MICINN for his doctoral grant Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio

    Implicación de la dieta en las habilidades relacionadas con la conducción de vehículos

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    El objetivo del estudio es observar si el mantenimiento de un correcto estatus nutricional con la ingesta de una dieta adecuada, es un factor de riesgo controlable y que debe ser tenido en cuenta a la hora de la prevención de los accidentes de tráfico. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo sobre 81 voluntarios, 36 mujeres y 45 hombres, con edades comprendidas entre los 21 y los 51 años. Todos en posesión del permiso de conducir. Cada voluntario ingirió a primera hora de la mañana de forma alternativa y al azar un preparado alimenticio rico en proteínas (TRAUMACAL) y otro compuesto rico en oligosacáridos (oligosacáridos-CM). A las tres horas de la ingesta se realizaron las pruebas psicotécnicas. Nuestros resultados nos permiten llegar a la siguiente conclusión: La ingesta de carbohidratos y de proteínas no parecen influir sobre las habilidades psicotécnicas para la correcta conducción

    Structural Phase Transitions of Hybrid Perovskites CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbX<sub>3</sub> (X = Br, Cl) from Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction Data

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    Methylammonium (MA) lead trihalide perovskites, that is, CH3NH3PbX3 (X = I, Br, Cl), have emerged as a new class of light-absorbing materials for photovoltaic applications. Indeed, since their implementation in solar-cell heterojunctions, they reached efficiencies above 23%. From a crystallographic point of view, there are many open questions that should be addressed, including the role of the internal motion of methylammonium groups within PbX6 lattice under extreme conditions, such as low/high temperature or high pressure. For instance, in MAPbBr3 perovskites, the octahedral tilting can be induced upon cooling, lowering the space group from the aristotype Pm3¯m to I4/mcm and Pnma. The band gap engineering brought about by the chemical management of MAPb(Br,Cl)3 perovskites has been controllably tuned: the gap progressively increases with the concentration of Cl ions from 2.1 to 2.9 eV. In this chapter, we review recent structural studies by state-of-the-art techniques, relevant to the crystallographic characterization of these materials, in close relationship with their light-absorption properties

    Does opening a milk bank in a neonatal unit change infant feeding practices? A before and after study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Donor human milk banks are much more than simple centers for collection, storage, processing, and distribution of donor human milk, as they cover other aspects and represent a real opportunity to promote and support breastfeeding. The aim of our study is to assess the impact that opening a human milk bank has had on the proportion of infants receiving exclusive breast milk at discharge and other aspects related to feeding children with birth weight < or = 1500 g or < 32 weeks gestation admitted to the neonatal unit.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study included babies of < or = 1500 g or < 32 weeks gestation. Fifty infants born from February to July in 2006, before the opening of the human milk bank, and 54 born from February to July in 2008, after its opening, met inclusive criteria. We collected data about days of hospital stay, hours of life when feeding was started, hours of life when full enteral feeding was attained, the type of milk received during admission, and the type of feeding on discharge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children born in 2008 commenced feeding 16 hours earlier than those born in 2006 (p = 0.00). The proportion of infants receiving exclusive breast milk at discharge was 54% in 2006 and 56% in 2008 (p = 0.87). The number of days they received their mother's own milk during the first 28 days of life was 24.2 days in 2006, compared to 23.7 days in 2008 (p = 0.70). In 2006, 60% of infants received infant formula at least once in the first 28 days of life, compared to 37% in 2008 (p = 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The opening of a donor human milk bank in a neonatal unit did not reduce the proportion of infants exclusively fed with breast milk at discharge, but did reduce the proportion of infants that received infant formula during the first four weeks of life. Also, having donor human milk available enables commencement of enteral feeding earlier.</p

    Restitución de poblaciones como herramienta de conservación en España

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    Según las directrices de la UICN, las medidas de restitución sensu lato consisten en el movimiento de individuos de un sitio a otro para mejorar, desde una perspectiva conservacionista, el estado de una población amenazada o incluso extinta. Conviene destacar que estas pueden llevarse a cabo dentro del rango de distribución de la especie (refuerzo o reintroducción) o fuera de él (colonización asistida y reemplazo ecológico

    Compositional Characterization and Chronology of Roman Mortars from the Archaeological Site of Arroyo De La Dehesa De Velasco (Burgo De Osma- Ciudad De Osma, Soria, Spain)

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    This study characterises the mortar materials used in the construction of walls and floors at the Arroyo de la Dehesa de Velasco site, located near the Roman city of Uxama Argaela (the modern Burgo de Osma—Ciudad de Osma, Soria, Spain). Multilayer mortars have been characterised by petrographic, mineralogical (X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analyses and geochemical analysis (X-ray fluorescence). Additionally, radiocarbon dating of the mortar binder fraction was performed in order to establish the chronology of the building in the absence of other archaeological chronological records. The results showed that similar siliceous aggregates and lime binders were used in the fabrication of multilayer system mortars. Some multilayer wall mortars show ceramic fragments or brick powder to produce hydraulic mortars and improve the resistance to moisture. The raw materials used for the construction of the site were of local origin and the construction was built during the first century BC, according to radiocarbon dating.This study was partially supported by the T1193-13 project of the Basque Country Government

    On the crystal structure thermal evolution of formamidinium lead tribromide, CH(NH2)2PbBr3

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    Although methylammonium lead triiodide (CH3NH3PbI3) is recognized as the best candidate for photovoltaic applications, unfortunately it undergoes fast degradation when exposed to moisture and mild temperatures. Among hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, formamidinium lead tribromide (FA: formamidinium, CH(NH2)2+) is an excellent alternative given its long-term stability. Here we present a structural study from synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction of an undeuterated FAPbBr3 specimen, carried out to follow its crystallographic behaviour in the 1-298 K temperature range. Two phase transitions are identified; at 256-261 K from the cubic structure observed at RT (Pm3m), to a tetragonal symmetry (P4/mbm), and at 159-160 K to an orthorhombic phase (space group Pnma). Our neutron diffraction data allowed us to unveil the configuration of the organic FA units and their full localization within the mentioned temperature range, thus improving the crystallographic description of this compound. The evolution with temperature of the H-bonds between the organic molecule and the inorganic cage is followed. The UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum shows a band gap of 2.23 eV, making it a suitable material for optoelectronic devices.Fil: Abia, Carmen. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid; España. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Lopez, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnología Química. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnología Química; Argentina. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid; EspañaFil: Álvarez Galván, María Consuelo. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Canadillas Delgado, Laura. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Fernández Díaz, María Teresa. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Alonso, José Antonio. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid; Españ

    Inmigración y prejuicio: actitudes de una muestra de adolescentes almerienses

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    The aim of this research is to know the concept a sample of adolescents living in an area with many foreign workers have about two immigrant groups (Black africans and Moroccans). A sample of 712 adolescents aged 13 to 18 filled up a version of the Modern Racism Scale (McConahay et al., 1981) and an Emotion Scale. Results show low prejudice levels towards both groups. Likewise, evoked emotions, either positive or negative, are low in intensity. There are no differences between subsamples, neither in Modern Racism nor in Emotions. However, some differences are found in some variables, sex and age, which establish different prejudice levels between groups. Traditional negative emotions are positively related to Modern Racism whereas positive emotions are negatively related to it. Results are discussed in relation to the literature and previous research carried out in the same region.ResumenEl objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer la imagen que los adolescentes de una zona con alta recepción de trabajadores extranjeros tienen acerca de dos grupos de inmigrantes: subsaharianos y marroquíes. Se empleó una muestra de 712 sujetos de entre 13 y 18 años, que respondían a una versión de la Escala de Racismo Moderno (McConahay y cols., 1981) y a una escala de emociones. Los resultados muestran un bajo índice de prejuicio hacia ambos grupos. Así mismo, las emociones evocadas por los inmigrantes, tanto positivas como negativas, tienen baja intensidad. No se aprecian diferencias entre las submuestras que evaluaban a cada grupo de inmigrantes, ni en racismo moderno ni en emociones, aunque sí en ciertas variables que establecen diferencias entre los grupos en los niveles de prejuicio (sexo y edad). Las emociones negativas tradicionales se relacionan positivamente con el racismo moderno, y las emociones positivas lo hacen de forma negativa. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la literatura y con resultados obtenidos previamente en la misma zona con otras muestras.AbstractThe aim of this research is to know the concept a sample of adolescents living in an area with many foreign workers have about two immigrant groups (Black africans and Moroccans). A sample of 712 adolescents aged 13 to 18 filled up a version of the Modern Racism Scale (McConahay et al., 1981) and an Emotion Scale. Results show low prejudice levels towards both groups. Likewise, evoked emotions, either positive or negative, are low in intensity. There are no differences between subsamples, neither in Modern Racism nor in Emotions. However, some differences are found in some variables, sex and age, which establish different prejudice levels between groups. Traditional negative emotions are positively related to Modern Racism whereas positive emotions are negatively related to it. Results are discussed in relation to the literature and previous research carried out in the same region