1,537 research outputs found

    Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín: el universo lorquiano del erotismo a la tragedia

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    Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín, subtitled erotic Alleluia, is one of Federico García Lorca's avant-garde works. It belongs to his farces and its origin dates back to a topic from the Spanish Golden Age theatre, the love between an old man and a beautiful young woman, which is also the main theme in La zapatera prodigiosa. The work shows essential themes of Lorca's theatre: the duality between eroticism and death, the presence of symbols and the confrontation between social conventions and human desires. On the other hand, the text raises another theme from classical Spanish theatre, the honour, although in this case the resolution of the conflict leads the hero to death by a doubling of its personality. The book contains in the lyrical elements symbols associated with eroticism in other Lorca's works, such as fish or water. There is a revision of the patriarchal model and a critique of marriage as a social rite, opposed to the eroticism and sensuality. Sexual instincts and desires are defended in a conventional and prejudiced society. In short, this theatrical piece brings together the themes and forms of Lorca's aesthetics and vision of the world, governed by love and death.La obra Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín, subtitulada Aleluya erótica, es una de las obras vanguardistas de Federico García Lorca. Pertenece a sus farsas y parte de un tema clásico en el teatro español, el amor entre un viejo y una bella joven, que Lorca trata también en La zapatera prodigiosa. La obra refleja los motivos centrales del teatro lorquiano: la dualidad entre el erotismo y la muerte, el amor imposible, la presencia de símbolos y el enfrentamiento entre las convenciones sociales y los deseos del hombre. Por otra parte, el texto plantea un tema procedente del teatro clásico español, el honor, aunque en este caso la resolución del conflicto lleva al héroe a la muerte mediante un desdoblamiento de su personalidad. El libro contiene en los elementos líricos intercalados símbolos asociados al erotismo en otras obras lorquianas, como el pez o el agua. Existe una revisión del modelo patriarcal y una crítica del matrimonio como rito social, frente al erotismo y la sensualidad que emanan. Se defienden los instintos y deseos sexuales en una sociedad convencional y llena de prejuicios. En definitiva, esta pieza teatral recoge en temas y formas la estética lorquiana y su visión del mundo, dominada por el amor y la muerte

    Elementos discursivos del tráiler cinematográfico

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    The movie trailer is a film genre whose purpose is to prompt the spectator to watch the promoted film. From the narrative point of view, it can be considered as an example of mini-fiction equivalent to the micro-story in narrative texts, due to its conciseness and brevity and its power of suggestion. The trailer summarizes the film, outlining the highlight moments of the film through various discoursive techniques, which will be featured in this article. We have chosen some Spanish movie trailers from different periods and genres to show that the trailer can be considered an autonomous genre.El tráiler cinematográfico es un género fílmico cuya finalidad es incitar al espectador a ver la película promocionada. Desde el punto de vista narrativo puede ser considerado como un ejemplo de minificción equivalente al microrrelato en los textos narrativos, por su concisión y brevedad, así como por su poder de sugerencia. El tráiler resume la película potenciando los momentos clave de la misma mediante diversas técnicas discursivas, que serán señaladas en este artículo. Se han seleccionado una serie de tráileres de cine español de distintas épocas y géneros para mostrar cómo el tráiler puede ser considerado un género autónomo

    Nanoengineering of vaccines using natural polysaccharides

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    Currently, there are over 70 licensed vaccines, which prevent the pathogenesis of around 30 viruses and bacteria. Nevertheless, there are still important challenges in this area, which include the development of more active, non-invasive, and thermo-resistant vaccines. Important biotechnological advances have led to safer subunit antigens, such as proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. However, their limited immunogenicity has demanded potent adjuvants that can strengthen the immune response. Particulate nanocarriers hold a high potential as adjuvants in vaccination. Due to their pathogen-like size and structure, they can enhance immune responses by mimicking the natural infection process. Additionally, they can be tailored for non-invasive mucosal administration (needle-free vaccination), and control the delivery of the associated antigens to a specific location and for prolonged times, opening room for single-dose vaccination. Moreover, they allow co-association of immunostimulatory molecules to improve the overall adjuvant capacity. The natural and ubiquitous character of polysaccharides, together with their intrinsic immunomodulating properties, their biocompatibility, and biodegradability, justify their interest in the engineering of nanovaccines. In this review, we aim to provide a state-of-the-art overview regarding the application of nanotechnology in vaccine delivery, with a focus on the most recent advances in the development and application of polysaccharide-based antigen nanocarriers

    Origin and sedimentary context of Cenozoic exotic copper deposits from the Atacama Desert, northern Chile

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    [ES] Este trabajo pretende describir los depósitos de cobre exótico presentes en la mina El Tesoro (norte de Chile) y determinar los procesos y el contexto sedimentario implicados en su formación. El Tesoro consta de dos depósitos de cobre exótico concordantes a la estratificación y separados entre sí por ~130 m de facies detríticas estériles. En el nivel mineralizado inferior, hospedado en conglomerados fluviales intercalados con calizas arenosas lacustres, el cobre se presenta como una masa entre los clastos de tonos verde azulados, constituida principalmente por crisocola, y de tonos negros, formada por “copper wad”. En el nivel superior, alojado en brechas de abanico aluvial, la mineralización está presente como una masa homogénea de color verde entre los clastos y también como clastos angulosos retrabajados de crisocola. Ocasionalmente, en este depósito se observan envueltas irregulares de cobre alrededor de clastos no mineralizados. Este estudio permite confirmar que se trata de dos cuerpos exóticos sinsedimentarios formados por eventos y mecanismos diferentes. En el cuerpo inferior, el cobre fue transportado en solución y precipitó en facies gruesas de relleno de canal en zonas distales a la fuente de cobre. En el caso del depósito superior, los clastos mineralizados retrabajados indican que la erosión y el transporte físico también contribuyeron a su formación. Este cuerpo se habría originado más cerca de la fuente de cobre en comparación con el depósito inferior y, además, también podría haber sido formado parcialmente por procesos de pedogénesis.[EN] This works aims to describe the exotic copper deposits from the El Tesoro copper mine (northern Chile) and to determine the processes and the sedimentary context involved in their formation. El Tesoro consists of two exotic-Cu bodies concordant with stratification and separated by ~130 m of barren detritic deposits. The lower exotic-Cu deposit is hosted in fluvio-alluvial conglomerates interbedded with lacustrine sandy limestones. Copper occurs as a homogeneous green (chrysocolla) and black (copper wad) paste between the clasts. The upper deposit is hosted in alluvial fan breccias. In this case, the mineralization consists of a homogeneous green paste and also reworked angular clasts of chrysocolla. Occasionally, it also occurs as coatings surrounding non-mineralized clasts. This work confirms that these deposits were synsedimentary and formed during separate events and by different mechanisms. In the lower ore deposit, copper was transported in solution and precipitated within coarse-grained facies of channel-fill deposits in distal parts related to the copper source. However, the presence of mineralized reworked clasts in the upper ore deposit reveals that erosion and physical transport also played a role in its formation. This ore deposit was originated closer to the copper source and could have been partially formed by pedogenic processes.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la beca CONICYTPCHA/ Doctorado Nacional/2016-21160193 (Chile) y por los proyectos de investigación FONDECYT Nº1121041 y Proyecto Anillos ACT-1203 (Chile), LMI-COPEDIM (Chile-Francia) y CGL2014-54828P (España).Peer reviewe

    Expectativas de la utilización del "Yield Management" en las empresas turísticas

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    [ES] El «Yield Management» nació en las compañías aéreas americanas en los años setenta, como medio de obtener ventajas competitivas sostenibles a largo plazo. Se pretendía gestionar las capacidades con la finalidad de maximizar ingresos globales de las empresas de servicios, vendiendo cada producto o servicio con el mejor precio al cliente idóneo y en el período estacional más adecuado. Pronto otros sectores se convirtieron en candidatos ideales del «Yield Management» y su utilización se fue adaptando a cada problemática específica. Las empresas españolas y en particular las turísticas, comienzan en los últimos años a llevarlo a la praxis e introducirlo como una innovación en su gestión, mientras que las de Estados Unidos se encuentran en la fase de desmitifícación sustituyéndose y ampliándose por nuevos sistemas como el PABS y el PARM.[EN] The airline industry is considered the birthplace of Yield Management, after deregulation in the late 1970s. Yield Management is the process of allocating the right type of capacity to the right kind of customer at the right price so as to maximize revenue or yield. Other sectors are also ideal candidates for Yield Management and its application was adapted to the different industries problems. Spanish companies especially the tourism ones, are begining to use Yield Management, while American industries are debunking the myths of Yield Management through new systems as PABS and PARM.S

    Features and Origin of Red Clays in Castafiar Cave: A Touch of Colour

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    In Castaiiar Cave (Caceres, Spain), coatings of red clays cover the walls of the chambers, coexisting with diverse speleothems of aragonite, calcite, huntite and dolomite. The mineralogy of the clays is mainly illite, chlorite, kaolinite, smectite, quartz and Fe oxides and hydroxides such as goethite. They can be transported into the cave by infiltration waters or form by in situ alteration of the host rock: layers of dolomite rich in Fe and magnesite interbedded with greywackes and shales. Present-day hydrological conditions in the cave and conditions during the formation of speleothems have determined that the clays have not been transported by any flooding or seepage, but mostly staying in situ, and not included into carbonate crystal forms . Thus, most of the well-preserved speleothems are white and not stained, conforming an interesting chromatic contrast with the red clays that represent an additional attraction in this show cave

    The Escalada Formation: Characterization of a potential chert supply source in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) during prehistory

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    [EN] A study of the chert nodules found in the Escalada Formation (Carboniferous, Ponga region, Cantabrian Zone) was carried out as a means to characterise a number of lithic raw materials found in several prehistoric sites of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). This study comprises fieldwork aimed at locating the outcrops and obtaining samples. Some selected samples from two localities were used for both petrological (macroscopic and microscopic analyses from thin sections) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence and powder diffraction) analysis. The macroscopic study shows a rather homogeneus coloration and a conchoidal fracture although two extreme types of cherts with a variety of intermediate forms can be differentiated according to the matrix composition. The microscopic analysis shows a high heterogeneity in carbonate versus silica percentage and gentle differences in some other features such as type of silica, origin of carbonates, occurrence of organic matter and type of skeletal components. The results of several geochemical analysis suggest that there are not geochemical features neither in the major elements nor in the traces that allows us to clearly distinguish between the analysed samples. All these studies allow us to define the main features of these chert nodules and to establish several types and varieties among them. Those varieties with high percentage of silica and with a more homogeneous matrix are the most suitable samples for knapping. These results together with the study of the geological and geographical location of archaeological sites suggest that the nodules from the Escalada Formation likely were lithic material supply sources used in knapping activities When aiming to demonstrate the use of these materials at archaeological sites the sole macroscopic analysis of the pieces does not suffice; further analyses, such as those involving thin sections, are necessary. The absence of chert from Escalada Formation in some Mesolithic sites in the area was confirmed via these additional analyses.SIThis study was supported by funds from project AF-87 “Análisis de industrias líticas prehistóricas: materias primas y tecnología” of the Vicerrectorado de Investigación (Universidad de León, Spain)

    Emotional Intelligence, Sense of Coherence, Engagement and Coping: A Cross-Sectional Study of University Students’ Health

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    11 páginasIt is important to consider university settings as sustainable environments that promote student well-being. Our aim in this study was to determine how the variables of engagement, emotional intelligence, sense of coherence, and coping influence the health of students at a Spanish university. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The instruments of measures administered were: The General Health Questionnaire, Trait Meta-Mood Scale, UterchWork Engagement Scale, sense of coherence and brief coping scale to 463 students. The results showed that better-perceived health was associated with higher scores for dedication, vigor, clarity, repair, sense of coherence, active coping, positive reframing, and humor. Conversely, poorer perceived health was associated with higher scores for attention, instrumental support, self-distraction, venting, religion, denial, self-blaming, emotional support, and behavioral disengagement. In addition, the variables analyzed presented di erences by sex. Our proposed predictive model of health and the associations between variables indicate the need to cultivate emotional skills, such as mood repair, a sense of coherence, and coping strategies, in order to promote student health. Facilitating students’ acquisition of knowledge and resources by analyzing these and other variables can contribute to individual well-being and help university students to cope with present and future academic challenges.S

    Components of dental clinic patient loyalty as perceived by the dentist

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    The dental clinic market has been subject to different changes while have led to the development of a new business model for the sector. These changes have been the great increase in the number of dentists, new business models, the demand of new services, churn patients, among others. With the purpose of stopping patient churn, the main objective of this research is to investigate the perception that the dentist has of the behavior of Loyal Patient (LP) and Non-loyal Patient (NLP) in dental clinics. The study analyzes the data obtained from a survey collected among 220 Spanish dentists who were active during 2012. The main findings obtained from the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) are: (i) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the LP is driven by three components: "Same dental clinic and recommendation", "Patient willingness" and "Low sensitivity to prices"; (ii) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the NLP is driven by three components: "High sensitivity to prices", "High churn and few recommendation" and "Less visits". This study allow to understand patient loyalty in dental clinics by a holistic approach, evaluating the dentist's perception; at the same time, it helps in decreasing negative bias in the dentist in order not to condition their professional behavior when a new patient arrives at the clinic