2,281 research outputs found

    On the formation of tropical rings of atomic halogens: Causes and implications

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    Halogens produced by ocean biological and photochemical processes reach the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), where cold temperatures and the prevailing low ozone abundances favor the diurnal photochemical enhancement of halogen atoms. Under these conditions atomic bromine and iodine are modeled to be the dominant inorganic halogen species in the sunlit TTL, surpassing the abundance of the commonly targeted IO and BrO radicals. We suggest that due to the rapid photochemical equilibrium between halogen oxides and halogen atoms a natural atmospheric phenomenon evolves, which we have collectively termed >tropical rings of atomic halogens.> We describe the main causes controlling the modeled appearance and variability of these superposed rings of bare bromine and iodine atoms that circle the tropics following the Sun. Some potential implications for atmospheric oxidizing capacity are also explored. Our model results suggest that if experimentally confirmed, the extent and intensity of the halogen rings would directly respond to changes in oceanic halocarbon emissions, their atmospheric transport, and photochemistry.Peer Reviewe

    Bromine partitioning in the tropical tropopause layer: Implications for stratospheric injection

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    © Author(s) 2014. Very short-lived (VSL) bromocarbons are produced at a prodigious rate by ocean biology and these source compounds (SGVSL), together with their inorganic degradation products (PGVSL), are lofted by vigorous convection to the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Using a state-of-the-art photochemical mechanism within a global model, we calculate annual average stratospheric injection of total bromine due to VSL sources to be 5 pptv (parts per trillion by volume), with ∼ 3 pptv entering the stratosphere as PGVSL and ∼ 2 pptv as SGVSL. The geographic distribution and partitioning of VSL bromine within the TTL, and its consequent stratospheric injection, is highly dependent on the oceanic flux, the strength of convection and the occurrence of heterogeneous recycling reactions. Our calculations indicate atomic Br should be the dominant inorganic species in large regions of the TTL during daytime, due to the low ozone and cold conditions of this region. We propose the existence of a >tropical ring of atomic bromine> located approximately between 15 and 19 km and between 30°N and 30°S. Daytime Br / BrO ratios of up to ∼ 4 are predicted within this inhomogeneous ring in regions of highly convective transport, such as the tropical Western Pacific. Therefore, we suggest that experimental programs designed to quantify the bromine budget of the TTL and the stratospheric injection of VSL biogenic bromocarbons should include a strategy for the measurement of atomic Br during daytime as well as HOBr and BrCl during nighttime.Peer Reviewe

    The figure of Sertorius in Fifth Century Spain. A late perspective from the time of the Barbarian Invasions

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    Quintus Sertorius was a leading role during the time of the falling of Roman Republic, and his character is closely related to Spain, where he raised a personal domain with a lot of supporters in a big number of celtiberian tribes. Here we search for the possibility of Sertorius memory to be lasting in Ancient Spain, until the arrival of the first barbarian invasions.Quinto Sertorio fue un personaje principal en los tiempos de la caída de la República romana, y su figura está estrechamente vinculada a Hispania, donde creó un dominio personal con muchos seguidores en un gran número de tribus celtíberas. Aquí planteamos la posibilidad de que la memoria de Sertorio perdurase aún en la Hispania Tardía, durante los tiempos de las primeras invasiones bárbaras

    The figure of Sertorius in Fifth Century Spain. A late perspective from the time of the Barbarian Invasions

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    Quintus Sertorius was a leading role during the time of the falling of Roman Republic, and his character is closely related to Spain, where he raised a personal domain with a lot of supporters in a big number of celtiberian tribes. Here we search for the possibility of Sertorius memory to be lasting in Ancient Spain, until the arrival of the first barbarian invasions.Quinto Sertorio fue un personaje principal en los tiempos de la caída de la República romana, y su figura está estrechamente vinculada a Hispania, donde creó un dominio personal con muchos seguidores en un gran número de tribus celtíberas. Aquí planteamos la posibilidad de que la memoria de Sertorio perdurase aún en la Hispania Tardía, durante los tiempos de las primeras invasiones bárbaras

    RAPID-retargetability for reusability of application-driven quadrature D/A interface block design

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    This paper describes ESPRIT 29648, concerning the development of an advanced methodology for the design of a mixed-signal application-driven quadrature D/A interface sub-system, aiming at its reusability by a retargetting procedure with minimal changes to their structural sub-blocks. The methodology is demonstrated, first, by developing a nominal design platform for the implementation in 0.35 /spl mu/m double-poly CMOS technology of a quadrature D/A interface block design for the GSM standard, and, then, by an automatic retargeting in an evolutionary technology through the realization of a silicon prototype in 0.25 /spl mu/m CMOS.European Community 2964

    Frailty, Complexity, and Priorities in the Use of Advanced Palliative Care Resources in Nursing Homes

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    Background and objectives: This study aimed to determine the frailty, prognosis, complexity, and palliative care complexity of nursing home residents with palliative care needs and define the characteristics of the cases eligible for receiving advanced palliative care according to the resources available at each nursing home. Materials and Methods: In this multi-centre, descriptive, and crosssectional study, trained nurses from eight nursing homes in southern Spain selected 149 residents with palliative care needs. The following instruments were used: the Frail-VIG index, the case complexity index (CCI), the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care (IDC-Pal), the palliative prognosis index, the Barthel index (dependency), Pfeiffer’s test (cognitive impairment), and the Charlson comorbidity index. A consensus was reached on the complexity criteria of the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care that could be addressed in the nursing home (no priority) and those that required a one-off (priority 2) or full (priority 1) intervention of advanced palliative care resources. Non-parametric tests were used to compare non-priority patients and patients with some kind of priority. Results: A high percentage of residents presented frailty (80.6%), clinical complexity (80.5%), and palliative care complexity (65.8%). A lower percentage of residents had a poor prognosis (10.1%) and an extremely poor prognosis (2%). Twelve priority 1 and 14 priority 2 elements were identified as not matching the palliative care complexity elements that had been previously identified. Of the studied cases, 20.1% had priority 1 status and 38.3% had priority 2 status. Residents with some kind of priority had greater levels of dependency (p < 0.001), cognitive impairment (p < 0.001), and poorer prognoses (p < 0.001). Priority 1 patients exhibited higher rates of refractory delirium (p = 0.003), skin ulcers (p = 0.041), and dyspnoea (p = 0.020). Conclusions: The results indicate that there are high levels of frailty, clinical complexity, and palliative care complexity in nursing homes. The resources available at each nursing home must be considered to determine when advanced palliative care resources are required


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    A project was undertaken between 1993 and1997 to collect polypores in the northern partof the state of Queretaro. Besides making 10field trips, we studied specimens of polyporesdeposited in the mycological herbarium of theEscuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, IPN(ENCB). A list of 440 specimens originatingfrom 45 localities is presented. Eighty-fivespecies of polypores were recognized,belonging to 45 genera and 5 families of theOrder Aphyllophorales. The FamilyCorticiaceae is represented by one genus andone species; Ganodermataceae, by two generaand four species; Hymenochaetaceae, sixgenera and 21 species; Polyporaceae sensustricto, 35 genera and 58 species; andAlbatrellaceae, one genus and one species. Fiftyspecies of polypores are cited as new to Queretaro.Para la realización del presente trabajo seefectuaron diez exploraciones en el áreade estudio, entre 1993 y 1997, con el fin derecolectar el material fúngico, además serevisaron los especímenes depositados en elherbario micológico de la Escuela Nacional deCiencias Biológicas (ENCB). Se estudiaron440 especímenes procedentes de 45localidades distribuidas en cinco municipiosde la parte norte del estado de Querétaro. Sedeterminaron 85 especies de hongospoliporoides incluidos en 45 génerospertenecientes a cinco familias del ordenAphyllophorales. La familia Corticiaceae estárepresentada por un género y una especie; lafamilia Ganodermataceae con dos géneros ycuatro especies; la Hymenochaetaceae con seisgéneros y 21 especies; la Polyporaceae con 35géneros y 58 especies y finalmente la familiaAlbatrellaceae con un género y una especie.En el presente estudio se citan 50 especies porprimera vez para el estado de Querétaro

    Understanding the Occupational Adaptation Process and Well-Being of Older Adults in Magallanes (Chile): A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Aging and longevity are important topics nowadays. Purpose: To describe how older adults perform the occupational adaptation process in the extreme region of Magallanes (Chile), and to identify the factors that might contribute to successful occupational adaptation and well-being. Method: Qualitative study, with a phenomenological interpretative approach. In-depth interviews were carried out with 16 older adults, with high or low levels of well-being, assessed with the Ryff Scale. An inductive content analysis according to Elo and Kyngäs was performed. Findings: Resilience, self-esteem and interdependence with significant others are key elements that promote well-being. Participants develop strategies to minimize the effects of environmental factors. The occupation’s function in terms of socialization, use of time, and social participation is revealed as a conditioning factor of occupational adaptation. Implications: Interventions with older people to achieve a successful occupational adaptation process must take into consideration the commitment to meaningful activities

    Palliative Care Symptoms, Outcomes, and Interventions for Chronic Advanced Patients in Spanish Nursing Homes with and without Dementia

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    The aim of this study was to compare the symptomatology, palliative care outcomes, therapeutic procedures, diagnostic tests, and pharmacological treatments for people with dementia (PWD) and without dementia (PW/OD) admitted to Spanish nursing homes. Design: This was a cross-sectional study which is part of a long-term prospective follow-up of elderly people performed in nursing homes to measure end-of-life care processes. Participants: 107 nursing home patients with advanced or terminal chronic diseases were selected according to the criteria of the Palliative Care Spanish Society. Setting: Two trained nurses from each nursing home were responsible for participant selection and data collection. They must have treated the residents and had a minimum seniority of 6 months in the nursing home. Measurements: Sociodemographic data; Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale; Palliative Care Outcome Scale; and prevalence of diagnostic tests, pharmacological treatments, and therapeutic procedures were evaluated. Results: Pain, fatigue, and nausea were found to be significantly higher in the nondementia group and insomnia, poor appetite, and drowsiness were significantly higher in the dementia group. Patient anxiety, support, feeling that life was worth living, self-worth, and practical matters management were higher in the nondementia group. Regarding drugs, use of corticoids was higher in the nondementia group, while use of anxiolytics was higher in the dementia group. Diagnostic procedures such as urine analysis and X-ray were higher in the dementia group. Conclusions: Differences in symptom perception, diagnostic tests, and pharmacological procedures were found between patients with and without dementia. Specific diagnostic tools need to be developed for patients with dementia.This work was supported by the Andalusia Ministry of Health (PI-0619-2011) and the Andalusian CICYE project AP-0105-2016

    Multi-Etiological Nature of Tuberculosis-Like Lesions in Condemned Pigs at the Slaughterhouse.

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    Tuberculosis-like lesions (TBL) in pigs have been associated with microorganisms other than mycobacteria. In this work a histopathological and microbiological evaluation of TBL in pigs is shown. A total of 352 samples belonging to 171 pigs totally condemned at slaughterhouse due to generalized TBL were sampled and selected for analysis. Pyogranulomatous (56.2%) and granulomatous lesions (20.2%) were observed in all analysed organs. Most of the granulomas observed in both lymph nodes and lungs belonged to more advanced stages of development (stages III and IV) whereas in the liver and the spleen most of lesions belonged to intermediate stages (stages II and III). Different microorganisms were simultaneously detected from TBL in the 42.7% of the animals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) (38%), coryneform bacteria (40.3%) and streptococci (28.1%) were the main groups of microorganisms detected after bacteriological analysis, with Trueperella pyogenes and Streptococcus suis as the most frequently isolated species. Mycobacteria belonging to MTC were the most frequently detected pathogens in granulomatous and pyogranulomatous lesions in submandibular lymph nodes (32.7%) and coryneform bacteria were the microorganisms more frequently isolated from lungs (25.9%) and spleen samples (37.2%). These results may provide new insights into the pathogenesis and diagnosis of this pathology. The importance of coryneform bacteria and streptococci in such processes must be evaluated in future studies