3,991 research outputs found

    Roboskeleton: an architecture for coordinating Robot Soccer agents

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    SkeletonAgent is an agent framework whose main feature is to integrate different artificial intelligent skills, like planning or learning, to obtain new behaviours in a multi-agent environment. This framework has been previously instantiated in a deliberative domain (electronic tourism), where planning was used to integrate Web information in a tourist plan. RoboSkeleton results from the instantiation of the same framework, SkeletonAgent, in a very different domain, the robot soccer. This paper shows how this architecture is used to obtain collaborative behaviours in a reactive domain. The paper describes how the different modules of the architecture for the robot soccer agents are designed, directly showing the flexibility of our framework.Publicad

    Exposición de una cabeza humana a radiofrecuencia

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    En esta contribución, un plano coronal de cabeza humana es expuesto a 125 mW de potencia radiada por un dipolo de media onda a 1800 MHz. Se proporcionan tanto la TAE (Tasa de Absorción Específica) como los incrementos de temperatura asociados a la exposición electromagnética, para distintos escenarios. Se evalúa el efecto en el confort térmico de los procesos termorregulatorios humanos. Se presenta un importante efecto de adaptación entre el dipolo y la cabeza humana, así como al cráneo como protector del encéfalo ante tensiones térmicas debidas a exposición a campo EM. Como resultado del estudio, se podrían derivar restricciones básicas más precisas combinando los límites de TAE con la respuesta térmica asociada.Esta investigación ha sido financiada parcialmente por la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, a través de una ayuda del Programa Séneca

    Is probabilistic cuing of visual search an inflexible attentional habit? A meta-analytic review

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    In studies on probabilistic cuing of visual search, participants search for a target among several distractors and report some feature of the target. In a biased stage the target appears more frequently in one specific area of the search display. Eventually, participants become faster at finding the target in that rich region compared to the sparse region. In some experiments, this stage is followed by an unbiased stage, where the target is evenly located across all regions of the display. Despite this change in the spatial distribution of targets, search speed usually remains faster when the target is located in the previously rich region. The persistence of the bias even when it is no longer advantageous has been taken as evidence that this phenomenon is an attentional habit. The aim of this meta-analysis was to test whether the magnitude of probabilistic cuing decreases from the biased to the unbiased stage. A meta-analysis of 42 studies confirmed that probabilistic cuing during the unbiased stage was roughly half the size of cuing during the biased stage, and this decrease persisted even after correcting for publication bias. Thus, the evidence supporting the claim that probabilistic cuing is an attentional habit might not be as compelling as previously thoughtOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was supported by grants 2016-T1/SOC-1395, 2017-T1/SOC-5147, and 2020-5A/SOC-19723 from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (Programa de Atracción de Talento Investigador), grants PSI2017-85159-P, PGC2018-094694-B-I00, and PID2020-118583GB-I00 from Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, and FEDER, EU, and grant ES/S014616/1 from the Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdo

    Analysis of the impact of file formats for open data analytics efficiency: a case study with R

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    By sharing their documents many organizationsof boast of trans-parency that does not have. Why?Because the documents are pub-lished in for in which thedata are if not impossible very difficult to analyzed by themain existing exploratory data analysis, eda, software. Forreason it is very important not only to share thedocumentation but to share it in a file format that allowsthe user to analyze them easily. This paper presents theresults of a research conducted to help to solve thisproblem and it has been developed to establish which fileformats must be used to facilitate the use and analysis ofdata shared in open data sets when its used one of the maineda software like is R

    On the relationship between field amplitude distribution, Its maxima distribution, and field uniformity inside a mode-stirred reverberation chamber

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    A mode-stirred reverberation chamber (RC) is nowadays a commonly accepted performing tool for over-the-air (OTA) communication system evaluation, and their standardization is underway. Before performing active measurements of wireless communication systems using an RC, field uniformity inside the RC working volume has to be measured following the calibration method described in IEC standards 61000-4-21 and 61000-4-3, which requires 24 calibration measurements of field amplitude. In this contribution, we present the statistical laws that describe electromagnetic field maxima distribution, and based on them, a novel expression that could be useful to obtain a lower limit for the number of stirrer positions required at least to obtain a specific value for the normalized dispersion used to evaluate field uniformity with the IEC calibration method, being therefore of particular interest for OTA measurements.This research has been partially funded by a fellowship grant by Fundacion S ´ eneca, the Regional R&D Coordinating Unit ´ of the Region of Murcia (Spain)

    Bioimpedance real-time charazterization of neointimal tissue inside stents

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    It is hereby presented a new approach to monitor restenosis in arteries fitted with a stent during an angioplasty. The growth of neointimal tissue is followed up by measuring its bioimpedance with Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Besides, a mathematical model is derived to analytically describe the neointima’s histological composition from its bioimpedance. The model is validated by finite-element analysis (FEA) with COMSOL Multiphysics®. Satisfactory correlation between the analytical model and the FEA simulation is achieved for most of the characterization range, detecting some deviations introduced by the thin "double layer" that separates the neointima and the blood. It is shown how to apply conformal transformations to obtain bioimpedance models for stack-layered tissues over coplanar electrodes. Particularly, this is applied to characterize the neointima in real-time. This technique is either suitable as a main mechanism of restenosis follow-up or it can be combined with proposed blood-pressure-measuring intelligent stents to auto-calibrate the sensibility loss caused by the adherence of the tissue on the micro-electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain): projects TEC2013-46242-C3-1-PMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain): projects TEC2013-46242-C3-2-