2,775 research outputs found

    Cora Bindhoff (1905-1995)

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    ¿Queremos más o menos? Desencuentros entre las horas de trabajo que tenemos y las que preferimos en España, 2005-2014

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    Mismatches between the number of hours people actually work and the hours they would prefer to work are common, and they have important consequences for individual, family and organizational life. This study contributes to prior research examining how the quality of work is affected by the economic crisis. Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey from 2005 to 2014, it tests three possible competing predictions for trends in working hour mismatches during the economic downturn. The study reveals that the level of mismatches has increased significantly with the economic recession due to the growing number of people who would wish to work more hours than they actually do. Findings show that the increase in hour mismatches has been particularly striking among workers employed under fixed term contracts, part-time contracts, those in low-status occupations and women. The economic crisis has widened the gap between hig-hand low-status workers over the last decade.Los desajustes entre el número de horas que la gente trabaja y el que desearía trabajar son frecuentes y tienen importantes consecuencias para la vida individual, familiar y organizativa. Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación sobre los efectos de la crisis económica en la calidad del trabajo. A partir de datos de la Encuesta Española de Población Activa (LFS) entre 2005 y 2014, este estudio testa tres escenarios alternativos sobre las tendencias de los desajustes en las horas de trabajo en tiempos de crisis. El estudio revela que el nivel de desajustes ha crecido significativamente con la recesión económica, debido al aumento de personas que desean trabajar más horas de las que trabajan. Los resultados muestran que este aumento ha sido particularmente llamativo entre los trabajadores con contratos temporales, a tiempo parcial, en ocupaciones de bajo estatus y mujeres. Como resultado, la crisis económica ha acelerado la brecha entre trabajadores de alto y bajo estatus en la última década significativamente

    Women in Blue: Structural and Individual Determinants of Sex Segregation in Blue-Collar Occupations

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    The number of women occupying male-dominated blue-collar jobs continues to be very low. This study examines segregation in the blue-collar trades, taking into consideration both structural and individual factors. Using nationally representative data for 25 countries, the study shows that segregation in the blue-collar sector does not vary with the strength of vocational education and training programs. At the individual level, findings reveal higher degrees of social reproduction among working-class families, but parental background alone does not fully account for the gender composition of the sector in which children end up working. Overall, the findings point to the existence of a socializing mechanism that entrenches horizontal segregation in the blue-collar sector. The study indicates that to reduce segregation in the blue-collar fields, policies must address this prior mechanism, both at the structural and individual level

    The scarring effect of "women's work": The determinants of women's wttrition from male-dominated occupations

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    Women’s entry into formerly male-dominated occupations has increased in recent decades, yet a significant outflow remains. This study examines the determinants of women’s exits from male-dominated occupations, focusing on the effect of previous occupational trajectories. In particular, it hypothesizes that occupational trajectories in female-dominated occupations are often imbued with meanings and beliefs about the (in)appropriateness of the worker, which adversely affect women’s integration and chances when they enter the male sector. Using the NLSY79 dataset, the study analyzes the job histories of women employed in the United States between 1979 and 2006. The results reveal a disproportionate risk of exit among newcomers from female-dominated occupations. Also, women who re-enter the male field are more likely to leave it again. Altogether, the findings challenge explanations based on deficiencies in the information available to women at the moment of hiring. The evidence points to the existence of a “scar effect” of previous work in the female field, which hinders women’s opportunities in the male sector and ends up increasing the likelihood of exit.The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the National Program for Research of the Spanish government (grant CSO2011-30179-C02-02)

    Thiobacillus as a key player for biofilm formation in oligotrophic groundwaters of the Fennoscandian Shield

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    The authors thank the Swedish Research Council (2017-04422 and 2018-04311) and SKB for access to the Äspö HRL and the Sicada database. M.D. and M.L.-F. thank the Crafoord Foundation project 20180599. High-throughput sequencing was carried out at the National Genomics Infrastructure hosted by the Science for Life Laboratory. The computations were enabled by resources (SNIC 2022/22-743 and SNIC 2022/6-242) provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at UPPMAX at Uppsala University partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through grant agreement 2018-05973. The authors acknowledge Daniel Lundin for his advice and support for the bioinformatic analysis. Open access funding provided by Linnaeus University.The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41522-023-00408-1.Biofilm formation is a common adaptation for microbes in energy-limited conditions such as those prevalent in the vast deep terrestrial biosphere. However, due to the low biomass and the inaccessible nature of subsurface groundwaters, the microbial populations and genes involved in its formation are understudied. Here, a flow-cell system was designed to investigate biofilm formation under in situ conditions in two groundwaters of contrasting age and geochemistry at the aspo Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden. Metatranscriptomes showed Thiobacillus, Sideroxydans, and Desulforegula to be abundant and together accounted for 31% of the transcripts in the biofilm communities. Differential expression analysis highlighted Thiobacillus to have a principal role in biofilm formation in these oligotrophic groundwaters by being involved in relevant processes such as the formation of extracellular matrix, quorum sensing, and cell motility. The findings revealed an active biofilm community with sulfur cycling as a prominent mode of energy conservation in the deep biosphere.Swedish Research Council 2017-04422, 2018-04311, 2018-05973Crafoord Foundation 20180599Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing SNIC 2022/22-743, SNIC 2022/6-242Linnaeus Universit

    La psicoterapia cognitivo conductual y algunas terapias alternativas complementarias (Propuesta de intervención).

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    En la presente investigación, se da una introducción a la terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC) desde la perspectiva de Ellis y Beck; así como la de algunas técnicas alternativas complementarias para el tratamiento psicológico; como son, la bioenergética, la Técnica de Campo Mental de Callahan, Flores de Bach y Aromaterapia. Así mismo, se plantea la necesidad de generar nuevas estrategias de trabajo en el ámbito de la Psicología, de acuerdo a las necesidades sociales de la actualidad, poniendo énfasis en los problemas relacionados a tiempo, espacio y economía

    The structure and interpretation of non-matching split interrogatives in spanish

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    The goal of this paper is to analyze the properties of (a special type of) split interrogative (SI) constructions in Spanish. SIs are wh-questions followed by a phrase that constitutes a possible answer, the tag. The overall structure is interpreted as a yes/no question (as in what did John bring, a book?). In standard cases, the tag matches the (case and thematic) features of the wh-element. Nevertheless, in (spoken Peninsular) Spanish what we will call Non-matching Split Interrogatives (NMSI) are also possible. In this cases, the wh-element and the XP in the tag may not match; instead, it is the dummy (neuter) qué “what” that heads the wh-clause. We will study these cases and propose a (biclausal) analysis involving an ellipsis process similar to the one taking place in fragments (Merchant 2004). To support this hypothesis, we will center our attention in a property: in NMIS there is a form-meaning mismatch that, to our knowledge, has gone unnoticed both in theoretical and descriptive studiesThe research behind this work has been supported by the project FFI2017-87140-C4-4-P, from the Spanish Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitivida