69 research outputs found

    Binding of the chemokine CXCL12α to its natural extracellular matrix ligand heparan sulfate enables myoblast adhesion and facilitates cell motility

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    The chemokine CXCL12α is a potent chemoattractant that guides the migration of muscle precursor cells (myoblasts) during myogenesis and muscle regeneration. To study how the molecular presentation of chemokines influences myoblast adhesion and motility, we designed multifunctional biomimetic surfaces as a tuneable signalling platform that enabled the response of myoblasts to selected extracellular cues to be studied in a well-defined environment. Using this platform, we demonstrate that CXCL12α, when presented by its natural extracellular matrix ligand heparan sulfate (HS), enables the adhesion and spreading of myoblasts and facilitates their active migration. In contrast, myoblasts also adhered and spread on CXCL12α that was quasi-irreversibly surface-bound in the absence of HS, but were essentially immotile. Moreover, co-presentation of the cyclic RGD peptide as integrin ligand along with HS-bound CXCL12α led to enhanced spreading and motility, in a way that indicates cooperation between CXCR4 (the CXCL12α receptor) and integrins (the RGD receptors). Our findings reveal the critical role of HS in CXCL12α induced myoblast adhesion and migration. The biomimetic surfaces developed here hold promise for mechanistic studies of cellular responses to different presentations of biomolecules. They may be broadly applicable for dissecting the signalling pathways underlying receptor cross-talks, and thus may guide the development of novel biomaterials that promote highly specific cellular responses

    Recent developments in protein–ligand affinity mass spectrometry

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    This review provides an overview of direct and indirect technologies to screen protein–ligand interactions with mass spectrometry. These technologies have as a key feature the selection or affinity purification of ligands in mixtures prior to detection. Specific fields of interest for these technologies are metabolic profiling of bioactive metabolites, natural extract screening, and the screening of libraries for bioactives, such as parallel synthesis libraries and small combichem libraries. The review addresses the principles of each of the methods discussed, with a focus on developments in recent years, and the applicability of the methods to lead generation and development in drug discovery

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    Frontal analysis capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the characterization of the antithrombine/heparin pentasaccharide complex

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    International audienceThe interaction of proteins with polysaccharides represents a major and challenging topic in glycobiology, since such complexes mediate fundamental biological mechanisms. A new strategy based on the hyphenation of frontal analysis capillary electrophoresis (FACE) with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) is reported for the characterization of protein/carbohydrate complexes. While most of the previously reported CE−MS experiments were performed using capillary electrophoresis in zone format, we report for the first time CE−MS experiments in which CE was performed in frontal analysis (FACE−MS). We showed that the frontal mode offered a better sensitivity than zone mode and was well suited for the CE−MS coupling. This FACE−MS coupling was applied to the analysis of the complex between antithrombin and the sulfated pentasaccharide reproducing the antithrombin-binding sequence in heparin. The mixture of coincubated antithrombin and heparin pentasaccharide was continuously injected into the capillary, and the electrophoretic separation of the free and bound forms of the protein was achieved. The intact noncovalent complex antithrombin/heparin pentasaccharide was detected on-line by ESIMS in positive ionization mode and in nondenaturing sheath liquid conditions. The complex stoichiometry was determined from the mass measurement of the complex. In addition, the characterization of the sulfated pentasaccharide ligand dissociated from the complex was performed in negative ionization mode using a denaturing sheath liquid, allowing the determination of its molecular mass and sulfation features. This FACE-ESIMS strategy opens the way to ligand fishing experiments performed on heterogeneous carbohydrate mixtures and subsequent characterization of specifically bound carbohydrates
