144 research outputs found

    Electro-optic comb based real time ultra-high sensitivity phase noise measurement system for high frequency microwaves

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    Recent progress in ultra low phase noise microwave generation indispensably depends on ultra low phase noise characterization systems. However, achieving high sensitivity currently relies on time consuming averaging via cross correlation, which sometimes even underestimates phase noise because of residual correlations. Moreover, extending high sensitivity phase noise measurements to microwaves beyond 10 GHz is very difficult because of the lack of suitable high frequency microwave components. In this work, we introduce a delayed self-heterodyne method in conjunction with sensitivity enhancement via the use of higher order comb modes from an electro-optic comb for ultra-high sensitivity phase noise measurements. The method obviates the need for any high frequency RF components and has a frequency measurement range limited only by the bandwidth (100 GHz) of current electro-optic modulators. The estimated noise floor is as low as −133 dBc/Hz, −155 dBc/Hz, −170 dBc/Hz and −171 dBc/Hz without cross correlation at 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz Fourier offset frequency for a 10 GHz carrier, respectively. Moreover, since no cross correlation is necessary, RF oscillator phase noise can be directly suppressed via feedback up to 100 kHz frequency offset

    A photonic frequency discriminator based on a two wavelength delayed self-heterodyne interferometer for low phase noise tunable micro/mm wave synthesis

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    Low phase noise frequency synthesizers are of paramount interest in many areas of micro-mm wave technology, encompassing for example advanced wireless communication, radar, radio-astronomy, and precision instrumentation. Although this broad research field is not bereft of methods for the generation of either low phase noise micro- or mm waves, no universal system applicable to low phase noise generation for micro and mm waves has yet been demonstrated. Here we propose a new photonic frequency discriminator based on a two wavelength delayed self-heterodyne interferometer which is compatible with such an objective. The photonic frequency discriminator can be a reference both for micro and mm waves to lower their phase noise. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate a low phase noise tunable OEO (6–18 GHz) and locking of a heterodyne beat between two cw lasers (10–400 GHz) with low relative phase noise. The required components for the photonic frequency discriminator are off-the-shelf and can be readily assembled. We believe this new type of photonic frequency discriminator will enable a new generation of universal precision tunable sources for the X, K, V, W and mm-bands and beyond

    Cladding-pumped passive harmonically mode-locked fiber laser

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    A passive harmonically mode-locked fiber laser cladding pumped by a broad-area diode-laser array is described. Harmonic mode locking is obtained in a frequency range from 33.3 to 128.6 MHz, where the higher frequency limit is imposed because of insufficient available pump power. The maximum pulse jitter in one cavity round-trip time is between 300 and 50ps in the whole frequency range, and the sidebands in the frequency domain are suppressed by as much as 50dB. 600-fs bandwidth-limited pulses with pulse energies of as much as 20pJ are obtained, giving rise to an average output power as great as 2.5m

    Full phase stabilization of a Yb:fiber femtosecond frequency comb via high-bandwidth transducers

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    We present full phase stabilization of an amplified Yb:fiber femtosecond frequency comb using an intra-cavity electro-optic modulator and an acousto-optic modulator. These transducers provide high servo bandwidths of 580 kHz and 250 kHz for frep and fceo, producing a robust and low phase noise fiber frequency comb. The comb was self-referenced with an f - 2f interferometer and phase locked to an ultra-stable optical reference used for the JILA Sr optical clock at 698 nm, exhibiting 0.21 rad and 0.47 rad of integrated phase errors (over 1 mHz - 1 MHz) respectively. Alternatively, the comb was locked to two optical references at 698 nm and 1064 nm, obtaining 0.43 rad and 0.14 rad of integrated phase errors respectively

    Active mode-locking of a neodymium-doped fiber laser using intra-cavity pulse compression

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    Active mode locking of a Nd3+doped fiber laser with piezoelectrically induced Raman-Nath diffraction modulation ie demonstrated. By using intracavity pulse compression, stable pulses of 2.4-psec length are generated at a wavelength of 1054 nm

    Broadband Phase-Noise Suppression in a Yb-Fiber Frequency Comb

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    We report a simple technique to suppress high frequency phase noise of a Yb-based fiber optical frequency comb using an active intensity noise servo. Out-of-loop measurements of the phase noise using an optical heterodyne beat with a continuous wave (cw) laser show suppression of phase noise by \geq7 dB out to Fourier frequencies of 100 kHz with a unity-gain crossing of -700 kHz. These results are enabled by the strong correlation between the intensity and phase noise of the laser. Detailed measurements of intensity and phase noise spectra, as well as transfer functions, reveal that the dominant phase and intensity noise contribution above -100 kHz is due to amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) or other quantum noise sources.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Clinical and Research Considerations for Patients with Hypertensive Acute Heart Failure

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    Management approaches for patients in the emergency department (ED) who present with acute heart failure (AHF) have largely focused on intravenous diuretics. Yet, the primary pathophysiologic derangement underlying AHF in many patients is not solely volume overload. Patients with hypertensive AHF (H-AHF) represent a clinical phenotype with distinct pathophysiologic mechanisms that result in elevated ventricular filling pressures. To optimize treatment response and minimize adverse events in this subgroup, we propose that clinical management be tailored to a conceptual model of disease based on these mechanisms. This consensus statement reviews the relevant pathophysiology, clinical characteristics, approach to therapy, and considerations for clinical trials in ED patients with H-AHF

    Electrically stimulated light-induced second-harmonic generation in glass: evidence of coherent photoconductivity

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    A strong electrostatic field applied to glass is spatially modulated by intense light at frequencies ω and 2ω. The phenomenon is explained in terms of photoconductivity being dependent on the relative phase of the light fields at different frequencies

    Asymptotic solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii gain equation: Growth of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We give an asymptotic analytic solution for the generic atom-laser system with gain in a D-dimensional trap, and show that this has a non-Thomas-Fermi behavior. The effect is due to Bose-enhanced condensate growth, which creates a local-density maximum and a corresponding outward momentum component. In addition, the solution predicts amplified center-of-mass oscillations, leading to enhanced center-of-mass temperature
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