25 research outputs found

    How the lagged and accumulated effects of stress, coping, and tasks affect mood and fatigue during nurses' shifts

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    Nurses experience significant stress and emotional exhaustion, leading to burnout and fatigue. This study assessed how the nurses' mood and fatigue evolves during their shifts, and the temporal factors that influence these phenomena. Performing a two-level design with repeated measures with moments nested into a person level, a random sample of 96 nurses was recruited. The ecological momentary assessment of demand, control, effort, reward, coping, and nursing tasks were measured in order to predict mood and fatigue, studying their current, lagged, and accumulated effects. The results show that: (1) Mood appeared to be explained by effort, by the negative lagged effect of reward, and by the accumulated effort, each following a quadratic trend, and it was influenced by previously executing a direct care task. By contrast, fatigue was explained by the current and lagged effect of effort, by the lagged effect of reward, and by the accumulated effort, again following quadratic trends. (2) Mood was also explained by problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies, indicative of negative mood, and by support-seeking and refusal coping strategies. (3) Fatigue was also associated with direct care and the prior effect of documentation and communication tasks. We can conclude that mood and fatigue do not depend on a single factor, such as workload, but rather on the evolution and distribution of the nursing tasks, as well as on the stress during a shift and how it is handled. The evening and night shifts seem to provoke more fatigue than the other work shifts when approaching the last third of the shift. These data show the need to plan the tasks within a shift to avoid unfinished or delayed care during the shift, and to minimize accumulated negative effect

    Goal Preferences, Affect, Activity Patterns and Health Outcomes in Women With Fibromyalgia

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    Some motivational models understand health behavior as a result of the interaction between goal preferences and mood. However, this perspective has not been explored in fibromyalgia. Furthermore, in chronic pain, it has only been explored with regard to negative affect. Thus, our aims were: (1) to develop a Spanish version of the Goal Pursuit Questionnaire (GPQ); (2) to explore the relationships between goal preferences and health outcomes, testing the moderator role of affect and the mediating role of chronic pain activity patterns. We conducted two cross-sectional studies. In Study 1, after a double translation/back-translation process, we interviewed 94 women attending the Fibromyalgia Unit of the Community of Valencia in order to identify the cultural feasibility and the content validity of the GPQ. Study 2 comprised 260 women. We explored the GPQ structure and performed path analyses to test conditional mediation relationships. Eight activities from the original GPQ were changed while maintaining the conceptual equivalence. Exploratory factor analysis showed two factors: ‘Painavoidance goal’ and ‘Mood-management goal’ (37 and 13% of explained variance, respectively). These factors refer to patients’ preference for hedonic goals (pain avoidance or mood-management) over achievement goals. Robust RMSEA fit index of the final models ranged from 0.039 for pain to 0.000 for disability and fibromyalgia impact. Pain avoidance goals and negative affect influenced pain mediated by taskcontingent persistence. They also affected disability mediated by task and excessive persistence. Pain avoidance goals and positive affect influenced fibromyalgia impact mediated by activity avoidance. We also found a direct effect of negative and positive affect on health outcomes. Preference for pain avoidance goals was always related to pain, disability and fibromyalgia impact through activity patterns. Affect did not moderate these relationships and showed direct and indirect paths on health outcomes, mainly by increasing persistence and showing positive affect as an asset and not a risk factor. Intervention targets should include flexible reinforcement of achievement goals relative to pain avoidance goals and positive affect in order to promote task-persistence adaptive activity patterns and decreased activity avoidance

    Predicting Abusive Behaviours in Spanish Adolescents’ Relationships: Insights from the Reasoned Action Approach

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    (1) Background: Partner violence prevention programmes do not produce the expected behavioural changes. Accordingly, experts suggest applying evidence-based behavioural models to identify the determinants of abusive behaviours. In this research, we applied the reasoned action approach (RAA) to predict the performance (boys) and acceptance (girls) of abusive behaviours in adolescents. (2) Method: We designed a questionnaire based on the RAA and performed a crosssectional study. We analysed the predictive capacity of the RAA constructs on intentions with the sample of single adolescents (n = 1112). We replicated the analysis only with those who were in a relationship (n = 587) and in addition analysed the predictive capacity of intention on future behaviour (3 months later). (3) Results: The hierarchical regression analysis performed with the sample of single adolescents showed that the model explained 56% and 47% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluing behaviours, respectively; and 62% and 33% of girls’ intention to accept them. With those in a relationship, the model explained 60% and 53% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluating behaviour, respectively, and 70% and 38% of girls’ intention to accept them. Intention exerted direct effects on boys’ performance of controlling and devaluing behaviours (31% and 34% of explained variance, respectively) and on girls’ acceptance (30% and 7%, respectively). (4) Conclusions: The RAA seems useful to identify the motivational determinants of abusive behaviours, regardless of adolescents´ relationship status, and for their prediction. Perceived social norms emerge as a relevant predictor on which to intervene to produce behavioural changes with both sexe

    Promoting unsupervised walking in women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

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    The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of a group motiva-tional plus implementation intentions intervention in promoting adherence to an unsupervised walking program recommended for fibromyalgia, compared to an implementation intentions condition and to an active control condition. A triple-blind, randomized, long-itudinal study with measures at baseline, short (seven weeks post- intervention), mid (12 weeks) and long-term (36 weeks) is performed. Data are analyzed using multilevel longitudinal growth curve two- level modelling. Participants are 157 women with fibromyalgia. In the short-term, adherence to the minimum and to the standard walking program (primary outcome measures) is explained by time (both p <.001), motivational plus implementation intentions intervention (both p <.001) and by their interaction (both p <.001). Regarding the secondary outcomes, only physical function is explained by time (p <.001), motivational plus implementation intentions intervention (p <.05) and by their interaction (p <.05). Motivational plus imple-mentation intentions intervention achieve the promotion of walking as an exercise in the short-term; furthermore, physical function of the women in this condition is better than in the other two intervention groups, which is a relevant outcome from a rehabilitation point of view. However, more studies are needed to maintain the exercise at mid and long-term

    When and how do hospital nurses cope with daily stressors? A multilevel study

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    During their workday, nurses face a variety of stressors that are dealt with using different coping strategies. One criticism of the contextual models of work stress is that they fail to focus on individual responses like coping with stress. Neverthless, little is know about the momentary determinants of coping in nurses. To identify the momentary predictors of problem-focused approaching coping and emotion-focused approaching coping, as well as those for seeking social support and refusal coping strategies, during the working day in nurses. This study uses descriptive, correlational, two-level design with repeated measures. Wards of two University hospitals. A random cohort of 113 nurses was studied. An ecological momentary assessment was made of demand, control, effort, reward, nursing task, coping, mood and fatigue, and of coping style by questionnaire. Multilevel two-level statistical analyses were performed in order to identify both within person and between person relationships. Different momentary types of coping were associated with different tasks. The problem-focused coping could be explained by the direct care and medication tasks, demand, planning coping style, mood, and negatively by acceptation coping style. Emotion-focused coping could be explained by documentation and medication tasks (negatively), mood, demand, distraction, and disengagement coping styles. Seeking social support coping could be explained by the task of communication, mood, fatigue (negatively), and seeking emotional support as a coping style. Refusal coping could be explained by mood, and the coping style of focusing and venting emotions. Refusal coping is not specific to any task. The choice of the coping strategy depends on the task, of their appraisal and on the different styles of coping

    Tensió laboral, síndrome d’esgotament professional (burn-out) i característiques sociodemogràfiques i laborals en treballadors de botigues de conveniència

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    Les tendències de mercat actuals i les noves necessitats dels consumidors han situat les botigues de conveniència com un format comercial sòlid al nostre país. Les característiques d’aquests establiments porten als seus treballadors a experimentar condicions laborals diferents, que poden desembocar en l’experimentació pels empleats de conseqüències negatives, tant físiques com psicosocials. El propòsit d’aquest estudi ha sigut analitzar les possibles relacions existents entre la síndrome d’esgotament professional i la tensió laboral amb diversos factors sociodemogràfics –sexe, edat, estat civil i nivell educatiu– i laborals –tipus de contracte, nombre d’hores i nivell del lloc– en els treballadors de botigues de conveniència. Van participar-hi un total de 110 empleats que pertanyen a 24 establiments, als quals es van administrar els qüestionaris pertinents per avaluar les variables seleccionades. S’han trobat correlacions negatives i significatives entre l’edat i la tensió laboral. Les proves T i els anova efectuats revelen diferències significatives en la síndrome d’esgotament professional i la tensió laboral, i en algunes de les seues dimensions, en funció de les variables sociodemogràfiques i sociolaborals estudiades. Els resultats obtinguts han permés comprovar l’existència de diferències significatives en el nivell de la síndrome d’esgotament professional en funció de variables sociodemogràfiques, com ara l’estat civil, i laborals, el nombre d’hores setmanals i tipus de contracte. Pel que fa a la tensió laboral, les diferències s’han trobat en funció del sexe, l’edat, l’estat civil, el nivell d’estudis i el nivell del lloc.Current market trends and new consumer needs have placed convenience stores as a solid commercial format in our country. The characteristics of these establishments lead their employees to experience different working conditions, which in many cases could lead them to experience negative consequences, both physical and psychosocial. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to analyze the possible relationships between burnout syndrome and work strain with divers socio-demographic factors –sex, age, marital status and educational level– and other labor factors –type of contract, number of hours and job position– in convenience store workers. A total of 110 employees from 24 establishments participated in the studio. For the data collect, it were administered several questionnaires for the evaluation of the selected variables. Negative and significant correlations have been found between age and job strain. The T tests and the anova carried out reveal significant differences in bur-nout and job strain, and in some of its dimensions, depending on the sociodemographic and socio-labor variables studied. The results obtained show the existence of significant differences in the level of bur-nout in terms of socio-demographic variables, such as marital status, and labor variables, such as the number of weekly hours and type of contract. Regarding job strain, differences have been found based on sex, age, marital status, educational level and job position

    How does emotional exhaustion influence work stress? Relationships between stressor appraisals, hedonic tone, and fatigue in nurses' daily tasks : a longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Work-related stress is a prevalent condition in the nursing profession, and its influence may vary according to changeable individual and situational factors. It is, therefore, important to investigate the real-time momentary changes in these factors and their relationship to emotional exhaustion experienced by nurses. Objectives: We aim to analyse how their perceptions of demand, control, effort and reward change according to the task performed through real-time assessment and interact with the emotional exhaustion level of ward nurses. Design: The research design was longitudinal. Method: A three-level hierarchical model with a repeated measures design was used to assess the momentary self-reports of 96 hospital ward nurses, completed using a smartphone programmed with random alarms. Results: Findings show that demand, effort, and control appraisals depend on the task performed. The task appraised as most demanding, effortful, and controllable was direct care. Reward appraisal depends on the task performed and personal variables, i.e. emotional exhaustion. The situations perceived as more rewarding were rest and direct care. Momentary hedonic tone can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, emotional exhaustion and by the interaction between emotional exhaustion and demand appraisal. Momentary fatigue can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, and the emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of using momentary measures to understand complex and changeable inter-relationships. While also clarifying the targets of intervention programmes aimed at preventing burnout within the nursing profession

    Elaboració d’un pla de tutories per a la FIB

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    La majoria d'estudiants que accedeixen a la universitat, i en concret a la FIB, no són conscients del que comporta cursar una carrera universitària. Els estudis universitaris requereixen molta dedicació. Sovint els estudiants tenen mancances de coneixements, però també hàbits i actituds no adequats. En aquest sentit és interessant la figura del tutor, especialment en l’inici dels estudis, per tal de guiar i orientar els estudiants i estudiantes amb l’objectiu principal de facilitar la seva adaptació al mon universitari i millorar el seu rendiment acadèmic. Actualment les tutories són voluntàries a la FIB i hi ha pocs estudiants que demanin un tutor i pocs professors que s'impliquin en aquesta tasca. Per una banda, molts estudiants no veuen la necessitat de tenir un tutor. Per altra banda, hi ha professors que no disposen ni del material ni de la formació que seria desitjable per a fer aquesta tasca i d’altres que no creuen en la seva utilitat. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és l’elaboració d’un Pla de Tutories per a la FIB amb les directrius i material necessari per a desenvolupar aquesta tasca. D’aquesta manera esperem captar més tutors i tutores i incidir en una millora del rendiment acadèmic.Peer Reviewe

    Protection of hybrid immunity against SARS-CoV-2 reinfection and severe COVID-19 during periods of Omicron variant predominance in Mexico

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    BackgroundWith the widespread transmission of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant, reinfections have become increasingly common. Here, we explored the role of immunity, primary infection severity, and variant predominance in the risk of reinfection and severe COVID-19 during Omicron predominance in Mexico.MethodsWe analyzed reinfections in Mexico in individuals with a primary infection separated by at least 90 days from reinfection using a national surveillance registry of SARS-CoV-2 cases from March 3rd, 2020, to August 13th, 2022. Immunity-generating events included primary infection, partial or complete vaccination, and booster vaccines. Reinfections were matched by age and sex with controls with primary SARS-CoV-2 infection and negative RT-PCR or antigen test at least 90 days after primary infection to explore reinfection and severe disease risk factors. We also compared the protective efficacy of heterologous and homologous vaccine boosters against reinfection.ResultsWe detected 231,202 SARS-CoV-2 reinfections in Mexico, most occurring in unvaccinated individuals (41.55%). Over 207,623 reinfections occurred during periods of Omicron (89.8%), BA.1 (36.74%), and BA.5 (33.67%) subvariant predominance and a case-fatality rate of 0.22%. Vaccination protected against reinfection, without significant influence of the order of immunity-generating events and provided &gt;90% protection against severe reinfections. Heterologous booster schedules were associated with ~11% and ~ 54% lower risk for reinfection and reinfection-associated severe COVID-19, respectively, modified by time-elapsed since the last immunity-generating event, when compared against complete primary schedules.ConclusionSARS-CoV-2 reinfections increased during Omicron predominance. Hybrid immunity provides protection against reinfection and associated severe COVID-19, with potential benefit from heterologous booster schedules

    Impulsividad, amplitud atencional y rendimiento creativo. Un estudio empírico con estudiantes universitarios

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    Los mecanismos por los que los individuos creativos seleccionan la información y la transforman en productos creativos es un campo prometedor en el estudio del proceso creador. En este trabajo se examina la relación entre la no selectividad de información, o amplitud atencional, y la impulsividad funcional y disfuncional como formas de gestión de la información y productividad creativas, respectivamente, buscando nexos entre ambas, en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Como medidas de rendimiento creativo se utilizan el CREA y los Tests de Guilford de pensamiento divergente. Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis inicial de que los creativos son menos selectivos en la selección de la información, así como que utilizan mejor que la mayoría sus mecanismos de desinhibición (impulsividad) para lograr una maximización de la producción divergente, que luego tendrá la posibilidad de ser transformada en productos creativos