30,374 research outputs found

    A Convertible Poultry Shelter House

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    Field Driven Thermostated System : A Non-Linear Multi-Baker Map

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    In this paper, we discuss a simple model for a field driven, thermostated random walk that is constructed by a suitable generalization of a multi-baker map. The map is a usual multi-baker, but perturbed by a thermostated external field that has many of the properties of the fields used in systems with Gaussian thermostats. For small values of the driving field, the map is hyperbolic and has a unique SRB measure that we solve analytically to first order in the field parameter. We then compute the positive and negative Lyapunov exponents to second order and discuss their relation to the transport properties. For higher values of the parameter, this system becomes non-hyperbolic and posseses an attractive fixed point.Comment: 6 pages + 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electric field induced charge noise in doped silicon: ionization of phosphorus donors

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    We report low frequency charge noise measurement on silicon substrates with different phosphorus doping densities. The measurements are performed with aluminum single electron transistors (SETs) at millikelvin temperatures where the substrates are in the insulating regime. By measuring the SET Coulomb oscillations, we find a gate voltage dependent charge noise on the more heavily doped substrate. This charge noise, which is seen to have a 1/f spectrum, is attributed to the electric field induced tunneling of electrons from their phosphorus donor potentials.Comment: 4 page, 3 figure

    Implantable acoustic-beacon automatic fish-tracking system

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    A portable automatic fish tracking system was developed for monitoring the two dimensional movements of small fish within fixed areas of estuarine waters and lakes. By using the miniature pinger previously developed for this application, prototype tests of the system were conducted in the York River near the Virginia Institute of Marine Science with two underwater listening stations. Results from these tests showed that the tracking system could position the miniature pinger signals to within + or - 2.5 deg and + or - 135 m at ranges up to 2.5 km. The pingers were implanted in small fish and were successfully tracked at comparable ranges. No changes in either fish behavior or pinger performance were observed as a result of the implantation. Based on results from these prototype tests, it is concluded that the now commercially available system provides an effective approach to underwater tracking of small fish within a fixed area of interest

    An Epistemological and Pattern Analysis of Empirical Data that Influences Emergency Loan Need Among Graduate Students

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    This analysis studies closely education affordability through the epistemology of emergency loan need that signals economic challenges on the horizon for domestic and international students seeking a post graduate credential at any cost. Prior studies have been very helpful; however, to the best of our knowledge there is not a comprehensive study that has investigated the comparison of small vs. large emergency student loans taken out by graduate students. Also, to the best of our knowledge and to date there are no studies that have investigated the patterns and relationships among ethnicity, gender, marital status, degree type, and college awarded for both small vs. large emergency loans. To fill the gaps in the literature, we conducted our research by collecting datasets from 335 graduate students enrolled in a large public university located in North America. Our data analysis provides strong indicators and evidence that both small and large emergency loan needs exist in a diverse spectrum of colleges, degree types, ethnicities, genders, ages, and marital statuses. Also, the regression analysis indicates that there is not a significant relationship between GPA and emergency loan needs for both small and large loans. We also, used data mining technique to investigate patters and relationships among ethnicity, gender, marital status, degree type, and college awarded for both small vs. large emergency loans. Our study contains vast research and managerial implications for both academia and top managements

    Real feelings for virtual people: emotional attachments and interpersonal attraction in video games

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    Factors which may affect how people become attracted to virtual characters were explored in an online survey of players of a recent video role-playing game. Seventy-four participants (33 male) completed a series of questionnaires assessing their personality, motivations for game play, and feelings towards the ten non-player characters (NPCs) with whom they had potentially experienced extensive interactions within the game world. Results suggest that people form real and authentic emotional attachments to virtual characters, and that these arise from a complex blend of the players’ personality and motivation, and the virtual characters’ levels of physical attraction, friendliness (or hostility) and general usefulness within the game context. Implications of these findings, and suggestions for future research, are discussed

    The Stellar Masses and Star Formation Histories of Galaxies at z ≈ 6: Constraints from Spitzer Observations in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey

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    Using the deep Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) observations of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), we study the stellar masses and star formation histories of galaxies at z approx 6 based on the i_(775)-band dropout sample selected from the GOODS fields. In total, we derive stellar masses for 53 i_(775)-band dropouts that have robust IRAC detections. These galaxies have typical stellar masses of ~10^(10) M_⊙ and typical ages of a couple of hundred million years, consistent with earlier results based on a smaller sample of z ≈ 6 galaxies. The existence of such massive galaxies at z ≈ 6 can be explained by at least one set of N-body simulations of the hierarchical paradigm. We also study 79 i_(775)-band dropouts that are invisible in the IRAC data and find that they are typically less massive by a factor of 10. These galaxies are much bluer than those detected by the IRAC, indicating that their luminosities are dominated by stellar populations with ages ≾ 40 Myr. Based on our mass estimates, we derive a lower limit to the global stellar mass density at z ≈ 6, which is 1.1-6.7 × 10^6 M_⊙ Mpc^(-3). The prospect of detecting the progenitors of the most massive galaxies at yet higher redshifts is explored. We also investigate the implication of our results for reionization and find that the progenitors of the galaxies comparable to those in our sample, even in the most optimized (probably unrealistic) scenario, cannot sustain the reionization for a period longer than ~2 Myr. Thus most of the photons required for reionization must have been provided by other sources, such as the progenitors of the dwarf galaxies that are far below our current detection capability

    The Specific Globular Cluster Frequencies of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope

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    The specific globular cluster frequencies (S_N) for 24 dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters and the Leo Group imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope are presented. Combining all available data, we find that for nucleated dEs --- which are spatially distributed like giant ellipticals in galaxy clusters --- S_N(dE,N)=6.5 +- 1.2 and S_N increases with M_V, while for non-nucleated dEs --- which are distributed like late-type galaxies --- S_N(dE,noN)=3.1 +- 0.5 and there is little or no trend with M_V. The S_N values for dE galaxies are thus on average significantly higher than those for late-type galaxies, which have S_N < 1. This suggests that dE galaxies are more akin to giant Es than to late-type galaxies. If there are dormant or stripped irregulars hiding among the dE population, they are likely to be among the non-nucleated dEs. Furthermore, the similarities in the properties of the globular clusters and in the spatial distributions of dE,Ns and giant Es suggest that neither galaxy mass or galaxy metallicity is responsible for high values of S_N. Instead, most metal-poor GCs may have formed in dwarf-sized fragments that merged into larger galaxies.Comment: 12 pages (uses aaspp4.sty), 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa
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