292 research outputs found

    Recent results in Dark Matter direct detection

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    Finding a solution to the Dark Matter problem is surely one of the main challenges of modern cosmology. The existence of both Dark Matter and Dark Energy has been formulated on the basis of strong observational evidences, and constitutes the main success of the most accredited cosmological models. Yet none of them has been directly detected. In this review the Dark Matter problem will be discussed and the approaches to directly detect it, in the form of a special category of particles, i.e. the WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), will be presented and discussed

    Spatially uniform calibration of a liquid xenon detector at low energies using 83m-Kr

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    A difficult task with many particle detectors focusing on interactions below ~100 keV is to perform a calibration in the appropriate energy range that adequately probes all regions of the detector. Because detector response can vary greatly in various locations within the device, a spatially uniform calibration is important. We present a new method for calibration of liquid xenon (LXe) detectors, using the short-lived 83m-Kr. This source has transitions at 9.4 and 32.1 keV, and as a noble gas like Xe, it disperses uniformly in all regions of the detector. Even for low source activities, the existence of the two transitions provides a method of identifying the decays that is free of background. We find that at decreasing energies, the LXe light yield increases, while the amount of electric field quenching is diminished. Additionally, we show that if any long-lived radioactive backgrounds are introduced by this method, they will present less than 67E-6 events/kg/day in the next generation of LXe dark matter direct detection searchesComment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Scintillation efficiency of liquid argon in low energy neutron-argon scattering

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    Experiments searching for weak interacting massive particles with noble gases such as liquid argon require very low detection thresholds for nuclear recoils. A determination of the scintillation efficiency is crucial to quantify the response of the detector at low energy. We report the results obtained with a small liquid argon cell using a monoenergetic neutron beam produced by a deuterium-deuterium fusion source. The light yield relative to electrons was measured for six argon recoil energies between 11 and 120 keV at zero electric drift field.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, 4 table

    Gator: a low-background counting facility at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory

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    A low-background germanium spectrometer has been installed and is being operated in an ultra-low background shield (the Gator facility) at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy (LNGS). With an integrated rate of ~0.16 events/min in the energy range between 100-2700 keV, the background is comparable to those of the world's most sensitive germanium detectors. After a detailed description of the facility, its background sources as well as the calibration and efficiency measurements are introduced. Two independent analysis methods are described and compared using examples from selected sample measurements. The Gator facility is used to screen materials for XENON, GERDA, and in the context of next-generation astroparticle physics facilities such as DARWIN.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Design of a mobile neutron spectrometer for the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS)

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    Environmental neutrons are a source of background for rare event searches (e.g., dark matter direct detection and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments) taking place in deep underground laboratories. The overwhelming majority of these neutrons are produced in the cavern walls by means of intrinsic radioactivity of the rock and concrete. Their flux and spectrum depend on time and location. Precise knowledge of this background is necessary to devise sufficient shielding and veto mechanisms, improving the sensitivity of the neutron-susceptible underground experiments. In this report, we present the design and the expected performance of a mobile neutron detector for the LNGS underground laboratory. The detector is based on capture-gated spectroscopy technique and comprises essentially a stack of plastic scintillator bars wrapped with gadolinium foils. The extensive simulation studies demonstrate that the detector will be capable of measuring ambient neutrons at low flux levels (~10610^{-6} n/cm2^2/s) at LNGS, where the ambient gamma flux is by about 5 orders of magnitude larger

    Study of nuclear recoils in liquid argon with monoenergetic neutrons

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    For the development of liquid argon dark matter detectors we assembled a setup in the laboratory to scatter neutrons on a small liquid argon target. The neutrons are produced mono-energetically (E_kin=2.45 MeV) by nuclear fusion in a deuterium plasma and are collimated onto a 3" liquid argon cell operating in single-phase mode (zero electric field). Organic liquid scintillators are used to tag scattered neutrons and to provide a time-of-flight measurement. The setup is designed to study light pulse shapes and scintillation yields from nuclear and electronic recoils as well as from {\alpha}-particles at working points relevant to dark matter searches. Liquid argon offers the possibility to scrutinise scintillation yields in noble liquids with respect to the populations of the two fundamental excimer states. Here we present experimental methods and first results from recent data towards such studies.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of TAUP 2011, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JCPS

    First Dark Matter Results from the XENON100 Experiment

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    The XENON100 experiment, in operation at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, is designed to search for dark matter WIMPs scattering off 62 kg of liquid xenon in an ultra-low background dual-phase time projection chamber. In this letter, we present first dark matter results from the analysis of 11.17 live days of non-blind data, acquired in October and November 2009. In the selected fiducial target of 40 kg, and within the pre-defined signal region, we observe no events and hence exclude spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross-sections above 3.4 x 10^-44 cm^2 for 55 GeV/c^2 WIMPs at 90% confidence level. Below 20 GeV/c^2, this result constrains the interpretation of the CoGeNT and DAMA signals as being due to spin-independent, elastic, light mass WIMP interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Matches published versio

    3D Position Sensitive XeTPC for Dark Matter Search

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    The technique to realize 3D position sensitivity in a two-phase xenon time projection chamber (XeTPC) for dark matter search is described. Results from a prototype detector (XENON3) are presented.Comment: Presented at the 7th UCLA Symposium on "Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe

    Characterization of the QUartz Photon Intensifying Detector (QUPID) for Noble Liquid Detectors

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    Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay experiments require extremely low radioactivity within the detector materials. For this purpose, the University of California, Los Angeles and Hamamatsu Photonics have developed the QUartz Photon Intensifying Detector (QUPID), an ultra-low background photodetector based on the Hybrid Avalanche Photo Diode (HAPD) and entirely made of ultraclean synthetic fused silica. In this work we present the basic concept of the QUPID and the testing measurements on QUPIDs from the first production line. Screening of radioactivity at the Gator facility in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso has shown that the QUPIDs safely fulfill the low radioactive contamination requirements for the next generation zero background experiments set by Monte Carlo simulations. The quantum efficiency of the QUPID at room temperature is > 30% at the xenon scintillation wavelength. At low temperatures, the QUPID shows a leakage current less than 1 nA and a global gain of 10^5. In these conditions, the photocathode and the anode show > 95% linearity up to 1 uA for the cathode and 3 mA for the anode. The photocathode and collection efficiency are uniform to 80% over the entire surface. In parallel with single photon counting capabilities, the QUPIDs have a good timing response: 1.8 +/- 0.1 ns rise time, 2.5 +/- 0.2 ns fall time, 4.20 +/- 0.05 ns pulse width, and 160 +/- 30 ps transit time spread. The QUPIDs have also been tested in a liquid xenon environment, and scintillation light from 57Co and 210Po radioactive sources were observed.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figure

    Constraints on inelastic dark matter from XENON10

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    It has been suggested that dark matter particles which scatter inelastically from detector target nuclei could explain the apparent incompatibility of the DAMA modulation signal (interpreted as evidence for particle dark matter) with the null results from CDMS-II and XENON10. Among the predictions of inelastically interacting dark matter are a suppression of low-energy events, and a population of nuclear recoil events at higher nuclear recoil equivalent energies. This is in stark contrast to the well-known expectation of a falling exponential spectrum for the case of elastic interactions. We present a new analysis of XENON10 dark matter search data extending to Enr=75_{nr}=75 keV nuclear recoil equivalent energy. Our results exclude a significant region of previously allowed parameter space in the model of inelastically interacting dark matter. In particular, it is found that dark matter particle masses mχ150m_{\chi}\gtrsim150 GeV are disfavored.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure