1,157 research outputs found

    Verifying the distributed real-time network protocol RTnet using Uppaal

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    RTnet is a distributed real-time network protocol for fully-connected local area networks with a broadcast capability. It supports streaming real-time and non-realtime traffic and on-the-fly addition and removal of network nodes. This paper presents a formal analysis of RTnet using the model checker Uppaal. Besides normal protocol behaviour, the analysis focuses on the fault-handling properties of RTnet, in particular recovery after packet loss. Both qualitative and quantitative properties are presented, together with the verification results and conclusions about the robustness of RTnet

    Reactive Programming of Simulations in Physics

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    We consider the Reactive Programming (RP) approach to simulate physical systems. The choice of RP is motivated by the fact that RP genuinely offers logical parallelism, instantaneously broadcast events, and dynamic creation/destruction of parallel components and events. To illustrate our approach, we consider the implementation of a system of Molecular Dynamics, in the context of Java with the Java3D library for 3D visualisation


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    ABSTRACTThis research purpose is to find hot springs aquifer in Koya Village. Measurement in this research is using MAE X612-EM resistivitymeter, with 48 and 32 pieces of electrode, 10 and 5 meter spaces, line length 480m, 240m and 180m, amount of line 5, and using resistivity geoelectrical method dipole-dipole configuration. Data with format DAT processed by notepad and RES2DINV software. The process results is subsurface 2D resistivity cross section that describe the location of hot springs aquifer. The results acquired in this research is hot springs aquifer with resistivity (1.00-6.55) Ωm. Line 1 have 10 locations of hot springs aquifer with depth ≤ 30 m, line 2 have 5 locations of hot springs aquifer with depth ≤ 27 m, line 3 have 9 locations of hot springs aquifer with depth ≤ 40m, line 4 have 1 location of hot spring aquifer with depth ≤ 7m and line 5 have 3 locations of hot springs aquifer with depth ≤ 7m.Keywords         : Hot spring, geoelectric, dipol-dipol. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan lokasi akuifer  mata air panas di Kelurahan Koya. Pengukuran dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan resistivitymeter MAE-X612-EM, dengan jumlah elektroda yang dipakai 48 dan 32 buah, spasi 10m dan 5m, panjang lintasan 480m, 240m dan 180m, jumlah lintasan 5, dan menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas konfigurasi Dipol-dipol. Data dengan format DAT diolah menggunakan  software notepad dan res2dinv. Hasil pengolahan adalah tampang lintang resistivity 2D bawah permukaan yang menggambarkan keberadaan akuifer air panas. Hasil penelitian diperoleh akuifer air panas dengan resistivitas (1,00 – 6,55) Ωm. Lintasan 1 terdapat 10 lokasi akuifer air panas pada kedalaman ≤ 30 m dari permukaan tanah. Lintasan 2 diperoleh 5 lokasi akuifer air panas pada kedalaman ≤ 27 m. Lintasan 3 terdapat 9 lokasi akuifer air panas pada kedalaman ≤ 40 m. Lintasan 4 terdapat 1 lokasi akuifer air panas pada kedalaman ≤ 7 m. Lintasan 5 terdapat 3 lokasi akuifer air panas pada kedalaman ≤ 7 m.Kata kunci      : Air panas, geolistrik, dipol-dipol

    Scheduling of Early Quantum Tasks

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    An Early Quantum Task (EQT) is a Quantum EDF task that has shrunk its first period into one quantum time slot. Its purpose is to be executed as soon as possible, without causing deadline overflow of other tasks. We will derive the conditions under which an EQT can be admitted and can have an immediate start. The advantage of scheduling EQTs is shown by its use in a buffered multi-media server. The EQT is associated with a multimedia stream and it will use its first invocation to fill the buffer, such that a client can start receiving data immediately

    Improving drug penetration in tumors by targeting tumor vascularization

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    Clinical oncologists have not been paying enough attention to the fact that poor tumor penetration represents a major impediment to the efficiency of cancer chemotherapeutics. The cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was the first treatment shown to affect tumor vessel destruction and improve vascular permeability of drugs in a clinical setting. TNF produces an early increase of vessel permeability followed by a dual targeting: TNF induces apoptosis of intratumoral angiogenic endothelial cells and melphalan during the apoptosis of tumor cells. Given the systemic toxicity, TNF has to be administered by regional therapy. However, experimental data indicate that a systemic approach will be possible, thanks to TNF targeting. Three fusion proteins with TNF were shown to target tumors: anti-EDB fibronectin/TNF, Asn-Gly-Arg-TNF, and anti-gp240/TNF. Current approaches to blocking angiogenesis include strategies that target vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF)-A. However, little attention has been paid to possible drawbacks, which may include vessel destruction and reduced penetration by chemotherapeutic agents administered simultaneously or subsequently. An antiangiogenic treatment is optimal when it is given at a critical dose and at a critical time. Current protocols seem not to take these prerequisites into consideration. Other new approaches to increased tumor vessel permeability include histamine and combretastatin analog. The current paradigm of antitumor strategy based on the synergism of empirical drug combinations is obsolete. Instead, the design of protocols based on new pharmacodynamic concepts should provide better efficiency of cancer treatment as exemplified in the use of TNF and anti-VEGF antibod


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    Abstract. Induction is a program to introduce the company to the new employees. The induction program is a mandatory step that is implemented in several companies, including PTS. The background problem of this research is that, at PTS, employees of the people & development department who are directly involved in the induction process lack the relevant guidelines for the implementation of new employee induction, which results in a non-optimal understanding of tasks or role clarity in the implementation of these activities. Role clarity is an employee's understanding of the extent to which functions and responsibilities are required within the scope of their work. The purpose of this study was to conduct a validation test of induction guidelines as an effort to optimize the role clarity of people & development department employees in new employee induction activities. This study involved 13 employees at PTS in the people & development department. The results of this study prove that 8 out of 13 employees at PT with a frequency of 66% stated the feasibility of induction guides can help optimize induction activities. Based on the validation test using Aiken's V, the validity value is mostly high and equivalent

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Sekolah Luar Biasa Dengan Metode Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making

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    Decision support system has many methods that can be used by decision makers. one of the methods is fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (FMCDM) this method will help decision makers to make the final decision with regard to multiple criteria decision alternatives. This final task will be to apply the decision support system with fuzzy multiple criteria decision making to determine the selection of special schools


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    Tulisan ini menyajikan studi terkait tentang kinerja. Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana pengaruh kecerdasan emosional, komitmen organisasional dan reward terhadap kinerja karyawan (muthawwif) pada biro perjalanan Al Azhar Islamic tour wilayah Sumatera Barat dan Riau. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Karyawan biro perjalanan Al Azhar Islamic Tour yang berjumlah 65 (Enam Puluh Lima) orang. Untuk pengolahan data yang diperoleh dari kuisioner dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS (Statistical for Social Science) Version 17.0 for Windows. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan dan reward terhadap kinerja berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan. Implikasi untuk perusahaan yaitu perlu adanya perhatian khusus dari manajemen kepada Muthawwif karena untuk kecerdasan emosional Muthawwif sudah sangat baik karena latar belakang Muthawwif yang berasal dari pendidikan agama Islam. Namun bermasalah terhadap komitmen organisasional dan reward yang pada umumnya adalah bersumber dari sistem manajemen perusahaan yang belum sesuai dengan harapan Muthawwif, sehingga berdampak terhadap kinerja