8 research outputs found

    Integrasi Teknologi Steam Sterilization dan Blancing Jamur Tiram Terolah Minimal dalam Mengatasi Over Stock saat Panen bagi UMKM di Kabupaten Malang

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    This community service is carried out at the location of the oyster mushroom cultivation business in the District of Dau AR-5 RT. 02 RW. 10 District of Malang. Under these business conditions, many oyster mushroom products rot and are wasted during the main harvest, especially when demand for mushrooms falls, because oyster mushrooms have a short shelf life or are easily damaged quickly. In addition, the process of making baglog for oyster mushroom cultivation is carried out through the process stages. One of the main processes is sterilization/pasteurization, which requires a high cost. This phenomenon was experienced by CV. Tower two started the oyster mushroom cultivation business in 2011. The method that will be applied is the community empowerment method for the SME group to increase the productivity and independence of partners economically and socially through counseling and mentoring efforts. Assistance or introduction of tools in the form of sterilization equipment and boilers for the process of making baglog and technology for the production of blanching mushroom products. The service results provide benefits to partners' production to increase with a capacity of 500 baglogs used 4x a week. Based on these calculations, there is an increase in efficiency and turnover from partners.ABSTRAKPengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan dilokasi usaha budidya jamur tiram yang berada di Kecamatan Dau AR-5 RT. 02 RW. 10  Kabubaten Malang. Dengan kondisi usaha saat, terdapat banyak produk jamur tiram yang busuk dan terbuang saat panen raya terutama pada waktu permintaan jamur turun karena jamur tiram memiliki umur simpan yang pendek atau cepat mengalami kerusakan. Selain itu, proses pembuatan baglog jamur tiram yang dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan proses salah satu proses utamanya adalah sterilisasi/pasteurisasi membutuhkan cost yang besar. Fenomena hal ini dialami oleh CV. Menara dua yang dimiliki oleh Bapak Azhal Alam Islamy yang memulai usaha budidaya jamur tiram dari tahun 2011 yang sampai saat ini masih belum menemukan formula yang tepat dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Metode yang akan diterapkan yaitu metode pemberdayaan masyarakat kelompok UKM dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas dan kemandirian mitra secara ekonomi, sosial melalui usaha penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Bantuan ataupun perkenalan alat berupa alat seterilisasi dan boiler untuk proses pembuatan baglog serta teknologi produksi produk jamur blanching sangat membantu mereka dalam memajukan dan mengembangkan usaha

    Pemurnian Minyak Jelantah dengan Metode Adsorbsi Menggunakan Ampas Tebu: The Purification of Used Cooking Oil by Adsorption Method Using Bagasse

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    Minyak goreng berfungsi sebagai media penghantar panas yang paling baik dalam pengolahan makanan. Penggunaan secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan penuruan kualitas yang biasa disebut sebagai minyak jelantah. Konsumsi minyak goreng yang sudah dipakai berkali-kali dapat mengakibatkan keracunan dalam tubuh dan berbagai macam penyakit, seperti diare, pengendapan lemak dalam pembuluh darah, dan kanker. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan kecepatan putaran terhadap proses pemurnian minyak jelantah menggunakan ampas tebu. Tahapan penelitian ini meliputi pengolahan ampas tebu, proses pemurnian minyak dengan adsorbsi menggunakan variasi suhu 50, 60, dan 70 OC; dan kecepatan putaran pengadukan (50, 100, dan 150 rpm). Analisis mutu sampel meliputi pH, kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan bilangan asam. Variasi perlakuan terbaik yang digunakan untuk adsorbsi minyak jelantah menggunakan ampas tebu terutama dalam penurunan nilai asam lemak bebas paling optimal adalah pada variasi perlakuan suhu 70 OC dan kecepatan putaran pengadukan 150 rpm dengan nilai parameter masing-masing pH sebesar 6.61, kadar air sebesar 0.2469%, asam lemak bebas sebesar 0.30095, dan bilangan asam sebesar 2.24 %. Analisis statistik menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter kadar air, asam lemak bebas, dan bilangan asam, sedangkan hal sebaliknya pada parameter pH pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%


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    Indonesia has many natural resources that have not been properly addressed or utilized, one of them is the Porang tuber. Porang tuber has the characteristic of araceae which has a high calcium crystal oxalate, that is 0.19%. These substances can cause itching and burning sensation in the mouth, even harm our kidneys. Thus, technology is needed to reduce the calcium oxalate content of Porang flour by modifying the processing method. The aims of this study are to obtain the most optimal technology for making modified porang flour with a decrease in optimal calcium oxalate levels and to know the physicochemical characteristics of the modified porang flour.. The research was carried out in three stages, namely the production process of Porang flour modified with the variations of wet and dry milling methods, and the fermentation time that were 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours. Characteristics of modified Porang flour include chemical and physical, and the final stage is data analysis. The result showed that the modified Porang flour processing technology with the highest decrease in calcium oxalate content was the wet milling method with the fermentation time of 18 hours and the value of 62.28%. The chemical characteristics of the modified proximate content of Porang flour showed that the levels of protein, fat, water, ash and carbohydrates were 9.34%, 0.49%, 12.50%, 3.59% and 74.09% respectively. The physical characteristics of porang flour are brownish white, a distinctive aroma of flour, powder form and a slightly salty taste.Indonesia memiliki banyak sumber daya alam yang belum mendapatkan perhatian atau termanfaatkan dengan baik, salah satunya adalah umbi porang. Umbi porang memiliki ciri araceae yaitu adanya kristal kalsium oksalat yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,19%. Substansi ini dapat menyebabkan gatal dan rasa panas di mulut bahkan dapat membahayakan ginjal. Sehingga dibutuhkan teknologi untuk menurunkan kandungan kalsium oksalat dari tepung porang dengan cara memodifikasi cara pengolahannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan teknologi pembuatan dan mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia tepung porang termodifikasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahap yaitu pembuatan tepung porang termodifikasi dengan variasi perlakukan metode penggilingan basah dan kering, serta perlakuan lama fermentasi 0, 6, 12, 18 dan 24 jam.  Karakteristik tepung porang termodifikasi meliputi kimia dan fisik dan tahap akhir yaitu analisis data. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa teknologi pembuatan tepung porang termodifikasi dengan penurunan kadar kalsium oksalat tertinggi adalah perlakuan metode penggilingan basah dengan lama fermentasi 18 jam dengan nilai 62,28%. Karakteristik kimia berupa kandungan proksimat tepung porang termodifikasi hasil analisa menunjukkan kadar protein, lemak, air, abu dan karbohidrat secara berurutan adalah 9,34%, 0,49%, 12,50%, 3,59% dan 74,09%. Karakteristik fisik tepung porang berupa putih kecokelatan, aroma khas tepung, bentuk berupa sebuk dan rasa cenderung agak asin

    Kajian Hutan Kota Malabar terhadap Kenyamanan Termal

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    Comfort is something that humans need without exception when in a Green Open Space (RTH). Thermal comfort is a thermal condition felt by humans that is influenced by the environment. The existence of green space such as the City Forest of Malabar needs to be measured about it which can define its feasibility. (1) To examine the effect of thermal comfort in the Malabar forest on the community. (2) Analyzing vegetation in the Malabar city forest related to comfort. The results obtained in this study are the Temperature humidity index (THI) of respondents in the Malabar city forest known to average values of 22.42. It can be categorized that the Malabar city forest has a comfortable condition because in the index range 21 to 24. The analysis of the vegetation analysis in the Malabar city forest is concluded for the predominant vegetation sapling level, ie the pole glodokan plant with an important value index of 6.69. Whereas the pole level that dominates is mahogany with an important value index of 6.66. As for the tree level, the dominant vegetation types are plants with an important value index of 127.9

    Kajian Hutan Kota Malabar terhadap Kenyamanan Termal

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    Comfort is something that humans need without exception when in a Green Open Space (RTH). Thermal comfort is a thermal condition felt by humans that is influenced by the environment. The existence of green space such as the City Forest of Malabar needs to be measured about it which can define its feasibility. (1) To examine the effect of thermal comfort in the Malabar forest on the community. (2) Analyzing vegetation in the Malabar city forest related to comfort. The results obtained in this study are the Temperature humidity index (THI) of respondents in the Malabar city forest known to average values of 22.42. It can be categorized that the Malabar city forest has a comfortable condition because in the index range 21 to 24. The analysis of the vegetation analysis in the Malabar city forest is concluded for the predominant vegetation sapling level, ie the pole glodokan plant with an important value index of 6.69. Whereas the pole level that dominates is mahogany with an important value index of 6.66. As for the tree level, the dominant vegetation types are plants with an important value index of 127.9


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    Kulit pisang merupakan limbah pertanian yang cukup banyak ditemukan dimana-mana, yang di buang percuma. Padahal kandungan antioksidan dari kulit pisang lebih tinggi dari pada buah pisang. Keberadaan kandungan gizi dalam kulit pisang yang tinggi, maka kulit pisang perlu dimanfaatkan dengan cara pengolahan berupa produk konsumsi lain seperti dodol, selai, sirup, dan keripik. Selain itu kulit pisang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan utama sebagai pembuatan kerupuk. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui pengaruh jenis kulit pisang dan pengaruh rasio tepung tapioka dengan kulit pisang terhadap sifat fisikokimia kerupuk kulit pisang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua variabel yaitu jenis pisang (pisang kepok dan pisang candi) dan rasio tepung tapioka dengan kulit pisang (60:40; 40:60) dengan 2 kali ulangan. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian terdiri dari sifat fisikokimia yang terdiri dari tingkat pengembangan dan warna. Serta komposisi yang terkandung pada kerupuk kulit pisang menggunakan analisa proksimat antara lain kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar abu , kadar karbohidrat. 1.           Kandungan proksimat dari produk kerupuk kulit pisang diantaranya adalah bahwa kadar air antara 11,185 – 11,535%, kadar protein berkisar antara 2,18 – 2,945%, kadar lemak kasar berkisar antara 1,43 – 1,955%,  kadar abu berkisar antara 2,075 – 3,18%, kadar serat kasar berkisar antara 0,42 – 1,095%, kadar karbohidrat berkisar antara 80,2 – 81,78%


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    Insecticide formulations form EC (emulsifiable concentrate) required the selection of an effective instrument if would be adopted by an industry. The selection is associated with long process of using energy and equipment investment. The aim of this study was to determine the type of homogenization equipment that effective  to formulate emulsion of EC insecticide. Buprofezin was used as the active ingredient insecticide formulations. Solvesso 150 as solvent, surfactant diethanolamide (DEA) and water using three types of homogenization tools vortex, mixer and homogenizer. The results showed the use of homogenizer was more effective than the other equipment insectcide parameters generated from the homogenizer were: density of 0.9681 ± 0.002 g/cm3; droplet size of 3,961 ± 0.092 µm; surface tension of 25.695 ± 0.808 dyne/cm; contact angle of 30.213 ± 0.237° and viscosity of 4.673 ± 0.164 cP.Keywords: buprofezin,diethanolamide, EC formulation, insecticid


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    Insecticide formulations form EC (emulsifiable concentrate) required the selection of an effective instrument if would be adopted by an industry. The selection is associated with long process of using energy and equipment investment. The aim of this study was to determine the type of homogenization equipment that effective  to formulate emulsion of EC insecticide. Buprofezin was used as the active ingredient insecticide formulations. Solvesso 150 as solvent, surfactant diethanolamide (DEA) and water using three types of homogenization tools vortex, mixer and homogenizer. The results showed the use of homogenizer was more effective than the other equipment insectcide parameters generated from the homogenizer were: density of 0.9681 ± 0.002 g/cm3; droplet size of 3,961 ± 0.092 µm; surface tension of 25.695 ± 0.808 dyne/cm; contact angle of 30.213 ± 0.237° and viscosity of 4.673 ± 0.164 cP.Keywords: buprofezin,diethanolamide, EC formulation, insecticid