143 research outputs found

    The Influence of Socio-Economic Situation in the Regions of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation on The Sources of Terrorist Crimes

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    It was found that over the past 5 years a number of crimes of a terrorist nature has greatly increased. The hypothesis appeared that the adverse socio-economic situation creates conditions for the growth of crimes of a terrorist nature. As a result, the analysis revealed an inverse relationship between the "actual final consumption per person in thousand rubles ", average cash income per month in thousand rubles and the number of crimes of a terrorist nature. Keywords: socio-economic development, crimes of a terrorist nature, region, North-Wes

    Probing Dynein Motor Activity in the Intact Chlamydomonas Axoneme

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    Eukaryotic flagella and cilia are long rod-like extensions of cells, which play a fundamental role in single cell movement, as well as in fluid transport. Flagella and cilia contain a highly evolutionary conserved mechanical structure called the axoneme. The motion of the flagellum is generated by dynein motor proteins, located all along the length of the axonemal structure. Fluorescent ATP analogs have been a useful tool to study ATPase activity of various motor proteins. \acrfull{mant} has been previously used to probe the activity of various ATPases, including dynein. It has been shown by various authors, that MANT-ATP supports dynein activity as well as the axonemal beat. However, direct observations of binding to the axonemal structure were not previously reported. Using highly sensitive fluorescent microscopy to monitor the binding of the fluorescent ATP analog, I probed dynein activity directly in the immobilized intact axoneme for the first time. To understand these kinetics a kinetic model was developed. By fitting this model to experimental data I was able to identify ATP-binding sites with distinct kinetic properties in the axoneme. I report a turnover rate of k = 0.02 s−1 at 1μM mant-ATP for dynein. Moreover, I discovered that there is binding of the ATP analog to the axoneme with a much higher rate of k = 11 s−1 at 1μM mant-ATP. By the application of this method to axonemes with reduced dyneins, it has been identified that the slow rate belongs to dynein

    Влияние обработки почвы и бактериальных удобрений на продуктивность ярового ячменя

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    The article presents experimental data on the integrated influence of ways of the basic processing of soil and bacterial fertilizers “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit” on agrophysical, water-physical soil indicators and productivity of barley. The use of planing treatments leads to compaction of the arable layer above the biological optimum and impaired soil aeration, therefore their application is possible without compromising the cultivation of spring barley. The influence of methods of primary tillage and application of mineral and bacterial fertilizers on barley water consumption and efficiency water production unit. Summarized long-term data on the productivity of spring barley on the learning options. The advantage of the double inclusion “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit” in the background planing treatment at a depth of 0.20-0,22 m. the yield in this embodiment was 1.7 t/ha, which is higher than where were made only mineral fertilizers - 0,63 t/ha. A calculation of profits, the profitability of the technology of cultivation of spring barley and identified cost-effective version of the experience includes a two-fold introduction of bacterial fertilizers on the background of planing processing of soil to a depth of 0.20-0,22 m. the Margin amounted to 46.2%. On the basis of the conducted researches it is theoretically substantiated, experimentally confirmed and the findings and recommendations of the use of technology in the Volgograd region.В статье представлены опытные данные по комплексному влиянию способов основной обработки почвы и бактериальных удобрений «Азотовит» и «Фосфатовит» на агрофизические, водно-физические показатели почвы и продуктивность ячменя. Установлено, что применение плоскорезных обработок не приводит к уплотнению пахотного слоя выше биологического оптимума и нарушению аэрации почвы, в связи с чем возможно их применение без ущерба для возделывания ярового ячменя. Изучено влияние способов основной обработки почвы и внесения минеральных и бактериальных удобрений на водопотребление ячменя и эффективность использования влаги единицей продукции. Обобщены многолетние данные по урожайности ярового ячменя по изучаемым вариантам. Установлено преимущество двукратного внесения «Азотовит» и «Фосфатовит» на фоне плоскорезной обработки на глубину 0,20-0,22 м. Урожайность по этому варианту составила 1,7 т/га, что выше по сравнению с вариантом, где вносились только минеральные удобрения - 0,63 т/га. Представлены расчет прибыли, рентабельность технологии возделывания ярового ячменя и определен экономически выгодный вариант опыта, включающий двукратное внесение бактериальных удобрений на фоне плоскорезной обработки почвы на глубину 0,20-0,22 м. Рентабельность составила 46,2%. На основании проведенных исследований теоретически обоснованы, экспериментально подтверждены и сделаны выводы, а также даны рекомендации применения технологии в Волгоградской области

    Wrapping of Microparticles by Floppy Lipid Vesicles

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    Lipid membranes, the barrier defining living cells and many of their sub-compartments, bind to a wide variety of nano- and micro-meter sized objects. In the presence of strong adhesive forces, membranes can strongly deform and wrap the particles, an essential step in crossing the membrane for a variety of health and disease-related processes. A large body of theoretical and numerical work has focused on identifying the physical properties that underly wrapping. Using a model system of micron-sized colloidal particles and giant unilamellar lipid vesicles with tunable adhesive forces, we measure a wrapping phase diagram and make quantitative comparisons to theoretical models. Our data is consistent with a model of membrane-particle interactions accounting for the adhesive energy per unit area, membrane bending rigidity, particle size, and vesicle radius

    Specialties of Blood Serum Structurization Under Some Physiological Conditions

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    Background: it is well-known that physiological stress agents can to produce a significant response of regulatory systems. At the same time, the nature of metabolic shifts in the organism during significant physical exertion and emotional stress has been insufficiently studied in detail. Aim: The aim of this investigation is study of modification of crystallogenic properties of human blood serum action under physical exertion and psychoemotional stress. Results: it is stated that physical exertion and psychoemotional stress causes increasing of crystallogenic activity of human blood serum. This trend is more pronounced for the first impact. This is confirmed by the results of vizuametric analysis of blood serum facias and its spectrometric testing. Conclusion: we show that crystalloscopic picture of blood serum is an informative criterion of different physiological conditions, including physical exertion and psychoemotional stress. It realized in the shifts of structure of biological fluid facias

    Resistance of Antarctic black fungi and cryptoendolithic communities to simulated space and Martian conditions

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    Dried colonies of the Antarctic rock-inhabiting meristematic fungi Cryomyces antarcticus CCFEE 515, CCFEE 534 and C. minteri CCFEE 5187, as well as fragments of rocks colonized by the Antarctic cryptoendolithic community, were exposed to a set of ground-based experiment verification tests (EVTs) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR, Köln, Germany). These were carried out to test the tolerance of these organisms in view of their possible exposure to space conditions outside of the International Space Station (ISS). Tests included single or combined simulated space and Martian conditions. Responses were analysed both by cultural and microscopic methods. Thereby, colony formation capacities were measured and the cellular viability was assessed using live/dead dyes FUN 1 and SYTOX Green. The results clearly suggest a general good resistance of all the samples investigated. C. minteri CCFEE 5187, C. antarcticus CCFEE 515 and colonized rocks were selected as suitable candidates to withstand space flight and long-term permanence in space on the ISS in the framework of the LIchens and Fungi Experiments (LIFE programme, European Space Agency)

    Modeling growth, lipid accumulation and lipid turnover in submerged batch cultures of Umbelopsis isabellina

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    The production of lipids by oleaginous yeast and fungi becomes more important because these lipids can be used for biodiesel production. To understand the process of lipid production better, we developed a model for growth, lipid production and lipid turnover in submerged batch fermentation. This model describes three subsequent phases: exponential growth when both a C-source and an N-source are available, carbohydrate and lipid production when the N-source is exhausted and turnover of accumulated lipids when the C-source is exhausted. The model was validated with submerged batch cultures of the fungus Umbelopsis isabellina (formerly known as Mortierella isabellina) with two different initial C/N-ratios. Comparison with chemostat cultures with the same strain showed a significant difference in lipid production: in batch cultures, the initial specific lipid production rate was almost four times higher than in chemostat cultures but it decreased exponentially in time, while the maximum specific lipid production rate in chemostat cultures was independent of residence time. This indicates that different mechanisms for lipid production are active in batch and chemostat cultures. The model could also describe data for submerged batch cultures from literature well

    Research on the level of professional burnout of the employees of the outpatient health center "X" and the factors influencing it, and development of recommendations for burnout management in the work environment

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    Veselības vadībaVeselības aprūpeHealth managementHealth CareMaģistra darba tēma ir “Ambulatorā veselības centra «X» darbinieku profesionālās izdegšanas līmeņa un to ietekmējošo faktoru izpēte un rekomendāciju izstrāde izdegšanas mazināšanai darba vidē “. Pēdējo trīs gadu laikā Covid-19 pandēmija izraisīja medicīnas jomas pārslodzi un palielināja izdegšanas sindroma biežumu medicīnas darbinieku vidū. Eiropā apmēram trešā daļa no medicīnas darbiniekiem saskaras ar profesionālo izdegšanu. Pētījuma rezultāti ir svarīgi uzņēmumam, kurā tas veikts, jo iepriekš tajā nebija veiktas darbinieku psihoemocionālās labizjūtas pārbaudes. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt ambulatorā veselības centra «X» darbinieku izdegšanas līmeni un izstrādāt rekomendācijas izdegšanas mazināšanai darba vidē. Galvenie pētījuma uzdevumi bija izmērīt ambulatorā veselības centra “X” darbinieku izdegšanas sindroma līmeni, noteikt - kādas darbinieku grupas ir tam pakļautas vairāk, kā arī noskaidrot izdegšanas sindroma rašanās ietekmējošus faktorus. Viens no uzdevumiem bija izpētīt struktūrvienību vadītāju informētību par izdegšanas sindroma izpausmēm un iespējamiem risinājumiem tā mazināšanai darba vidē. Balsoties uz literatūras avotiem un pētījumā iegūtajiem rezultātiem tika formulētas rekomendācijas izdegšanas mazināšanai darba vidē uzņēmumā “X”. Anketēšanas rezultātā noskaidrots, ka kopējais ambulatorā veselības centra “X” darbinieku izdegšanas līmenis atbilst vidējam (emocionālā izsīkuma un depersonalizācijas komponentes), bet personīgo sniegumu samazinājuma rādītājs atbilst augstam izdegšanas līmenim. Atklātas saistības dažādiem demogrāfiskiem faktoriem un JDR modeļa komponentēm ar katru no trīs izdegšanas sindroma elementiem. Interviju rezultāti apliecina, ka struktūrvienību vadītāji ir pazīstami ar izdegšanas sindroma jēdzienu un būtību, ar pasākumiem un metodēm tā mazināšanai darba vidē. Savukārt, ir nepieciešamas papildu zināšanas par izdegšanas sindroma simptomu atpazīšanu sarunas laikā ar darbinieku, kā arī par pareizas komunikācijas veidošanu ar darbinieku, kuram novēro izdegšanas simptomus. Feofilova, Anastasija. Ambulatorā veselības centra «X» darbinieku profesionālās izdegšanas līmeņa un to ietekmējošo faktoru izpēte un rekomendāciju izstrāde izdegšanas mazināšanai darba vidē. Maģistra darbs / zinātniskā vadītāja Mg.sc.educ. Gundega Dambe. Rīgā: RSU, 2022. 75 lpp., 6 pielikumi, 13 attēli, 11 tabulas, 62 avoti.The topic of the master's thesis is "Research on the level of professional burnout of the employees of the outpatient health center "X" and the factors influencing it, and development of recommendations for burnout management in the work environment ". Over the past three years, the Covid-19 pandemic caused medical congestion and increased the incidence of burnout among medical professionals. In Europe, about a third of medical professionals experience burnout. The results of the research are important for the company in which it was performed, since it had not been previously tested for the psycho-emotional well-being of employees. The aim of the study is to investigate burnout rate of the staff of the outpatient health center "X" and to develop recommendations for reducing burnout in the work environment. The main objectives of the study were to measure the level of burnout syndrome in the outpatient health center "X", to determine which groups of workers are more exposed to it, as well as to find out the factors influencing the occurrence of burnout syndrome. One of the tasks was to explore the awareness of the heads of the structural units about the manifestations of the burnout syndrome and possible solutions to reduce it in the work environment. Based on the literature sources and the results obtained in the study, recommendations were formulated to reduce burnout in the work environment in company “X”. As a result of the survey, it was found that the total burnout rate of the staff of the outpatient health center “X” corresponds to the average (components of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization), but the rate of decrease in personal performance corresponds to a high burnout rate. Associations with different demographic factors and components of the JDR model with each of the three elements of burnout syndrome have been revealed. The results of the interviews confirm that the heads of the structural units are familiar with the concept and essence of burnout syndrome, with measures and methods to reduce it in the work environment. In turn, additional knowledge is needed about recognizing the symptoms of burnout syndrome during a conversation with an employee, as well as about establishing proper communication with an employee who is experiencing burnout symptoms. Feofilova, Anastasija. Research on the level of professional burnout of the employees of the outpatient health center "X" and the factors influencing it, and development of recommendations for burnout management in the work environment. Master's Thesis / Scientific Supervisor Mg.sc.educ. Gundega Dambe. Riga: RSU, 2022. 75 pages, 6 appendixes, 13 pictures, 11 tables, 62 sources

    Probing Dynein Motor Activity in the Intact Chlamydomonas Axoneme

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    Eukaryotic flagella and cilia are long rod-like extensions of cells, which play a fundamental role in single cell movement, as well as in fluid transport. Flagella and cilia contain a highly evolutionary conserved mechanical structure called the axoneme. The motion of the flagellum is generated by dynein motor proteins, located all along the length of the axonemal structure. Fluorescent ATP analogs have been a useful tool to study ATPase activity of various motor proteins. \acrfull{mant} has been previously used to probe the activity of various ATPases, including dynein. It has been shown by various authors, that MANT-ATP supports dynein activity as well as the axonemal beat. However, direct observations of binding to the axonemal structure were not previously reported. Using highly sensitive fluorescent microscopy to monitor the binding of the fluorescent ATP analog, I probed dynein activity directly in the immobilized intact axoneme for the first time. To understand these kinetics a kinetic model was developed. By fitting this model to experimental data I was able to identify ATP-binding sites with distinct kinetic properties in the axoneme. I report a turnover rate of k = 0.02 s−1 at 1μM mant-ATP for dynein. Moreover, I discovered that there is binding of the ATP analog to the axoneme with a much higher rate of k = 11 s−1 at 1μM mant-ATP. By the application of this method to axonemes with reduced dyneins, it has been identified that the slow rate belongs to dynein