589 research outputs found

    Changes of vibrational lifetimes with minor structural modification of small polyatomic molecules

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    Substantial changes of population lifetimes of CH-stretching modes are observed when two atoms are exchanged in CH2=CCl2 to form trans CHCl=CHCl and when three deuterons are substituted in C6H6 to form 1,3,5.-C6H3D3. The measured lifetimes are in good agreement with estimates based on Fermi resonance-mixing which is inferred from infrared and Raman spectra

    Magnetohydrodynamic jets from different magnetic field configurations

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    Using axisymmetric MHD simulations we investigate how the overall jet formation is affected by a variation in the disk magnetic flux profile and/or the existence of a central stellar magnetosphere. Our simulations evolve from an initial, hydrostatic equilibrium state in a force-free magnetic field configuration. We find a unique relation between the collimation degree and the disk wind magnetization power law exponent. The collimation degree decreases for steeper disk magnetic field profiles. Highly collimated outflows resulting from a flat profile tend to be unsteady. We further consider a magnetic field superposed of a stellar dipole and a disk field in parallel or anti-parallel alignment. Both stellar and disk wind may evolve in a pair of outflows, however, a reasonably strong disk wind component is essential for jet collimation. Strong flares may lead to a sudden change in mass flux by a factor two. We hypothesize that such flares may eventually trigger jet knots.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; proceedings from conference: Protostellar Jets in Context, held in Rhodes, July 7-12, 200

    The Axisymmetric Pulsar Magnetosphere

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    We present, for the first time, the structure of the axisymmetric force-free magnetosphere of an aligned rotating magnetic dipole, in the case in which there exists a sufficiently large charge density (whose origin we do not question) to satisfy the ideal MHD condition, EB=0{\bf E\cdot B}=0, everywhere. The unique distribution of electric current along the open magnetic field lines which is required for the solution to be continuous and smooth is obtained numerically. With the geometry of the field lines thus determined we compute the dynamics of the associated MHD wind. The main result is that the relativistic outflow contained in the magnetosphere is not accelerated to the extremely relativistic energies required for the flow to generate gamma rays. We expect that our solution will be useful as the starting point for detailed studies of pulsar magnetospheres under more general conditions, namely when either the force-free and/or the ideal MHD condition EB=0{\bf E\cdot B}=0 are not valid in the entire magnetosphere. Based on our solution, we consider that the most likely positions of such an occurrence are the polar cap, the crossings of the zero space charge surface by open field lines, and the return current boundary, but not the light cylinder.Comment: 15 pages AAS Latex, 5 postscript figure

    Collimation of astrophysical jets - the role of the accretion disk magnetic field distribution

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    We have applied axisymmetric MHD simulations to investigate the impact of the accretion disk magnetic flux profile on the jet collimation. Using the ZEUS-3D code modified for magnetic diffusivity, our simulations evolve from an initial hydrostatic equilibrium state in a force-free magnetic field. Considering a power law for the disk poloidal magnetic field profile Bp ~ r^{-mu} and for the disk wind density profile rho ~ r^{-mu_rho} we performed a systematic study over a wide parameter range mu and mu_rho. We find a degree of collimation (ratio of mass flow rates in axial and lateral direction) decreasing for steeper disk magnetic field profiles (increasing mu). Varying the total magnetic flux doesn't change the degree of jet collimation substantially, it only affects the time scale of outflow evolution and the terminal jet speed. As our major result we find a general relation between the collimation degree with the disk wind magnetization power law exponent. Outflows with high collimation degree resulting from a flat disk magnetic field profile tend to be unsteady, producing axially propagating knots as discussed earlier. Depending slightly on the inflow density profile this unsteady behavior sets in for mu < 0.4. We also performed simulations of jet formation with artificially enhanced decay of the toroidal magnetic field in order to investigate the idea of a purely "poloidal collimation" discussed in the literature. These outflows remain weakly collimated and propagate with lower velocity. Thanks to our large numerical grid size (7x14 AU for protostars), we may apply our results to recently observed hints of jet rotation (DG Tau) indicating a relatively flat disk magnetic field profile, mu ~ 0.5. In general, our results are applicable to both stellar and extragalactic sources of MHD jets.Comment: accepted by ApJ, high resolution version under www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/fendt

    Magnetic interaction of jets and molecular clouds in NGC 4258

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    NGC 4258 is a well known spiral galaxy with a peculiar large scale jet flow detected in the radio and in H-alpha. Due to the special geometry of the galaxy, the jets emerge from the nuclear region through the galactic disk. Also the distribution of molecular gas looks different from that in other spiral galaxies: [12]CO(1-0)emission has only been detected in the center and along the jets and only up to distances of about 50 arcsec (1.8 kpc) from the nucleus. The reason for the CO concentration along the inner jets in NGC 4258 was not understood and is the motivation for the observations presented here. Using the IRAM interferometer, we mapped the [12]CO(1-0) emission of the central part of NGC 4258 along the nuclear jet direction in the inner 3 kpc. We detected two parallel CO ridges along a position angle of -25 degr with a total length of about 80 arcsec (2.8 kpc), separated by a CO-depleted funnel with a width of about 5 arcsec (175 pc). The H-alpha emission is more extended and broader than the CO emission with its maximum just in between the two CO ridges. In CO we see a peculiar velocity distribution in the iso-velocity map and p-v diagrams. We discuss different scenarios for an interpretation and present a model which can explain the observational results consistently. We propose here that the concentration of CO along the ridges is due to interaction of the rotating gas clouds with the jet's magnetic field by ambipolar diffusion. This magnetic interaction is thought to increase the time the molecular clouds reside near the jet thus leading to the quasi-static CO ridge

    Accretion-Powered Stellar Winds II: Numerical Solutions for Stellar Wind Torques

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    [Abridged] In order to explain the slow rotation observed in a large fraction of accreting pre-main-sequence stars (CTTSs), we explore the role of stellar winds in torquing down the stars. For this mechanism to be effective, the stellar winds need to have relatively high outflow rates, and thus would likely be powered by the accretion process itself. Here, we use numerical magnetohydrodynamical simulations to compute detailed 2-dimensional (axisymmetric) stellar wind solutions, in order to determine the spin down torque on the star. We explore a range of parameters relevant for CTTSs, including variations in the stellar mass, radius, spin rate, surface magnetic field strength, the mass loss rate, and wind acceleration rate. We also consider both dipole and quadrupole magnetic field geometries. Our simulations indicate that the stellar wind torque is of sufficient magnitude to be important for spinning down a ``typical'' CTTS, for a mass loss rate of 109M\sim 10^{-9} M_\odot yr1^{-1}. The winds are wide-angle, self-collimated flows, as expected of magnetic rotator winds with moderately fast rotation. The cases with quadrupolar field produce a much weaker torque than for a dipole with the same surface field strength, demonstrating that magnetic geometry plays a fundamental role in determining the torque. Cases with varying wind acceleration rate show much smaller variations in the torque suggesting that the details of the wind driving are less important. We use our computed results to fit a semi-analytic formula for the effective Alfv\'en radius in the wind, as well as the torque. This allows for considerable predictive power, and is an improvement over existing approximations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Collimating, relativistic, magnetic jets from rotating disks

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    The magnetic flux distribution is determined by the solution of the Grad-Shafranov equation. With differential rotation, i.e. the variation of the iso-rotation parameter, the shape of the light surface must be calculated in an iterative way. For the first time, we have calculated the force-free magnetic structure of truly two-dimensional, relativistic jets, anchored in a differentially rotating disk. Such an approach allows for a direct connection between parameters of the central source (mass, rotation) and the extension of the radio jet. We present an analytical estimate for the jet opening angle along the asymptotic branches of the light surface. In general, differential rotation of the iso-rotation parameter leads to an increase of the jet opening angle. Comparison to the M87 jet shows agreement in the collimation distance. We derive a light cylinder radius of the M87 jet of 50 Schwarzschild radii.Comment: 11 pags, 10 figs, Latex, accepted for Astron.Astroph., [email protected], [email protected]

    Cannonballs in the context of Gamma Ray Bursts: Formation sites ?

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    We investigate possible formation sites of the cannonballs (in the gamma ray bursts context) by calculating their physical parameters, such as density, magnetic field and temperature close to the origin. Our results favor scenarios where the cannonballs form as instabilities (knots) within magnetized jets from hyperaccreting disks. These instabilities would most likely set in beyond the light cylinder where flow velocity with Lorentz factors as high as 2000 can be achieved. Our findings challenge the cannonball model of gamma ray bursts if these indeed form inside core-collapse supernovae (SNe) as suggested in the literature; unless hyperaccreting disks and the corresponding jets are common occurrences in core-collapse SNe.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Relativistic expansion of a magnetized fluid

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    We study semi-analytical time-dependent solutions of the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations for the fields and the fluid emerging from a spherical source. We assume uniform expansion of the field and the fluid and a polytropic relation between the density and the pressure of the fluid. The expansion velocity is small near the base but approaches the speed of light at the light sphere where the flux terminates. We find self-consistent solutions for the density and the magnetic flux. The details of the solution depend on the ratio of the toroidal and the poloidal magnetic field, the ratio of the energy carried by the fluid and the electromagnetic field and the maximum velocity it reaches.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamic

    Formation of protostellar jets - effects of magnetic diffusion

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    We investigate the evolution of a disk wind into a collimated jet under the influence of magnetic diffusivity, assuming that the turbulent pattern in the disk will also enter the disk corona and the jet. Using the ZEUS-3D code in the axisymmetry option we solve the time-dependent resistive MHD equations for a model setup of a central star surrounded by an accretion disk. We find that the diffusive jets propagate slower into the ambient medium. Close to the star we find that a quasi stationary state evolves after several hundred (weak diffusion) or thousand (strong diffusion) disk rotations. Magnetic diffusivity affects the protostellar jet structure as follows. The jet poloidal magnetic field becomes de-collimated. The jet velocity increases with increasing diffusivity, while the degree of collimation for the hydrodynamic flow remains more or less the same. We suggest that the mass flux is a proper tracer for the degree of jet collimation and find indications of a critical value for the magnetic diffusivity above which the jet collimation is only weak.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figs, accepted by Astron. and Astrop