11 research outputs found

    Rezeptordichten muskarinischer und nikotinischer Acetylcholinrezeptoren nach intrastriataler Botulinumneurotoxin-A-Injektion im 6-OHDA-Hemiparkinson-Modell der Ratte

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    Veränderungen von Transmitterrezeptoren sind bei der Parkinsonkrankheit bisher noch unzureichend untersucht. Es erfolgte die Messung und Auswertung der Rezeptordichte nikotinischer und muskarinischer Acetylcholinrezeptoren im Striatum der Ratte nach 6-Hydroxydopamin- und Botulinumneurotoxin-A-Injektionen und anschließender quantitativer in-vitro Rezeptorautoradiographie mittels der Software MCID Analysis. Die Ergebnisse geben neue Einsichten in die 6-OHDA-induzierten Effekte und die Wirkung von BoNT-A auf striatale Acetylcholinrezeptoren bei Hemiparkinson-Ratten

    Outside-Obstacle Representations with All Vertices on the Outer Face

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    An obstacle representation of a graph GG consists of a set of polygonal obstacles and a drawing of GG as a visibility graph with respect to the obstacles: vertices are mapped to points and edges to straight-line segments such that each edge avoids all obstacles whereas each non-edge intersects at least one obstacle. Obstacle representations have been investigated quite intensely over the last few years. Here we focus on outside-obstacle representations (OORs) that use only one obstacle in the outer face of the drawing. It is known that every outerplanar graph admits such a representation [Alpert, Koch, Laison; DCG 2010]. We strengthen this result by showing that every (partial) 2-tree has an OOR. We also consider restricted versions of OORs where the vertices of the graph lie on a convex polygon or a regular polygon. We characterize when the complement of a tree and when a complete graph minus a simple cycle admits a convex OOR. We construct regular OORs for all (partial) outerpaths, cactus graphs, and grids.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2022

    Visualizing Geophylogenies - Internal and External Labeling with Phylogenetic Tree Constraints

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    A geophylogeny is a phylogenetic tree where each leaf (biological taxon) has an associated geographic location (site). To clearly visualize a geophylogeny, the tree is typically represented as a crossing-free drawing next to a map. The correspondence between the taxa and the sites is either shown with matching labels on the map (internal labeling) or with leaders that connect each site to the corresponding leaf of the tree (external labeling). In both cases, a good order of the leaves is paramount for understanding the association between sites and taxa. We define several quality measures for internal labeling and give an efficient algorithm for optimizing them. In contrast, minimizing the number of leader crossings in an external labeling is NP-hard. We show nonetheless that optimal solutions can be found in a matter of seconds on realistic instances using integer linear programming. Finally, we provide several efficient heuristic algorithms and experimentally show them to be near optimal on real-world and synthetic instances

    Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Receptor Densities in the Striatum of Hemiparkinsonian Rats Following Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection

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    Cholinergic neurotransmission has a pivotal function in the caudate-putamen, and is highly associated with the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease. Here, we investigated long-term changes in the densities of the muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M2, M3 (mAchRs) and the nicotinic receptor subtype α4β2 (nAchRs) in the striatum of the 6-OHDA-induced hemiparkinsonian (hemi-PD) rat model using quantitative in vitro receptor autoradiography. Hemi-PD rats exhibited an ipsilateral decrease in striatal mAchR densities between 6 and 16%. Moreover, a massive and constant decrease in striatal nAchR density by 57% was found. A second goal of the study was to disclose receptor-related mechanisms for the positive motor effect of intrastriatally injected Botulinum neurotoxin-A (BoNT-A) in hemi-PD rats in the apomorphine rotation test. Therefore, the effect of intrastriatally injected BoNT-A in control and hemi-PD rats on mAchR and nAchR densities was analyzed and compared to control animals or vehicle-injected hemi-PD rats. BoNT-A administration slightly reduced interhemispheric differences of mAchR and nAchR densities in hemi-PD rats. Importantly, the BoNT-A effect on striatal nAchRs significantly correlated with behavioral testing after apomorphine application. This study gives novel insights of 6-OHDA-induced effects on striatal mAchR and nAchR densities, and partly explains the therapeutic effect of BoNT-A in hemi-PD rats on a cellular level

    Impaired empathic functioning in chronic depression: Behavioral evidence for the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) model

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    Background: The CBASP model proposes preoperational functioning as a core feature of persistent depressive disorders (PDD). Empathy deficits comprise one aspect. Resulting from childhood maltreatment, empathy deficits may aggravate social isolation, a key factor in the maintenance of depression. CBASP targets empathy by teaching patients to disengage from past experiences and to engage successfully in present social interactions. However, behavioral evidence for empathy deficits in PDD has remained elusive. We reasoned that deficits become apparent only under stress and that these deficits improve after CBASP-treatment. Methods: Twenty-two patients and 21 controls performed two parallel versions of the Multifaceted Empathy Test. For stress induction, a negative autobiographical event was presented before performing the task. A neutral event served as control. Fifteen patients performed the experiment twice, before and after a 12-week inpatient CBASP-treatment. Results: Supporting our hypotheses, patients showed reduced empathy under stress, while no group difference was found in the absence of stress. Reduced empathy correlated with the level of re-experiencing negative memories. Pre-post-treatment comparison revealed a significant time x stress x group interaction, i.e. the stress-induced empathy deficit improved in patients over time. Post-treatment empathic capacity correlated positively with clinical improvement. Limitations: The majority of patients were on medication. Conclusions: Our findings provide empirical support for the CBASP model, but highlight an important new aspect: Empathy is not generally deficient in PDD but becomes impaired under stress. In real-life situations, stress-induced empathy impairments may exacerbate interpersonal conflicts. CBASP's interpersonal focus improved empathy, accompanied by clinical improvement as the model predicts

    The Segment Number: Algorithms and Universal Lower Bounds for Some Classes of Planar Graphs

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    The segment number of a planar graph GG is the smallest number of line segments needed for a planar straight-line drawing of GG. Dujmovi\'c, Eppstein, Suderman, and Wood [CGTA'07] introduced this measure for the visual complexity of graphs. There are optimal algorithms for trees and worst-case optimal algorithms for outerplanar graphs, 2-trees, and planar 3-trees. It is known that every cubic triconnected planar nn-vertex graph (except K4K_4) has segment number n/2+3n/2+3, which is the only known universal lower bound for a meaningful class of planar graphs. We show that every triconnected planar 4-regular graph can be drawn using at most n+3n+3 segments. This bound is tight up to an additive constant, improves a previous upper bound of 7n/4+27n/4+2 implied by a more general result of Dujmovi\'c et al., and supplements the result for cubic graphs. We also give a simple optimal algorithm for cactus graphs, generalizing the above-mentioned result for trees. We prove the first linear universal lower bounds for outerpaths, maximal outerplanar graphs, 2-trees, and planar 3-trees. This shows that the existing algorithms for these graph classes are constant-factor approximations. For maximal outerpaths, our bound is best possible and can be generalized to circular arcs.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 48th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG2022

    Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Receptor Densities in the Striatum of Hemiparkinsonian Rats Following Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection

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    Cholinergic neurotransmission has a pivotal function in the caudate-putamen, and is highly associated with the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease. Here, we investigated long-term changes in the densities of the muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M2, M3 (mAchRs) and the nicotinic receptor subtype α4β2 (nAchRs) in the striatum of the 6-OHDA-induced hemiparkinsonian (hemi-PD) rat model using quantitative in vitro receptor autoradiography. Hemi-PD rats exhibited an ipsilateral decrease in striatal mAchR densities between 6 and 16%. Moreover, a massive and constant decrease in striatal nAchR density by 57% was found. A second goal of the study was to disclose receptor-related mechanisms for the positive motor effect of intrastriatally injected Botulinum neurotoxin-A (BoNT-A) in hemi-PD rats in the apomorphine rotation test. Therefore, the effect of intrastriatally injected BoNT-A in control and hemi-PD rats on mAchR and nAchR densities was analyzed and compared to control animals or vehicle-injected hemi-PD rats. BoNT-A administration slightly reduced interhemispheric differences of mAchR and nAchR densities in hemi-PD rats. Importantly, the BoNT-A effect on striatal nAchRs significantly correlated with behavioral testing after apomorphine application. This study gives novel insights of 6-OHDA-induced effects on striatal mAchR and nAchR densities, and partly explains the therapeutic effect of BoNT-A in hemi-PD rats on a cellular level

    Association between Rumination Times Detected by an Ear Tag-Based Accelerometer System and Rumen Physiology in Dairy Cows

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    Monitoring rumination activity is considered a useful indicator for the early detection of diseases and metabolic disorders. Accelerometer-based sensor systems provide health alerts based on individual thresholds of rumination times in dairy cows. Detailed knowledge of the relationship between sensor-based rumination times and rumen physiology would help detect conspicuous animals and evaluate the treatment’s success. This study aimed to investigate the association between sensor-based health alerts and rumen fluid characteristics in Holstein-Friesian cows at different stages of lactation. Rumen fluid was collected via a stomach tube from 63 pairs of cows with and without health alerts (ALRT vs NALRT). Pairs were matched based on the day of lactation, the number of lactations, and health criteria. Rumen fluid was collected during and after health alerts. The parameters of color, odor, consistency, pH, redox potential, sedimentation flotation time, and the number of protozoa were examined. Results showed differences between both groups in odor, rumen pH, sedimentation flotation time, and protozoan count at the first rumen fluid collection. Within the groups, greater variations in rumen fluid parameters were found for ALRT cows compared to NALRT cows. The interaction between health alert and stage of lactation did not affect the rumen fluid parameters

    Systematic Evaluation of Different Fresh Cow Monitoring Procedures

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    Establishing fresh cow monitoring procedures is considered beneficial for cow health, welfare, and productivity. However, they are time consuming and require the cows to be locked up, which restricts their natural behavior. In this study, different fresh cow monitoring procedures were evaluated. Two experiments were conducted to determine: (1) the duration of various examinations and treatments; (2) the time cows remain locked up in headlocks; and (3) the proportion of examination and treatment times relative to the total headlock time. In advance, standard operating procedures were established. Three veterinarians conducted the examinations and treatments based on changes in milk yield, clinical symptoms, and alarms by an accelerometer system. The headlock time was evaluated for three workflow strategies, which differed in the order of examinations and treatments. To determine the duration, cameras were installed, and the video footage was analyzed. The examinations lasted between 1 and 227 s, and the cows were locked up in headlocks between 0.01 and 1.76 h. The lock-up times differed significantly among the three strategies, as well as the proportion. This study provides information that can be used as a basis for the development of time-efficient strategies, and to minimize the impact on cows’ time budgets