85 research outputs found

    Supernova 2010ev: A reddened high velocity gradient type Ia supernova

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    Aims. We present and study the spectroscopic and photometric evolution of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2010ev. Methods. We obtain and analyze multi-band optical light curves and optical-near-infrared spectroscopy at low and medium resolution spanning from -7 days to +300 days from the B-band maximum. Results. A photometric analysis shows that SN 2010ev is a SN Ia of normal brightness with a light curve shape of Δm15(B)=1.12±0.02\Delta m_{15}(B)=1.12 \pm 0.02 and a stretch s = 0.94±0.010.94 \pm 0.01 suffering significant reddening. From photometric and spectroscopic analysis, we deduce a color excess of E(B−V)=0.25±0.05E(B - V) = 0.25 \pm 0.05 and a reddening law of Rv=1.54±0.65R_v = 1.54 \pm 0.65. Spectroscopically, SN 2010ev belongs to the broad-line SN Ia group, showing stronger than average Si II {\lambda}6355 absorption features. We also find that SN 2010ev is a high-velocity gradient SN, with a value of 164±7164 \pm 7 km s−1^{-1} d−1^{-1}. The photometric and spectral comparison with other supernovae shows that SN 2010ev has similar colors and velocities to SN 2002bo and SN 2002dj. The analysis of the nebular spectra indicates that the [Fe II] {\lambda}7155 and [Ni II] {\lambda}7378 lines are redshifted, as expected for a high velocity gradient supernova. All these common intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the high velocity gradient (HVG) group are different from the low velocity gradient (LVG) normal SN Ia population and suggest significant variety in SN Ia explosions.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables. Accepted to A&

    Signatures of an eruptive phase before the explosion of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gc

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gc, spanning seven years of observations. The light curve shows an early maximum followed by a fast decline and a phase of almost constant luminosity. At +200 days from maximum, a brightening of 1 mag is observed in all bands, followed by a steep linear luminosity decline after +300 d. In archival images taken between 1.5 and 2.5 years before the explosion, a weak source is visible at the supernova location, with mag≈\approx20. The early supernova spectra show Balmer lines, with a narrow (∼\sim560 km s−1^{-1}) P-Cygni absorption superimposed on a broad (∼\sim3400 km s−1^{-1}) component, typical of type IIn events. Through a comparison of colour curves, absolute light curves and spectra of SN 2013gc with a sample of supernovae IIn, we conclude that SN 2013gc is a member of the so-called type IId subgroup. The complex profile of the Hα\alpha line suggests a composite circumstellar medium geometry, with a combination of lower velocity, spherically symmetric gas and a more rapidly expanding bilobed feature. This circumstellar medium distribution has been likely formed through major mass-loss events, that we directly observed from 3 years before the explosion. The modest luminosity (MI∼−16.5M_I\sim-16.5 near maximum) of SN 2013gc at all phases, the very small amount of ejected 56^{56}Ni (of the order of 10−310^{-3} M⊙_\odot), the major pre-supernova stellar activity and the lack of prominent [O I] lines in late-time spectra support a fall-back core-collapse scenario for the massive progenitor of SN~2013gc.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 8 tables, accepted by MNRA

    SN 2007uy - metamorphosis of an aspheric Type Ib explosion

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    The supernovae of Type Ibc are rare and the detailed characteristics of these explosions have been studied only for a few events. Unlike Type II SNe, the progenitors of Type Ibc have never been detected in pre-explosion images. So, to understand the nature of their progenitors and the characteristics of the explosions, investigation of proximate events are necessary. Here we present the results of multi-wavelength observations of Type Ib SN 2007uy in the nearby (∼\sim 29.5 Mpc) galaxy NGC 2770. Analysis of the photometric observations revealed this explosion as an energetic event with peak absolute R band magnitude −18.5±0.16-18.5\pm0.16, which is about one mag brighter than the mean value (−17.6±0.6-17.6\pm0.6) derived for well observed Type Ibc events. The SN is highly extinguished, E(B-V) = 0.63±\pm0.15 mag, mainly due to foreground material present in the host galaxy. From optical light curve modeling we determine that about 0.3 M⊙_{\odot} radioactive 56^{56}Ni is produced and roughly 4.4 M⊙_{\odot} material is ejected during this explosion with liberated energy ∼15×1051\sim 15\times10^{51} erg, indicating the event to be an energetic one. Through optical spectroscopy, we have noticed a clear aspheric evolution of several line forming regions, but no dependency of asymmetry is seen on the distribution of 56^{56}Ni inside the ejecta. The SN shock interaction with the circumburst material is clearly noticeable in radio follow-up, presenting a Synchrotron Self Absorption (SSA) dominated light curve with a contribution of Free Free Absorption (FFA) during the early phases. Assuming a WR star, with wind velocity \ga 10^3 {\rm km s}^{-1}, as a progenitor, we derive a lower limit to the mass loss rate inferred from the radio data as \dot{M} \ga 2.4\times10^{-5} M⊙_{\odot}, yr−1^{-1}, which is consistent with the results obtained for other Type Ibc SNe bright at radio frequencies.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Características clínico-ecográficas pre y postquirúrgicas de niños intervenidos por criptorquidia en el Hospital Sabogal, Perú.

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    Objective: To determine the pre- and post-surgical clinical-ultrasound characteristics of children operated on for cryptorchidism. Material and methods: Descriptive and longitudinal study, data collected from medical records of the Hospital Sabogal, the variables were age at diagnosis, waiting time for orchidopexy, affected testicle, location of the testicle and testicular volume. Results: We included 34 children under 14 years with cryptorchidism, the age of diagnosis was 44 months and orchidopexy 49 months. The waiting time for orchidopexy was 4.72 months, the most affected testicle was the right (58.82%). 39 testicles were included, the primary canalith location (71.79 %), the final scrotal location (50.0%), the operative technique was inguinal (91.18%). The increase in testicular volume was 0.39 cm3, p = 0.0006, 95% CI (-0.62, -0.17). Conclusions: The age of orchidopexy was 49 months and testicular volume increased by 0.39 cm3 after orchidopexy.Objetivo: Determinar las características clínico- ecográficas pre y postquirùrgicas de niños intervenidos por criptorquidia. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal, los datos recolectados de historias clínicas del Hospital Sabogal, las variables fueron edad del diagnóstico, tiempo de espera de orquidopexia, testículo afectado, ubicación del testículo y volumen testicular Resultados: Se incluyeron 34 niños menores de 14 años con criptorquidia, la edad del diagnóstico fue  44 meses y de la orquidopexia  49 meses. El tiempo de espera para la orquidopexia fue 4,72 meses, el testículo más afectado fue el derecho (58,82%). Se incluyeron 39 testículos, la ubicación primaria  canalicular (71,79 %), la ubicación final escrotal (50,0%), la técnica operatoria fue inguinal (91,18%). El incremento de volumen testicular fue de 0,39 cm3, p = 0,0006, IC 95% (-0,62, -0,17). Conclusiones: La edad de la orquidopexia fue  49 meses y el volumen testicular aumentó en 0,39 cm3 después de la orquidopexia

    Swift J2058.4+0516: Discovery of a Possible Second Relativistic Tidal Disruption Flare?

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    We report the discovery by the Swift hard X-ray monitor of the transient source Swift J2058.4+0516 (Sw J2058+05). Our multi-wavelength follow-up campaign uncovered a long-lived (duration >~ months), luminous X-ray (L_X,iso ~ 3 x 10^47 erg s^-1) and radio (nu L_nu,iso ~ 10^42 erg s^-1) counterpart. The associated optical emission, however, from which we measure a redshift of 1.1853, is relatively faint, and this is not due to a large amount of dust extinction in the host galaxy. Based on numerous similarities with the recently discovered GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451 (Sw J1644+57), we suggest that Sw J2058+05 may be the second member of a new class of relativistic outbursts resulting from the tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole. If so, the relative rarity of these sources (compared with the expected rate of tidal disruptions) implies that either these outflows are extremely narrowly collimated (theta < 1 degree), or only a small fraction of tidal disruptions generate relativistic ejecta. Analogous to the case of long-duration gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae, we speculate that rapid spin of the black hole may be a necessary condition to generate the relativistic component. Alternatively, if powered by gas accretion (i.e., an active galactic nucleus [AGN]), Sw J2058+05 would seem to represent a new mode of variability in these sources, as the observed properties appear largely inconsistent with known classes of AGNs capable of generating relativistic jets (blazars, narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies).Comment: Minor typos correcte

    Supernova 2010ev: A reddened high velocity gradient type Ia supernova

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    Aims. We present and study the spectroscopic and photometric evolution of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2010ev. Methods. We obtain and analyze multiband optical light curves and optical/near-infrared spectroscopy at low and medium resolution spanning -7 days to +300 days from the B-band maximum. Results. A photometric analysis shows that SN 2010ev is a SN Ia of normal brightness with a light-curve shape of Δm15(B) = 1.12 ± 0.02 and a stretch s = 0.94 ± 0.01 suffering significant reddening. From photometric and spectroscopic analysis, we deduce a color excess of E(B - V) = 0.25 ± 0.05 and a reddening law of Rv = 1.54 ± 0.65. Spectroscopically, SN 2010ev belongs to the broad-line SN Ia group, showing stronger than average Si II λ6355 absorption features.We also find that SN 2010ev is a high velocity gradient SN with ͘vSi = 164 ± 7 km s-1 d-1. The photometric and spectral comparison with other supernovae shows that SN 2010ev has similar colors and velocities to SN 2002bo and SN 2002dj. The analysis of the nebular spectra indicates that the [Fe II] λ7155 and [Ni II] λ7378 lines are redshifted, as expected for a high velocity gradient supernova. All these common intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the high velocity gradient (HVG) group are different from the low velocity gradient (LVG) normal SN Ia population and suggest significant variety in SN Ia explosions.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Supernova 2010ev: A reddened high velocity gradient type Ia supernova

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    Aims. We present and study the spectroscopic and photometric evolution of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2010ev. Methods. We obtain and analyze multiband optical light curves and optical/near-infrared spectroscopy at low and medium resolution spanning -7 days to +300 days from the B-band maximum. Results. A photometric analysis shows that SN 2010ev is a SN Ia of normal brightness with a light-curve shape of Δm15(B) = 1.12 ± 0.02 and a stretch s = 0.94 ± 0.01 suffering significant reddening. From photometric and spectroscopic analysis, we deduce a color excess of E(B - V) = 0.25 ± 0.05 and a reddening law of Rv = 1.54 ± 0.65. Spectroscopically, SN 2010ev belongs to the broad-line SN Ia group, showing stronger than average Si II λ6355 absorption features.We also find that SN 2010ev is a high velocity gradient SN with ͘vSi = 164 ± 7 km s-1 d-1. The photometric and spectral comparison with other supernovae shows that SN 2010ev has similar colors and velocities to SN 2002bo and SN 2002dj. The analysis of the nebular spectra indicates that the [Fe II] λ7155 and [Ni II] λ7378 lines are redshifted, as expected for a high velocity gradient supernova. All these common intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the high velocity gradient (HVG) group are different from the low velocity gradient (LVG) normal SN Ia population and suggest significant variety in SN Ia explosions.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat
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