5,448 research outputs found

    Mirroring its British masters: state and outsourced terrorism against the Maoist insurgency

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    The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India.The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India

    Mirroring its British masters: state and outsourced terrorism against the Maoist insurgency

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    The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India.The Indian state has been adopting controversial policies for countering the Maoist insurgency. Even worse, this behaviour seems to mirror Britishcolonial attitudes against India’s population at some level. Consequently, this article attempts to understand this probable ‘paradoxical’ conduct. Withthe support of the post-structuralist theory, I discuss state and outsourced terrorist practices of the Indian state apparatus against this insurgency. Toreach this goal, first, I try to explicate the concept of state terrorism and its application in India. Then, I analyse the historical development of theMaoist movement and India’s concrete policies of state and outsourced terrorism against this counter-hegemonic movement. I believe the British Raj’scolonial practices have had a deep dialectical influence on India’s state apparatus and major political parties to date. So, this inquiry may clarify thepersistence of colonial practices within India

    Forecasting Interest Rates: an application for Brazil

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    Understanding the links between long and short-term interest rates is crucial for monetary policy makers, since Central Banks decide and set short-term interest rates in order to affect indirectly long-term interest rates, which affects aggregate spending. This paper studies whether VAR/VEC models are useful in predicting long-term interest rates for Brazil. The empirical results suggest that these models are useful in building qualitative scenarios for the Term structure of interest rates, but do not provide good forecasts in terms of accuracy. Furthermore, models that assume that the future path of short-term interest rates (target interest rates) is known by forecasters do not perform better in terms of both directional and forecasting accuracy.

    Lendo alteridades, forjando identidades à luz da Segunda Escolástica: Antônio Vieira, um jardineiro de almas selvagens.

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    Este artigo pretende refletir acerca da configuração da imagem do índio no sermonário de Antônio Vieira, relacionando questões eminentes do pensamento escolástico e dos interesses da ordem jesuítica. Mais precisamente, será enfocada a visão dos missionários sobre a alteridade do Novo Mundo, ressaltando, por sua vez, a ótica pragmática de Vieira a propósito dos povos recém-descobertos no século XVI

    Prática de recuperação e dificuldade do item : um estudo normativo e um estudo experimental

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2019.A prática de recuperação de informações da memória promove a retenção em longo prazo. De fato, recuperar informações por meio de testagem melhora a retenção mais que o estudo repetido dessa mesma informação, um fenômeno conhecido como efeito de prática de recuperação. Uma teoria sugere que testes envolvem maior esforço cognitivo que o reestudo, e que tal esforço adicional explica os benefícios de memória proporcionados pela testagem. Se essa hipótese de esforço de recuperação (HER) estiver correta, então itens de estudo difíceis deveriam se beneficiar mais da prática de recuperação que itens de estudo fáceis. Aqui, testou-se essa predição usando a memorabilidade do item como uma estimativa de sua dificuldade. Primeiro, conduzimos um estudo normativo (Manuscrito 1) para obter estimativas de dificuldade do item. No Estudo 1, os participantes julgaram o grau de familiaridade, concretude, valência e alerta de 80 palavras em português, bem como a wordlikeness (grau de similaridade com palavras em português) de suas 80 palavras suaíli correspondentes; no Estudo 2, os participantes realizaram três ciclos de estudo–teste de associações suaíli–português. Regressões múltiplas mostraram que familiaridade, wordlikeness e a memorabilidade prévia predizem a memorabilidade do item. Os pares de palavras normatizados nesses dois estudos foram então usados em dois experimentos de prática de recuperação (Manuscrito 2). Depois do estudo inicial de items fáceis e difíceis, os participantes repetidamente reestudaram metade dos pares e recuperaram a outra metade. Em ambos os experimentos, nós replicamos o efeito de prática de recuperação e o efeito de dificuldade do item. Mais importante, observou-se (a) um menor efeito de prática de recuperação para itens difíceis (Experimento 1) e, depois de controlar os níveis de recordação na fase de prática, (b) uma tendência (não significativa) em direção a um maior efeito de prática de recuperação para itens difíceis, especialmente para participantes que se beneficiaram da testagem (Experimento 2). Os resultados mistos fornecem somente evidências fracas para a HER, sendo discutidos à luz de teorias alternativas do efeito de prática de recuperação.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).Retrieval practice promotes long-term retention. In fact, retrieving information by testing improves retention more than repeated study of that same information, a phenomenon known as the retrieval practice effect. One account suggests that tests involve greater cognitive effort than restudy, and that such additional effort explains the memory benefits afforded by testing. If this retrieval effort hypothesis (REH) is correct, then difficult study items (which require more retrieval effort) should benefit more from retrieval practice than easy study items (which require less retrieval effort). Here we tested this prediction by using item memorability as an estimate of item difficulty. First, we conducted a normative study (Manuscript 1) to obtain item difficulty estimates. In Study 1, participants judged 80 Portuguese words for familiarity, concreteness, valence, arousal and 80 corresponding Swahili words for wordlikeness (similarity to Portuguese); in Study 2, participants underwent three study–test cycles on Swahili–Portuguese associations. Multiple regressions showed that familiarity, wordlikeness, and previous memorability predicted current item memorability. The word pairs normed in these two studies were then used in two retrieval practice experiments (Manuscript 2). After the initial study of easy and difficult items, participants repeatedly restudied half of the pairs and retrieval practiced the other half. In both experiments, we replicated the retrieval practice effect and the item difficulty effect. More importantly, we also found (a) a smaller retrieval practice effect for difficult items (Experiment 1) and, after controlling for practice-phase recall levels, (b) a (non-significant) trend toward a greater retrieval practice effect for difficult items, particularly for positive testers (Experiment 2). The mixed results provide only weak evidence for the REH and are discussed in relation to alternative accounts of the retrieval practice effect
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