4,897 research outputs found

    Integrated High-Resolution Modeling for Operational Hydrologic Forecasting

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    Current advances in Earth-sensing technologies, physically-based modeling, and computational processing, offer the promise of a major revolution in hydrologic forecasting—with profound implications for the management of water resources and protection from related disasters. However, access to the necessary capabilities for managing information from heterogeneous sources, and for its deployment in robust-enough modeling engines, remains the province of large governmental agencies. Moreover, even within this type of centralized operations, success is still challenged by the sheer computational complexity associated with overcoming uncertainty in the estimation of parameters and initial conditions in large-scale or high-resolution models. In this dissertation we seek to facilitate the access to hydrometeorological data products from various U.S. agencies and to advanced watershed modeling tools through the implementation of a lightweight GIS-based software package. Accessible data products currently include gauge, radar, and satellite precipitation; stream discharge; distributed soil moisture and snow cover; and multi-resolution weather forecasts. Additionally, we introduce a suite of open-source methods aimed at the efficient parameterization and initialization of complex geophysical models in contexts of high uncertainty, scarce information, and limited computational resources. The developed products in this suite include: 1) model calibration based on state of the art ensemble evolutionary Pareto optimization, 2) automatic parameter estimation boosted through the incorporation of expert criteria, 3) data assimilation that hybridizes particle smoothing and variational strategies, 4) model state compression by means of optimized clustering, 5) high-dimensional stochastic approximation of watershed conditions through a novel lightweight Gaussian graphical model, and 6) simultaneous estimation of model parameters and states for hydrologic forecasting applications. Each of these methods was tested using established distributed physically-based hydrologic modeling engines (VIC and the DHSVM) that were applied to watersheds in the U.S. of different sizes—from a small highly-instrumented catchment in Pennsylvania, to the basin of the Blue River in Oklahoma. A series of experiments was able to demonstrate statistically-significant improvements in the predictive accuracy of the proposed methods in contrast with traditional approaches. Taken together, these accessible and efficient tools can therefore be integrated within various model-based workflows for complex operational applications in water resources and beyond

    Demosthenes, "Fourth Philippic": new critical edition

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    Presentamos una nueva edición crítica del la Cuarta Filípica de Demóstenes, en la que por primera vez incorporamos sistemáticamente el testimonio de un buen número de manuscritos recentiores, especialmente hispánicos, además del de las ediciones aldinas.We present a new critical edition of Demosthenes’ Fourth Philippic. For the first time, we incorporate systematically the evidence of a signifi cant number of recentiores, especially Hispanici, besides the Aldine editions

    Sistema de superficies que articulan una ruptura urbana por medio de un nuevo nodo de ciudad

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    Trabajo de gradoEl contenido del documento a tratar, busca la relación de dos sectores con distintas características, el cual están divididas por un fragmento de ciudad, esta relación se hace con el fin de generar nuevas conexiones y espacios urbanos que logren la integración de los dos sectores por medio de un sistema que articule y permita la variación de diferentes actividades dentro y fuera del lugar a desarrollar.PregradoArquitect

    Alfonso García-Gallo y Diego y su relación con la Revista chilena de historia del derecho

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    In this article the author examines the inß uence of Professor Alfonso García-Gallo  in the development of the history of law in Chile, particularly in its relationship with the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile, and ath tesame time explaining the approach that this Hispanic teacher gave to the discipline.En este artículo el autor estudia la influencia del catedrático Alfonso García-Gallo en el desarrollo de la historia del derecho en Chile, en particular en su relación con la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile, explicando de paso el enfoque que el maestro hispano dio a la disciplina

    La desamortización de los bienes de regulares en Chile: la primera discusión jurídica del derecho patrio sobre la naturaleza y alcance del dominio

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    This essay is about the implementation in the republican Chile of the decade of 1820, of the disentailing of the assets that were in control of the regular clergy, showing how a reform of the XVIII century is applied in the national law and the consequences derivated from it, specially for the civil dogmatic.    Este trabajo versa sobre la implementación en el Chile republicano de la década de 1820, de la desamortización de los bienes inmuebles que estaban en poder del clero regular, mostrando cómo una reforma dieciochesca es aplicada en el derecho patrio y las consecuencias que de ella se derivan, sobre todo para la dogmática civil.  

    Notas para un primer acercamiento al estudio del derecho indiano en las Cortes de Cádiz

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    Aquest article pretén iniciar un nou camí d'investigació per a indagar el paper que va tenir el dret indià a les Corts de Cadis. A aquest efecte, s'analitzen els mecanismes mitjançant els quals normalment un sistema jurídic perviu i interactua amb aquell que el reemplaça, després s'examinen les peculiaritats que es van suscitar entre el dret indià i el dret constitucional gadità, i s'acaba amb l'anàlisi d'algunes de les normes indianes esmentades en el transcurs dels debats. El referit estudi abasta la fonamentació, l'ús i la interpretació que es va donar a les normes indianes en el marc dels debats legislatius i constitucionals que van tenir lloc a les Corts de Cadis.Este artículo pretende iniciar un nuevo derrotero investigativo tendiente a indagar el rol que jugó el derecho indiano en las Cortes de Cádiz. Para esos efectos, se analizan los mecanismos mediante los cuales normalmente un sistema jurídico pervive e interactúa con aquél que lo reemplaza, indagamos luego las peculiaridades que se suscitaron entre el derecho indiano y el derecho constitucional gaditano, y terminamos con el análisis de algunas de las normas indianas citadas en el transcurso de los debates. El referido estudio abarca la fundamentación, el uso y la interpretación que se dio a las normas indianas en el marco de los debates legislativos y constitucionales que tuvieron lugar en las Cortes de Cádiz.The aim of this paper is to embark on a new line of research to study the role of the Laws of the Indies in the Courts of Cádiz. To this end, an analysis is performed of the various mechanisms by means of which a legal system typically survives and interacts with the one substituting it with the aim of then examining the specific characteristics that arose between the Laws of the Indies and Cádiz constitutional law, and ultimately analysing some of the regulations of the Laws of the Indies mentioned over the course of the debates. The scope of the aforementioned study encompasses the rationale, use and construal given to the regulations of the Laws of the Indies on the context of the legislative and constitutional debates that unfolded in the Courts of Cádiz