65 research outputs found

    Barreiras a prática de atividades físicas: prevalência e fatores associados.

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    Purpose: To investigate the prevalence and correlates of barriers to physical activity in a Brazilian city. Methods: A representative sample of individuals aged 20 years was selected following a multiple-stage strategy. Physical activity was evaluated using the leisure-time section of the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Eight barriers were investigated: feel too old to exercise, have an injury or disease, dislike exercising, being too tired to exercise, lack of money, fear of injuries, lack of company, and lack of time. These barriers were chosen after a review of the most-frequently reported barriers to physical activity in the literature, and analysis of the most-frequently reported barriers in two pilot studies using open questions. Results: Eighty-five percent of the 3100 individuals interviewed reported at least one barrier. The barrier with the highest prevalence was lack of money (40.3%), followed by feel too tired to exercise (38.1%), lack of company (32.2%), and lack of time (31.5%). Women, the elderly, and those with worse socioeconomic indicators were more likely to perceive most barriers. A strong dose-response relationship between the number of barriers and physical inactivity was observed. After adjustment for potential confounders, dislike exercising, feel too tired to exercise, lack of money, lack of company, and lack of time were significant predictors of physical inactivity. Conclusion: Although our data arise from a single Brazilian city, they suggest that correlates of physical inactivity between developed and developing countries are different, and therefore, interventions to promote physical activity should use site-specific data. The high rates of the perceived barriers, and the strong association found between them and leisure-time physical activity highlight the need of interventions to help people overcome these barriers.Sem bolsaNão possui resumo

    Objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time, extracurricular habits, and IQ in 7 to 8 years old children: Atividade física, tempo sedentário, hábitos extracurriculares e QI em crianças de 7 a 8 anos de idade

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    The effects of an active lifestyle including extracurricular habits on children’s cognitive function are topics of health and human development, besides that the maintenance of sedentary behavior seems to be related to cognitive function. Considering an active lifestyle, studies present mixed results in terms of cognitive factors, physical activity exposures and tests applied. Existent studies identified that objectively measured physical activity should be more explored to further help elucidate these results since this type of measure assessed by accelerometer provides accurate time spent in free-living daily physical activity. Moreover, children who spend time in specific sedentary activities and have active extracurricular habits present higher academic achievement. Therefore, it was conducted a cross-sectional study in 609 children at 7 and 8 years old from Pelotas, Brazil. WASI scale was applied to evaluate intelligence; total IQ, verbal IQ and execution IQ were considered. Reading practice was associated with verbal IQ and execution IQ and extracurricular physical activities were associated with execution IQ. Accelerometer analyses indicate an association for sedentary time and total IQ and execution IQ. Light PA was inversely associated with execution IQ. Moderate PA was inversely associated with execution IQ and vigorous PA was not associated with IQ. Significant associations were found in the analyses between sedentary time, physical activity, and cognitive function

    Can off-training physical behaviors influence recovery in athletes? A sccoping review

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    Recently, the attention on recovery in sport increased enormously although there is lack of scientific evidence on the role of lifestyle in terms of movement [i.e., physical behaviors (PBs)], apart from sleep. Few studies assessed physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in athletes. The aims of this scoping review were to answer to the following scientific questions: (1) How active/inactive are competitive athletes out of training? (2) Do off-training PBs affect recovery, performance, and health? (3) What strategies can be implemented to improve recovery using off-training PBs, apart from sleep? From 1,116 potentially relevant articles, nine were eligible for inclusion in this review. The main issues identified were related to the heterogeneity concerning the types of sports, age category, gender, competitive level, sample size, and instruments/devices adopted, the paucity of studies investigating the effects of PBs while awake on recovery, and the lack of experimental designs manipulating PBs while awake to accelerate recovery. Furthermore, PA and SB domains were rarely investigated, while no research articles focused on the combined effect of 24-h PBs. Eight out of nine studies measured PA, seven SB, and two included sleep. Three studies included training practice into PA measurement by the means of accelerometry. Overall, almost the totality of the athletes achieved recommended PA levels although they sustained prolonged SB. In conclusion, more descriptive researches are needed in different athletic populations and settings. Furthermore, experimental designs aimed at investigating the effects of PBs manipulation on recovery and the putative mechanisms are encouraged

    Correlates of Heart Rate Measures with Incidental Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Overweight Female Workers

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    [EN] Previous studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) levels and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) impact on the autonomic control of heart rate (HR). However, previous studies evaluating PA levels did not discriminate between incidental PA and regular exercise. We hypothesized that incidental PA “per se” would influence cardiac autonomic indices as assessed via HR variability (HRV) and HR recovery (HRR) in non-exercisers. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between objective PA levels, CRF, and cardiac autonomic indices in adult, regular non-exercising female workers. After familiarization with procedures and evaluation of body composition, 21 women completed a submaximal cycling test and evaluation of HRR on four different days. Resting (2-min seated and standing) and ambulatory (4-h) HRV were also recorded. Levels of PA were assessed by accelerometry over five consecutive days (i.e., Wednesday to Sunday). Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) was measured as an index of CRF. As reliability was low to moderate for most HR measures, relationships between these and PA and CRF were examined using the 4-day average measures. Significant correlations were identified between post-exercise HRR in the first min with various PA indices (daily moderate PA, daily vigorous PA, and the sum of vigorous and very vigorous daily PA). Additionally, VO2max was significantly correlated to HRV but not to HRR. The current results indicated that CRF was influential in enhancing HRV while incidental or non-exercise based PA was associated with greater autonomic reactivation in adult overweight women. Therefore, both CRF and non-exercise based PA contribute significant but diverse effects on cardiac health. The use of 4-day averages instead of single measures for evaluation of autonomic control of HR may provide a better indication of regular cardiac autonomic function that remains to be refined

    Educação Física nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: intensidade dos esforços físicos e conteúdos desenvolvidos

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    Este estudo transversal de base escolar teve como objetivo caracterizar as aulas de Educação Física nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental das escolas públicas e privadas da cidade de Pelotas, RS. Foram analisadas a duração e a intensidade dos esforços físicos, contexto e ação do professor durante as aulas. Compuseram a amostra 19 escolas da zona urbana e rural da cidade, totalizando 93 turmas e 404 alunos. Para as observações de 275 aulas de Educação Física foi utilizado o instrumento System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT). O nível de atividade física dos estudantes durante as aulas foi mensurado pelo acelerômetro Actigraph wGT3X+. A duração média de tempo das aulas de Educação Física observada pelo SOFIT foi de 29,9 minutos (DP 8,1). Destes, 14,2 minutos (47,8%) foram despendidos em atividades sedentárias, 7,8 minutos (26,2%) em atividades leves, 2,8 minutos (9,3%) em atividades moderadas e 4,9 minutos (16,7%) em atividades físicas vigorosas de acordo com a acelerometria. O contexto de aula mais frequente foi o de jogos estruturados (36,0%). Já a ação do professor gerenciando (45,6%) foi a mais observada. Ficou evidenciada a necessidade de um maior aproveitamento do tempo das aulas para o desenvolvimento de atividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas. Contudo, a Educação Física do 1º ao 5º ano se mostrou mais bem estruturada e planejada com relação à ação do professor e aos conteúdos desenvolvidos, especialmente quando comparado com estudos realizados no ensino médio e anos finais do ensino fundamental.This cross-sectional study aimed at characterizing Physical Education classes in the first five years of primary school from the city of Pelotas, Brazil. The duration and intensity of physical efforts, the context of each class and the actions of the teacher during the class were evaluated. The sample comprised 19 schools, 93 classes and 404 students. In total, 275 Physical Education classes were observed using the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT). Physical activity levels during the classes were estimated using Actigraph wGT3X+ accelerometers. The average duration of the classes was 29.9 minutes (SD 8.1), of which 14.2 (47.8%) were spent in sedentary activities, 7.8 (26.2%) in light-intensity activities, 2.8 (9.3%) in moderate-intensity activities and 4.9(16.7%) in vigorous-intensity activities according to accelerometry. In terms of context, 36% of the classes comprised game play. The most frequently observed teacher action was managing (46%). Strategies should be planned in order to allow a better use of the time of Physical Education classes in the first years or primary school in Brazil. However, physical education classes were more structured and planned if compared to studies evaluating classes in secondary school and those in the last grades of primary school

    Evolution of the epidemiological research on physical activity in Brazil: a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the evolution of the epidemiological research on physical activity in Brazil. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was carried out in electronic databases (Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Ovid, Science Direct, BioMed Central and High Wire), non-indexed Brazilian journals, query by specific authors, and contact with other researchers. The inclusion criteria were: the sample should be representative of a defined population; sample size equal to or greater than 500 individuals; data collection in Brazil; measurement of physical activity; and report of data on this variable. RESULTS: A total of 42 studies were reviewed. The first study was published in 1990, and there has been a clear growth in the number of publications since 2000. Great regional disparities were seen and most studies were carried out in the Southeast and South regions. Almost all studies (93%) used questionnaires but operational definitions of sedentary lifestyle and questionnaires used varied markedly across studies preventing result comparisons. CONCLUSIONS: Although the literature on physical activity in Brazil has quantitatively increased, methodological limitations make it difficult to compare study results. Therefore, standardization of instruments and definitions is essential for the improvement of scientific knowledge in the area.OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução da pesquisa epidemiológica em atividade física no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática da literatura, realizada em bases de dados eletrônicas (Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Ovid, Science Direct, BioMed Central e High Wire), em periódicos nacionais não indexados, por busca específica por autores e contato com pesquisadores. A seleção dos artigos teve como critérios de inclusão: amostra representativa de alguma população definida; tamanho da amostra de pelo menos 500 indivíduos; coleta de dados realizada no Brasil; mensuração de atividade física e relato dos resultados com base nessa variável. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 42 estudos. O primeiro artigo foi publicado em 1990, observando-se tendência de aumento de publicações a partir de 2000. Foi detectada disparidade regional nas publicações, com concentração de estudos nas regiões Sudeste e Sul. A maioria dos estudos (93%) utilizou questionários como instrumentos de pesquisa, cujos conteúdos variaram, assim como as definições operacionais de sedentarismo, dificultando a comparação dos resultados. CONCLUSÕES: Embora a literatura em epidemiologia da atividade física venha crescendo quantitativamente no Brasil, limitações metodológicas dificultam a comparação entre os estudos, tornando a padronização de instrumentos e definições essenciais para o avanço científico da área

    Can Off-Training Physical Behaviors Influence Recovery in Athletes? A Scoping Review

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    Recently, the attention on recovery in sport increased enormously although there is lack of scientific evidence on the role of lifestyle in terms of movement [i.e., physical behaviors (PBs)], apart from sleep. Few studies assessed physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in athletes. The aims of this scoping review were to answer to the following scientific questions: (1) How active/inactive are competitive athletes out of training? (2) Do off-training PBs affect recovery, performance, and health? (3) What strategies can be implemented to improve recovery using off-training PBs, apart from sleep? From 1,116 potentially relevant articles, nine were eligible for inclusion in this review. The main issues identified were related to the heterogeneity concerning the types of sports, age category, gender, competitive level, sample size, and instruments/devices adopted, the paucity of studies investigating the effects of PBs while awake on recovery, and the lack of experimental designs manipulating PBs while awake to accelerate recovery. Furthermore, PA and SB domains were rarely investigated, while no research articles focused on the combined effect of 24-h PBs. Eight out of nine studies measured PA, seven SB, and two included sleep. Three studies included training practice into PA measurement by the means of accelerometry. Overall, almost the totality of the athletes achieved recommended PA levels although they sustained prolonged SB. In conclusion, more descriptive researches are needed in different athletic populations and settings. Furthermore, experimental designs aimed at investigating the effects of PBs manipulation on recovery and the putative mechanisms are encouraged

    Prevalência de inatividade física e fatores associados em adolescentes

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de inatividade física em adolescentes (14 a 18 anos) da cidade de Maringá/PR e explorar sua associação com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamental e indicadores de estado nutricional. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra representativa de escolares do ensino médio da cidade incluindo 991 (54,5% moças) de 12 colégios públicos e privados selecionados por meio de amostragem em múltiplos estágios. O nível de atividade física habitual foi verificado por meio do IPAQ modificado para adolescentes, usando como referência a última semana. A inatividade física foi definida 4 h/dia), estado nutricional e obesidade abdominal. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de inatividade física em adolescentes foi de 56,9% (moças= 57,9%, rapazes= 55,7%, p=0,46). Os fatores de risco associados à inatividade física foram pertencer ao nível socioeconômico mais baixo, estudar em escolas públicas e ser obeso. CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos uma alta prevalência de inatividade física no estudo. Faz-se urgentemente necessário o desenvolvimento de estratégias, que visem o aumento da atividade física, o que pode ser obtido por meio de desenvolvimento de conteúdos escolares que promovam estilos de vida saudável.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents (14-18 years) in the city of Maringá/PR and to explore its association with demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral, indicators of nutritional status variables. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 991 adolescents (54.5% girls) from both public and private high schools selected through multi stage random sampling. The level of habitual physical activity was verified through the IPAQ modified for adolescents, using the last week as a reference period. Physical inactivity was defined as 4 h/d), nutritional status and abdominal obesity. RESULTS: Prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents was 56.9% (girls = 57.9%, boys = 55.7%, p =. 046). The risk factors associated with physical inactivity were belonging to the lower socioeconomic level, studying at public schools and being obese. CONCLUSION: We found a high prevalence of physical inactivity in the study. It is urgently necessary to develop strategies aimed at increasing physical activity, which can be achieved by development of an educational content that promotes healthy life styles

    Fatores considerados pela população como mais importantes para manutenção da saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze factors that adults and elderly individuals regard as the most important for health maintenance. METHODS: A cross-sectional study performed with 4,060 adults and 4,003 elderly individuals in areas covered by 240 primary health units in the Brazilian Southern and Northeastern regions, in 2005. A card with pictures and sentences about seven factors associated with the risk of non-communicable diseases and health problems was shown to individuals so they should point out the most relevant factor for health. These factors were as follows: to maintain a healthy diet, to exercise regularly, to avoid excessive drinking, to have regular medical check-ups, not to smoke, to maintain the ideal weight, and to control or avoid stress. Adjusted analysis was carried out by Poisson regression, with calculations of adjusted prevalence ratios, respective 95% confidence intervals and significance values, using Wald tests for heterogeneity and linear trend. RESULTS: Factors most frequently indicated by adults were the following: to maintain a healthy diet (33.8%), to exercise regularly (21.4%) and not to smoke (13.9%). Among the elderly, factors most frequently reported were: to maintain a healthy diet (36.7%), not to smoke (17.7%) and to have regular medical check-ups (14.2%). Differences among factors mentioned were observed, according to geographical region, and demographic, socioeconomic and health variables. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of adults and elderly individuals of both regions recognize and indicate the need to maintain a healthy diet and not to smoke as the most important health maintenance measures. Health education strategies should consider these characteristics to promote specific measures to be adopted for each population segment.OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores que adultos e idosos consideram como mais importantes para manutenção da saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 4.060 adultos e 4.003 idosos residentes em áreas de abrangência de 240 unidades básicas de saúde das regiões Sul e Nordeste, em 2005. Um cartão com figuras e frases referentes a sete fatores relacionados com o risco de doenças e agravos não transmissíveis era mostrado aos indivíduos para que indicassem o fator mais relevante para a saúde. Os fatores eram: manter uma alimentação saudável, fazer exercício físico regularmente, não tomar bebidas alcoólicas em excesso, realizar consultas médicas regularmente, não fumar, manter o peso ideal e controlar ou evitar o estresse. As análises foram ajustadas por regressão de Poisson com cálculo de razões de prevalência ajustadas, intervalos com 95% de confiança, e valores de significância usando os Testes de Wald para heterogeneidade e tendência linear. RESULTADOS: Os fatores mais freqüentemente indicados pelos adultos foram: alimentação saudável (33,8%), realizar exercício físico (21,4%) e não fumar (13,9%). Entre os idosos, os fatores mais relatados foram: alimentação saudável (36,7%), não fumar (17,7%) e consultar o médico regularmente (14,2%). Foram observadas diferenças entre os fatores citados conforme a região geográfica, variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria de adultos e idosos, de ambas regiões, reconhece e indica a necessidade de manter uma alimentação saudável e de não fumar como medidas mais importantes para manutenção da saúde. Estratégias de educação em saúde devem considerar essas características dos indivíduos para estimular medidas específicas a serem adotadas para cada segmento populacional.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores que adultos y ancianos consideran como más importantes para mantenimiento de la salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 4.060 adultos y 4.003 ancianos residentes en áreas que abarcan 240 unidades básicas de salud de las regiones Sur y Noreste de Brasil, en 2005. Una tarjeta con figuras y frases referentes a siete factores relacionados con el riesgo de enfermedades y agravios no transmisibles era mostrada a los individuos para que indicaran el factor más relevante para la salud. Los factores eran: mantener una alimentación saludable, hacer ejercicio físico regularmente, no tomar bebidas alcohólicas en exceso, realizar consultas médicas regularmente, no fumar, mantener el peso ideal y controlar o evitar el estrés. Los análisis fueron ajustados por regresión de Poisson con cálculo de tasas de prevalencia ajustadas, intervalos con 95% de confianza, y valores de significancia usando las pruebas de Wald para heterogeneidad y tendencia linear. RESULTADOS: Los factores más frecuentemente indicados por los adultos fueron: alimentación saludable (33,8%), realizar ejercicio físico (21,4%) y no fumar (13,9%). Entre los ancianos, los factores más relatados fueron: alimentación saludable (36,7%), no fumar (17,7%) y consultar el médico regularmente (14,2%). Fueron observadas diferencias entre los factores citados conforme a la región geográfica, variables demográficas, socioeconómicas y de salud. CONCLUSIONES: La mayoría de los adultos y ancianos, de ambas regiones, reconoce e indica la necesidad de mantener una alimentación saludable y de no fumar como medidas más importantes para mantenimiento de la salud. Estrategias de educación en salud deben considerar esas características de los individuos para estimular medidas específicas a ser adoptadas para cada segmento poblacional