21 research outputs found

    Behavior in air leakage and recirculation under the influence of booster fans

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    A booster fan is an underground mechanical ventilation equipment installed in series with a main surface fan that is used to boost the air pressure provided by the surface main fan passing through it. As mining continues to expand and go deeper, the need for improved and efficient ventilation increases. This has led to the use of booster fans and other auxiliary ventilation devices in underground mines. Research defining how system leakage and recirculation are affected by booster fans; describing how system leakage and recirculation are affected by the location, placement, and amount of air pressure from the booster fans; and identifying the relationships between booster fans and main surface fans in ventilation systems that are consistent with U.S. mining conventions is presented in this study. The objective of this thesis is to quantify and investigate the amount and behavior of ventilation leakage and recirculation that results from increased air pressure as a result of booster fan use. An airflow quantity survey and pressure differentials across stoppings were measured to investigate this behavior. The computer simulation program Ventsim Visual was used to simulate this investigation as a tool of enhancing the results obtained. Observations were made which lead to the conclusion from the experimental analysis and computer simulation that booster fans affect the behavior of leakage and recirculation. The locations of the booster fan and the blade angle setting have the most effect on leakage and recirculation. To limit the potential for system leakage and recirculation, the location and size of a booster fan in a ventilation system should be thoroughly evaluated --Abstract, page iii

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    El bien jurídico protegido en los delitos de maltrato animal (art. 337 y 337 bis CP)

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el bien jurídico protegido en el delito de maltrato animal del artículo 337 y de abandono animal del artículo 337 bis del Código Penal. De este modo, en primer lugar se lleva a cabo una breve introducción, explicando ambos artículos, y posteriormente se elabora una exposición de todas las posiciones doctrinales relativas a la defensa de bienes jurídicos protegidos diferentes, junto con el debate que existe al respecto. Dicha exposición se lleva a cabo, fundamentándola en diversa doctrina y jurisprudencia que versa sobre el tema. Y en último lugar, se exponen una serie de conclusiones y propuestas para la consecución de una legislación que proteja la vida, la integridad y la dignidad del animal, frente a los ataques del ser humano.The purpose of this work is to analyze the legal right protected in the crime of animal abuse of Article 337 and animal abandonment of Article 337 bis of the Penal Code. First at all a brief introduction is made, explaining both articles, and then a presentation of all the doctrinal positions regarding the defence of different protected legal assets, together with the debate that exists on the subject. This exposition is carried out, basing it on diverse doctrine and jurisprudence that deals with the subject. And finally, a series of conclusions and proposals are presented for the achievement of a legislation that protects the life, integrity and dignity of the animal against human attacks

    The effects of three commercial diets differing in protein and energy ratios on product quality of pike (Esox lucius)

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    This study investigated the effects of three different commercial diets on the growth, feed utilization, and product quality of pike (Esox lucius). The first diet had low lipid (12%) and low protein (37%) (diet A) content, the second diet had low lipid (12%) and high protein (52%) content (diet B), the third diet had higher lipid concentration (15%) and high protein content (52%) (diet C). Two hundred and seven pike were stocked in an experimental RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) and were fed ad libitum for the duration of the nine week trial. Specific growth rates, feed conversion rates, protein utilization, as well as body composition and somatic indices were calculated. Fish fed with diets B and C had significantly better SGR (Specific Growth Rate) and FCR (Feed Conversion Rate) than fish fed with diet A. The higher dietary lipid concentration does not cause significantly better protein utilization. Moreover, it had a negative effect on the product quality by increasing the body lipid concentration and the visceral fat deposition

    Kombinovani metodi veštačke reprodukcije smuđa (sander lucioperca)

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    Smuđ, Sander lucioperca, je vrsta koja ima dobru perspektivu u procesu diverzifikacije evropske kopnene akvakulture. Iako su različite tehnike njegovog razmnožavanja (prirodni mrest, veštačka i polu-veštačka propagacija) vrlo dobro opisane i dalje postoji širok prostor za razvoj i usavršavanje mnogih detalja. Do sada je objavljeno nekoliko publikacija o indukciji završnog sazrevanja gameta ove vrste korišćenjem različitih hormonalnih supbstanci (Ronyai., 2007; Kristan et al 2012, Zakes et al., 2012; Zarski et al., 2012). Najčešće upotrebljavani hormoni su ekstrakt šaranske hipofize - CPE, (Carp Pituitary Extract) i humani horioni gonadotropin (hCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin). Prirodni mrest, bilo u jezerima ili kavezima (Demska-Zakes and Zakes, 2002, Schlumberger i Proteau, 1996; Ruuhijarvi and Hyvarinen, 1996, Steffens et al., 1996), izgleda najjednostavniji, ali u isto vreme, manje pouzdan metod, kako je uspeh mresta visoko zavisan ne samo od stadijuma zrelosti matica, već i od nekontrolisanih spoljašnjih ekoloških faktora (npr. temperatura i kvalitet vode). Nasuprot tome, veštačka, ili poluveštačka propagacija bi mogli biti u prednosti za mnogo pouzdaniju i sinhronizovaniju produkciju larvi. Ove tehnike mogu biti izvedene bilo mrestom u tanku ili ručnim istiskanjem (Kucharczyk et al., 2007). U slučaju reprodukcije u veštačkom okruženju , vreme latencije (LT -, izračunat kao interval od prve hormonalne injekcije do ovulacije) je vrlo nesinhronizovano u većini studija. Zarski et al. (2011) su razvili novu klasifikaciju preovulatornih stadijuma sazrevanja ovocita za smuđa sa svrhom bolje sinhronizacije ovulacije. Iako postoji poboljšanje sinhronizacije, period od prve do poslednje ovulacije varira 10-25 časova. Nepredvidljivo vreme ovulacije uzrok je ozbiljnom problemu pri ručnom istiskanju ikre kod smuđa, što ponekad dovodi do spontane ovulacije i gubitka ikre u tanku (Zarski et al., 2011). U ovoj studiji korišćena je kombinovana metoda prezentovana od strane Rónyai (2007). Izbor ovakvog metoda je u cilju sprečavanja spontane ovulacije ženki u tanku, ali i kako bi, se dobile živi gameti za eksperimentalne i produkcione svrhe. U cilju realizacije eksperimenta, 4. aprila 2013. 16 parova matica gajenih u jezeru prebačeno je u RAS Instituta za ribarstvo, akvakulturu i irigaciju (HAKI, Sarvaš, Mađarska). Matice su aklimatizovane sa temperature vode u jezeru (7.50C) na optimalnu temperaturu za reprodukciju (160C) postepenim zagrevanjem (20C/dan). 8. aprila merene se mase matice i uzet uzorak ovocita ženki uz pomoć katetera (unutrašnji prečnik 1.2mm) korišćenjem metode po Kucharczyk et al. (2007). Uzorak ovocita razbistren je u Serinom rastvoru (etanola, formaldehid i glacijalna kiselina u odnosu 6:3:1,) i pod mikroskopom je određen stadijum sazrevanja, kao što je objašnjeno od strane Zarski et al. (2011). Nakon toga, svi parovi matica smešteni su u zasebna odeljenja za mrest oformljena deljenjem 4 tanka ‘’raceway” tipa, zapremine 4m3 plastičnom mrežom na 4 dela. Temperatura vode je održavana na 16.2±0.30C tokom svih procedura mresta. Zasićenje kiseonikom je mereno svaka 3 časa i održavano iznad 80%. Tokom svih procedura ribe su anestezirane u rastvoru ulja karanfilića. 10. aprila data je prva inekcija ženkama: osam ženki 3mg/kg CPE, a drugih osam 200 IU/kg hCG. 11. aprila, druga hormonalna inekcija data je svim ženkama (3mg/kg CPE). U isto vreme su tretirani mužjaci sa 2mg/kg CPE. U trenutku obe injekcije uzet je uzorak ovocita ženki i određen je stadijum sazrevanja. Nakon druge inekcije, gnezda su ubačena u svako odeljenje i observacija mresne aktivnosti je vršena svaka 2 časa dok iz 4 ženke nije istisnuta ikra (navedeni broj istiskivanih ženki bio je potreban za dalja istraživanja). 12 matica se mrestilo i ostala gnezda su proveravana svaka 2 časa radi utvrđivanja perioda latencije. Srednji period latencije ženki, istiskivanih i mrešćenih, bio je 57 ± 9 časova. Periodi latencije ženki u različitim stadijumima sazrevanja ovocita iznosio je 66±6, 55±6, 47±0 i 44±7 časova za II, III, IV i V stadijum, respektivno. Period latencije ženki indukovanih različitim sredstvima bio je 51±7 za CPE+CPE i 62±7, za hCG+CPE. Prosečni pseudogonadosomatski indeks (PGSI) istiskivanih ženki iznosio je 9.7±4.6%. Stepen fertilizacije istiskivanih i mrešćenih riba određen u stadijumu neurulacije bio je iznad 80% u svim grupama. Stadijum sazrevanja ovocita na dan uzorkovanja i vreme latencije svih ženki dati su u tabeli 1. Radi sinhronizacije ovulacije, ženke u nižim stadijumima maturacije su tretirane prvom injekcijom hCG praćenom sa CPE, što izaziva najkraće i najsinhronizovanije vreme latencije, (Rónyai,2007). Uprkos tome, LT se razlikovao između grupa, a što potvrđuje da je stadijum sazrevanja najbitniji faktor za predviđanje ovulacije. Dobijeni srednji PGSI je u saglasnosti sa ranije izvedenim istraživanjima (Zakes and Demska Zakes, 2005, Ronyai, 2007), ali trebalo bi napomenuti da je od četiri istiskivane ženke, jedna počela mrest u tanku, dok su ostale nastavile mrest nakon vraćanja u mresne komore. Obzirom da je istiskivan potreban broj ženki i da nije bilo značajnog gubitka jaja, može se zaključiti da je kombinovan metod veštačke reprodukcije bio uspešan za ovu svrhu. Ručno istiskanje ženki omogućava izvođenje efektnih odgajivačkih programa uz manipulaciju genoma i korišćenje krioprezervirane sperme (Bokor et al., 2007; Bokor et al., 2008)

    Effect of Weaning Strategies on Growth and Survival of Pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, Larvae

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    The effects of different weaning strategies on survival, cannibalism and growth were investigated in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae. Two weaning strategies were tested with 15 days post hatch (DPH) larvae: Co-feeding and Supplementary feeding. Co-feeding was performed with Artemia nauplii and dry feed by the gradual reduction of nauplii either " 25% day(-1) or 14% day(-1), whereas supplementary feeding was performed with sudden weaning to exclusively dry feed while Artemia nauplii was the last meal of the day. Each strategy was tested in two time durations, for 4 and 7 days. Co-feeding weaning strategy seems to be more beneficial compare to supplementary feeding weaning strategy in response of lower mortality (%), higher growth and finally maximum total yield. Even though higher cannibalism was found in the larvae weaned for 7 days from 15-22 DPH but higher growth and survival in this group make this weaning strategy better than larvae weaned for 4 days from 15-19 DPH. Therefore, it is concluded that the co-feeding weaning strategy for 7 days from 15 to 22 DPH should be followed for successful larviculture of pikeperch