959 research outputs found

    A Novel Site-Agnostic Multimodal Deep Learning Model to Identify Pro-Eating Disorder Content on Social Media

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    Over the last decade, there has been a vast increase in eating disorder diagnoses and eating disorder-attributed deaths, reaching their zenith during the Covid-19 pandemic. This immense growth derived in part from the stressors of the pandemic but also from increased exposure to social media, which is rife with content that promotes eating disorders. Such content can induce eating disorders in viewers. This study aimed to create a multimodal deep learning model capable of determining whether a given social media post promotes eating disorders based on a combination of visual and textual data. A labeled dataset of Tweets was collected from Twitter, upon which twelve deep learning models were trained and tested. Based on model performance, the most effective deep learning model was the multimodal fusion of the RoBERTa natural language processing model and the MaxViT image classification model, attaining accuracy and F1 scores of 95.9% and 0.959 respectively. The RoBERTa and MaxViT fusion model, deployed to classify an unlabeled dataset of posts from the social media sites Tumblr and Reddit, generated similar classifications as previous research studies that did not employ artificial intelligence, showing that artificial intelligence can develop insights congruent to those of researchers. Additionally, the model was used to conduct a time-series analysis of yet unseen Tweets from eight Twitter hashtags, uncovering that the relative abundance of pro-eating disorder content has decreased drastically. However, since approximately 2018, pro-eating disorder content has either stopped its decline or risen once more in ampleness

    The Complexity Of Clerkship Scheduling

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    Medical students must complete a clerkship program in their fourth year. Individual students have preferences for the clerkships to which they are assigned. However, individual hospitals also have capacities on how many students may be assigned to each clerkship. The problem of scheduling medical students to clerkships is formalized. The problem is then placed in a theoretical framework, and the most general case of Clerkship Scheduling is proven NP-hard. A detailed approximation algorithm is given, and an implementation of this algorithm is discussed and tested

    Open Letter on Ethical Norms in Intellectual Property Scholarship

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    As scholars who write in intellectual property (“IP”), we write this letter with aspirations of reaching the highest ethical norms possible for our field. In particular, we have noted an influx of large contributions from corporate and private actors who have an economic stake in ongoing policy debates in the field. Some dollars come with strings attached, such as the ability to see or approve academic work prior to publication or limitations on the release of data. IP scholars who are also engaged in practice or advocacy must struggle to keep their academic and advocacy roles separate.Our goal is to bring attention to the dramatic changes that are occurring in the field, highlight the potential pitfalls, and suggest a set of ethical norms to which we will strive to adhere. We conclude this letter with a set of ethical norms to which a large number of IP academics have already subscribed. We welcome additional signatories to the principles expressed in this letter

    Proposal for Strategic Planning for Solid Waste Management in Lewiston, ME

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    The city of Lewiston currently has excellent provisions for the disposal of solid waste, making waste disposal for citizens a relatively cheap and efficient process. Solid waste is picked up from residences and then sent to Mid Maine Waste Action Corporation (MMWAC). From there, it is turned into ash and then dumped into the Lewiston landfill. Now over 25 years old, municipal officials are concerned about the long term viability of these current arrangements. After being introduced to the current situation by municipal officials and local politicians, the goals of our project were three-fold: 1. Understand the history of waste management in Lewiston and overall patterns of behavior when dealing with waste 2. Understand how other cities with similar characteristics to Lewiston have implemented successful education programs 3. Create a list of suggestions or programs that address the identified complexities within the municipal solid waste system By focusing on these goals, we conducted relevant research that looked at various points of intervention within the system that would have the potential impact of reducing the amount of overall waste being sent to MMWAC and into the landfill. We talked to relevant public officials and professionals to gather the necessary information about the Lewiston waste system. The combined perspectives and knowledge from each of these informants coincided with our own research has guided us towards a number of potential solutions for improving waste practices in Lewiston. We have concluded that creating an education program in schools is the best place to start in the short term in order to begin changing waste management practices at a basic level. To this extent, we selected two primary schools in Lewiston, Geiger and McMahon, to implement programs and curriculum additions that would foster greater environmental awareness and more sustainable waste management practices. In the long term, we feel that implementing a waste reduction program based on economic incentives, such as variable rate pricing, is the best way to increase recycling habits among Lewiston residents. By proposing one short term and long term program, we aim to not only attempt to change the education system as a short term goal, but then offer a broader program that addresses the city of Lewiston as a whole. The programs in schools begin to address recycling behaviors so that when a situation emerges that does call for the implementation of incentive based recycling, Lewiston city residents will be better informed about the program’s benefits

    Las múltiples caras del curador

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    En las artes visuales, una de las actividades de promoción más importantes es la organización de exhibiciones, en donde los artistas muestran sus trabajos. La forma en la cual cada exhibición está diseñada depende de una figura que, durante las últimas cuatro décadas, fue cobrando cada vez mayor notoriedad, el curador

    Valorar la lectura

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    A menudo nos preguntamos por el lugar que ocupa la crítica de arte en la sociedad y, consecuentemente, cuál es el lugar que le corresponde a quien la practica. A través de la historia de la humanidad, muchos se han hecho el mismo cuestionamiento y diversas posiciones se han establecido respecto a su respuesta