123 research outputs found

    Zur Finanzierung von Großunternehmen in der chemischen und elektrotechnischen Industrie Deutschlands vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg

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    Feldenkirchen untersucht einige Aspekte von Wachstum und Finanzierung der sich vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg herausbildenden Universalfirmen der elektrotechnischen Industrie und der größten Unternehmen der chemischen Industrie auf der Basis von ungedruckten und gedruckten Materialien der Unternehmen. Zeitlich erstreckt sich die Untersuchung auf den Zeitraum 1890 bis 1913. Feldenkirchen begründet zunächst theoretisch den Sinn eines Vergleichs der Großunternehmen der chemischen und der elektrotechnischen Industrie, untersucht dann den Wachstumsverlauf in den beiden Industriezweigen im Rahmen der gesamten industriellen Entwicklung, führt anschließend einen Vergleich der Bilanzkennzahlen durch und befaßt sich abschließend mit der Rolle der Banken in den beiden untersuchten Industriezweigen. Die der Untersuchung zugrunde liegenden Daten sind in zahlreichen Tabellen zusammengefaßt. (STR

    Health Industries in the Twentieth Century. Introduction

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    This article is the introduction to the special issue' Health Industries in the Twentieth Century'. It offers a broad literature review of scholarly works about the history of health and medicine, and stresses the opportunities for business historians to tackle the field of healthcare

    Governing populations through the humanitarian government of refugees: Biopolitical care and racism in the European refugee crisis

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    The notion of humanitarian government has been increasingly employed to describe the simultaneous and conflicting deployment of humanitarianism and security in the government of ‘precarious lives’ such as refugees. This article argues that humanitarian government should also be understood as the biopolitical government of host populations through the humanitarian government of refugees. In particular, it explores how the biopolitical governmentality of the UK decision to suspend search-and-rescue operations in the Mediterranean in 2014, and the British rejection and German welcoming of Syrian refugees primarily concern the biological and emotional care of the British and German populations. To this end, the article analyzes how dynamics of inclusion/exclusion of refugees have been informed by a biopolitical racism that redraws the boundary between ‘valuable’ (to be included) and ‘not valuable’ (to be excluded) lives according to the refugees’ capacity to enhance the biological and emotional well-being of host populations. This discussion aims to contribute to three interrelated fields of research – namely, humanitarian government, biopolitical governmentality, and responses to the European refugee crisis – by exploring how biopolitics has shaped the British and German responses to the crisis and how it encompasses more meanings and rationalities than currently recognized by existing scholarship on humanitarian government

    Cartel organization, price discrimination, and selection of transatlantic migrants:1899–1911

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    We study the effects of trans-Atlantic passenger shipping cartels on tourist/business and migrant traffic. Collusion had a smaller effect on first and second class service relative to third class service. Its effects were proportionately stronger eastbound, but less important in absolute numbers given smaller eastbound traffic. Collusion-driven consumer substitution across classes was small but non-negligible. Thus, collusion affected migrant traffic far more than tourist/business traffic. We also confirm that collusion led to higher fares across all cabin classes, especially for steerage. We construct and calibrate an analytical model and show that the pattern of observed prices and volumes are consistent with a profit-maximizing cartel, thus buttressing the hypothesis that the collusion effects were causal. Finally, we document that collusion led to positive selection of migrants, as measured by literacy rates and financial resources

    Mudança organizacional: uma abordagem preliminar

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