28 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTCarcharhinus leucas is a cosmopolitan shark species in tropical and subtropical waters. Normally, individuals are found in most of the major rivers in the world but records in the Amazon basin are somewhat scarce. Here we provide a new record of a young of the year female bull shark caught in Cametá (PA) as bycatch of the bottom longline fi shery, weighing 8 kg and measuring 90 cm total length. The Brazilian Amazon coast and its freshwater systems are one of the only areas where records of small young of the year and juveniles exist for the Atlantic Ocean on the Neotropical region. Therefore, this information is important to direct future research on habitat use and reproductivepatterns for the species in this region, since this could be a crucial area for the species conservation.ResumoCarcharhinus leucas é uma espécie de tubarão cosmopolita que vive em ambientes tropicais e subtropicais. Geralmente são encontradas na maioria dos rios do mundo, mas os seus registros nas bacias hidrográfi cas amazônicas são escassos. Neste estudo apresentamos um novo registro de uma fêmea juvenil de tubarão cabeça-chata capturada em Cametá (PA) como fauna acompanhante da pesca de espinhel, pesando 8 kg e medindo 90 cm de comprimento total. O Litoral Amazônico Brasileiro e os seus sistemas fl uviais são alguns dos únicos ambientes onde indivíduos jovens do ano e juvenis podem ser encontrados na região Neotropical do oceano Atlântico. Portanto, estas informações são importantes para delinear futuros estudos sobre o uso de habitat e padrões reprodutivos para a espécie nesta região, uma vez que esta área pode ser crucial para sua conservação desta espécie.Palavras-chave: Tubarão cabeça-chata; Bacia do rio Tocantins; Região Neotropical


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    This article’s goal is to approximate Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophy (1813-1815) of Mário de Sá-Carneiro’s Literature (1890-1916), by means of the analysis of the character known as “Russian” from the short-story O homem dos sonhos. Under the light of Kierkegaard’s aesthetic stay, inspired on his book Diary of a seducer, it will be possible to identify approximations and affinities between the characters and how this existential phase develops in the Danish philosopher’s thinking.O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em aproximar a Filosofia de Sören Kierkegaard (1813-1855) da Literatura de Mário de Sá-Carneiro (1890-1916), por meio da análise da personagem “O russo”, do conto O homem dos sonhos. À luz da estadia estética em Kierkegaard, inspirada na obra Diário de um sedutor, será possível identificar aproximações e afinidades entre as personagens e como se desenvolve esse estádio existencial no pensamento do filósofo dinamarquês

    Sawfish (Pristidae) records along the Eastern Amazon coast

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    Sawfishes are the most endangered cartilaginous fishes on the planet. Their external morphology facilitates entanglement in fishing nets and their K-selected life history hinders the recovery of exploited populations. The Eastern Amazon coast (EAC) is known to be an area where sawfishes occur in Brazil, but few studies have been conducted in the area to better understand their biology and ecology. The present study reports sawfish captures along the coast of Brazil's second largest state. Data were collected from interviews with fishermen, a literature review, and media reports. In total, 23 captures were recorded between 1984 and 2016. Records include adults, a pregnant female with near-term embryos, juveniles, and young-of-the-year specimens. Most catches were reported in the Canal do Navio, an area under strong human pressure. Sawfish saws are valuable items and, for many anglers in precarious economic and social situations, high market prices eclipse the fishing prohibitions laid down under federal laws. Urgent research is required to understand sawfishes' life history, identify their critical habitats, and effectively manage and conserve these species along the EAC

    Acidentes causados pela arraia fluvial Potamotrygon motoro em comunidades lacustres em Território do bioma Oriental da Amazônia

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    The injuries caused by freshwater stingrays are common among fishermen. The raya Potamotrygon motoro en the features a stinger with a sharp edge and serrated tips spread bilaterally, the stingers have toxins that promote vasoconstriction, causing immediate pain and ischemia. These accidents extensive and could keep victims unable to work from weeks to months. Considering the impact the injuries in riparian fishing communities’ livelihoods, this study aimed to analyze reports of envenomation caused by the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon motoro in two municipalities localizate in the Eastern Amazon biome territory (Baixada Maranhense Ramsar site) in the municipality of Penalva and Viana. The methodology consisted in analyses descriptive and transversal, troght of the application of 40 semi-structured questionnaire in artisanal fishermen in order to obtain clinical and epidemiological data related to the accidents caused for P. motoro in fissherman artisanal. Forty fishers injured by freshwater stingrays were interviewed. Pain and edema were the symptoms common to all fishermen, followed by skin necrosis (70%). Victims often adopt unusual self-treatments, based on traditional and cultural knowledge, such as the use of urine, herbs, smoke of burlap bags and human feces. The number of injuries in each fisherman varied from 2 to 4 times (50%) to up to 10 times (12.5%). The results show that injuries caused by P. motoro are frequent in Penalva and Viana, reinforcing the need for public health agencies to establish preventive educational actions and provide better qualification for health professionals to perform the appropriate treatment for the injuries. Keywords: Animals poisonous. Fish. Occupational health. Environmental health.Os ferimentos causados por arraias de água doce são comuns entre os pescadores. A raia Potamotrygon motoro apresenta um ferrão com uma ponta afiada e pontas serrilhadas espalhadas bilateralmente, os ferrões possuem toxinas que promovem a vasoconstrição, causando dor imediata e isquemia. Esses acidentes são extensos e podem manter as vítimas impossibilitadas de trabalhar por semanas a meses. Considerando o impacto das injúrias na subsistência de comunidades ribeirinhas de pescadores, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar relatos de envenenamento pela arraia Potamotrygon motoro em dois municípios localizados no bioma Amazônia Oriental (sítio Ramsar da Baixada Maranhense) no município de Penalva e Viana. A metodologia consistiu em análises descritivas e transversais, a partir da aplicação de 40 questionários semiestruturados em pescadores artesanais a fim de obter dados clínicos e epidemiológicos relacionados aos acidentes causados por P. motoro em pescadores artesanais. Quarenta pescadores feridos por arraias de água doce foram entrevistados. Dor e edema foram os sintomas comuns a todos os pescadores, seguidos de necrose cutânea (70%). As vítimas costumam adotar auto tratamentos inusitados, baseados em conhecimentos tradicionais e culturais, como o uso de urina, ervas, fumaça de saco de estopa e fezes humanas. O número de lesões em cada pescador variou de 2 a 4 vezes (50%) a até 10 vezes (12,5%). Os resultados mostram que as lesões por P. motoro são frequentes em Penalva e Viana, reforçando a necessidade dos órgãos públicos de saúde estabelecerem ações educativas preventivas e proporcionarem melhor qualificação dos profissionais de saúde para realizar o tratamento adequado das lesões. Palavras-chave: Animais venenosos. Raias. Saúde ocupacional. Saúde ambiental

    DNA-based identification reveals illegal trade of threatened shark species in a global elasmobranch conservation hotspot

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    Here, we report trading of endangered shark species in a world hotspot for elasmobranch conservation in Brazil. Data on shark fisheries are scarce in Brazil, although the northern and northeastern regions have the highest indices of shark bycatch. Harvest is made primarily with processed carcasses lacking head and fins, which hampers reliable species identification and law enforcement on illegal catches. We used partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (COI and/or NADH2) to identify 17 shark species from 427 samples being harvested and marketed on the northern coast of Brazil. Nine species (53%) are listed under some extinction threat category according to Brazilian law and international authorities (IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature; CITES - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The number increases to 13 (76%) if we also consider the Near Threatened category. Hammerhead sharks are under threat worldwide, and composed 18.7% of samples, with Sphyrna mokarran being the fourth most common species among samples. As illegal trade of threatened shark species is a worldwide conservation problem, molecular identification of processed meat or specimens lacking diagnostic body parts is a highly effective tool for species identification and law enforcement


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    An important aspect the still absent in many universities is planning of disposal, storage and reuse of solid waste. The identification ofsituations faced by academic community regarding generation of waste is essential to the elaboration of programs, projects, systems andpolicies for sustainable management of generated waste. This study aimed to understand how aware of this issue is academic communityof the University City, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), through a profile of the production of solid waste and its impacts on theenvironment. The methodology was based on the application of 509 questionnaires during the year 2011 in four different campuses centers,including 33 undergraduate and graduate departments from various fields, and six administrative centers. The questionnaires consisted ofquestions about recycling policies and waste sorting. According to our results, 67.97 % of respondents know the 3Rs (reduce, reuse andrecycle) and 92.32 % said they would participate in a program for waste management if the university were to do so. However, over 60 % ofrespondents do not separate their household waste. Thus, it is important to note that, although encouraged by the university administration,an effective campaign should include the individual awareness of the academic body.Identificar situações com as quais a comunidade acadêmica se defronta quanto à geração de resíduos é imprescindível para que haja uma elaboração de programas e políticas de gestão sustentável em universidades. Este trabalho visou compreender como se dá a sensibilização da comunidade acadêmica da Cidade Universitária/ UFMA, acerca da produção de resíduos sólidos e seus devidos impactos ambientais. A metodologia baseou-se na aplicação de 509 questionários, com perguntas acerca de políticas de reciclagem e coleta seletiva, abrangendo 33 cursos de graduação e pós-graduação de diversas áreas e seis instâncias administrativas. De acordo com os resultados, 67,97% dos entrevistados conhecem as políticas de reaproveitamento, reutilização e reciclagem de resíduos e 92,32% afirmou que participaria de um programa interno caso houvesse incentivo para tal. Assim, é importante ressaltar que ainda que incentivado pelas instâncias administrativas, uma campanha efetiva deve incluir a sensibilização dos integrantes da comunidade acadêmica em questão

    From plentiful to critically endangered: Demographic evidence of the artisanal fisheries impact on the smalltail shark (Carcharhinus porosus) from Northern Brazil.

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    The smalltail shark, Carcharhinus porosus, was the most abundant elasmobranch species in fisheries off Brazil's northern coast (BNC) in the 1980s, but its population has been declining since the 1990s. For this reason, a demographic analysis is necessary to determine the extent of this decline and the fishing effect on the BNC's population. Therefore, we performed a stochastic demographic analysis of the population in the BNC, and considered its global center of abundance. Smalltail shark specimens (n = 937) were collected with gillnets in Maranhão state, eastern BNC, in the 1980s with sizes ranging between 29.6 and 120.0 cm total length. Most of the individuals (90.6%) caught were juveniles (< 6 years-old), and the mortality and exploitation rates showed that the species was overexploited (92.3% above the fishing mortality corresponding to the population equilibrium threshold). The smalltail shark's biological characteristics, such as slow growth and low fecundity, demonstrate that it is one of the least resilient species among similar sized coastal sharks in the region. All these factors yielded an annual decrease of 28% in the intrinsic population growth rate, resulting in a population decline of more than 90% in only 10 years, and much higher for the current period. This set of features comprising fishing recruitment occurring upon juveniles, overfishing, and intrinsically low resilience make the population unable to sustain fishing pressure and severely hamper biological recruitment, thus causing this drastic population decline. Furthermore, several local extinctions for this species in the northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil highlight its concerning conservation scenario. Therefore, since similar fisheries characteristics occur throughout its distribution range, C. porosus fits the criteria E of the IUCN Red List for a critically endangered species and urgent conservation measures are needed to prevent its extinction in the near future

    Habitat use and nursery evaluation for the longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) using vertebral microchemistry

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    Here, we use vertebral microchemistry to investigate the habitat use patterns of the longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil, and to evaluate the existence of potential nurseries of the species. Samples were collected in Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, and Pernambuco states between 2008 and 2019. Trace element concentrations of Ba:Ca, Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, and Sr.:Ca in vertebrae were determined through laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We used one-step permutational ANOVAs to evaluate multi and single-element differences in element:Ca ratios among life stages and sexes across and within sites. Element signatures differed among all sites for both single and the multi-element settings. However, there were few differences among life stages within sites, except for Mn:Ca between life stages for Maranhão states, and between sexes for Sr.:Ca for both Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, and Ba:Ca for Rio Grande do Norte. Furthermore, all multi and single-element analyses across locations were significant and highlight the strong differences by sites. We also performed a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis, which demonstrated the strong differences for samples from Rio Grande do Norte and the other two sites. By analyzing the lifetime transects of each sample, we observed that there was little variation in all element:Ca ratios within sites. Therefore, we argue that the longnose stingray likely does not display extensive habitat use shifts and fulfills much of its life cycle within each area. Finally, we obtained no evidence of nurseries for any site and suggest this is likely a pattern across the species distribution. Future studies investigating habitat use with samples from larger specimens (disc width > 90 cm, > 15 years) are needed to better understand the species habitat use patterns across all size ranges

    Daggernose shark: an elusive species from Northern South America

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    The Daggernose Shark Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus is an endemic species of the northern coast of South America distributed from Trinidad and Tobago to Brazil's Amazon Coast. Due to increasing fishing efforts and its limited distribution range, the Daggernose Shark is one of the most endangered shark species in the world. Further threats arise from mangrove deforestation, pollution, and aquaculture caused by increasing human populations in coastal areas. The Daggernose Shark is highly associated to the turbid waters influenced by the Amazon and Orinoco estuaries. Furthermore, its morphological features associated to adaptations to these environments such as an elongated rostrum, small eyes, and long pectoral fins make it one of the most iconic shark species in the world. Finally, we report the capture of a young-of-the-year I. oxyrhynchus in a freshwater system in Northern Brazil—the first recorded in a non-marine environment

    Supplementary material 1 from: Guimarães EC, Silva de Brito P, Feitosa LM, Carvalho Costa LF, Ottoni FP (2019) A new cryptic species of Hyphessobrycon Durbin, 1908 (Characiformes, Characidae) from the Eastern Amazon, revealed by integrative taxonomy. Zoosystematics and Evolution 95(2): 345-360. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.95.34069

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