10 research outputs found

    Effective UV radiation from model calculations and measurements

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    Model calculations have been made to simulate the effect of atmospheric ozone and geographical as well as meteorological parameters on solar UV radiation reaching the ground. Total ozone values as measured by Dobson spectrophotometer and Brewer spectrometer as well as turbidity were used as input to the model calculation. The performance of the model was tested by spectroradiometric measurements of solar global UV radiation at Potsdam. There are small differences that can be explained by the uncertainty of the measurements, by the uncertainty of input data to the model and by the uncertainty of the radiative transfer algorithms of the model itself. Some effects of solar radiation to the biosphere and to air chemistry are discussed. Model calculations and spectroradiometric measurements can be used to study variations of the effective radiation in space in space time. The comparability of action spectra and their uncertainties are also addressed

    Parameterization of solar radiation from model and observations

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    The influence of the external and internal structure of clouds on the incoming solar radiation cannot yet be included in parameterizations used in numerical models. Based on numerical simulations, SCHEWSKI and MACKE (2003) (Schewski-parameterization) have shown that a robust link exists between the domain averaged cloud and the domain averaged solar broadband radiation fluxes, despite the 3d nature of the cloud fields involved. The present work revisits this approach with observed cloud (cloud cover and liquid water path) and radiation (downwelling shortwave radiative flux) properties obtained from the Richard Assmann Observatory (RAO) of the German Weather Service in Lindenberg. Applying the original (model based) cloud-radiation parameterization by SCHEWSKI and MACKE (2001) to observed domain averaged cloud fields yields an overall good correlation between observed and parameterized downwelling solar radiation fluxes. However, the parameterized fluxes strongly underestimate the observations. The Schewski parameterization has been modified by removing the bias and re-adjusting the parameterization coefficients to match the observed cloud and radiation correlation. Furthermore, the empirical parameterization by ZILLMAN (1972) has been implemented for describing the clear conditions. Applying the new parameterization to an independent data set provides significant improvements. However, the accuracy remains in the order of previously used one-or two-parameter empirical cloud-radiation parameterizations. We conclude that cloud cover and liquid water path, i.e. those data that are available from large scale climate models, cannot be regarded as sufficient to describe the cloud radiative effect at the surface

    A preliminary result of the ozone observation at GDR-research base (70.77ã‚œS, 11.85ã‚œE) from May to December 1985

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    At 70.77°S, 11.85°E, regular balloon-borne ozone soundings were started in 1985. These soundings have been performed using an electrochemical ozone sonde on the basis of the Brewer principle. A comparison was made with ozone soundings at middle northern latitudes (Lindenberg 52.21°N, 14.12°E). During polar spring, the period of extreme ozone depletion, a double peak structure was typical at 71°S. The analysis of the height variations of two peaks suggests that they are due to different physical mechanisms at high southern and middle northern latitudes

    UV Irradiance Enhancements by Scattering of Solar Radiation from Clouds

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    Scattering of solar radiation by clouds can reduce or enhance solar global irradiance compared to cloudless-sky irradiance at the Earth’s surface. Cloud effects to global irradiance can be described by Cloud Modification Factors (CMF). Depending on strength and duration, irradiance enhancements affect the energy balance of the surface and gain of solar power for electric energy generation. In the ultraviolet region, they increase the risk for damage to living organisms. Wavelength-dependent CMFs have been shown to reach 1.5 even in the UV-B region at low altitudes. Ground-based solar radiation measurements in the high Andes region at altitudes up to 5917 m a.s.l showed cloud-induced irradiance enhancements. While UV-A enhancements were explained by cloud scattering, both radiation scattering from clouds and Negative Ozone Anomalies (NOA) have been discussed to have caused short-time enhancement of UV-B irradiance. Based on scenarios using published CMF and additional spectroradiometric measurements at a low-altitude site, the contribution of cloud scattering to the UV-B irradiance enhancement in the Andes region has been estimated. The range of UV index estimates converted from measured UV-B and UV-A irradiance and modeled cloudless-sky ratios UV-B/erythemal UV is compatible with an earlier estimate of an extreme UV index value of 43 derived for the high Andes

    Spatiotemporal High-Resolution Cloud Mapping with a Ground-Based IR Scanner

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    The high spatiotemporal variability of clouds requires automated monitoring systems. This study presents a retrieval algorithm that evaluates observations of a hemispherically scanning thermal infrared radiometer, the NubiScope, to produce georeferenced, spatially explicit cloud maps. The algorithm uses atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles and an atmospheric radiative transfer code to differentiate between cloudy and cloudless measurements. In case of a cloud, it estimates its position by using the temperature profile and viewing geometry. The proposed algorithm was tested with 25 cloud maps generated by the Fmask algorithm from Landsat 7 images. The overall cloud detection rate was ranging from 0.607 for zenith angles of 0 to 10° to 0.298 for 50–60° on a pixel basis. The overall detection of cloudless pixels was 0.987 for zenith angles of 30–40° and much more stable over the whole range of zenith angles compared to cloud detection. This proves the algorithm’s capability in detecting clouds, but even better cloudless areas. Cloud-base height was best estimated up to a height of 4000 m compared to ceilometer base heights but showed large deviation above that level. This study shows the potential of the NubiScope system to produce high spatial and temporal resolution cloud maps. Future development is needed for a more accurate determination of cloud height with thermal infrared measurements

    Ground-Based Measured and Calculated Spectra of Actinic Flux Density and Downward UV Irradiance in Cloudless Conditions and their Sensitivity to Aerosol Microphysical Properties

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    Ground-based spectral measurements of actinic flux density (300–660 nm wavelength) and downward UV irradiance (300–324 nm) under cloudless conditions have been compared with the results of one-dimensional radiative transfer calculations employing concurrent airborne vertical profile measurements of aerosol particle size distributions. Good agreement (within ±10%) between measured and calculated spectra was found. The remaining differences were explained by uncertainties inherent in the aerosol particle microphysical input data and the column ozone content. A respective sensitivity analysis of the calculated spectra, which was based on the observed variability of microphysical properties, has shown that the particle number concentration is the most crucial input uncertainty for both the actinic flux density and the UV irradiance. For the wavelength range investigated, the uncertainty of the column ozone content is of minor importance for both spectral quantities

    Randomised controlled trial analysing supplementation with 250 versus 500 units of vitamin D3, sun exposure and surrounding factors in breastfed infants

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    Background: The rate of non-compliance with vitamin D supplementation is as high as 45%. This is why randomised controlled trials are needed to analyse the response to low doses of vitamin D3. Objective: (1) To compare supplementation with 250 versus 500 units of vitamin D3 and (2) to analyse sun exposure time/ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure during the first 6 weeks of life. Design: 40 breastfed infants (skin photo-types I, II) were recruited in Berlin, Germany (52.5°N), during summer (n=20) and winter (n=20) and randomised into equal groups on either 250 or 500 units of vitamin D3 per day. Outcome measures were: parameters of vitamin D and bone metabolism at delivery and 6 weeks later, sun exposure time, UVB dosimetry and surrounding factors including maternal diet. Results: At delivery 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels were insufficient: 68 (53–83) nmol/l in each group. 6 weeks later levels were sufficient: 139 (114–164) nmol/l on 250 units of vitamin D3 per day and 151 (126–176) nmol/l on 500 units/day. There was no seasonal variation. Daily sun exposure time was 0.4–3.5 h and higher in summer. UVB exposure was 0.01–0.08 minimal erythema dose/day. Calcium levels were within normal. Conclusions: In Berlin, Germany, supplementation with 250 units of vitamin D3 is sufficient for breastfed infants during their first 6 weeks of life in summer and winter. UVB exposure is very low throughout the year

    Europe's darker atmosphere in the UV-B

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    Irradiation in the ultraviolet wavelength range is found to be up to 50% lower in the European Summer compared to sites with comparable latitudes in New Zealand. We have developed a method to quantitatively attribute the causes for such differences between sites by analysis of spectra. We conclude that these large differences are caused mainly by differences in total ozone, Cloudiness, aerosol loading and Sun-Earth separation. The relative contribution of clouds varies from year to year and it is site dependent. Averaged over several years we find a strong latitudinal gradient of the Cloud impact within Europe, With Much less cloud attenuation in southern Europe. Due to the differences in total ozone and aerosol loading, the UV-B levels are generally lower in Europe compared to New Zealand. It is likely that inter-hemispheric differences will change in coming decades due to a combination of changes in ozone concentrations, air pollution and cloudiness as a result of climate change. However, since the future evolution of these major parameters is highly uncertain, the Magnitude and even the sign of such changes are not known yet