39 research outputs found

    Metabolic analysis of the soil microbe Dechloromonas aromatica str. RCB: indications of a surprisingly complex life-style and cryptic anaerobic pathways for aromatic degradation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Initial interest in <it>Dechloromonas aromatica </it>strain RCB arose from its ability to anaerobically degrade benzene. It is also able to reduce perchlorate and oxidize chlorobenzoate, toluene, and xylene, creating interest in using this organism for bioremediation. Little physiological data has been published for this microbe. It is considered to be a free-living organism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>a priori </it>prediction that the <it>D. aromatica </it>genome would contain previously characterized "central" enzymes to support anaerobic aromatic degradation of benzene proved to be false, suggesting the presence of novel anaerobic aromatic degradation pathways in this species. These missing pathways include the benzylsuccinate synthase (<it>bss</it>ABC) genes (responsible for fumarate addition to toluene) and the central benzoyl-CoA pathway for monoaromatics. In depth analyses using existing TIGRfam, COG, and InterPro models, and the creation of <it>de novo </it>HMM models, indicate a highly complex lifestyle with a large number of environmental sensors and signaling pathways, including a relatively large number of GGDEF domain signal receptors and multiple quorum sensors. A number of proteins indicate interactions with an as yet unknown host, as indicated by the presence of predicted cell host remodeling enzymes, effector enzymes, hemolysin-like proteins, adhesins, NO reductase, and both type III and type VI secretory complexes. Evidence of biofilm formation including a proposed exopolysaccharide complex and exosortase (epsH) are also present. Annotation described in this paper also reveals evidence for several metabolic pathways that have yet to be observed experimentally, including a sulphur oxidation (<it>sox</it>FCDYZAXB) gene cluster, Calvin cycle enzymes, and proteins involved in nitrogen fixation in other species (including RubisCo, ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase, and nif gene families, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Analysis of the <it>D. aromatica </it>genome indicates there is much to be learned regarding the metabolic capabilities, and life-style, for this microbial species. Examples of recent gene duplication events in signaling as well as dioxygenase clusters are present, indicating selective gene family expansion as a relatively recent event in <it>D. aromatica</it>'s evolutionary history. Gene families that constitute metabolic cycles presumed to create <it>D. aromatica'</it>s environmental 'foot-print' indicate a high level of diversification between its predicted capabilities and those of its close relatives, <it>A. aromaticum </it>str EbN1 and <it>Azoarcus </it>BH72.</p

    Conditional Genetic Elimination of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Mice Compromises Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) has been shown to be indispensable for liver regeneration because it serves as a main mitogenic stimulus driving hepatocytes toward proliferation. We hypothesized that ablating HGF in adult mice would have a negative effect on the ability of hepatocytes to regenerate. Deletion of the HGF gene was achieved by inducing systemic recombination in mice lacking exon 5 of HGF and carrying the Mx1-cre or Cre-ERT transgene. Analysis of liver genomic DNA from animals 10 days after treatment showed that a majority (70-80%) of alleles underwent cre-induced genetic recombination. Intriguingly, however, analysis by RT-PCR showed the continued presence of both unrecombined and recombined forms of HGF mRNA after treatment. Separation of liver cell populations into hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells showed equal recombination of genomic HGF in both cell types. The presence of the unrecombined form of HGF mRNA persisted in the liver in significant amounts even after partial hepatectomy (PH), which correlated with insignificant changes in HGF protein and hepatocyte proliferation. The amount of HGF produced by stellate cells in culture was indirectly proportional to the concentration of HGF, suggesting that a decrease in HGF may induce de novo synthesis of HGF from cells with residual unrecombined alleles. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced regeneration resulted in a substantial decrease in preexisting HGF mRNA and protein, and subsequent PH led to a delayed regenerative response. Thus, HGF mRNA persists in the liver even after genetic recombination affecting most cells; however, PH subsequent to CCl4 treatment is associated with a decrease in both HGF mRNA and protein and results in compromised liver regeneration, validating an important role of this mitogen in hepatic growth. © 2013 Nejak-Bowen et al

    Ecological Overlap and Horizontal Gene Transfer in Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    The opportunistic pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis represent major causes of severe nosocomial infection, and are associated with high levels of mortality and morbidity worldwide. These species are both common commensals on the human skin and in the nasal pharynx, but are genetically distinct, differing at 24% average nucleotide divergence in 1,478 core genes. To better understand the genome dynamics of these ecologically similar staphylococcal species, we carried out a comparative analysis of 324 S. aureus and S. epidermidis genomes, including 83 novel S. epidermidis sequences. A reference pan-genome approach and whole genome multilocus-sequence typing revealed that around half of the genome was shared between the species. Based on a BratNextGen analysis, homologous recombination was found to have impacted on 40% of the core genes in S. epidermidis, but on only 24% of the core genes in S. aureus. Homologous recombination between the species is rare, with a maximum of nine gene alleles shared between any two S. epidermidis and S. aureus isolates. In contrast, there was considerable interspecies admixture of mobile elements, in particular genes associated with the SaPIn1 pathogenicity island, metal detoxification, and the methicillin-resistance island SCCmec. Our data and analysis provide a context for considering the nature of recombinational boundaries between S. aureus and S. epidermidis and, the selective forces that influence realized recombination between these species.Peer reviewe

    Methamphetamine Preconditioning Alters Midbrain Transcriptional Responses to Methamphetamine-Induced Injury in the Rat Striatum

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    Methamphetamine (METH) is an illicit drug which is neurotoxic to the mammalian brain. Numerous studies have revealed significant decreases in dopamine and serotonin levels in the brains of animals exposed to moderate-to-large METH doses given within short intervals of time. In contrast, repeated injections of small nontoxic doses of the drug followed by a challenge with toxic METH doses afford significant protection against monoamine depletion. The present study was undertaken to test the possibility that repeated injections of the drug might be accompanied by transcriptional changes involved in rendering the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system refractory to METH toxicity. Our results confirm that METH preconditioning can provide significant protection against METH-induced striatal dopamine depletion. In addition, the presence and absence of METH preconditioning were associated with substantial differences in the identity of the genes whose expression was affected by a toxic METH challenge. Quantitative PCR confirmed METH-induced changes in genes of interest and identified additional genes that were differentially impacted by the toxic METH challenge in the presence of METH preconditioning. These genes include small heat shock 27 kD 27 protein 2 (HspB2), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), c-fos, and some encoding antioxidant proteins including CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-1, and heme oxygenase-1 (Hmox-1). These observations are consistent, in part, with the transcriptional alterations reported in models of lethal ischemic injuries which are preceded by ischemic or pharmacological preconditioning. Our findings suggest that multiple molecular pathways might work in tandem to protect the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway against the deleterious effects of the toxic psychostimulant. Further analysis of the molecular and cellular pathways regulated by these genes should help to provide some insight into the neuroadaptive potentials of the brain when repeatedly exposed to drugs of abuse

    Investigation of Genetic Variation Underlying Central Obesity amongst South Asians

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    The LOLIPOP study is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, the British Heart Foundation (SP/04/002), the Medical Research Council (G0601966,G0700931), the Wellcome Trust (084723/Z/08/Z), and the NIHR (RP-PG-0407-10371). The work was carried out in part at the NIHR/Wellcome Trust Imperial Clinical Research Facility. The Sikh Diabetes Study is supported by National Institute of Health grants KO1TW006087, funded by the Fogarty International Center, R01DK082766, funded by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and a seed grant from University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA. The Mauritius Family Study is supported by the Mauritius Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC project grant numbers 1020285 and 1037916, the Victorian Government’s OIS Program, and partly funded by US National Institutes of Health Grant DK-25446. We thank the participants and research staff who made the study possible.South Asians are 1/4 of the world’s population and have increased susceptibility to central obesity and related cardiometabolic disease. Knowledge of genetic variants affecting risk of central obesity is largely based on genome-wide association studies of common SNPs in Europeans. To evaluate the contribution of DNA sequence variation to the higher levels of central obesity (defined as waist hip ratio adjusted for body mass index, WHR) among South Asians compared to Europeans we carried out: i) a genome-wide association analysis of >6M genetic variants in 10,318 South Asians with focused analysis of population-specific SNPs; ii) an exome-wide association analysis of ~250K SNPs in protein-coding regions in 2,637 South Asians; iii) a comparison of risk allele frequencies and effect sizes of 48 known WHR SNPs in 12,240 South Asians compared to Europeans. In genome-wide analyses, we found no novel associations between common genetic variants and WHR in South Asians at P<5x10-8; variants showing equivocal association with WHR (P<1x10-5) did not replicate at P<0.05 in an independent cohort of South Asians (N = 1,922) or in published, predominantly European meta-analysis data. In the targeted analyses of 122,391 population-specific SNPs we also found no associations with WHR in South Asians at P<0.05 after multiple testing correction. Exome-wide analyses showed no new associations between genetic variants and WHR in South Asians, either individually at P<1.5x10-6 or grouped by gene locus at P<2.5x10−6. At known WHR loci, risk allele frequencies were not higher in South Asians compared to Europeans (P = 0.77), while effect sizes were unexpectedly smaller in South Asians than Europeans (P<5.0x10-8). Our findings argue against an important contribution for population-specific or cosmopolitan genetic variants underlying the increased risk of central obesity in South Asians compared to Europeans.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Enhanced magneto-optic Kerr effects in thin magnetic/metallic layered structures

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    Enhanced Kerr rotation spectra are measured in thin magnetic layers on silver. Also, variable angle of incidence spectroscopic ellipsometry is employed to measure the optical dielectric function of both the thin magnetic layer and the underlying thick silver layer. These results are explained quantitatively using the electromagnetic theory for reflection of light from multiple layers of isotropic and gyrotropic materials