174 research outputs found

    Sekar Ayu Boga's Business Strategy To Increasing Competitive Advantage In Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Sekar Ayu Boga is a business owned by the Study Program of Culinary Education at the Department of home economics which was founded in 2003. This business, starting in 2018, received grants from the Campus Intellectual Product Business Development Program (PPUPIK). Sekar Ayu Boga is currently experiencing business difficulties due to the COVID 19 pandemic. This article aims to identify Sekar Ayu Boga's efforts and discuss the solutions in dealing with the Covid 19 Pandemic. The results of the situation analysis are used to determine alternative strategies to maintain business, including increasing product quality without preservatives to increase consumer loyalty, create new products that are more relevant to the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic era and carry out online promotions by making the  sekaraayuboga.com website that hopefully as a medium to expand consumer reach. These three strategies are a combination chosen to strengthen business strategies so as to increase the competitive advantage of Sekar Ayu Boga Unnes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar persepsi siswa kelas khusus olahraga SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta terhadap pembelajaran renang. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan pembelajaran renang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas khusus olahraga SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 90 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Validasi data menggunakan rumus product moment dengan r hit > r tab (0,423). Hasil uji coba instrumen dari 30 butir pernyataan, gugur 3 butir pernyataan dan diperoleh 27 butir pernyataan yang valid dan reliabel. Reliabilitas menggunakan cronbach alpha yaitu reliabilitas 0,914. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan rincian “sangat positif” ada 42 atau sebesar (46,67%), siswa menyatakan “positif” ada 44 atau sebesar (48,89%), siswa yang menyatakan “kurang positif” ada 4 atau sebesar (4,44%), dan tidak ada siswa yang menyatakan “negatif” atau (0,00%)

    Pembangunan Daftar Kata Terkait pada Kosa Kata Al-Qur\u27an Berdasarkan Kesamaan Distribusional

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    Al-Qur\u27an adalah kitab suci umat Islam yang mengandung banyak kata di dalamnya. Hal tersebut membuat orang awam kesulitan untuk menemukan keterkaitan antar kata yang ada di dalam Al-Qur\u27an . Contohnya seperti mma`ruwf (perbuatan baik) yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan kata `afaA (memaafkan) karena dalam Al-Qur\u27an kedua kata tersebut memiliki keterkaitan dalam makna yaitu memaafkan adalah salah satu perbuatan baik. Saat ini masih jarang ditemui kamus, ensiklopedia atau tesaurus kosa kata Al-Qur\u27an yang menjelaskan tentang keterkaitan antar kata dalam Al-Qur\u27an . Penelitian ini membahas tentang keterkaitan antar kata dalam Al-Qur\u27an dan kedepannya diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mencari keterkaitan antar ayat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode dengan pendekatan kesamaan distribusional berbasis vektor Continuous Bag of Word (CBOW). Penggunaan metode CBOW menghasilkan nilai precision sebesar 98% berdasarkan dari hasil keluaran sistem dengan koreksi dari ahli bahasa

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. E.B. Di Puskesmas Manutapen Periode 18 Februari S/D 19 Mei 2019

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    “Asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny.E.B di Puskesmas Manutapen. Latar Belakang : Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif adalah Asuhan Kebidanan yang dilakukan mulai Antenatal Care (ANC), Intranatal Care (INC), Postnatal Care (PNC), dan Bayi Baru Lahir (BBL) secara berkelanjutan pada ibu hamil.Ukuran yang dipakai untuk menilai baik-buruknya keadaan pelayanan kebidanan (maternity care) dalam suatu negara atau daerah pada umumnya ialah kematian maternal (maternal mortality) (Saifuddin, 2014). Berdasarkan data PWS KIA (2018) Puskesmas Manutapen tidak ada AKI, AKB 1 orang, Indikator Cakupan KIA : K1 sebesar 71,9 %, K4 sebesar 44,2 %, Pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan sebesar 96,5 %. Tujuan : Mampu memberikan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada ibu E.B di Puskesmas Manutapen Metode Studi Kasus : Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode studi penelahaan kasus (case study). Lokasi di Puskesmas Manutapen, subyek ibu E.B G5 P3 A1 AH3 Menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil dengan menggunakan 7 langkah Varney sedangkan dari persalinan sampai nifas dengan menggunakan metode SOAP, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil : Ny. E.B G5 P3 A1 AH3 datang memeriksakan kehamilannya dengan usia kehamilan 30 Minggu, dengan keluhan penatalaksanannya KIE ketidaknyamanan pada TM III dan penatalaksanaanya, menjelaskan tanda bahaya dalam kehamilan, mempersiapkan persalinan. Asuhan terus berlanjut sampai dengan masa nifas, Ny. E.B sehat bayinya juga sehat dan sampai pelayanan KB, Ny. E.B menggunakan kontrasepsi MAL sampai 40 hari akan mengganti dengan kontrasepsi MOW. Simpulan : Asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan yang diberikan kepada ibu E.B. sebagian besar telah dilakukan dengan baik dan sistematis, serta ibu dan bayi sehat hingga masa nifas dan pelayanan KB


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    Status gizi adalah suatu keadaan yang diakibatkan oleh status keseimbangan antara antara jumlah asupan gizi dan jumlah yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk berbagai fungsi biologis seperti pertumbuhan fisik, perkembangan, aktivitas, pemeliharan kesehatan, dan lainnya. Agar memudahkan ibu hamil memantau status gizi dan pola konsumsi maka perlu adanya suatu sistem yang dapat memudahkan ibu hamil untuk menggunakan maka sistem dibuat pada smartphone android. Hasil uji program dilakukan selama 20 pengujian untuk status gizi, dimana pengujian tersebut menggunakan metode logika fuzzy, sembilan belas diantaranya sesuai dengan perhitungan rumus Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan nilai validasi = 95%. Hasil uji program dilakukan selama 15 pengujian untuk pola konsumsi, dimana pengujian tersebut menggunakan metode logika fuzzy, 8 diantaranya sesuai dengan perhitungan rumus Angka Kecukupan Gizi Individu dengan nilai validasi = 53%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa system dapat digunakan untuk perhitungan status gizi, sedangkan untuk perhitungan pola konsumsi ibu hamil sistem belum layak digunakan


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    Waduk Darma terletak di Kecamatan Darma Kabupaten Kuningan dengan luas 425 Ha dan volume genangan air maksimal 42.000.000 m3 mampu memproduksi ikan air tawar sebanyak 2.114 ton/tahun sehingga menjadikan Waduk Darma sebagai pemasok utama ikan air tawar di Kabupaten Kuningan. Budidaya ikan air tawar di Waduk Darma tidak terlepas dari pengaruh kondisi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan yang mempengaruhi budidaya ikan air tawar di Waduk Darma Kabupaten Kuningan, meliputi kondisi fisik Waduk Darma dan kondisi sosial ekonomi petani ikan di Desa Jagara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis Regresi Linear Berganda. Keseluruhan hasil analisis data, diperoleh temuan bahwa parameter-parameter kondisi fisik Waduk Darma yang terdiri dari kondisi iklim, kualitas tanah dan kualitas air menunjang budidaya ikan air tawar. Hasil dari Uji t Parsial menunjukan bahwa kondisi ekonomi petani ikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap budidaya ikan air tawar, sedangkan kondisi sosial petani ikan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap buidaya ikan air tawar. Diharapkan adanya perhatian yang lebih baik terhadap kondisi lingkungan di sekitar Waduk Darma. Baik itu dari pemerintah maupun dari petani ikan dengan cara mengembangkan teknologi budidaya yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi ikan budidaya sistem keramba jaring apung di Waduk Darma.;--- Darma’s reservoir is located in the district of Kuningan with an extensive area 425 hectares and a maximum volume of water around 42 million m3 is capable to producing of freshwater fish approximately 2,114 tons / years it is making Darma as a major supplier of freshwater fish in Kuningan Regency . Aquaculture of Freshwater fish in Darma can not be separated from the influence of environmental conditions. Therefore, the researcher are interested to know the environmental influences of aquaculture of freshwater fish in Darma’s reservoir of Kuningan Regency, include physical conditions of Darma’s reservoir and socio-economic conditions of fish farmers in Jagara village. This research uses descriptive method with multiple linear regression analysis. Overall results of the data analysis, it is found that the parameters of the physical condition of Darma‘s reservoir consisting of climatic conditions, soil quality and water quality are support to aquaculture of freshwater fish. Partial results of the t-test indicated that the fish farmers' economic conditions were significantly influence to aquaculture of freshwater fish farming, fish farmers’ social conditions were not significantly affected to aquaculture of freshwater fish. in expectancy about condition around Darma’s reservoir are better concern and care. Either from the government or from the fish farmers by developing environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies to improve the quality and quantity of production of aquaculture fish cageculture or floating net cage systems in Darma’s reservoir

    Ecosystem processes, land cover, climate, and human settlement shape dynamic distributions for golden eagle across the western US

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    Species–environment relationships for highly mobile species outside of the breeding season are often highly dynamic in response to the collective effects of everchanging climatic conditions, food resources, and anthropogenic disturbance. Capturing dynamic space-use patterns in a model-based framework is critical as model inference often drives place-based conservation planning. We applied dynamic occupancy models to broad-scale golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos survey data collected annually from 2006 to 2012 during the late summer post-fledging period in the western US. We defined survey sites as 10 km transect segments with a 1 km buffer on either transect side (n = 3540). Derived estimates of occupancy were low (4.4–7.9%) and turnover rates – the probability that occupied sites were newly occupied – were high (88–94%), demonstrating that annual transiency in occupancy dominates late summer behavior for golden eagles. Despite low philopatry during late summer, variation in golden eagle occupancy could be explained by a suite of land cover and annual-varying covariates including gross primary productivity, drought severity, and human disturbance. Our summary of 13 years of predicted occupancy by golden eagles across the western United States identified areas that are consistently used and that may contribute significantly to golden eagle conservation. Restricting development and targeting mitigation efforts in these areas offers practitioners a framework for conservation prioritization

    An Analysis of the Number of Guest Arrival Staying in Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Fedy Ferdyana.107010040

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    Title: An Analysis of the Number of Guest Arrival Staying in Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. The writer’s reason in choosing this title is to analyze the number of guest arrival staying in Savoy Homann, is to find out solution of hotel, from various obstacles in the number of guest, I wanted to find a solution of the analysis carried out during a study at Homann, with the interviewed party of hotel, and guests staying, to be able to identify what is an obstacle for the hotel. Hope this study makes it easy for anyone who wants to know about the number arrival, where it will affect hotel revenues, and make travel destination for anyone who will visit Bandung city. During the writer experience conducting on the job training is helpful in the conduct of this research, with a direct view of an event, as well as developments that occurred while in the Savoy Homann.The writer found large numbers of guests from different countries, because the hotel Savoy Homann is a historical hotel in Indonesia, which became a tourist attraction, in addition to its function as an inn, meeting with people from various countries, especially citizens from Netherlands, China, Australia, and the other country, dominated the foreign tourist arrivals are in the Savoy Homann on a monthly basis, especially before christmas or summer holidays in their countries, foreign tourist arrivals increased sharply in Homann. Research method used in this research is qualitative method. It is related to the general purpose of the study to define and describe the research. In this research design, the writer conducted the research through the descriptive research, where in descriptive research processing of data more describe in words or sentences. In other words, although there is the data which form in numerals it just take a conclusion from data numeral process that was found. The procedures of data collection that have been conducted in this observation are interview, and observation. Keyword: Guest, Number, Stay

    The Influence of Mitigation on Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection within an Energy Development Field

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    Growing global energy demands ensure the continued growth of energy development. Energy development in wildlife areas can significantly impact wildlife populations. Efforts to mitigate development impacts to wildlife are on-going, but the effectiveness of such efforts is seldom monitored or assessed. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) are sensitive to energy development and likely serve as an effective umbrella species for other sagebrush-steppe obligate wildlife. We assessed the response of birds within an energy development area before and after the implementation of mitigation action. Additionally, we quantified changes in habitat distribution and abundance in pre-and post-mitigation landscapes. Sage-grouse avoidance of energy development at large spatial scales is well documented. We limited our research to directly within an energy development field in order to assess the influence of mitigation in close proximity to energy infrastructure. We used nestlocation data (n = 488) within an energy development field to develop habitat selection models using logistic regression on data from 4 years of research prior to mitigation and for 4 years following the implementation of extensive mitigation efforts (e.g., decreased activity, buried powerlines). The post-mitigation habitat selection models indicated less avoidance of wells (well density beta = 0.18 +/- 0.08) than the pre-mitigation models (well density beta = -0.09 +/- 0.11). However, birds still avoided areas of high well density and nests were not found in areas with greater than 4 wells per km(2) and the majority of nests (63%) were located in areas with <= 1 well per km(2). Several other model coefficients differed between the two time periods and indicated stronger selection for sagebrush (pre-mitigation beta = 0.30 +/- 0.09; postmitigation beta = 0.82 +/- 0.08) and less avoidance of rugged terrain (pre-mitigation beta = -0.35 +/- 0.12; post-mitigation beta = -0.05 +/- 0.09). Mitigation efforts implemented may be responsible for the measurable improvement in sage-grouse nesting habitats within the development area. However, we cannot reject alternative hypotheses concerning the influence of population density and intraspecific competition. Additionally, we were unable to assess the actual fitness consequences of mitigation or the source-sink dynamics of the habitats. We compared the pre-mitigation and post-mitigation models predicted as maps with habitats ranked from low to high relative probability of use (equal-area bins: 1 -5). We found more improvement in habitat rank between the two time periods around mitigated wells compared to non-mitigated wells. Informed mitigation within energy development fields could help improve habitats within the field. We recommend that any mitigation effort include well-informed plans to monitor the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation actions that assess both habitat use and relevant fitness parameters.Anadarko Petroleum Corporatio

    Distribution of priority grassland bird habitats in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada

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    Grassland ecosystems and the species that rely on them are one of the most urgent habitat conservation concerns in North America. Fundamental to any landscape conservation efforts is the identification of priority habitats to help target management efforts. Many avian species associated with prairie ecosystems have experienced population declines along with continued loss of prairie habitats. Additionally, given the long history of research in avian systems and the close grassland associations of some species, birds are excellent candidate taxa for the identification of priority habitats and can provide an informed starting point for multispecies assessments. We used data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (1997-2014) to develop species distribution models for 15 grassland bird species across the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada. Model performance varied widely across species. Ten species demonstrated good model performance (average Boyce Index > 0.64 across 5-fold cross validation). We used these 10 species to assess the influence of habitat covariates on the relative probability of occurrence, to compare the spatial scales of selection, and to generate multispecies habitat priority maps. Of the nine habitat covariates considered, most species predictably demonstrated positive associations with grassland habitats and avoidance of areas of high tree and shrub cover. Two covariates representing wetland abundance were also frequently included in the top models. The area covered by wetlands (w.area) was present in the top model for 5 of 10 species with a consistently estimated negative coefficient. However, a covariate, which represented the number of wetland basins (w.basins), was present in the top model for 8 of 10 species with an estimated positive coefficient for all but 1 species, representing a preference for more heterogeneous wetland landscapes. The larger spatial scales we considered tended to have greater explanatory power than smaller spatial scales and were thus more prevalent in the top models. The multispecies priority habitat maps that we produced can be used for future assessments of potential habitat management actions. Our work provides a critical foundation for the incorporation of grassland bird conservation goals into on-going landscape-planning initiatives in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada